stop an IIFE from execution if a condition occurs - javascript

I'm trying to build an application that plans for the user's week, everything is going Ok except one thing when the user inputs a duplicated time an error shows up but my problem is the application is still running the plan shows up in the UI.
so I tried to use the return keyword to prevent the app from continue working but that didn't do the trick so here is my code:
var internalController = (function(UICtrl) {
var Plan = function(id, from, to, text, goingToCkecked) { = id;
this.from = from; = to;
this.text = text;
this.goingToCkecked = goingToCkecked;
var data = {
Monday: [],
Tuesday: [],
Wednesday: [],
Thursday: [],
Friday: [],
Saturday: [],
Sunday: []
//the array of the from inputs
var fromT = [];
//the array of the to inputs
var toT = [];
var Dom = UICtrl.getDOMstrings();
function removeError(x, y) {
document.querySelector(x).style.visibility = "hidden";
function showER() {
document.querySelector(Dom.errorCase).style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementsByClassName(Dom.errorDes)[0].innerHTML = "the \" From time \" is already chosen";
var exit;
return {
refuseDuplicatedPlans: function(from, to) {
var exit;
if (fromT.indexOf(from) === -1) {
exit = false;
} else {
console.log('value already exist');
exit = true;
var controller = (function(interCtrl, UICtrl) {
var input, newPlan, DOM;
DOM = UICtrl.getDOMstrings();
function setupEventListeners() {
document.querySelector(DOM.inputBtn).addEventListener("click", ctrlAddPlans);
document.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
function removeFocus() {
console.log('remove Focus got trigered');
document.querySelector(DOM.inputTimeF, DOM.inputTimeT, DOM.inputText).addEventListener("focus", function() {
// document.activeElement.blur();
console.log("hello world");
var ctrlAddPlans = function() {
//3.get the filed input data
input = UICtrl.getInput();
// 4.Refuse duplicated plans
interCtrl.refuseDuplicatedPlans(input.inputTimeF, input.inputTimeT);
//5.add the plan to the internalController
newPlan = interCtrl.addItem(input.inputDay, input.inputTimeF, input.inputTimeT, input.inputText, input.goingToCkecked);
//6.add the plan to the UI
UICtrl.addPlanList(newPlan, input.inputDay);
//7.clear the fields;
interCtrl.clearFields(UICtrl.getDOMstrings().inputTimeF, UICtrl.getDOMstrings().inputTimeT, UICtrl.getDOMstrings().inputText);
return {
init: function() {
console.log('the app has started');
})(internalController, UIController);
I want the short circuit to be in the controller module after the refuseDuplicatedPlans() method of course if it returns true I want the module to stop it's execution and thank you in advance guys.

Your refuseDuplicatedPlans() method do not return anything right now. Please add a return statement to it as
refuseDuplicatedPlans: function(from, to) {
var exit;
if (fromT.indexOf(from) === -1) {
} else {
console.log('value already exist');
return exit;
After that you can put your if else call and stop execution if true.
if(interCtrl.refuseDuplicatedPlans(input.inputTimeF, input.inputTimeT)){


How to clear terminal using short cut key in java script

This is GDS command to run on Travelport terminal through API. Every command provide a response and after type clear terminal would be cleaned but same I need using shortcut(ctr+any key)
Command.GDS = {
getFsCallback: function(input, output, response_result) {
setTimeout( function() {
window.scrollTo( {
top: 300000,
behavior: "smooth"
}, 1000 );
var gds_provider = $('#gds_provider').val();
var gds_output = build_api_call(gds_provider, input.join(" "));
if (input == 'clear') {
return output.clear();
if(gds_output == 'Enter Password <br><br>'){
} this.clear = function() {
outputElement.innerHTML = '';
return this;
return output.write(gds_output);
return function() {
// Add Dir
Terminal.Filesystem.pwd.getDirectory(input[1], {create: true}, function() {}, Terminal.FilesystemErrorHandler);
This is my js code
this.clear = function() {
outputElement.innerHTML = '';
return this;
Please any help would be appreciated
I would like to clean terminal using any shortcut key like using(ctr+Q) or any of (ctr+key)
You can add a key event listener to the document and detect the combination of the "Ctrl" key and the desired key. If the combination is pressed, you can call the clear function to clear the terminal output
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
if (event.ctrlKey && event.code === "KeyQ") {
outputElement.innerHTML = '';
replace "KeyQ" with the desired key code that you want to use as the shortcut

