When I asynchronously map an array, Promise.all was supposed to make the function wait until all the promises are resolved. However, Promise.all shows as undefined. Here is my code. Please can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
router.get("/vehicle_reports/interior-pictures", auth, async (req, res) => {
const fileKeysObj = await Report.findOne({ orderId: req.params.jobId }, {
"vehicleInterior": 1
const fileKeysArray = fileKeysObj.interior
console.log("fileKeysArray: ", fileKeysArray);
//Retrieve the files from S3
const files = fileKeysArray.map(async (item) => {
const params = {
Bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET_NAME,
Key: item.fileKey
await s3.getObject(params, async (err, data) => {
if (err) {
throw new Error()
else {
const base64Data = base64Arraybuffer.encode(data.Body)
const contentType = data.ContentType
const fileName = item.fileName
return { base64Data, contentType, fileName }
console.log( files) //Pending promise
await Promise.all(files)
console.log( files) //Undefined
res.send(files) //Sends empty array
I wish people would stop hyping async/await. The await keyword was designed to work with Promises. And not all asynchronous functions return promises. Lots of APIs (such as S3) use callbacks instead. Also, architectures where you can expect multiple/infinite data return such as servers listening to incoming connection or reading a stream are not good fit for Promises which are basically single-shot. For those EventEmitters are more appropriate.
The async keyword does not convert a function to a Promise. It does return a promise but does not have the ability to convert callback based functions to Promises that can be used with await. For that you need to use the original Promise constructor. Therefore, the correct way to get an array of promises is as follows:
const files = fileKeysArray.map((item) => { /* note: async keyword is useless here */
const params = {
Bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET_NAME,
Key: item.fileKey
// We are returning a Promise, so no need to force it to further
// return a promise by marking this function as "async" above:
return new Promise((perfectly_fine, oops_something_went_wrong) => {
s3.getObject(params, async (err, data) => {
if (err) {
// Normally people would name this function "reject"
// but I'm illustrating that the name is really up to you
// and is not part of the syntax:
else {
const base64Data = base64Arraybuffer.encode(data.Body)
const contentType = data.ContentType
const fileName = item.fileName
// This is how you "return" to a promise:
perfectly_fine({ base64Data, contentType, fileName })
Now you can await the result. But you are using await wrong. The correct way to await is as follows:
let resulting_files = await Promise.all(files);
You can also choose to not use await. Instead you can use .then():
Promise.all(files).then(resulting_files => {
// use resulting_files here:
Replace the inside of the map call to look like this.
const params = {
Bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET_NAME,
Key: item.fileKey
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
s3.getObject(params, async (err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const base64Data = base64Arraybuffer.encode(data.Body)
const contentType = data.ContentType
const fileName = item.fileName
res( { base64Data, contentType, fileName });
I'm trying to couple ES7's async/await with knex.js transactions.
Although I can easily play around with non-transactional code, I'm struggling to get transactions working properly using the aforementioned async/await structure.
I'm using this module to simulate async/await
Here's what I currently have:
Non-transactional version:
works fine but is not transactional
// assume `db` is a knex instance
app.post("/user", async((req, res) => {
const data = {
idUser: 1,
name: "FooBar"
try {
const result = await(user.insert(db, data));
} catch (err) {
insert: async (function(db, data) {
// there's no need for this extra call but I'm including it
// to see example of deeper call stacks if this is answered
const idUser = await(this.insertData(db, data));
return {
idUser: idUser
insertData: async(function(db, data) {
// if any of the following 2 fails I should be rolling back
const id = await(this.setId(db, idCustomer, data));
const idCustomer = await(this.setData(db, id, data));
return {
idCustomer: idCustomer
// DB Functions (wrapped in Promises)
setId: function(db, data) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.then((result) => resolve(result)
.catch((err) => reject(err));
setData: function(db, id, data) {
data.id = id;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.then((result) => resolve(result)
.catch((err) => reject(err));
Attempt to make it transactional
// Start transaction from this call
insert: async (function(db, data) {
const trx = await(knex.transaction());
const idCustomer = await(user.insertData(trx, data));
return {
idCustomer: idCustomer
it seems that await(knex.transaction()) returns this error:
[TypeError: container is not a function]
I couldn't find a solid answer for this anywhere (with rollbacks and commits) so here's my solution.
First you need to "Promisify" the knex.transaction function. There are libraries for this, but for a quick example I did this:
const promisify = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => fn(resolve));
This example creates a blog post and a comment, and rolls back both if there's an error with either.
const trx = await promisify(db.transaction);
try {
const postId = await trx('blog_posts')
.insert({ title, body })
.returning('id'); // returns an array of ids
const commentId = await trx('comments')
.insert({ post_id: postId[0], message })
await trx.commit();
} catch (e) {
await trx.rollback();
Here is a way to write transactions in async / await.
