Javascript single page application and script management - javascript

I'm building a single page application with vanilla JS + Knockout JS. The application will consist of multiple sub-applications which I would like to dynamically load (and subsequently unload). The problem is that while I can add and execute a new script with the following:
function loadJs(url, hash){
var fileObj=document.createElement('script');
fileObj.setAttribute('src', url);
if (hash != undefined) {
fileObj.setAttribute('integrity', hash);
fileObj.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous')
I cannot remove (including from memory) with the following:
function unloadJs(url){
var allScripts = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('script'));
allScripts.forEach( script => {
if (script.src == url) {
The remove script only removes the tag, but the code is still in memory. Based on this, it seems like I should just load all the application scripts when the application is initially opened rather than managing them dynamically. In this method, I could combine and minify the script into a single file. I was hoping to minimize browser memory usage and prevent leaks.
I read a few SO answers discussing closures and code leaving memory automatically when no longer referenced, but I couldn't establish exactly what the examples were showing and whether my time was well invested to specifically understand closures.
The Javascript code is only handling the UI, and there is minimal data manipulation. The major work will be done on the server with JS displaying the results. Is this type of thing simply premature optimization?

As you have found, removing the script tag does not automatically remove the code or variables from memory. It might eventually get collected eventually, but it's not something you can guarantee. In my experience, they stick around for a while.
I would suggest loading your scripts into a minified JS file and loading them in advance like you describe.
If you're concerned about memory use, you could externalize each set of mini-apps' scripts into a JS object so that all the objects and functions are part of one single parent object for each mini-app (sort of a namespace). You would create a new isntance for that specific page/app's object when it's loaded, and then you can destroy/delete that object when it is unloaded. That would tell the garbage collector that the object can be removed.


Difference in performance and memory footprint between referencing a Javascript using src or directly injecting it in the HEAD

What are the differences in performance and memory footprint , if any, in these different approaches:
1. Using Src
<script type='text/javascript" src="1MBOfjavascript.js"></script>
2. Directly injecting in the Head
$('head').append("<script type='text/javascript'>1MBOfJavascriptCode</script>");
I'm interested because we are developing a Cordova App where we use the second method to Inject to the DOM a previously downloaded Javascript bundle read from the HTML Local Storage.
Given that the script will probably grow in size, I'd like to know if with the second method I could incur in some memory issues or other DOM problem.
I believe the overhead in such cases should be insignificant as the main processing/memory consumption is based on how the actual script works. Ie the memory used by file would be the total size of the script which is what 1MB at max? However during execution the same script can use up 100MB easily.
Anyways , coming to the point.
Plain text inclusion would be better if it has to be included in all cases as it skips a script execution and also does not cause re-rendering by browser after the append.
Append option should be used in cases where you only need the script under specific conditions on client side and do not load it un-necessarily.
The browser goes through all elements before to render the page so I would imagine it is exactly the same, if anything if you had scripts after the page is downloaded chances are that you will get errors of the type "call to undefined functions" if you call onto a function that you have added after the load.
My advise would be add them at load using src but keep things tidy.
Javascript impact a lot depending upon how and where you are loading your file, there are many ways to load a file or code.
First method you mentioned is an conventional way to load javascipt file that is load file using src and usually its loaded before closing </head> tag but now a days it is in trend to load file befor your </body> tag. it speeds up application load and prepare DOM faster.
second method is not obviously a good way to load javascript at first as there can be some code that should be working only after your DOM is ready and as here you are loading your javscript with javascript/jquery append which depends upon your jquery file loading which will delay your code execution. and there might be possible that some of your code will not have desired output (depending upon how you have called functions and how much they are dependent upon DOM ready )
I would prefer to load a javascript file with first method and at the bottom of the page/app if possible.
asyncrounous loading can also be tried.
i think because browser behavior after retrieving response from any web server
will try to parse all the elements first for building the DOm, after the DOM are ready then your script would be executed, based on this it is obvious its the main
reasons is which is the first
will be executed first than injecting it.
About the second method
i think javascript engine in each browser can handle that thing easily and withouth any problem. the engine does not care about the size actually it only about how long the script will be loaded and then executed. what will be the issue is when you try injecting any elements into DOM is when you try to do it in loop there might be a memory problem.
when you say big javascript files yeah we should think about the memory. but
about the method you previously said its just about which are executed first.
thats my opinion

