Alfresco javascript get custom DataList's properties - javascript

I have written one rule(execute script) on datalist, so that whenever any new item is added, it should send an email to the respective user.
In email I want to add custom properties value e.g. employee_first_name
I've tried to get datalist using
var dataLists = siteName.getContainer("dataLists");
But it gives an error as follows:
"getContainer" method is not available.
The script given in Alfresco javascript get custom DataList works perfectly in Javascript console.

Your siteName variable is probably a string, which does not have a method called "getContainer". That's why you are seeing that message.
Here's a code snippet that fetches the data list container object given a site ID (site short name):
var siteId = "jtp-test-site-1";
var siteInfo = siteService.getSite(siteId);
var dataLists = siteInfo.getContainer("dataLists");
Notice the use of the built-in root-scoped object, siteService, that fetches the site info for a given site.
You can run that in the JavaScript Console and it will output the name of that folder, which is "datalists".


How to get Dynamics CRM Web Resource name using JavaScript

I'm working on a project. I want to get the name of web resource e.g if I want to get entity name I use this query
var entityName =;
var id =;
so in the same way how I can get the web resource name at this time, I am passing the web resource as a string.
getImages(entityName, id, "WebResource_webTest");
So can you tell me how i can get the web resoucre name.
Here is the code snippet I just tried on one of my Entity and it gave me webresource name
You can add this function on load on change and pass execution context as parameter to function
Note: If you have 5 webresources on your form you will get one by one all the webresource names. you can tweak/modify code as per your need.
function onChangeOfField(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
formContext.ui.controls.forEach(function(control, index) {
var controlType = control.getControlType();
if (controlType === "webresource" ) {

Unable to access list elements from Flask template variables in JavaScript

I have a function in JavaScript
function functioncalled(){
var result = 1;
var activityID = {{ mynames[result][8] }};
mynames is a list of lists in Flask template. The above code fails giving me an error - UndefinedError: list object has no element Undefined. But when I access the list element using var activityId = {{mynames[1][8]}} everything works fine. How do I make this work? Is there a workaround? I couldn't find the solution anywhere.
You will not be able to do that, because {{any_flask_variable}}is evaluated on server side and rendered HTML is sent to browser where all javascript runs. At the time of evaluation on the server there is not browser to run javascript code. The best way to resolve this is to assign the list variable to var result.
function functioncalled(){
var result = {{mynames}};
// Here you can access the variable result
That off course after assuming that mynames variable can be mapped to js array of arrays.

Dumbed down Powershell web client function to let me post form data easily

Ive been using an Internet Explorer automation script found here:
That lets me easily post form data using commands (functions) like this:
NavigateTo "http://www.websiteURI/"
SetElementValueByName "q" "powershell variable scope"
SetElementValueByName "num" "30"
SetElementValueByName "lr" "lang_en"
ClickElementById "sb_form_go"
The above would let me post values to elements and click to submit the form.
I would like to do the equivalent with Powershell's web client using helper functions. I haven't found such a script. The closest I could find was The Scripting Guys, Send-WebRequest:
which I'm not even sure it does what I expect (since there's no working examples showing how to do what I want).
Anyway, I'd really appreciate some help to get me started to do the equivalent of what I showed up there with working examples (as simple as possible). A bonus would be to also be able to get a list of element names for a URI in order to know what form elements I want to submit.
PS: I also need to be able to specify user-agent and credentials; so, examples with these included would be ideal.
Have you taken a look at the Invoke-WebRequest commmand? (requires powershell 3.0 or above) I believe the following would work for submitting the data
#POSTing data
Invoke-WebRequest http://www.websiteURI/ `
-UserAgent 'My User Agent' `
-Credential $cred `
-Method Post `
-Body #{
q = 'powershell variable scope'
num = 30
lr = 'lang_en'
For your bonus, the result of Invoke-WebRequest contains a collection of the InputFields on the page, which you can use to get a list of form elements to set.
#List input elements
Invoke-WebRequest http://www.websiteURI/ | select -ExpandProperty InputFields

Xstream generated json response for List<Object>

I am using Xstream to generate JSON for my application.I want to use JSON for ajax support. When i try
xstream.alias(classAlias, jsonModel.getClass()); //Note classAlias="records"
where jsonModel is actually a List of entity objects.Entity class name is Person which is in "beans" package so full qualified name would be beans.Person. OK
Person class has properties like id,name,age etc.
Generated JSON is
I used $.getJSON of jquery to get this response on button click event. I checked the status which is "success" every time so this is working well.Problem occurs when i try to access first records i.e. person's information like id,username etc.
I write statements in Javascript as
$(document).ready(function() {
First alert works but second doesn't.
Then javascript stops working as it does whenever encounters an error.What i can guess is that in records array Person object is followed by package name.This could be the reason because browser may look for beans object in records array which is not there because beans.Person is a single, atomic name in this case as shown in above. But not sure?
If this is actually problem then how can i stop/control XStream to name an object's name as just classname(person) instead of package.classname(beans.person) as it is being named by default.
or If everything is OK in produced JSON object then why can't i see the expected result? Why simple second alert statement is not working.
I got the answer I was to use
instead of
A useful link

How go I get csv data into netsuite?

