Understanding promises - javascript

Let's say I have this 'pseudo'code
static async fetchAuthData () {
AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken', (err, value) => AuthData.token = value)
.then( (value) => {
{ ...Ok token fetched... }
.catch( (err) => {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
AsyncStorage.getItem('userid', (err, value) => AuthData.userid = parseInt(value))
.then( (value) => {
{ ...Ok userid fetched... }
.catch( (err) => {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
if (token ok && userid ok ) {
return Promise.resolve('ok');
else {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
I assume if (token ok && userid ok ) will not get executed until the previous two promises are resolved or rejected.
Am I right?.
Is there some possibility for if (token ok && userid ok ) get executed before I even get the token?.
This static method is called at the very beginning of my app and this is where I decide to go directly to the app or navigate to the auth flow.
The documentation doesn't seem to be clear about this.

Add await to the AsyncStorage functions to pause the execution till promise gets resolved and goes to next line
static async fetchAuthData () {
await AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken', (err, value) => AuthData.token = value)
.then( (value) => {
{ ...Ok token fetched... }
.catch( (err) => {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
await AsyncStorage.getItem('userid',(err, value) => AuthData.userid = parseInt(value))
.then( (value) => {
{ ...Ok userid fetched... }
.catch( (err) => {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');
if (token ok && userid ok ) {
return Promise.resolve('ok');
else {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');

as #Amadan said, It will get executed before you get the token
, you need to wait all the promises until they're resolve
static async fetchAuthData () {
try {
const [authtoken, userid] = await Promise.all([
() => AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken'),
() => AsyncStorage.getItem('userid'),
if (token ok && userid ok ) {
return Promise.resolve('ok');
} catch(err) {
// handle exception

You can make use of async and await which makes code to execute in a synchronous way.
Check the below code which does the same.
static async fetchAuthData () {
AuthData.token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken')
userId = await AsyncStorage.getItem('userid')
AuthData.userId = parseInt(userId)
return true;
return false
If any errors comes up it will be catched in catch block and return false from here.

static async fetchAuthData() {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('authtoken', (err, value) => AuthData.token = value)
.then((value) => {
resolve('...Ok token fetched...')
.catch((err) => {
reject('Some sort of error');
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('userid', (err, value) => AuthData.userid = parseInt(value))
.then((value) => {
resolve('...Ok token fetched...')
.catch((err) => {
reject('Some sort of error');
if (token ok && userid ok) {
return Promise.resolve('ok');
} else {
return Promise.reject('Some sort of error');


I'm getting an error when I search the database and I don't know how to solve it

I'm making a request to my database, I set the functions as asynchronous and to wait, but it still returns me undefined or Promise { pending }
how do I just return it when I have the result?
export const getGerente = async (req, res) => {
var query = "SELECT * FROM inventory;"
const r = await select(query)
return res.json({message:"teste"})
export async function select(query) {
var teste = await client.connect(() =>{
.then((resultado) => {
return resultado.rows
const rows=resultado.rows
rows.map(x =>{
.catch((erro) => {
console.log("erro: " + erro.message);
.then((teste) => {
console.log('Finished execution, exiting now');
result: Promise { pending }
I'm calling her for a request
Your select function is not awaiting the client.connect properly.
Try this for select function -
export async function select(query) {
const promisifiedRows = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.connect((err) => {
if (err) {
reject(err); // err in connecting
} else {
client.query(query, (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
reject(err); // err while exceuting the query
} else {
const rows = await promisifiedRows();
return rows;

Why is this asynchronous function being called twice

I am trying to create a user with email and password using firebase, but when I call the function that creates it, it is called twice and I get an error because I am trying to register the email that is already in use.
I noticed that the console.log('CALLED') is called once, I don't understand why RegisterWithEmail is called twice. My auth flow only creates the userDocument in the confirmation phase, for this reason userSnap.length equals zero in the second call and tries to create again.
How can I call this function once?
FILE: emailconfirm.page.tsx
registerEmail = async data => {
const { setRegStatus, createDoc } = this.props;
await RegisterWithEmail(data).then(res => {
console.log('Final response ', res)
if(res === 'EMAIL_VERIFIED') {
setRegStatus({ status: 'created', data: res })
else if(res === 'SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG'){
setRegStatus({ status: 'error', data: res })
}).catch(err => {
console.log('Error ', err)
setRegStatus({ status: 'error', data: err })
FILE: firebase.utils.tsx
export const RegisterWithEmail = async user => {
console.log("Called Once...");
if(!user) return 'SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG';
else {
const snap = await firestore.collection('users').where('email', '==', user.email).get();
const docs = snap.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());
if (docs.length !== 0) return 'EMAIL_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_TAKEN';
try {
console.log("Trying to register email...");
return await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(user.email, user.password).then(async usr => {
await usr.user.updateProfile({
displayName: user.name
const sendVerifyEmail = usr.user.sendEmailVerification().then(() => setTimer(usr.user, 5))
return await sendVerifyEmail.then(msg => {
console.log('Finishing...', msg)
if(msg.txt !== 'waiting') {
if(msg.error) {
throw msg.txt
else return msg.txt
}).catch(() => {
}).catch(() => {
} catch (err) {
Developer console:
You shouldn't be mixing and matching .then()s in async functions for your own sanity's sake.
Something like
export const RegisterWithEmail = async (user) => {
if (!user) return false;
const snap = await firestore.collection("users").where("email", "==", user.email).get();
const docs = snap.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());
if (docs.length !== 0) return false;
console.log("Trying to register email...");
try {
const resp = await auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(user.email, user.password);
// then ...
return true;
} catch (err) {
// catch ...
might work better for you.
I need more code to be sure, but I think you should add await
registerEmail = async data => {
await RegisterWithEmail(data)

