Numeric conversion in JavaScript [duplicate] - javascript

How do parseInt() and Number() behave differently when converting strings to numbers?

Well, they are semantically different, the Number constructor called as a function performs type conversion and parseInt performs parsing, e.g.:
// parsing:
parseInt("20px"); // 20
parseInt("10100", 2); // 20
parseInt("2e1"); // 2
// type conversion
Number("20px"); // NaN
Number("2e1"); // 20, exponential notation
Also parseInt will ignore trailing characters that don't correspond with any digit of the currently used base.
The Number constructor doesn't detect implicit octals, but can detect the explicit octal notation:
Number("010"); // 10
Number("0o10") // 8, explicit octal
parseInt("010"); // 8, implicit octal
parseInt("010", 10); // 10, decimal radix used
And it can handle numbers in hexadecimal notation, just like parseInt:
Number("0xF"); // 15
parseInt("0xF"); //15
In addition, a widely used construct to perform Numeric type conversion, is the Unary + Operator (p. 72), it is equivalent to using the Number constructor as a function:
+"2e1"; // 20
+"0xF"; // 15
+"010"; // 10

typeof parseInt("123") => number
typeof Number("123") => number
typeof new Number("123") => object (Number primitive wrapper object)
first two will give you better performance as it returns a primitive instead of an object.

One minor difference is what they convert of undefined or null,
Number() Or Number(null) Or Number('') // returns 0
parseInt() Or parseInt(null) // returns NaN

Takes a string as a first argument, the radix (An integer which is the base of a numeral system e.g. decimal 10 or binary 2) as a second argument
The function returns a integer number, if the first character cannot be converted to a number NaN will be returned.
If the parseInt() function encounters a non numerical value, it will cut off the rest of input string and only parse the part until the non numerical value.
If the radix is undefined or 0, JS will assume the following:
If the input string begins with "0x" or "0X", the radix is 16 (hexadecimal), the remainder of the string is parsed into a number.
If the input value begins with a 0 the radix can be either 8 (octal) or 10 (decimal). Which radix is chosen is depending on JS engine implementation. ES5 specifies that 10 should be used then. However, this is not supported by all browsers, therefore always specify radix if your numbers can begin with a 0.
If the input value begins with any number, the radix will be 10
The Number() constructor can convert any argument input into a number. If the Number() constructor cannot convert the input into a number, NaN will be returned.
The Number() constructor can also handle hexadecimal number, they have to start with 0x.
console.log(parseInt('0xF', 16)); // 15
// z is no number, it will only evaluate 0xF, therefore 15 is logged
console.log(parseInt('0xFz123', 16));
// because the radix is 10, A is considered a letter not a number (like in Hexadecimal)
// Therefore, A will be cut off the string and 10 is logged
console.log(parseInt('10A', 10)); // 10
// first character isnot a number, therefore parseInt will return NaN
console.log(parseInt('a1213', 10));
// start with 0X, therefore Number will interpret it as a hexadecimal value
// Cannot be converted to a number, NaN will be returned, notice that
// the number constructor will not cut off a non number part like parseInt does
// scientific notation is allowed
console.log(Number('152e-1')); // 15.21

If you are looking for performance then probably best results you'll get with bitwise right shift "10">>0. Also multiply ("10" * 1) or not not (~~"10"). All of them are much faster of Number and parseInt.
They even have "feature" returning 0 for not number argument.
Here are Performance tests.

I found two links of performance compare among several ways of converting string to int.
str << 0

parseInt() -> Parses a number to specified redix.
Number()-> Converts the specified value to its numeric equivalent or NaN if it fails to do so.
Hence for converting some non-numeric value to number we should always use Number() function.
Number("123ac") //NaN,as it is a non numeric string
parsInt("123ac") //123,it parse decimal number outof string
parseInt(true) //NaN
There are various corner case to parseInt() functions as it does redix conversion, hence we should avoid using parseInt() function for coersion purposes.
Now, to check weather the provided value is Numeric or not,we should use nativeisNaN() function

I always use parseInt, but beware of leading zeroes that will force it into octal mode.

