how to get unchecked radio button attributes? - javascript

I have several checkboxes and radio Buttons with same class that user is able to select one of the radio Buttons and multi checkboxes.
after checking one of them i hold sum of amount by amount attribute in variable
and after unchecked checkbox i reduce amount from sum value
but How to find the radio attributes that is unselect after choosing one of radio buttons to reduce from sum variable?
<input type="radio" class="form-control selected-tuitions" name="selected-tuitions[]" value="70" amount="8600000" allow-count="0" interval="0" section="2" pre-payment="8600000">

you can try this code:
//Your Code

So the problem will be that only the selected input will be sent in your $_POST, so if you want to access the unselected in PHP it is a bit tricky. You can use jQuery to get the values of the unselected radios, and then store it in a hidden input which will then get posted.
//Add this input to your form
<input type="hidden" name="unselected-tuitions" id="unselected-tuitions">
//When the radio buttons gets clicked
$(document).on('click', '.selected-tuitions' function() {
function getUnselectedTuitions() {
let unselectedValues = [];
//Loop through each of the unselected radio items
$( "input.selected-tuitions:not(:checked)" ).each(function(){
//Store all the unselected values in our hidden input
So now you will have a hidden input with all the unselected values, which will be in the $_POST variable.


AngularJS - uncheck radio button

The following JSFiddle allows me to deselect a radio button selection.
I'm using AngularJS 1.4 and in one of the posts here, I read that the above JSFiddle doesn't work with angular 1.3+ versions. Thats true, it doesn't work when I implemented the code in the above fiddle. How do I get this functionality to work with my version?
Following is my code.
foreach (var part in Model.ChildParts)
<div class="radio col-md-12">
<input type="radio"
value="#((part as BaseInputPartVM).GetStringValue())"
ng-click="uncheck($event, #Model.Id)" />
In my controller,
$scope.uncheck = function (event, partId) {
if ($scope.gPA(partId).value ==
$scope.gPA(partId).value = false
This code works for deselecting (uncheck) a radio button selection. However, the basic radio button selection doesn't work and I'm not able to select any radios, because the above if condition is always turning to true.
Is there a way I can check for the Previously selected radio value and the new selected value? In order to get the above functionality to work correctly, I need to access both the previous and new radio selected values for comparison. I've looked into ng-model, ng-change and all of them fetches the current radio selected value, but I also need to know the previous selected value as well.
Okay. I think I got an answer to my question... for the input radio, I added ng-mouseup event to capture the previous value of the radio selection before the click. Also, I've added a hidden variable on the page to store this previous radio button selected value. Then in the ng-click event, I will check the previous selected value against the current selected value. If previous and current values are same, I will set the value to null or false, to uncheck the selection.
foreach (var part in Model.ChildParts)
<div class="radio col-md-12">
<input type="radio"
value="#((part as BaseInputPartVM).GetStringValue())"
ng-mouseup = "setPreviousSelectedValue(#Model.Id)"
ng-click="uncheck($event, #Model.Id)" />
<input type="hidden" id="previousRadioSelection" name="previousRadioSelection" ng-model="previousRadioSelection" value="" />
In the controller,
//set previous selected value of radio button
$scope.setPreviousSelectedValue = function (partId) {
$scope.previousRadioSelection = $scope.gPA(partId).value;
//uncheck radio button
$scope.uncheck = function (event, partId) {
if ($scope.previousRadioSelection ==
$scope.gPA(partId).value = null;

disable some of the input elements when one of the options (radio) is selected

JQuery newbie here.
I have a search form with about 16 fields, most of them are textboxes. rest of them are dropdowns. I have 3 radio buttons beneath these fields. When 1st one is selected, then some of the fields in the form should be disabled. When 2nd or 3rd radio option is selected, all fields should be enabled. I have the following code form this post. But it disables only two textboxes by its names. Anything better than this code?
Lets assume, the radio button names are option1, option2, option3.
$(":radio").change(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "option1") {
// When first button is selected, disable some fields
$("#field1, #field2, #field3").prop('disabled', true);
} else {
// Otherwise enable the fields
$("#field1, #field2, #field3").prop('disabled', false);
Just add more fields to the selector to enable and disable all the appropriate fields.
Instead of listing all the IDs, you should give them a class in the HTML:
<input type="text" class="disable" name="whatever"/>
Then you can do:
$(".disable").prop('disabled', true);
to disable all the fields with class="disable" at once.