It is working fine for MySQL.
const trx = await db.transaction();
try {
const catIds = await trx('catalogues').insert({name: 'Old Books'});
const bookIds = await trx('books').insert({catId: catIds[0], title: 'Canterbury Tales' });
await trx.commit();
} catch (error) {
await trx.rollback(error);
Async/await is based around promises, so it looks like you'd just need to wrap all the knex methods to return "promise compatible" objects.
Here is a description on how you can convert arbitrary functions to work with promises, so they can work with async/await:
Trying to understand how promisification works with BlueBird
Essentially you want to do this:
var transaction = knex.transaction;
knex.transaction = function(callback){ return knex.transaction(callback); }
This is because "async/await requires the either a function with a single callback argument, or a promise", whereas knex.transaction looks like this:
function transaction(container, config) {
return client.transaction(container, config);
Alternatively, you can create a new async function and use it like this:
async function transaction() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
knex.transaction(function(error, result){
if (error) {
} else {
// Start transaction from this call
insert: async (function(db, data) {
const trx = await(transaction());
const idCustomer = await(person.insertData(trx, authUser, data));
return {
idCustomer: idCustomer
This may be useful too: Knex Transaction with Promises
(Also note, I'm not familiar with knex's API, so not sure what the params are passed to knex.transaction, the above ones are just for example).
For those who come in 2019.
After I updated Knex to version 0.16.5. sf77's answer doesn't work anymore due to the change in Knex's transaction function:
transaction(container, config) {
const trx = this.client.transaction(container, config);
trx.userParams = this.userParams;
return trx;
Keep sf77's promisify function:
const promisify = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => fn(resolve));
Update trx
const trx = await promisify(db.transaction);
const trx = await promisify(db.transaction.bind(db));
I think I have found a more elegant solution to the problem.
Borrowing from the knex Transaction docs, I will contrast their promise-style with the async/await-style that worked for me.
Promise Style
var Promise = require('bluebird');
// Using trx as a transaction object:
knex.transaction(function(trx) {
var books = [
{title: 'Canterbury Tales'},
{title: 'Moby Dick'},
{title: 'Hamlet'}
knex.insert({name: 'Old Books'}, 'id')
.then(function(ids) {
return Promise.map(books, function(book) {
book.catalogue_id = ids[0];
// Some validation could take place here.
return knex.insert(book).into('books').transacting(trx);
.then(function(inserts) {
console.log(inserts.length + ' new books saved.');
.catch(function(error) {
// If we get here, that means that neither the 'Old Books' catalogues insert,
// nor any of the books inserts will have taken place.
async/await style
var Promise = require('bluebird'); // import Promise.map()
// assuming knex.transaction() is being called within an async function
const inserts = await knex.transaction(async function(trx) {
var books = [
{title: 'Canterbury Tales'},
{title: 'Moby Dick'},
{title: 'Hamlet'}
const ids = await knex.insert({name: 'Old Books'}, 'id')
const inserts = await Promise.map(books, function(book) {
book.catalogue_id = ids[0];
// Some validation could take place here.
return knex.insert(book).into('books').transacting(trx);
await trx.commit(inserts); // whatever gets passed to trx.commit() is what the knex.transaction() promise resolves to.
The docs state:
Throwing an error directly from the transaction handler function automatically rolls back the transaction, same as returning a rejected promise.
It seems that the transaction callback function is expected to return either nothing or a Promise. Declaring the callback as an async function means that it returns a Promise.
One advantage of this style is that you don't have to call the rollback manually. Returning a rejected Promise will trigger the rollback automatically.
Make sure to pass any results you want to use elsewhere to the final trx.commit() call.
I have tested this pattern in my own work and it works as expected.
Adding to sf77's excellent answer, I implemented this pattern in TypeScript for adding a new user where you need to do the following in 1 transaction:
creating a user record in the USER table
creating a login record in the LOGIN table
public async addUser(user: User, hash: string): Promise<User> {
//transform knex transaction such that can be used with async-await
const promisify = (fn: any) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => fn(resolve));
const trx: knex.Transaction = <knex.Transaction> await promisify(db.transaction);
try {
let users: User [] = await trx
name: user.name,
email: user.email,
joined: new Date()})
await trx
email: user.email,
await trx.commit();
return Promise.resolve(users[0]);
catch(error) {
await trx.rollback;
return Promise.reject("Error adding user: " + error)
I'm trying to couple ES7's async/await with knex.js transactions.