It's a good idea to stay away from parseInt and use Number and Math.round unless you need hex or octal. Both can use strings. Why stay away from it?
parseInt(0.001, 10)
parseInt(-0.0000000001, 10)
parseInt(0.0000000001, 10)
parseInt(4000000000000000000000, 10)
It completely butchers really large or really small numbers. Oddly enough it works normally if these inputs are a string.
parseInt("-0.0000000001", 10)
parseInt("0.0000000001", 10)
parseInt("4000000000000000000000", 10)
Instead of risking hard to find bugs with this and the other gotchas people mentioned, I would just avoid parseInt unless you need to parse something other than base 10. Number, Math.round, Math.floor, and .toFixed(0) can all do the same things parseInt can be used for without having these types of bugs.
If you really want or need to use parseInt for some of it's other qualities, never use it to convert floats to ints.

parseInt converts to a integer number, that is, it strips decimals. Number does not convert to integer.

Another way to get the result is to use the ~ operator
For most circumstances
~~someThing === parseInt(something)
but ~~ will return zero for strings that parseInt will accept with trailing other characters or with the number base spec (eg hex) and will also return zero when parseInt returns NaN. Another difference is that ~~ if given a bigint returns a bigint to which you can add another bigint whereas parseInt returns an ordinary floating point number (yes really - it gives exactly the same value as parseFloat) if the bigint is large
However for most circumstances ~~ is 30% faster than parseInt. It is only slower by 10% when something is a floating point represented as a string.
So if the more restricted scope of ~~ fits your need then save the computer time and give yourself less to type


.toFixed() called on negative exponential numbers returns a number, not a string

I noticed that when calling toFixed against a negative exponential number, the result is a number, not a string.
First, let's take a look at specs.
Number.prototype.toFixed (fractionDigits)
Return a String containing this Number value represented in decimal fixed-point notation with fractionDigits digits after the decimal point. If fractionDigits is undefined, 0 is assumed.
What actually happens is (tested in Chrome, Firefox, Node.js):
> -3e5.toFixed()
So, the returned value is -3e5. Also, notice this is not a string. It is a number:
> x = -3e5.toFixed()
> typeof x
If I wrap the input in parentheses it works as expected:
> x = (-3e5).toFixed()
> typeof x
Why is this happening? What is the explanation?
I guess this is because of higher precedence of the member ('.') operator compared to the sign operator.
What is happening here is the order of operations. Lets break it down:
First what's going to to happen is 3e5 is going to return a number (300000), then toFixed will be called on in, turning it into a string, then the sign operator is going to be executed, coercing the string back to a number.

JavaScript - Preventing octal conversion

I'm taking a numerical input as an argument and was just trying to account for leading zeroes. But it seems javascript converts the number into octal before I can do anything to the number. The only way to work around it so far is if I pass the number as a string initially but I was hoping there'd be another way to convert it after it is passed? So far tried (using 017 which alerted me to the octal behaviour):
017.toString(10) // 15
parseInt(017,10) // 15
017 + "" //15
new Number(017) //15
new Number('017') //17
parseInt('017', 10) // 17
So given
function(numb) {
if (typeof numb === number) {
// remove leading zeroes and convert to decimal
else {
// use parseInt
'use strict' also doesn't seem to solve this as some older posts have suggested. Any ideas?
If you take "numerical input", you should always definitely guaranteed have a string. There's no input method in this context that I know that returns a Number. Since you receive a string, parseInt(.., 10) will always be sufficient. 017 is only interpreted as octal if written literally as such in source code (or when missing the radix parameter to parseInt).
If for whatever bizarre reason you do end up with a decimal interpreted as octal and you want to reverse-convert the value back to a decimal, it's pretty simple: express the value in octal and re-interpret that as decimal:
var oct = 017; // 15
parseInt(oct.toString(8), 10) // 17
Though because you probably won't know whether the input was or wasn't interpreted as octal originally, this isn't something you should have to do ever.
JavaScript interprets all numbers beginning with a 0, and containing all octal numerals as octals - eg 017 would be an octal but 019 wouldn't be. If you want your number as a decimal then either
1. Omit the leading 0.
2. Carry on using parseInt().
The reason being is that JavaScript uses a few implicit conversions and it picks the most likely case based on the number. It was decided in JavaScript that a leading 0 was the signal that a number is an octal. If you need that leading 0 then you have to accept that rule and use parseInt().
If you type numbers by hand to script then not use leading zeros (which implicity treat number as octal if it is valid octal - if not then treat it as decimal). If you have number as string then just use + operator to cast to (decimal) number.
if (021 < 019) console.log('Paradox');
The strict mode will not allow to use zero prefix
'use strict'
if (021 < 019) console.log('Paradox');