Can't send request in componentDidMount React Native

I have an issue with sending a request to backend from my componentDidMount(). Basically I need to do two things before rendering screen:
Obtain data from API call and save it to state
Send that obtained data to backend and take response values from backend.
The problem I've faced on first step is that setState() is async, and even though my array is not empty (I see it's elements in render() and componentDidUpdate fucntion) in componentDidMount() when I console.log() array it will be empty. Now, the issue is: I still need to send that state array to backend before showing the screen. But how can I do it, when it appears empty there?
I have everything working fine if I send the request from the Button element in my render function, but that's not exactly what I need. Any suggestions?
this.state = {
ActivityItem: [],
componentDidMount() {
this.getDataFromKit(INTERVAL); //get data from library that does API calls
this.sendDataToServer(); //sending to backend
componentDidUpdate() {
console.log("componentDidUpdate ", this.state.ActivityItem) // here array is not empty
getDataFromKit(dateFrom) {
new Promise((resolve) => {
AppleKit.getSamples(dateFrom, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
return resolve([]);
const newData = results.map(item => {
return { ...item, name: "ItemAmount" };
this.setState({ ActivityItem: [...this.state.ActivityItem, ...newData] })
And last one:
sendDataToServer() {
UserService.sendActivityData(this.state.ActivityItem).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
And here it works as expected:
title='send data!'
onPress={() => this.sendDataToServer()
} />
If I have like this (wrapped inside initKit function this will return undefined.
AppleKit.initKit(KitPermissions.uploadBasicKitData(), (err, results) => {
if (err) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
AppleKit.getSamples(dateFrom, (err, results) => {
if (err) return resolve([]);//rest is the same
you have to wait for the promise to resolve. You need something like this:
componentDidMount() {
this.getDataFromKit(INTERVAL).then(result => {
this.sendDataToServer(result); //sending to backend
}).catch(e => console.error);
and you can update your other function that fetches data to return it:
getDataFromKit(dateFrom) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
AppleKit.getSamples(dateFrom, (err, results) => {
if (err) return resolve([]);
const newData = results.map(item => {
return { ...item, name: "ItemAmount" };
const allData = [ ...this.state.ActivityItem, ...newData ];
this.setState({ ActivityItem: allData });
finally, you need the 'sendData' function to not depend on state, but get a param passed to it instead:
sendDataToServer(data) {
UserService.sendActivityData(data).then(response => {
// ... do response stuff
}).catch(error => {
Handling Multiple Requests
if the requests don't depend on each other:
componentDidMount() {
]).then(([ response1, response2, response3 ]) => {
// do stuff with your data
}).catch(e => console.error);
if the requests do depend on each other:
componentDidMount() {
let response1;
let response2;
let response3;
promise1().then(r => {
response1 = r;
return promise2(response1);
}).then(r => {
response2 = r;
return promise3(response2);
}).then(r => {
response3 = r;
// do stuff with response1, response2, and response3
}).catch(e => console.error);
as far as your update, it seems like you wrapped your async request in another async request. I'd just chain it instead of wrapping it:
make the initKit a function that returns a promise
function initKit() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(err, results) => {
if (err) reject({ error: 'InitKit failed' });
else resolve({ data: results });
make get samples a separate function that returns a promise
function getSamples() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
AppleKit.getSamples(dateFrom, (err, results) => {
if (err) resolve([]); //rest is the same
else resolve({ data: results });
chain 2 promises back to back: if initKit fails, it will go in the .catch block and getSamples wont run
componentDidMount() {
initKit().then(kit => {
return getSamples();
}).then(samples => {
// do stuff with samples
}).catch(e => console.log);