Trying to convert existing synchronous XmlHttpRequest object to be asynchronous to keep up with current fads

Soo, I keep getting slammed with cautions from Chrome about how synchronous XmlHttpRequest calls are being deprecated, and I've decided to have a go at trying to convert my use-case over in order to keep up with this fad...
In this case, I have an ~9 year old JS object that has been used as the central (and exemplary) means of transporting data between the server and our web-based applications using synchronous XHR calls. I've created a chopped-down version to post here (by gutting out a lot of sanity, safety and syntax checking):
function GlobalData()
this.protocol = "https://";
this.adminPHP = "DataMgmt.php";
this.ajax = false;
this.sessionId = "123456789AB";
this.validSession = true;
this.baseLocation = "";
this.loadResult = null;
this.AjaxPrep = function()
this.ajax = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
try { this.ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { this.ajax = false; } }
this.FetchData = function (strUrl)
if ((typeof strURL=='string') && (strURL.length > 0))
if (this.ajax === false)
if (this.ajax === false) { alert('Unable to initialise AJAX!'); return ""; }
strURL = strURL.replace("http://",this.protocol); // We'll only ask for data from secure (encrypted-channel) locations...
if (strURL.indexOf(this.protocol) < 0) strURL = this.protocol + this.adminPHP + strURL;
strURL += ((strURL.indexOf('?')>= 0) ? '&' : '?') + 'dynamicdata=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * this.sessionId);
if (this.validSession) strURL += "&sessionId=" + this.sessionId;"GET", strURL, false);
if (this.ajax.status==200) strResult = this.ajax.responseText;
else alert("There was an error attempting to communicate with the server!\r\n\r\n(" + this.ajax.status + ") " + strURL);
if (strResult == "result = \"No valid Session information was provided.\";")
alert('Your session is no longer valid!');
window.location.href = this.baseLocation;
else console.log('Invalid data was passed to the Global.FetchData() function. [Ajax.obj.js line 62]');
return strResult;
this.LoadData = function(strURL)
var s = this.FetchData(strURL);
if ((s.length>0) && (s.indexOf('unction adminPHP()')>0))
s += "\r\nGlobal.loadResult = new adminPHP();";
if ((typeof Global.loadResult=='object') && (typeof Global.loadResult.get=='function')) return Global.loadResult;
} catch(e) { Global.Log("[AjaxObj.js] Error on Line 112: " + e.message); }
if ( (typeof s=='string') && (s.trim().length<4) )
s = new (function() { this.rowCount = function() { return -1; }; this.success = false; });
return s;
var Global = new GlobalData();
This "Global" object is referenced literally hundreds of times across 10's of thousands of lines code as so:
// Sample data request...
var myData = Global.LoadData("?fn=fetchCustomerData&sortByFields=lastName,firstName&sortOrder=asc");
if ((myData.success && (myData.rowCount()>0))
// Do Stuff...
// (typically build and populate a form, input control
// or table with the data)
The server side API is designed to handle all of the myriad kinds of requests encountered, and, in each case, to perform whatever magic is necessary to return the data sought by the calling function. A sample of the plain-text response to a query follows (the API turns the result(s) from any SQL query into this format automatically; adjusting the fields and data to reflect the retrieved data on the fly; the sample data below has been anonymized;):
/* Sample return result (plain text) from server:
function adminPHP()
var base = new DataInterchangeBase();
this.success = true;
this.colName = function(idNo) { return base.colName(idNo); }
this.addRow = function(arrRow) { base.addRow(arrRow); }
this.get = function(cellId,rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(cellId,rowId); }
this.getById = function(cellId,rowId) { return base.getByIdVal(cellId,rowId); }
this.colExists = function(colName) { return ((typeof colName=='string') && (colName.length>0)) ? base.findCellId(colName) : -1; }
base.addCols( [ 'id','email','firstName','lastName','namePrefix','nameSuffix','phoneNbr','companyName' ] ); = function(rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(0,rowId); } = function(rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(1,rowId); }
this.firstName = function(rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(2,rowId); }
this.lastName = function(rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(3,rowId); }
this.longName = function(rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(5,rowId); }
this.namePrefix = function(rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(6,rowId); }
this.nameSuffix = function(rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(7,rowId); }
this.companyName = function(rowId) { return base.getByAbsPos(13,rowId); }
base.addRow( [ "2","","biff","broccoli","Mr.","PhD","5557891234","Nexus Consulting",null ] );
base.addRow( [ "15","","joseph","chromebottom","Mr.","","5554323456","Retirement Planning Co.",null ] );
base.addRow( [ "51","","mike","dolittle","Mr.","",""5552461357","SunRise Travel",null ] );
base.addRow( [ "54","","patricia","foxtrot","Mrs,","","5559876543","Lumox Chem Supplies",null ] );
this.query = function() { return " SELECT `u`.* FROM `users` AS `u` WHERE (`deleted`=0) ORDER BY `u`.`lastName` ASC, `u`.`firstName` LIMIT 4"; }
this.url = function() { return ",firstName&sortOrder=asc&dynamicdata=13647037920&sessionId=123456789AB\"; }
this.rowCount = function() { return base.rows.length; }
this.colCount = function() { return base.cols.length; }
this.getBase = function() { return base; }
In virtually every instance where this code is called, the calling function cannot perform its work until it receives all of the data from the request in the object form that it expects.
So, I've read a bunch of stuff about performing the asynchronous calls, and the necessity to invoke a call-back function that's notified when the data is ready, but I'm a loss as to figuring out a way to return the resultant data back to the original (calling) function that's waiting for it without having to visit every one of those hundreds of instances and make major changes in every one (i.e. change the calling code to expect a call-back function as the result instead of the expected data and act accordingly; times 100's of instances...)
Sooo, any guidance, help or suggestions on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated!