Although I can easily play around with non-transactional code, I'm struggling to get transactions working properly using the aforementioned async/await structure.
I'm using this module to simulate async/await
Here's what I currently have:
Non-transactional version:
works fine but is not transactional
// assume `db` is a knex instance
app.post("/user", async((req, res) => {
const data = {
idUser: 1,
name: "FooBar"
try {
const result = await(user.insert(db, data));
} catch (err) {
insert: async (function(db, data) {
// there's no need for this extra call but I'm including it
// to see example of deeper call stacks if this is answered
const idUser = await(this.insertData(db, data));
return {
idUser: idUser
insertData: async(function(db, data) {
// if any of the following 2 fails I should be rolling back
const id = await(this.setId(db, idCustomer, data));
const idCustomer = await(this.setData(db, id, data));
return {
idCustomer: idCustomer
// DB Functions (wrapped in Promises)
setId: function(db, data) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.then((result) => resolve(result)
.catch((err) => reject(err));
setData: function(db, id, data) {
data.id = id;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.then((result) => resolve(result)
.catch((err) => reject(err));
Attempt to make it transactional
// Start transaction from this call
insert: async (function(db, data) {
const trx = await(knex.transaction());
const idCustomer = await(user.insertData(trx, data));
return {
idCustomer: idCustomer
it seems that await(knex.transaction()) returns this error:
[TypeError: container is not a function]
I couldn't find a solid answer for this anywhere (with rollbacks and commits) so here's my solution.
First you need to "Promisify" the knex.transaction function. There are libraries for this, but for a quick example I did this:
const promisify = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => fn(resolve));
This example creates a blog post and a comment, and rolls back both if there's an error with either.
const trx = await promisify(db.transaction);
try {
const postId = await trx('blog_posts')
.insert({ title, body })
.returning('id'); // returns an array of ids
const commentId = await trx('comments')
.insert({ post_id: postId[0], message })
await trx.commit();
} catch (e) {
await trx.rollback();
Here is a way to write transactions in async / await.
It is working fine for MySQL.
const trx = await db.transaction();
try {
const catIds = await trx('catalogues').insert({name: 'Old Books'});
const bookIds = await trx('books').insert({catId: catIds[0], title: 'Canterbury Tales' });
await trx.commit();
} catch (error) {
await trx.rollback(error);
Async/await is based around promises, so it looks like you'd just need to wrap all the knex methods to return "promise compatible" objects.
Here is a description on how you can convert arbitrary functions to work with promises, so they can work with async/await:
Trying to understand how promisification works with BlueBird
Essentially you want to do this:
var transaction = knex.transaction;
knex.transaction = function(callback){ return knex.transaction(callback); }
This is because "async/await requires the either a function with a single callback argument, or a promise", whereas knex.transaction looks like this:
function transaction(container, config) {
return client.transaction(container, config);
Alternatively, you can create a new async function and use it like this:
async function transaction() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
knex.transaction(function(error, result){
if (error) {
} else {
// Start transaction from this call
insert: async (function(db, data) {
const trx = await(transaction());
const idCustomer = await(person.insertData(trx, authUser, data));
return {
idCustomer: idCustomer
This may be useful too: Knex Transaction with Promises
(Also note, I'm not familiar with knex's API, so not sure what the params are passed to knex.transaction, the above ones are just for example).
For those who come in 2019.
After I updated Knex to version 0.16.5. sf77's answer doesn't work anymore due to the change in Knex's transaction function:
transaction(container, config) {
const trx = this.client.transaction(container, config);
trx.userParams = this.userParams;
return trx;
Keep sf77's promisify function:
const promisify = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => fn(resolve));
Update trx
const trx = await promisify(db.transaction);
const trx = await promisify(db.transaction.bind(db));
I think I have found a more elegant solution to the problem.
Borrowing from the knex Transaction docs, I will contrast their promise-style with the async/await-style that worked for me.
Promise Style
var Promise = require('bluebird');
// Using trx as a transaction object:
knex.transaction(function(trx) {
var books = [
{title: 'Canterbury Tales'},
{title: 'Moby Dick'},
{title: 'Hamlet'}
knex.insert({name: 'Old Books'}, 'id')
.then(function(ids) {
return Promise.map(books, function(book) {
book.catalogue_id = ids[0];
// Some validation could take place here.
return knex.insert(book).into('books').transacting(trx);
.then(function(inserts) {
console.log(inserts.length + ' new books saved.');
.catch(function(error) {
// If we get here, that means that neither the 'Old Books' catalogues insert,
// nor any of the books inserts will have taken place.
async/await style
var Promise = require('bluebird'); // import Promise.map()
// assuming knex.transaction() is being called within an async function
const inserts = await knex.transaction(async function(trx) {
var books = [
{title: 'Canterbury Tales'},
{title: 'Moby Dick'},
{title: 'Hamlet'}
const ids = await knex.insert({name: 'Old Books'}, 'id')
const inserts = await Promise.map(books, function(book) {
book.catalogue_id = ids[0];
// Some validation could take place here.
return knex.insert(book).into('books').transacting(trx);
await trx.commit(inserts); // whatever gets passed to trx.commit() is what the knex.transaction() promise resolves to.