I've got an update to my question.
What I really wanted to know was this:
How do I get csv data into netsuite?
Well, it seems I use the csv import tool to create a mapping and use this call to import the csv nlapiSubmitCSVImport(nlobjCSVImport).
Now my question is: How do I iterate through the object?!
That gets me half way - I get the csv data but I can't seem to find out how I iterate through it in order to manipulate the date. This is, of course, the whole point of a scheduled script.
This is really driving me mad.
#Robert H
I can think of a million reasons why you'd want to import data from a CSV. Billing, for instance. Various reports on data any company keeps and I wouldn't want to keep this in the file cabinet nor would I really want to keep the file at all. I just want the data. I want to manipulate it and I want to enter it.
Solution Steps:
To upload a CSV file we have to use a Suitelet script.
(Note: file - This field type is available only for Suitelets and will appear on the main tab of the Suitelet page. Setting the field type to file adds a file upload widget to the page.)
var fileField = form.addField('custpage_file', 'file', 'Select CSV File');
var id = nlapiSubmitFile(file);
Let's prepare to call a Restlet script and pass the file id to it.
var recordObj = new Object();
recordObj.fileId = fileId;
// Format input for Restlets for the JSON content type
var recordText = JSON.stringify(recordObj);//stringifying JSON
// Setting up the URL of the Restlet
var url = '';
// Setting up the headers for passing the credentials
var headers = new Array();
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
headers['Authorization'] = 'NLAuth, nlauth_signature=*password*, nlauth_account=TSTDRV****, nlauth_role=3';
(Note: nlapiCreateCSVImport: This API is only supported for bundle installation scripts, scheduled scripts, and RESTlets)
Let's call the Restlet using nlapiRequestURL:
// Calling Restlet
var output = nlapiRequestURL(url, recordText, headers, null, "POST");
Create a mapping using Import CSV records available at Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV records.
Inside the Restlet script Fetch the file id from the Restlet parameter. Use nlapiCreateCSVImport() API and set its mapping with mapping id created in step 3. Set the CSV file using the setPrimaryFile() function.
var primaryFile = nlapiLoadFile(datain.fileId);
var job = nlapiCreateCSVImport();
job.setMapping(mappingFileId); // Set the mapping
// Set File
job.setPrimaryFile(primaryFile.getValue()); // Fetches the content of the file and sets it.
Submit using nlapiSubmitCSVImport().
nlapiSubmitCSVImport(job); // We are done
There is another way we can get around this although neither preferable nor would I suggest. (As it consumes a lot of API's if you have a large number of records in your CSV file.)
Let's say that we don't want to use the nlapiCreateCSVImport API, so let's continue from the step 4.
Just fetch the file Id as we did earlier, load the file, and get its contents.
var fileContent = primaryFile.getValue();
Split the lines of the file, then subsequently split the words and store the values into separate arrays.
var splitLine = fileContent.split("\n"); // Splitting the file on the basis of lines.
for (var lines = 1,count=0; lines < splitLine.length; lines++)
var words = (splitLine[lines]).split(","); // words stores all the words on a line
for (var word = 0; word < words.length; word++)
nlapiLogExecution("DEBUG", "Words:",words[word]);
Note: Make sure you don't have an additional blank line in your CSV file.
Finally create the record and set field values from the array that we created above.
var myRec = nlapiCreateRecord('cashsale'); // Here you create the record of your choice
myRec.setFieldValue('entity', arrCustomerId[i]); // For example, arrCustomerId is an array of customer ID.
var submitRec = nlapiSubmitRecord(myRec); // and we are done
fellow NetSuite user here, I've been using SuiteScripts for a while now but never saw nlobjCSVImport object nor nlapiSubmitCSVImport .. I looked in the documentation, it shows, but there is no page describing the details, care to share where you got the doc from?
With the doc for the CSVImport object I might be able to provide some more help.
P.S. I tried posting this message as a comment but the "Add comment" link didn't show up for some reason. Still new to SOF
convert csv file to json object datatable
If you know the structure of the CSV file, just do a for loop and map the fields to the corresponding nlapiSetValue.
Should be pretty straightforward.

