Spy on a method of an object created dynamically during test execution - javascript

I need to spyOn a method of an object created dynamically inside another method
So consider the following:
public doStuff = () => {
const myThing = new MyThing();
myThing.doSomethingElse().then((data) => {
//do more stuff here...
I want to therefore spyOn the instance of MyThing and the call to doSomethingElse().
I did come across a solution here which make use of the object's prototype, which I attempted like so
spyOn(MyThing.prototype, 'doSomethingElse').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({foo: 'bar'}));
But this does not work after I call doStuff() in my tests, I get an error:
Error: : doSomethingElse() method does not exist
But I know this method is fine, since it runs as expected locally.
I am unsure how to proceed, can anyone assist?

You might be missing something in your test. This is a simple test and you can see it works as you expected
class MyThing {
async doSomethingElse() {
return { bar: "foo" };
class Stuff {
doStuff() {
const myThing = new MyThing();
myThing.doSomethingElse().then(data => {
describe("doSomethingElse", () => {
it("toHaveBeenCalled", () => {
spyOn(MyThing.prototype, "doSomethingElse").and.returnValue(
Promise.resolve({ foo: "bar123" })
const stuff = new Stuff();
The key is to use the spyOn before you instantiate the class that contains the doStuff function. If we move the const stuff = new Stuff(); above the spyOn it fails.
Hope it helps

You can create a spy object with mock method by passing in an object where the property names represent returned data for methods.
describe('test', () => {
let mock;
beforeEach(() => {
mock = jasmine.createSpyObj('mock', {
doSomethingElse: Promise.resolve({foo: 'bar'})
it('call mock', async () => {
const result = await mock.doSomethingElse();
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jasmine/3.4.0/jasmine.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jasmine/3.4.0/jasmine.js"></script>
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Mocking a base class using jest framework

I have a base class which looks like the following.
class BaseClass {
async request(options) {
This is extended by another class like this.
const BaseClass = require('#myorg/base-class').BaseClass;
class MyClass extends BaseClass {
async method1() {
async method2() {
Now I am using jest to test MyClass and it's 2 methods and to mock the BaseClass and trying to send a mocked response for it's request method. Since I need to test both method1 and method2, I need to change the mock return after the first one. I am doing like this.
describe('MyClass', () => {
afterEach(() => {
let MockClass = class BaseClass {
request() {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
first_response: 'first_response'
const mock = jest.mock('#myorg/base-class', () => {
return {
BaseClass: MockClass
it('#method1 - test method one', async () => {
const myClass = require('../src').myClass;
const res = await myClass.method1();
it('#method2 - test method 2', async () => {
MockClass = class BaseClass {
request() {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
random_response: 'random_response'
const myClass = require('../src').myClass;
const res = await myClass.method2();
random_response: 'random_response'
The problem is once the mock is initialized, I am not able to reset and assign a different value as in the second test. How can I achieve that ?
I had a similar problem a year ago. I had 2 tests calling the same mocked method, but I wished to have 2 differents output.
Jest didn't provide any decent way to modify a mock once it is created, and I assume they didn't change that. (Can't link any source, sorry, it is a while ago).
I had the opportunity to discuss with some experimented and talented programmers, and the work-around was to make the tests in two different files, with 2 implementations for the mock.
Simple, pretty clean if you encounter this problem few times, but not convenient if you have to do this often.
Please let me know if you have a better work-around or a fix!
Good luck