The docs state:
Throwing an error directly from the transaction handler function automatically rolls back the transaction, same as returning a rejected promise.
It seems that the transaction callback function is expected to return either nothing or a Promise. Declaring the callback as an async function means that it returns a Promise.
One advantage of this style is that you don't have to call the rollback manually. Returning a rejected Promise will trigger the rollback automatically.
Make sure to pass any results you want to use elsewhere to the final trx.commit() call.
I have tested this pattern in my own work and it works as expected.
Adding to sf77's excellent answer, I implemented this pattern in TypeScript for adding a new user where you need to do the following in 1 transaction:
creating a user record in the USER table
creating a login record in the LOGIN table
public async addUser(user: User, hash: string): Promise<User> {
//transform knex transaction such that can be used with async-await
const promisify = (fn: any) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => fn(resolve));
const trx: knex.Transaction = <knex.Transaction> await promisify(db.transaction);
try {
let users: User [] = await trx
name: user.name,
email: user.email,
joined: new Date()})
await trx
email: user.email,
await trx.commit();
return Promise.resolve(users[0]);
catch(error) {
await trx.rollback;
return Promise.reject("Error adding user: " + error)
I have created a function inside my route that will upload all the images into Cloudinary 3rd party library and it will return all the URLs links, and I am pushing all the links in my URLs variable and then the links will be stored into the database.
I want until the links are available on my URLs variable it will not insert into my database. I am confused about how I can do it using async/await or using promises
This is my route with function. I am using node, express, multer.
app.post('/addProduct', async (req, res, next) => {
let urls = [];
async function sendImagesToCloudinary() {
for (let file of req.files) {
await cloudinary.uploader.upload(
public_id: `${Date.now()}`,
resource_type: 'auto'
).then(result => {
//del files after upload on cloudinary
fs.unlink(file.path, function (err) {
if (err) {
.catch(err => {
// Publish on database
const result = await unityMartMediaCollection.insertOne({ urls: urls })
It's worthwhile to (a) tease apart the various async ops into smaller - clearer, testable - functions, and (b) utilize only one style of promise syntax...
// isolated version of he OP upload
async function upload(file) {
const params = { public_id: `${Date.now()}`, resource_type: 'auto' }
return cloudinary.uploader.upload(file.path, params);
// this promisify's fs.unlink (probably natively available in fs.promise)
async unlink(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.unlink(file.path, error => error? reject(error) : resolve());
// upload, then unlink if upload succeeds, return the url upload result
// catch errors here, so other concurrent uploads can continue
async uploadAndUnlink(file) {
try {
const url = await upload(file);
await unlink(file);
return url
} catch (err) {
// implement the route, process the files concurrently
app.post('/addProduct', async (req, res, next) => {
const promises = req.files.map(file => uploadAndUnlink(file));
const urls = await Promise.all(promises);
const result = await unityMartMediaCollection.insertOne({ urls: urls })
I took the liberty of removing the .json invocation on res inside the URL-producing method. The strong implication from the rest of the code is that the aim is to return (to the client) the result of the unityMartMediaCollection call.
I am running this asynchronous function in my React app -
const getMetaData = async (hashes: any) => {
console.log({ hashes });
try {
const data = hashes.map(async (hash: any) => {
const url = `http://localhost:3003/user/pinata/getmetadata/${hash}`;
const metadata = await axios.get(url);
return metadata.data.response;
console.log("data1", data);
const metadata = await Promise.all(data);
console.log('data2', metadata);
} catch (error) {
console.log('getMetaData Error', error);
console.log("data1", data) gives me -
data1 (12) [Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise, Promise]
The problem here is after I do a await Promise.all(data) I don't get data2 anywhere in the console. Maybe because the Promises are not even getting resolved?
Any idea what might be wrong?
Thanks in advance.