parseInt('1e1') vs parseFloat('1e1')

parseInt(1e1); //10
parseInt('1e1'); //1
parserFloat('1e1') //10
Why parseInt returns 1 in the second case? The three shouldn't return the same result?
1e1 is a number literal that evaluates to 10; parseInt() sees 10 and happily returns that.
'1e1' is a string, and parseInt() does not recognize exponential notation, so it stops at the first letter.
'1e1' as a string is perfectly fine when parsed as a float.
Bonus: parseInt('1e1', 16) returns 481, parsing it as a 3-digit hex number.
When you're trying to parse a string, only the first number in a string is returned. Check function specification at
Also, you can test it out yourself:
parseInt('2e1') - returns 2
parseInt('3e2') - returns 3
To understand the difference we have to read ecma official documentation for parseInt and parseFloat
... parseInt may interpret only a leading portion of string as an integer value; it ignores any characters that cannot be interpreted as part of the notation of an integer, and no indication is given that any such characters were ignored...
... parseFloat may interpret only a leading portion of string as a Number value; it ignores any characters that cannot be interpreted as part of the notation of an decimal literal, and no indication is given that any such characters were ignored...
parseInt expects ONLY an integer value (1, 10, 28 and etc), but parseFloat expects Number. So, string "1e1" will be automatically converted to Number in parseFloat.
parseInt('1e1'); // 1
parseFloat('1e1'); // 10

parseInt() scientific notation

Was playing around with JS and noticed this.
Why does parseInt(1e+21) return 1 and parseInt(1e+20) return 100000000000000000000 ? parseInt(10e+20) also returns 1?
Why does parseInt(1.7976931348623157E+10308); return NaN while parseFloat(1.7976931348623157E+10308) returns Infinity?
Even made a fibonacci sequence and any value that has +21 exponents only returns the first digit:
parseFloat() will return the correct number till Infinity.
Fibonacci demo (int : parseInt() : parseFloat())
( tested in Chrome )
parseInt and parseFloat are supposed to parse strings and convert them to Numbers. So, when you pass them a Number, it gets coerced to a string by the interpreter. So, at least in Firefox, "" + 1e+20 outputs "100000000000000000000", and "" + 1e+21 outputs "1e+21".
Let's read the documentation of parseInt:
If parseInt encounters a character that is not a numeral in the specified radix, it ignores it and all succeeding characters and returns the integer value parsed up to that point
so parseInt("1.whatever") returns 1 and parseInt("32.231e+something") returns 32.
A similar thing must be happening with parseFloat.
It's the weak typing's fault. IMO the correct behaviour when doing what you do would be to throw an exception.