Dispatch async action

By changing my action to async I am not able to dispatch it. Whenever I make the dispatch it enters the cath with the value false. Here is my page where I dispatch the action from mounted hook (I tried created too)
mounted () {
this.$store.dispatch('productById', this.$route.params['id']).then((response) => {
this.product = response
.catch(err => {
And this is my action
async productById ({commit}, payload) {
const AuthStr = await getAdminOrRespondentAuth()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
axios.get(`${API_BASE}/products/${payload}`, {
params: {
origin: '1'
transformRequest: [function (data, headers) {
delete headers.common.Authorization
headers.Authorization = AuthStr
return data
paramsSerializer: params => parseParams(params)
}).then(response => {
if (response.status === 200) {
commit(PRODUCT_BY_ID_SUCCESS, response.data)
} else {
.catch(err => {
if (err.response.data.idStatus === 1) {
commit(PRODUCT_BY_ID_SUCCESS, err.response.data.data)
When the Vue enters mounted hook it "dispatch the action" and goes straight into the catch block not calling my action. My action is not executed.
If I change my action to sync, everything works normally. I need this action to be async because getAdminOrRespondentAuth function thats call oidc async method to recover user.
What I'm doing wrong?
#Samurai8 is right. Thanks for the help. My getAdminOrRespondentAuth was not returning a promise correctly. After correcting the error of the function everything came back to work. This is the function that generate error discribed:
async function getAdminOrRespondentAuth () {
let mgr = new Mgr()
var adminToken = await mgr.getToken()
if (adminToken !== false) {
return 'Bearer '.concat(adminToken)
} else {
let usrToken = localStorage.getItem('user-token')
return 'Bearer '.concat(usrToken)
Here is the function that works:
async function getAdminOrRespondentAuth () {
var adminToken = ''
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let mgr = new Mgr()
try {
adminToken = await mgr.getToken()
} catch (error) {
adminToken = error
if (adminToken !== false) {
resolve('Bearer '.concat(adminToken))
} else {
let usrToken = localStorage.getItem('user-token')
if (usrToken !== null) {
resolve('Bearer '.concat(usrToken))
} else {

How to stop promise chain after resolve?

I want to stop promise chain after it resolved via some conditions. Below code is might useful to understand what am I saying.
function update(id, data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let conn;
.then((db) => {
conn = db;
if(Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
return resolve({ updated: 0 });
else {
return generateHash(data.password);
.then((hash) => {
conn.query("UPDATE ... ", (err, queryResult) => {
if(err) {
throw err;
resolve({ updated: queryResult.affectedRows });
.catch((err) => { ... })
Note that pool.get() is promise wrapped API for getting connection pool from MySQL module that I made.
What I'm trying to do is updating user data. And for save server resources, I avoided to update if no data to update(Object.keys(data).length === 0).
When I tried this code, second then(updating db) is always happening even if no data to update!
I read this post, but it didn't worked. Why the promise chain wasn't stopped when I called "return resolve();"? And how to I stop it properly? I really like using Promises, but sometimes, this kind of things make me crazy. It will be very appreciate to help me this problem. Thanks!
P.S. I'm using node v6.2.2 anyway.
Why the promise chain wasn't stopped when I called "return resolve();"?
You've returned from the current then callback and fulfilled the outer promise. But that doesn't "stop" anything, then then chain still will continue by resolving with the return value of the callback.
And how to I stop it properly?
You need to put the then call inside the if to have the condition apply to it:
.then((db) => {
if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
…({ updated: 0 });
} else {
return generateHash(data.password)
.then((hash) => {
conn.query("UPDATE ... ", (err, queryResult) => {
.catch((err) => { ... })
And in any case, you should avoid the Promise constructor antipattern! You should only promisify the query method:
function query(conn, cmd) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
conn.query(cmd, (err, queryResult) => {
if (err) reject(err); // Don't throw!
else resolve(queryResult);
and then use that:
function update(id, data) {
return pool.get()
.then(conn => {
if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
conn.close(); // ???
return { updated: 0 };
} else {
return generateHash(data.password)
.then(hash => {
return query(conn, "UPDATE ... ")
}).then(queryResult => {
conn.close(); // ???
return { updated: queryResult.affectedRows };
}, err => {
conn.close(); // ???
Notice that it might not make sense to get a connection from the pool if you can know beforehand that no query will be made, so probably you should put the if on the top level:
function update(id, data) {
if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve({ updated: 0 });
} else {
return pool.get()
.then(conn => {
return generateHash(data.password)
.then(hash => {
return query(conn, "UPDATE ... ")
}).then(queryResult => {
conn.close(); // ???
return { updated: queryResult.affectedRows };
}, err => {
conn.close(); // ???
This would be a good situation to use an if statement:
function update(id, data) {
if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve({ updated: 0 });
let conn;
return pool.get()
.then((db) => {
conn = db;
return generateHash(data.password);
.then((hash) => {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
conn.query("UPDATE ... ", (err, queryResult) => {
if(err) {
resolve({ updated: queryResult.affectedRows });
.catch((err) => { ... })