Matching text in element with Protractor

I have an element on page. And there could be different text. I am trying to do like (code is below), and it is not printed to console.
this.checkStatus = function () {
var element = $('.message')
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(element), 5000).then(function () {
browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT1'), 500).then(function () {
browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT2'), 500).then(function () {
browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT3'), 500).then(function () {
browser.wait(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT4'), 500).then(function () {
return this;
I see two problems. first, not sure what 'constatus' is? you need to correct that. second, browser.wait will be throwing error/exceptions when it is not able to find matching condition and timeout expires, So, if your first condition doesn't meet, it will throw timeout exception and will never go to second one. Instead, try something like below
var section = "";
this.checkStatus = function () {
var element = $('.message')
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(element), 5000).then(function () {
if(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT1')){
section = "Text1";
else if(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT2')) {
section = "Text2";
else if(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT3')) {
section = "Text3";
else if(EC.textToBePresentInElement(element, 'TEXT4')) {
section = "Text4";
if(section !== "")
return true;
}, 5000).then(()=>{
<here you can do anything based on 'section'>
Note - I haven't verified compilation errors.. so check for that.
Not sure what are you up to, but you can join multiple expected conditions with "or":
var conStatus = $('.message');
var containsText1 = EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT1');
var containsText2 = EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT2');
var containsText3 = EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT3');
var containsText4 = EC.textToBePresentInElement(conStatus, 'TEXT4');
browser.wait(EC.or(containsText1, containsText2, containsText3, containsText4), 5000);

