How to get Dynamics CRM Web Resource name using JavaScript - javascript

I'm working on a project. I want to get the name of web resource e.g if I want to get entity name I use this query
var entityName =;
var id =;
so in the same way how I can get the web resource name at this time, I am passing the web resource as a string.
getImages(entityName, id, "WebResource_webTest");
So can you tell me how i can get the web resoucre name.

Here is the code snippet I just tried on one of my Entity and it gave me webresource name
You can add this function on load on change and pass execution context as parameter to function
Note: If you have 5 webresources on your form you will get one by one all the webresource names. you can tweak/modify code as per your need.
function onChangeOfField(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
formContext.ui.controls.forEach(function(control, index) {
var controlType = control.getControlType();
if (controlType === "webresource" ) {


Alfresco javascript get custom DataList's properties

I have written one rule(execute script) on datalist, so that whenever any new item is added, it should send an email to the respective user.
In email I want to add custom properties value e.g. employee_first_name
I've tried to get datalist using
var dataLists = siteName.getContainer("dataLists");
But it gives an error as follows:
"getContainer" method is not available.
The script given in Alfresco javascript get custom DataList works perfectly in Javascript console.
Your siteName variable is probably a string, which does not have a method called "getContainer". That's why you are seeing that message.
Here's a code snippet that fetches the data list container object given a site ID (site short name):
var siteId = "jtp-test-site-1";
var siteInfo = siteService.getSite(siteId);
var dataLists = siteInfo.getContainer("dataLists");
Notice the use of the built-in root-scoped object, siteService, that fetches the site info for a given site.
You can run that in the JavaScript Console and it will output the name of that folder, which is "datalists".

Accessing Other Entities Attributes in Dynamics CRM/365 Forms with javaScript

This function buttonBuzz() works inside the Forms of the Entities Account, Contacts and Leads. But not in the Opportunity form.
Mainly because there is no telephone1 attribute. There is however a Contact entity added with "Quick View" in a section with a telephonenumber inside.
I think it can be accessed with the telephone1 as well just not with
Any ideas how i can grab the attribute from inside the "quick view"?
I dont know if the "Quick view" window is a form of an iFrame. And if it is i have no clue how to access it with the Xrm.Page.getAttribute("telephone1").getValue();
function buttonBuzz(exObj) {
var phoneNumber;
// Here i store the "telephone1" Attribute from the current .page
phoneNumber = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("telephone1").getValue();
if (phoneNumber != null) { **Sends phonenumber** } ...
Quick Views display data from a record selected in a lookup field, in this case a Contact. You can query data from related records using the OData endpoint.
You first need to get the Guid of the record selected:
var contactId = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("parentcontactid")[0].id || null;
You would then need to send a SDK.REST request, passing parameters for the Id of the record (contactId), entityName and the columns:
var entityName = "Contact";
var columns = "Address1_Telephone1, FirstName, LastName";
SDK.REST.retrieveRecord(contactId, entityName, columns, null, function(result) {
// Success, logic goes here.
var address1_Telephone1 = result.Address1_Telephone1;
}, function(e) {
As well as your JavaScript file, you would need to include the SDK.REST.js file that is included in the MS CRM SDK download within your Opportunity form libraries.
You can pull that field up from the Contact into the Opportunity by creating a Calculated Field, setting it equal to parentcontactid.telephone1
Put the field on the form, and you'll be able to .getAttribute() it like any other Opportunity field (being Calculated, it updates itself whenever the source changes).

Reading SharePoint Taxonomy Term Store and getDefaultLabel(lcid)

My App reads the SharePoint Term Store and need to get the label associated with the user's language. I get the user's language and lcid, and then I read all the terms under a certain node in the taxonomy using this code:
... some code to get the Term Store, then Term Group, then Term Set, and finally startTerm
var tsTerms = startTerm.get_terms();
function () {
var termsEnum = tsTerms.getEnumerator();
while (termsEnum.moveNext()) {
var currentTerm = termsEnum.get_current();
var termName = currentTerm.get_name();
var userLabel = currentTerm.getDefaultLabel(lcid);
var userLabelValue = userLabel.get_value();
console.log ("Label=", userLabel, userLabelValue)
... more code ...
In the while loop, I can get all the attributes of the term I need, except for the label. In other samples I found on the web, to get the default label, my userLabel object would be loaded in the context, then another context.executeQueryAsync is called. All that makes sense, but this would induce a lot of calls to the SharePoint server.
But, when I write to the console the userLabel object, is shows as type SP.Result, and when I open it, I see the label I want under the m_value. So there should be no need to go to the server again. However, the userLabelValue is returned as a 0 - obviously, the get_value() does not work. In MSDN documentation, a SP.Result object type is for internal use only. Is there any way to extract the data that it stores?
I have attached a picture of the console with the object expanded, where we clearly see the m_value = "Contrat", which is the label I need to get to.
Use SP.Taxonomy.Term.getDefaultLabel Method to get the default Label for this Term based on the LCID:
function getTermDefaultValue(termId,lcid,success,failure)
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var taxSession = SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession.getTaxonomySession(context);
var termDefaultValue = taxSession.getTerm(termId).getDefaultLabel(lcid);
context.executeQueryAsync(function() {
Note: SP.Taxonomy.Term.getDefaultLabel method expects locale identifier
(LCID) for the label.
var layoutsRoot = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + '/_layouts/15/';
$.getScript(layoutsRoot + 'sp.taxonomy.js',
function () {
var termId = 'dff82ab5-6b7a-4406-9d20-40a8973967dd';
function printLabelInfo(label)
console.log(String.format('Default Label: {0}',label.get_value()));
function printError(sender,args){
I was facing the same problem and found a solution. Instead of using getDefaultLabel(lcid), use this:
This, in my opinion, does the same as 'getDefaultLabel' but it works. It may cause a little bit more load than the other function but this one works for me