Mock an import from another file but still return a mock value

I'm testing a function which calls another function imported from anotherFile. That outsideFunc returns an object which contains 'name'. I need this to exist in order to progress through the rest of my test/the function to work correctly.
import { outsideFunc } from './anotherFile.js';
function myFunc() {
const name = outsideFunc().name;
export function outsideFunc() {
return { name : bob }
I don't care about testing anotherFile or the result of outsideFunc, but I still need to return a mock value as part of testing myFunc;
describe("A situation", () => {
jest.mock("./anotherFile", () => ({
outsideFunc: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
name: 'alice'
it("Should continue through the function steps with no problems", () => {
expect(excludeCurrentProduct(initialState)).toBe('whatever Im testing');
The problem I get is that, when the unit test is working through myFunc, const name returns undefined where it should return alice. I would expect it to get the data from my jest.mock of the anotherFile file and its mock exported function, but it doesn't get the right response.
When I asset that I expect name = alice I actually get name = undefined.
import { outsideFunc } from './anotherFile.js';
// let's say that the function is exported
export function myFunc() {
const name = outsideFunc().name;
// and let's say that the function returns the name
return name;
you can describe in your
import { myFunc } from './systemUnderTest';
import { outsideFunc } from './anotherFile';
// using auto-mocking has multiple advantages
// for example if the outsideFunc is deleted the test will fail
describe('myFunc', () => {
describe('if outsideFunc returns lemons', () => {
outsideFunc.mockReturnValue({name: 'lemons'});
it('should return lemons as well', () => {
working example

Unit Testing ES6 Class with External Dependency

I'm trying to set a unit testing boilerplate for my company. Our front end projects are built with ES6 classes and have a dependency to our core product. The front end code gets wrapped through a build process in a whole other block of code that is basically a closure and captures the dependency. So we don't have to manually import it in order to use it.
Let's say the dependency is called productScope and it's an object that has some DOM models, internal APIs and parameters among many other things necessary for each project. At the moment, Mocha throws ReferenceError: productScope is not defined. How can I mock this object? Or should I just use the actual object?
class someClass {
constructor() {
const id = productScope.items[0].id
const item = productScope.domModel.querySelector('.some-div')
This get wrapped in core code like below:
(function(productScope) {
// front end code goes here
Testing file:
import someClass from '../../js/someClass'
describe('someClass', function() {
const someClass = new someClass()
it('should be a class', function() {
You can try something like this
describe('#someClass', () => {
let someClass;
beforeEach(() => {
global.productScope = {
// mocking productScope object
it('should be a class', () => {
someClass = new SomeClass;
afterEach(() => {
delete global.productScope;
or alternatively if you want more specific mock logic for each test case
describe('#someClass', () => {
let someClass;
it('should be a class', () => {
global.productScope = {
// mocking productScope object
// Test logic start
someClass = new SomeClass;
// Test logic end
delete global.productScope;
Looks like productScope is a global variable.
Something like this should work for you.
import someClass from '../../js/someClass';
describe('someClass', function() {
let someClass;
beforeEach(() => {
global.productScope = {
// you mock definition
someClass = new someClass();
it('should be a class', function() {
I'm with other answers as well, as managing global variables seems to be the simplest and most straightforward solution.
However, you can use toString to get class's string representation, and eval it to bind to closure's scope:
class someClass {
constructor() {
this.id = scopedId
// pass class as an argument
function scopeFactory(classDef) {
// define scoped data
let scopedId = 2;
// eval is used to bind class to the local closure
// so `scopedId` will be in charge
return eval("(" + classDef + ")");
const scopedSomeClass = scopeFactory(someClass);
console.log(new scopedSomeClass)
Note that eval(someCLass.toString()) doesn't work without parentheses.
You can add it as a helper function, into your project.

Testing a custom method for $state.go

I tried to test this code:
redireccion() {
this.$state.go('modifyLine', {lineId: this.look()._id});
look() {
return Entries.findOne({name: this.entry.name});
the code above method is ok (look), but for 'redireccion' I tried something like this and i got an error.
this is the code:
describe('redireccion()', () => {
beforeEach( inject(($state) => {
spyOn($state, 'go');
spyOn(controller, 'look');
spyOn(Entries, 'findOne');
it('should be a ... bla bla', () => {
expect($state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith('modifyLine', {lineId: });
This is an excerpt, because really I do not know how testing this.
I will try to give you an insight. You should try to make your tests isolated... That means that if you're testing your redirection, you can mock the look method since it's not relevant (for this specific test).
describe('testing redirection()', () => {
beforeEach( inject(($state) => {
//here I'm saying that I'm spying every call to $state.go
spyOn($state, 'go');
//And here I'm that I'm not only spying every call to
//controller.look() but I'm also replacing the original
//implementation with my fake one. Every call will basically
//return an object with id equals 10
spyOn(controller, 'look').and.callFake(() => {
var mockedLine = {
_id: 10
return mockedLine;
it('should call state.go', () => {
//if you just want to check if the method was called, do the following:
//if you need to also check the arguments, try:
var args = $state.go.mostRecentCall.args;

How do I stub a chain of methods in Sinon?