If statement not returning as supposed

I might seem really dumb but this piece of code is really frustating me.
return "removed";
return "doesn't exist"
The thing is, the fs.remove() is actually called but the function is returning "doesnt't exist", Am I missing something?
I'm not using nodejs, this is from one library i made, is asynchronously.
It's not modifying the parametters but it does change the condition, might be that?
Well I'm posting my fs object although I don't think this will change anything.
fs = {
load: function() {
if (localStorage[0] == undefined || localStorage[0] == "undefined" || localStorage[0] == "") {
localStorage[0] = JSON.stringify(fs.files);
} else {
fs.files = JSON.parse(localStorage[0]);
save: function() {
localStorage[0] = JSON.stringify(fs.files);
files: [],
newFile: function(name, content, overwrite) {
if (overwrite == undefined)
overwrite = true;
if (fs.exist(name) && overwrite) {
fs.find(name).content = content;;
if (!(fs.exist(name))) {
name: name,
content: content
exist: function(fileName) {
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name == fileName)
return true;
return false;
find: function(fileName) {
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name == fileName)
return fs.files[i];
return false;
format: function() {
fs.files = [];
localStorage[0] = undefined;
write: function(name, content, overwrite) {
if (overwrite == undefined)
overwrite = true;
if (fs.exist(name) && overwrite) {
fs.find(name).content = content;;
if (!(fs.exist(name))) {
name: name,
content: content
remove: function(file) {
var arrToreturn = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name != file)
fs.files = arrToreturn;;
return arrToreturn;
Resolved -
After a few days of inspecting the code I found the bug where the function was called twice, the amount of code was really huge so it took me a while.
You need to add a semi-colon to return "doesn't exist", it should read return "doesn't exist";
If this is an Object, still it works.
We can assume this to be an File object ARRAY, indexOf still works to find if the item exists.
Please have a look upon below example:
var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
var a = fruits.indexOf("Apple");
Result is 2 in case Apple is found
Result is -1 in case Apple is not found
You can have some more options at this link:
Use This Code For Solving This Problam. thanks
var fs = require('fs-extra')
fs.remove('/tmp/myfile', function (err) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
fs.removeSync('/home/jprichardson') //I just deleted my entire HOME directory.
You can try javascript indexOf function to check if the value really exists, BEFORE REMOVE Operation.
Example below:
var str = "Hello world, welcome to the universe.";
var n = str.indexOf("welcome");
=> Gives 13 if found
if we search for "welcome1" -> will give -1