Creating and minifying JavaScript dynamically in ASP.NET MVC server-side code

I am using a ASP.NET route (to intercept the call to the .js) and controller to generate some JS I want to use on my client. The reason I'm doing this is so as to not have to duplicate id's or constants on the client. Here's the output of my JS:
app.serviceRootURL = 'http://localhost:65211/'; // set in my web.config
app.ajaxResponseStatuses = [
{ "status":"Success", "id":0 }, // set in my C# DTO
{ "status":"Failure", "id":1 },
First of all, I am not sure if this is the best approach, so other suggestions to doing this would be beneficial.
More importantly though, I'm wondering how I can bundle and minify this. As I understand it, even if I could minify the JS at compile or run-time, minification will change the names of my variables. So in the above JS, app.ajaxResponseStatuses could get changed to a.bc, and then in the actual JS files where I'm trying to access that variable, they could be looking for x.yz.
Can I minify this code and get it to the server?
Will I still be able to use the above properties in other minified files?
(bonus points) Is this a good aproach to pass server-side-only values to be used on the client?
Part 1
If you are generating the js at runtime, bundling isn't possible (at least not efficiently). You would have to create a new bundle for every request which isn't terribly quick. Plus, you wouldn't be able to cache the regular, constant script bundle.
EDIT: While bundling server-generated js isn't practical, rendering the values into a script tag in the page can achieve the same benefit of bundling, fewer HTTP calls. See the edit in Part 3 for more.
Minifying the server generated js however, is totally possible. This question should have the answer you're looking for. However, I'd recommend you cache this on the server if possible, as the minification process itself could take longer than simply sending down the extra bits.
Part 2
In most minifiers, global variables (those accessible on the window object) are skipped during the name mangling. With the same respect, variables that are accessed in other files that are not defined within that file are not renamed.
For example, if you have the following file...
// outside of a closure, so globally accessible
var foo = 1;
function bar() {
// within a closure, and defined with `var`, not globally accessible
var bar;
// reference to variable declared in another file
baz = null;
it would be minified as follows (with whitespace included for readability
var foo = 1;
function bar() {
var b;
baz = null;
This is one reason it is important to always declare your variables using the var keyword, otherwise they are assumed to be references to global variables and will not be minified.
Also, JSON (not Javascript object literals!!!) will never be distorted by minifiers, because it consists of string literals for all keys, and all values that aren't of another literal type.
Part 3
Not a bad way, and at my job we do use this approach. For small files though, or simple config values, we have transitioned to rendering server values in a script tag using ASP.NET in the actual view. i.e.
<script> window.globals = <%= JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new AppGlobals(currentUser)) %>; </script>
We rip this out into a code behind, but the premise is the same.
Server-Generated JS (at it's own uri)
Cacheable by browser (if fresh values aren't needed on every request)
Extra round trip
Use when:
Your generated files are large, but rarely change or are the same for multiple users. These scripts can be treated the same as other static assets. To give an example, we serve a js file containing all the text in our app for localization purposes. We can serve a different js file based on the language set in the user's settings, but these values only change once at most with every release, so we can set aggressive cache headers and use a hash in the uri, along with a query string for the locale, to leverage browser caching and download each language file only once per client. Plus, if this file is going to be the same for every user accessing the same uri, you can cache it at the web server (IIS, Apache, etc.).
Ex: /api/language.v1-0-0.js?locale=en
Your js is independent from the rest of your app and not having it won't delay rendering. In this case, you can add the async attribute to your script tag, and this file will be downloaded asynchronously and executed when it is received without preventing the execution of other javascript.
Server-Rendered JS (within the page in a script tag)
No extra HTTP calls
Can add extra weight to your HTML, which may not be cacheable or minified depending on your circumstances
Use when:
Your values change often. The weight added to the page should be negligible unless you have a huge number of values (in that case, you might consider splitting them up and adding API endpoints for these values, and only getting them when you need them). With this, you can cut out the extra HTTP call as the js is injected into a script tag on a page the user would already have to retrieve.
Don't waste too much time worrying about it. The differences in these two approaches is almost always negligible. If it becomes a problem, try both and use the better option for your case.

Is this method of conditional javascript loading of any value?

I am building a multi-page front end for a web application. There is minimal javascript for the UI, but I know there will a great deal of javascript to handle the back-end, so I am doing my best to keep it as sparse and limited as possible.
I want to conditionally execute javascript synchronously while using only one minified js file. I have some global functions, but most of the code is page specific. Each page has the id of the page in the body element. For example, about.html has the following code <html>...<body id="about">...</body></html>.
I am aware of various async methods to load javascript, such as require.js or even $.getScript, but for various reasons, I am trying to avoid that route. Because I am preprocessing the HTML, I also don't want to break the scripts up per page (though I could), because it is a small file, and I don't want to have to create a bunch of different <script> tags. My current solution is to conditionally execute the required javascript per page, and I am doing it like the example below:
//global.js code
// about.js code
//home.js code
// etc.
During the build process, all js is stored in seperate files, so it's not as visually asinine as it looks here, because there is only a single include filename.js inside the body of the conditional.
The conditionals prevent unnecessary code from executing on each page. However, it dawned on me while I was doing this that there might not actually be any benefit to doing it this way. I read that $(window).load or $('body').load events might cause conflicts with $(document).ready, and they are both definitely slower - as is window.onload (I tested). That would've been my preferred way of going about this I suppose. Is what I read true? And / or, is what I'm doing in anyway useful?
For page specific events, why not just add the body ID in the element reference?
$( '#about .do-something' ).on()...
And if you're actually executing non event based code on a per page basis
if( $( '#about' ).length ) { // trigger your code here }
It's not too dissimilar to your solution except it doesn't require you to keep a manifest of sorts about what code to execute where. Either way, both solutions get cached.

How to handle dependencies when libraries are loaded asynchronously?