I know how to use stub to replace one function.
sandbox.stub(Cars, "findOne",
() => {return car1 });
But now I have a line in my function I want to test that I need to stub that looks like this
So there is a chain of function here and I'm unsure what I need to do. How do I stub "find" to return something that I can use to stub "fetch"?
IMHO, we can just use returns to do this. We don't need to use callsFake or mock it as function.
// Cars.find().fetch()
sinon.stub(Cars, 'find').returns({
fetch: sinon.stub().returns(anything)
in case, if there is another method after fetch(), we can use returnsThis()
// Cars.find().fetch().where()
sinon.stub(Cars, 'find').returns({
fetch: sinon.stub().returnsThis(),
where: sinon.stub().returns(anything)
Hope it helps
Try this:
sandbox.stub(Cars, "find", () => {
return {
fetch: sinon.stub().returns(anything);
The form of attaching a function to a stub shown here:
sandbox.stub(Cars, "find", () => {
return {
fetch: sinon.stub().returns(anything);
is deprecated.
It's now, as of version 6.3
sandbox.stub(Cars, "find").callsFake(() => {
return {
fetch: sinon.stub().returns(anything);
This is another approach that also allows spying on chains of jQuery methods - which took me a long time to figure out.
In the example, I am trying to test that an email field is cleared out
//set up stub and spy
const valSpy = sandbox.spy();
const jQueryStub = sandbox
.stub($.prototype, "find") // this prototype is important
.returns({ val: valSpy });
// call function under test
// check expectations
expect(jQueryStub).to.have.been.called; // not really necessary
and the function under test is (roughly):
learnerAlreadyAccepted = function(doc) {
I ran into this problem and, though I liked the solution for a single test, wanted something more dynamic that would allow for reuse across tests. I also preferred the sandbox approach, as it made restoring much easier for larger suites. End result:
export function setupChainedMethodStub(sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox, obj: any, methodName: string, methodChain: string[], value: any) {
return sandbox.stub(obj, methodName).returns(generateReturns(sandbox, methodChain, value));
function generateReturns(sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox, methodChain: string[], value: any): any {
if (methodChain.length === 1) {
return {
[methodChain[0]]: sandbox.stub().returns(value),
} else {
return {
[methodChain[0]]: sandbox.stub().returns(generateReturns(sandbox, methodChain.slice(1), value)),
Wherever I want to set up a stub on the fly, I pass in the created sandbox and the other parameters:
setupChainedMethodStub(sandbox, MyMongooseModel, 'findOne', ['sort', 'exec'], { foo: 'bar' })
Then I just have a sandbox.restore() in my highest scoped afterEach()
There are a few changes from v2.0.
More details here
One of them is:
stub(obj, 'meth', fn) has been removed, see documentation
You can downgrade but I would not recommend it, instead you can do something like this:
let stub = sinon.stub(obj, "meth").callsFake(() => {
return {
meth2: sinon.stub().callsFake(() => {
return {
meth3: sinon.stub().returns(yourFixture),
I have a simple solution that hopefully works for others.
Presuming that fetch is also a method on Cars, and fetch and find support method chaining, Cars may look something like this:
class Cars {
fetch() {
// do stuff
return this;
find() {
// do stuff
return this;
[ANSWER] We should be able to support method chaining with the stub like this:
sandbox.stub(Cars, 'fetch').callsFake(function () { return this; }); // optional
sandbox.stub(Cars, 'findOne').callsFake(function () { return this; });