Javascript--Breeze Manager Not Detecting Changes

I'm using the EntityManager from Breeze for the API portion of data-binding. However, the EntityManager fails to track the changes. It will execute the code like it's supposed to but it never recognizes the changes. What's the issue? Please, refrain from saying anything that is not constructive or any personal attacks. We're here as professionals and scientists(i know i am). Here is my code:
(function () {
var serviceId = 'UWRLService';
.factory(serviceId, ['$q', 'breeze', 'logger', 'appSettings', UWRLService]);
// console.log('Initialized UWRL Service.js');
function UWRLService($q, breeze, logger, appSettings) {
// console.log('inside datacontext -- UWRLService');
// configure logging for this service
logger = logger.forSource(serviceId);
var logError = logger.logError;
var logSuccess = logger.logSuccess;
var logWarning = logger.logWarning;
//Setup variables with common Breeze query classes
var entityQuery = breeze.EntityQuery;
// setup breeze entity manager
var serviceName = appSettings.apiUrl + '/breeze/Uwrl/';//Where the entire service is pointing to
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager(serviceName);
var entityStateChangeAction = breeze.EntityAction.EntityStateChange;
// expose methods
var service = {
getChangesCount: getChangesCount,
saveChanges: saveChanges,
rejectChanges: rejectChanges,
getDivisions: getDivisions,
getPools: getPools,
getRandomCust: getRandomCust
//createChangeFactorEntity: createChangeFactorEntity,
return service;
//Attaches a new entity to the Breeze repository
//Passes the name and an array of values to seed the entity with
//function createChangeFactorEntity(entityName, initialValues) {
// var newFactor = manager.createEntity(entityName, initialValues);
// return newFactor;
function getRandomCust()
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from('alpha')
.where('customerNumber', '==', 1);
return executeQuery(query, 'Alpha found!');
function getDivisions()
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
//executeQuery([query name], [query title])
return executeQuery(query, 'Divisions Found');
function getPools()
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
return executeQuery(query, 'Pools Found');
//Saves changes and logs exceptions
function saveChanges() {
var hasChanges = manager.hasChanges();
return manager.saveChanges()
function saveSucceeded(saveResult) {
logSuccess("# of items saved = " + saveResult.entities.length, null, true);
function saveFailed(error) {
var reason = error.message;
var detail = error.detail;
if (error.entityErrors) {
//Do nothing
} else if (detail && detail.ExceptionType &&
detail.ExceptionType.indexOf('OptimisticConcurrencyException') !== -1) {
// Concurrency error
reason =
"Another user, perhaps the server, " +
"may have deleted one or all of the todos." +
" You may have to restart the app.";
} else {
reason = "Failed to save changes: " + reason +
" You may have to restart the app.";
logError(reason, error, true);
throw error; //Downstream: users know it has failed
//Discards changes in Breeze Manager
function rejectChanges() {
if (manager.hasChanges()) {
count = getChangesCount();
logWarning('Discarded ' + count + ' pending changes(s)', null, true);
//Returns (Nth-1) index of Breeze manager getChanges array
function getChangesCount() {
var ents = manager.getEntities();
var changes = manager.getChanges();
if (changes.length > 0)
alert("Changes made: " + manager.getChanges().length);
return manager.getChanges().length;
//Query Execution w/ toasters(logger)
function executeQuery(query, entityType) {
var promise = manager.executeQuery(query).then(querySucceeded, queryFailed);
return promise;
function querySucceeded(response) {
logSuccess(entityType + " query was successful", null, true);
return response.results;
function queryFailed(response) {
var message = response.message || entityType + " query failed";
logError(message, response, true);
throw error;
Controller (javascript):
(function () {
'use strict';
var controllerId = 'UWRLController';
// console.log('Initialized UWRLController');
//Last item in passed array is the Controller (specific)
['$scope', 'UWRLService', 'logger',
'$routeParams', 'allStatesService', UWRLController]);
function UWRLController($scope, UWRLService, logger, $routeParams, allStatesService) {
// console.log('inside UWRLController');
//Loggin Initialization
logger = logger.forSource(controllerId);
var logError = logger.logError;
var logSuccess = logger.logSuccess;
var logWarning = logger.logWarning;
var uwrl = {};
$scope.uwrl = uwrl;
//Parameters we pass from Renewal Group Maintenance screen
//uwrl.PlanCode = $routeParams.PlanCode;
//uwrl.Contract = $routeParams.ContractNumber;
//uwrl.Mch = $routeParams.Mch;
//Functions in Javascript Controller
//[scope].[property] = [function name]
uwrl.saveChanges = save;
uwrl.discardChanges = discardChanges;
uwrl.changesCount = changesCount();
// = select;
init();//Initialize all customer related data for page
function init()
gettingDivisions();//Initialze getting data from Division's table through UWRL-service.js
function gettingRandom()
uwrl.alpha = alpha;
uwrl.beta = uwrl.alpha[0].customerName;
function gettingDivisions()
.then(function (divisionNumber) {
uwrl.divisionNumber = divisionNumber;
function getAllFiftyStates()
.then(function (allStates)
uwrl.allStates = allStates;
function gettingPools()
.then(function (poolNumber)
uwrl.poolNumber = poolNumber;
//Clicking the Drop-down Button
//function select(change) {
// this.MchMcpPlanDesignId = change.MchMcpPlanDesign.MchMcpPlanDesignId;
// change.expanded = !change.expanded; //toggle back and forth
////.then = [if] success
////.fail = failure
////.finally = always executed despite evaluated conditionals
//function getPlans() {//returns a promise
// uwrl.loadingPlans = true;
// UWRLService.getChangeFactors(uwrl.Mch, uwrl.Contract, uwrl.PlanCode)
// .then(function (deltaChangeFactor) {
// uwrl.deltaChangeFactor = deltaChangeFactor;
// }).finally(function () { uwrl.loadingPlans = false; });
////Returns all data in ChangeFactorType table
//function getChangeFactorTypes() {
// UWRLService.getTypes().then(function (changeFactorTypes) {
// uwrl.changeFactorTypes = changeFactorTypes;
// });
//Clicking on Save Button
function save() {
console.log('Save Button Clicked!');
//Validation -- checks for empty values
//if (uwrl.changeFactorType != null && uwrl.effectiveDate != null &&
// uwrl.changeFactorAmount != null) {
// //Adds a new Breeze Entity for ChangeFactor table in SQL database
// UWRLService.createChangeFactorEntity('ChangeFactor',
// {
// MchMcpPlanDesignId: this.MchMcpPlanDesignId,
// ChangeFactorType: uwrl.changeFactorType,
// EffectiveDate: uwrl.effectiveDate,
// ChangeFactorAmount: uwrl.changeFactorAmount
// });
//Saves to Breeze Manager
//Must hit Art's ESB service -- to be researched
//Gets rid of changes and logs it
function discardChanges() {
console.log('Discard Button Clicked!');
//Notifies user(s) of changes made that are
//either: savable, discardable
function changesCount() {
// console.log("Changes Made: " + UWRLService.getChangesCount)//for debugging purposes
return UWRLService.getChangesCount;
The answer is to make sure to effect the model. For example: uwrl.alpha[0].customerName instead of urwl.beta