It seems that your code works fine when using SWAPI API so it can be that the API you use does not deliver data appropriately. I run the below code to test. Here's a link to codebox to play around with it if you want.
import axios from "axios";
const data = ["people", "planets", "starships"];
const getMetaData = async (hashes) => {
console.log({ hashes });
try {
const data = hashes.map(async (hash) => {
const url = `https://swapi.dev/api/${hash}`;
const metadata = await axios.get(url);
return metadata.data.results;
console.log("data1", data);
const metadata = await Promise.all(data);
console.log("data2", metadata);
} catch (error) {
console.log("getMetaData Error", error);
With this code, it appears the most likely situation is that one of the promises in the loop is not resolving or rejecting. To confirm that, you can log every possible path with more local error handling so you can see exactly what happens to each request. I also added a timeout to the request so you can definitely find out if it's just not giving a response, but you can also see that by just looking at the logging for begin and end of each request in the loop:
function delay(msg, t) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(msg));
}), t);
const getMetaData = async (hashes: any) => {
console.log({ hashes });
try {
const data = hashes.map(async (hash: any, index: number) => {
try {
console.log(`Request: ${index}, hash: ${hash}`);
const url = `http://localhost:3003/user/pinata/getmetadata/${hash}`;
const metadata = await axios.get(url);
console.log(`Request: ${index}, result: ${metadata.data.response}`);
return metadata.data.response;
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Request: ${index} error: `, e);
throw e;
console.log("data1", data);
const metadata = await Promise.all(data.map((p: any, index: number) => {
return Promise.race(p, delay(`Timeout on request #${index}`, 5000));
console.log('data2', metadata);
} catch (error) {
console.log('getMetaData Error', error);
FYI, I don't really know Typescript syntax so if I've made any Typescript mistakes here, you can hopefully see the general idea and fix the syntax.
The function below calls several asynchronous functions in a for loop. It's parsing different CSV files to build a single JavaScript object. I'd like to return the object after the for loop is done. Its returning the empty object right away while it does the asynchronous tasks. Makes sense, however I have tried various Promise / async /await combinations hopes of running something once the for loop has completed. I am clearly not understanding what is going on. Is there a better pattern to follow for something like this or am I thinking about it incorrectly?
async function createFormConfig(files: string[]): Promise<object>
return new Promise(resolve => {
const retConfig: any = {};
for (const file of files) {
file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FIELD')) ?
parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => {
retConfig.fields = parsedData.data;
: file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FORM'))
? parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => retConfig.formProperties = parsedData.data[0])
: file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('PDF'))
? parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => retConfig.jsPdfProperties = parsedData.data[0])
: file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('META'))
? parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => {
retConfig.name = parsedData.data[0].name;
retConfig.imgType = parsedData.data[0].imgType;
: file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('PAGES'))
? parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => retConfig.pages = parsedData.data)
: console.log('there is an extra file: ' + file);
resolve(retConfig); // <- THIS RETURNS: {}
This is the code I'm using to call the function in hopes of getting my 'retConfig' filled with the CSV data.
.then(async (files) => {
const config = await createFormConfig(files);
.catch(err => console.error(err));
First, an async function returns a Promise, so you dont have to return one explicitely.Here is how you can simplify your code:
async function createFormConfig(files: string[]): Promise<object> {
// return new Promise(resolve => { <-- remove
const retConfig: any = {};
// ...
// The value returned by an async function is the one you get
// in the callback passed to the function `.then`
return retConfig;
// }); <-- remove
Then, your function createFormConfig returns the config before it has finished to compute it. Here is how you can have it computed before returning it:
async function createFormConfig(files: string[]): Promise<object> {
const retConfig: any = {};
// Return a Promise for each file that have to be parsed
const parsingCsv = files.map(async file => {
if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FIELD'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.fields = data;
} else if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FORM'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.formProperties = data[0];
} else if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('PDF'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.jsPdfProperties = data[0];
} else if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('META'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.name = data[0].name;
retConfig.imgType = data[0].imgType;
} else if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('PAGES'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.pages = data;
} else {
console.log('there is an extra file: ' + file);
// Wait for the Promises to resolve
await Promise.all(parsingCsv)
return retConfig;
async functions already return promises, you don't need to wrap the code in a new one. Just return a value from the function and the caller will receive a promise that resolves to the returned value.
Also, you have made an async function, but you're not actually using await anywhere. So the for loop runs through the whole loop before any of your promises resolve. This is why none of the data is making it into your object.
It will really simplify your code to only use await and get rid of the then() calls. For example you can do this:
async function createFormConfig(files: string[]): Promise<object> {
const retConfig: any = {};
for (const file of files) {
if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FIELD')){
// no need for the then here
let parsedData = await parseCsv(file)
retConfig.field = parsedData.data
// ...etc
At the end you can just return the value:
return retConfig