Google Pagespeed said I should load my JS files asynchronously, but this has introduced a problem for many of my pages with code using libraries and plugins.
For example, I have the following code on one page:
$(document).ready(function () {
var hound = new Bloodhound({ .......
So when the page loads, I am creating a Twitter Bloodhound (goes with Typeahead) object. The problem is, if Bloodhound and Typeahead are loaded asynchronously, then an error is thrown:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Bloodhound is not defined
This is because those scripts haven't been loaded yet.
I came up with this solution:
$(document).ready(function () {
function createBloodhound() {
if (typeof Bloodhound != "undefined") { // if bloodhound JS has loaded
var hound = new Bloodhound({ .......
else {
}, 10);
Is this a good practice, or is there a better way?
NOTE: I realize there are libraries like RequireJS out there to handle dependencies when loading files, but I don't think this type of solution will not work in my case because I load the libraries asynchronously in a wrapper file (since they're required for every page). The example code here would not be on every page, but only on a specific page on my website.
The best approach is to use a callback mechanism, which you can react to, rather than using a polling mechanism. I used script.js, which is simple and yet functional, and offers the callback mechanism.
Without that, you could implement something yourself. Performance-wise though, utilizing callback are better.
Depending on the complexity of your site, different options might be best. If...
All of your javascript is in JS files
Your above-the-fold content looks identical before and after the JS is loaded (or close enough to identical that the flash of change when your JS does load wouldn't distract your users)
The total file size is small (or most of your JS is needed on pages everyone will visit every time they visit your site)
... then combine them into one file and just server that instead of all the individual ones. Then you don't have to worry about dependencies at all. Include that script file at the bottom of your body tag (no need for async or defer attributes, but you can use them if you want).
If some of your javascript is necessary to make your above-the-fold content look correct, do the same thing, except split your JS into two files. One file contains only what is necessary to make the above-the-fold content look correct, and the other file contains everything else. Include the first one in your head tag (possibly inlining it), and include the second one at the bottom of your body tag. If the second one depends on the first tag, do not use the async attribute, because it might get executed first.
If you have some large JS files that are only used on some pages, and those files depend on other JS files, stick your scripts at the bottom of your body tag and use the defer attribute.
If you have javascript mixed in with your HTML, you can use a callback mechanism (like script.js), or you can build up execution queues like Google Analytics does, which the external script knows to look for when it first loads.

Best practice for using JavaScript in Django

I want to push my Django project with some JavaScript/jQuery. To make it right from the beginning on I'd like to know, which way of organizing the .js-files ist the optimal one.
For loading one big file includes less overhead than loading many small ones and also because it looks cleaner in the code I considered to make one global .js-file and include that with the base.html (from which every template inherites). However, the result would be, that JavaScript would try to assign all the event-binings, even if the elements which the events should be bind to aren't in the current document. With all the jQuery-selectors which then would have to do their work that can't be too efficient. From earlier web-development experience I know that one can do something like if(location.href == '/some/url/') { (JavaScript code) ... }. That seems not practicable for me in this case, for with changing URLs, I'd have to change the URLconf and the .js-file (while using reverse() and {% url %} to prevent that elsewhere). I guess there is no possibility to make use of the named URLs here?
Has anyone an idea how to organize the JavaScript without having a file for every single template on the one hand and without killing performance unnecessarily?
I don't know that this question is specific to Django - similar issues come up managing Javascript in all sorts of systems.
That said, I usually try to tier my Javascript files, so that truly global scripts and libraries are included in one file, scripts specific to a section of the site are included in a set of section-specific files, and scripts specific to a single page are included in yet another site of page-specific files (or in inline code, depending on the context).
Django has good support for this approach, because you can tier your templates as well. Include the global script in your base.html template, then create a mysection-base.html template that inherits from base.html and just adds the Javascript (and CSS) files specific to that section. Then subpages within that section can inherit from mysection-base.html instead of base.html, and they'll all have access to the section-specific scripts.
I find django-compressor invaluable as it automatically compresses and minifies your JavaScript and CSS pre-deployment. It even automatically handles SASS, LESS and CoffeeScript if they float your boat.
Apps from may help.
You use modular javascript.
Choose your packager of choice (mine is browserify) that packages all your modules into one package that you minify and gzip. You send this file to the client and it is cached.
This means you have all your code cached, minimize HTTP requests and stay lean and efficient.
And since you have modular code you just load your code as you would normally.
Personally I would use some form feature detection to load modules. You can choose to feature detect on almost any feature (some css selector, routes, url segments).
Feature detection would look like this :
var Features = {
"class": "name",
"class2": "name2",
"dynamic-scroll": "dynamic-scroll",
"tabstrip": "tabstrip",
for (var key in Features) {
Where as routing with davis would look like
Davis(function() {
this.get("blog", function(req) {
this.get("blog/:post", function(req) {
this.get("shop", function(req) {
Alternatively you can try an event driven architecture. This means each module binds to events
// some-module
mediator.on("blog-loaded", function() {
// load in some libraries
// construct some widgets
mediator.emit("blog-ui-build", widgets);
And you would need some bootstrapping in place to kick off the event loop. Feel free to look at an EDA demo