Looking for general feedback on a URL-parsing script of mine (Javascript)

I'm fairly new to Javascript, and assembled the following (part is from an example online, rest is by me):
This works reliably, I'm just wondering how many best-practices I'm violating. If someone is nice enough to provide general feedback about the latter part of this script, that would be appreciated.
The two included functions are to (1) capture the incoming website visitor's referral data on a page, including URL query strings for analytics, and store it to a cookie. (2) When the visitor completes a form, the script will read the cookie's URL value, parse this URL into segments, and write the segment data to pre-existing hidden inputs on a form.
Example URL this would capture and parse:
function storeRef() { //this function stores document.referrer to a cookie if the cookie is not already present
var isnew = readCookie('cookiename'); //set var via read-cookie function's output
if (isnew == null) {
var loc=document.referrer;
createCookie('cookiename',loc,0,''); //create cookie via function with name, value, days, domain
function printQuery() { //function to parse cookie value into segments
var ref=readCookie('cookiename'); //write cookie value to variable
var refElement = ref.split(/[?&]/); //create array with variable data, separated by & or ?. This is for domain info primarily.
var queryString = {}; //From
new RegExp("([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?", "g"),
function($0, $1, $2, $3) { queryString[$1] = $3; }
//write segments to form field names below.
document.getElementsByName('example1')[0].value = refElement[0]; //exampleX is a form hidden input's name. I can not use getElementById here.
//need to be able to manually define these, which is why they aren't in a loop, though I'm not sure how to loop an array referenced in this way
document.getElementsByName('example2')[0].value = queryString['utm_source'];
document.getElementsByName('example3')[0].value = queryString['utm_medium'];
document.getElementsByName('example4')[0].value = queryString['utm_term'];
document.getElementsByName('example5')[0].value = queryString['utm_content'];
document.getElementsByName('example6')[0].value = queryString['utm_campaign'];
document.getElementsByName('example7')[0].value = queryString['utm_adgroup'];
document.getElementsByName('example8')[0].value = queryString['utm_kw'];
document.getElementsByName('example9')[0].value = queryString['kw'];
document.getElementsByName('example10')[0].value = queryString['mt'];
document.getElementsByName('example11')[0].value = queryString['mkwid'];
document.getElementsByName('example12')[0].value = queryString['pcrid'];
Thank you!
why would you need to use a cookie to store the data for that, if unless you wanna keep track of the visitors visiting to your site?

Passing an id value into a URL

My company hosts user created surveys on our server. When they are uploaded, they are given a key number as an identifier. I am trying to create a facebook app that people can post a simple survey to and distribute. I can set the canvas URL to the default URL of our server, but I need to pass that key to the query string at the end of the app URL.
<input type="hidden" id="SurveyKey" name="SurveyKey" value="130633791306">
so, the end link needs to be
or value
I am very new to JavaScript and didn't know if there was some get function that could just pull that from the source code and pass it into a new URL. I'm sure this is something easy, but as I am not sure how to word my question, my search result is coming up with a lot of unrelated material.
The URLs for our surveys look like this:
where k is a unique value for every survey. I want to be able to pull that value from the source code and pass it into the URL of my facebook app (which has the canvas URL set as our URL). So, it would look like
To get the query string in JavaScript you could use a code snipet like this:
function querySt(ji) {
hu =;
gy = hu.split("&");
for (i=0;i<gy.length;i++) {
ft = gy[i].split("=");
if (ft[0] == ji) {
return ft[1];
Then you just define a variable to store the key, ie
var surveyKey = querySt("k");
Now you can use the surveyKey anywhere, so for example:
var url = "" + surveyKey;