Why does string to number comparison work in Javascript

I am trying to compare a value coming from a HTML text field with integers. And it works as expected.
Condition is -
x >= 1 && x <= 999;
Where x is the value of text field. Condition returns true whenever value is between 1-999 (inclusive), else false.
Problem is, that the value coming from the text field is of string type and I'm comparing it with integer types. Is it okay to have this comparison like this or should I use parseInt() to convert x to integer ?
Because JavaScript defines >= and <= (and several other operators) in a way that allows them to coerce their operands to different types. It's just part of the definition of the operator.
In the case of <, >, <=, and >=, the gory details are laid out in ยง11.8.5 of the specification. The short version is: If both operands are strings (after having been coerced from objects, if necessary), it does a string comparison. Otherwise, it coerces the operands to numbers and does a numeric comparison.
Consequently, you get fun results, like that "90" > "100" (both are strings, it's a string comparison) but "90" < 100 (one of them is a number, it's a numeric comparison). :-)
Is it okay to have this comparison like this or should I use parseInt() to convert x to integer ?
That's a matter of opinion. Some people think it's totally fine to rely on the implicit coercion; others think it isn't. There are some objective arguments. For instance, suppose you relied on implicit conversion and it was fine because you had those numeric constants, but later you were comparing x to another value you got from an input field. Now you're comparing strings, but the code looks the same. But again, it's a matter of opinion and you should make your own choice.
If you do decide to explicitly convert to numbers first, parseInt may or may not be what you want, and it doesn't do the same thing as the implicit conversion. Here's a rundown of options:
parseInt(str[, radix]) - Converts as much of the beginning of the string as it can into a whole (integer) number, ignoring extra characters at the end. So parseInt("10x") is 10; the x is ignored. Supports an optional radix (number base) argument, so parseInt("15", 16) is 21 (15 in hex). If there's no radix, assumes decimal unless the string starts with 0x (or 0X), in which case it skips those and assumes hex. Does not look for the new 0b (binary) or 0o (new style octal) prefixes; both of those parse as 0. (Some browsers used to treat strings starting with 0 as octal; that behavior was never specified, and was [specifically disallowed][2] in the ES5 specification.) Returns NaN if no parseable digits are found.
Number.parseInt(str[, radix]) - Exactly the same function as parseInt above. (Literally, Number.parseInt === parseInt is true.)
parseFloat(str) - Like parseInt, but does floating-point numbers and only supports decimal. Again extra characters on the string are ignored, so parseFloat("10.5x") is 10.5 (the x is ignored). As only decimal is supported, parseFloat("0x15") is 0 (because parsing ends at the x). Returns NaN if no parseable digits are found.
Number.parseFloat(str) - Exactly the same function as parseFloat above.
Unary +, e.g. +str - (E.g., implicit conversion) Converts the entire string to a number using floating point and JavaScript's standard number notation (just digits and a decimal point = decimal; 0x prefix = hex; 0b = binary [ES2015+]; 0o prefix = octal [ES2015+]; some implementations extend it to treat a leading 0 as octal, but not in strict mode). +"10x" is NaN because the x is not ignored. +"10" is 10, +"10.5" is 10.5, +"0x15" is 21, +"0o10" is 8 [ES2015+], +"0b101" is 5 [ES2015+]. Has a gotcha: +"" is 0, not NaN as you might expect.
Number(str) - Exactly like implicit conversion (e.g., like the unary + above), but slower on some implementations. (Not that it's likely to matter.)
Bitwise OR with zero, e.g. str|0 - Implicit conversion, like +str, but then it also converts the number to a 32-bit integer (and converts NaN to 0 if the string cannot be converted to a valid number).
So if it's okay that extra bits on the string are ignored, parseInt or parseFloat are fine. parseInt is quite handy for specifying radix. Unary + is useful for ensuring the entire string is considered. Takes your choice. :-)
For what it's worth, I tend to use this function:
const parseNumber = (str) => str ? +str : NaN;
(Or a variant that trims whitespace.) Note how it handles the issue with +"" being 0.
And finally: If you're converting to number and want to know whether the result is NaN, you might be tempted to do if (convertedValue === NaN). But that won't work, because as Rick points out below, comparisons involving NaN are always false. Instead, it's if (isNaN(convertedValue)).
The MDN's docs on Comparision states that the operands are converted to a common type before comparing (with the operator you're using):
The more commonly used abstract comparison (e.g. ==) converts the operands to the same Type before making the comparison. For relational abstract comparisons (e.g., <=), the operands are first converted to primitives, then to the same type, before comparison.
You'd only need to apply parseInt() if you were using a strict comparision, that does not perform the auto casting before comparing.
You should use parseInt if the var is a string. Add = to compare datatype value:
parseInt(x) >== 1 && parseInt(x) <== 999;