swap radios if selected using jquery

On clicking a radio button in radiogroup2, the selected radio should swap positions with the radio with the id='selectedradio'. fiddle --- updated --- clear view of radio rows and code is swapping but cancelling out
tried this to sort the id issue:
$(".radiogroup2 input[type='radio']").on('click', function () {
$(this).attr('domaintype', 'radioselected');
$('radioselected').attr('radioselected', 'domaintype');
and now this:// swaps once then stops and then just makes the clicked radio disapear. think it needs to add the id="radioselected" to the newly swapped radio. also still not swapping though only replacing radio.
$(".radiogroup2 input[type='radio']").on('click', function ()
trying using clone still no luck:
$("div.radiogroup2 input[name='domain_ext']").click(function ()
$("div.radiogroup2 input[name='domain_ext']").click(function()
//only if a the radio in radiogroup to are clicked take radio and swap with id='radioselected'
if ($(this).prop('checked'))
so any radio clicked in the "swap" row should switch positions with the radio in the first row with the id 'selectedradio'
Use a delegate instead of binding the event on the radio buttons directly. That way the radio buttons that are swapped into the div will also work.
Use the closest method to get the label around the radio buttons.
Remove the id from the radio button that you swap with, and add it to the selected radio button.
Use the after method to move the label into the second list next to the selected one, then use prependTo to move the label with the selected radio button into the first list.
You have some invalid HTML code that makes the rows swap place. Change <td><tr> to <tr><td>.
$("div.radiogroup2").on("click", ":radio", function () {
var l = $(this).closest('label');
var r = $('#radioselected');
$(this).attr('id', 'radioselected');

Why radio button click event behaves differently

Example on JS FIddle.
The question is:
If the first click is on the radio button, it behaves normally; But if the first click is on span text (i.e. aaaa), it can not get the checked radio.
Please tell me why and how I can make it the same.
This code, which happens when the radio button is clicked:
var obj = $(||e.srcElement).parent();
score = obj.find('input:checked').val();
Puts the parent in the obj variable, which is the containing DIV. This contains both of the radio buttons. It then finds the FIRST checked input element in that DIV, which is always the one with the 'first' value after it is checked.
You should just get the value of the item which was clicked:
score = $(||e.srcElement).val();
This can be rewritten as
score = $(this).val();
Here's a working example:
See new fiddle.
The problem is this line:
score = obj.find('input:checked').val();
Change it to:
score = $(this).val();
The reason for this is that you're looking for the selected item in the div but on the first click, the item has yet to become selected. Given that the event is targeted at the radio button, you can assume that radio is the selected one.
Note also that you don't need to use||e.srcElement. jQuery takes care of this for you. Use $(this) instead.
Additionally, you need to set a name on the radio buttons to stop both from becoming selected. Alternatively, if having both selected is desired behaviour, use check boxes instead.
You don't need to use any of the event properties:
var score = $(this).val(); // in your '.x' click handler
$('.y').click(function(e) {
just wrap your radio button inside label tag like this
<label for="radio1">
<input type=radio class="x" id="radio1" value="First"/>
<span class="y">aaaa</span>
No need for extra jquery or javascript
check the demo here

Adding total of checked Radio Buttons

If you try the form on this link the fiddle and select the top right £40 radio button then see the order total at the bottom it says £40. Then if you select the £75 the order total changes to £75 but then if you go back and check the £40 again the order total is £75 + £40 when it should just be £40 for the radio button that is checked.
I have a section with Radio buttons where only certain radio buttons can be checked if others are selected. So say if a user selected one Radio Button but then selected another the first Radio Button would become unselected as they cannot have both selected.
Also I am using a custom attribute in the radio buttons called data-price which holds the value of each radio button that needs to be added toghther.
The problem is when a user selects a Radio Button the total shows fine but then if the user selects another radio button that can't have the previous one selected it adds the total onto the previous one where it should only add the Radio Buttons that are checked. It is kind of like caching the totals I think.
This is what I am using to total the checked Radio Buttons:
<script type="text/javascript">
var total = 0.0;
total += parseFloat($(this).data('price'));
I think the majority of your issues can be circumvented with some new HTML....
Your crazy jQuery code to limit the input is ridiculous.. you have name, value, and your data-price attributes... splitting each radio set up by item seems a little overkill to me..
Here is a limited example (as per our discussion in the chat). <- here is the example you can work from..
the main things to look at are how I used the same radio name for each "block" of options, and how I loop through all options when a single option is changed to get the new total (not the most efficient but it works).
and for the love of pete use labels!
HTML is build to do this.
<form name="myform">
<input type="radio" name="foo" value="10" /> foo
<input type="radio" name="foo" value="30" /> bar
If you give radio buttons the same name then only one can be selected.
Further more when you get the radio element the .value property represents the value of the currently checked radio button
var myform = document.forms.myform;
var radio =;
var price = radio.value;
Note that radio is a RadioNodeList which is only returned by elements[name]
However it turns out that browser support for RadioNodeList is appaling so you have to do it manually. Or use the RadioNodeList polyfill
for (var i = 0, len = radio.length; i < len; i++) {
var el = radio[i];
if (el.checked) {
var price = el.value;

