Is there any drawing functionality on Azure Maps? - javascript

I'm working with Azure Maps and have a very basic idea of it's WEB sdk. What I want to know is- is there a drawing feature in The Azure Maps SDK that a user may use to draw on the map and return a geoJSON based on it. This functionality is identical to the one provided on

Yes, there is! Please check out this code sample, and live demo here.


Google Maps API Postal Code Boundaries

I've found an answer using Google Maps Marker but since its dead, I hit a dead end.
I was wondering if anyone would have any knowledge on how I would replicate this for a user on my website:,+ON+M4N+3M5/#43.7216028,-79.3771275,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89d4cd2e4f1652cd:0xee93f0117ea5797d!8m2!3d43.7215696!4d-79.3768256
I would like to take the users postal code and outline there boundaries. I'm not sure if this a broad question but I need to stick with using Google Maps API in this case.
Currently Google Maps JavaScript API doesn't expose any boundaries of geographic features. There is very old feature request in the public issue tracker to add this functionality, however it looks like Google didn't set high priority on this task:
Feel free to star the public feature request to express your interest and subscribe to further updates from Google.
You can get polygons from other sources and add them to Google maps as additional layers.
The nice workaround to get polygons in GeoJSON format from OpenStreetMap is described in the following answer:
So, if you download the GeoJSON you will be able to add it to map using the data layer and its loadGeoJson() method:
You can style colors of GeoJSON objects and create info windows. Just read the aforementioned documentation.
I hope this helps!
You can't get the boundaries directly from Google Maps API. Best option would be to have geojson files for each postal code and then load the relevant one as a geojson layer in Google Maps.
The solution I ended up using was googles geo coding api:
It gives the boundaries you need for a neighbourhood which then can be used against the google maps api to plot the area.

Google Maps draw mode measure distance

I'm trying to implement "Measure Distance" in google maps v3, something like what we can do in Google Maps Web.
I wonder if there is a library that implmente this as a drawingMode of DrawingManager.
You can now use this MeasureTool library for Google Maps JavaScript API v3 to do similar to what Google Maps offers.
Measurement tool for Google Maps API - project page
Here is a live demo.
Here's an example I found of a simple ruler that measures distance between two markers:
The source code is available via a link on that page.
I hope to use the same basic idea in my own Topographic Maps to drag out a series of markers, then use the resulting PolyLine to draw an elevation profile, etc. I'll post a reference to my code here if I'm successful.
That said, since this "Measure distance" UI has been part of the standard desktop Google Maps since July 2014, I would hope that the Google team might share it via the published Google Maps API soon, simplifying our work (not to mention standardizing the UI for such user drawn paths).

Integrating Google Maps JavaScript API V3 into and android project

Am currently asked to work on a project where I need to show the elevation of current place. By googling I came acrosee Google Maps JavaScript API V3 which have Elevation Service and have a sample code over here. But the code is in Javascript. So now am wondering how to move into java coding using this sample code. Have anyone worked with Google Maps JavaScript API V3 because am not sure how to integrate the javascript into an eclipse project.
Is it like I should change my IDE to PhoneGap..? I have heard that through PhoneGap you can code in HTML/Javascript and create project for Android and iOS.
I just checked with PhoneGap and couldn't find support for Elevation Service.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
You may directly use Google Elevation API in Java. Make a request, parse json and you are done.

Sharing Places using Google API/Ruby on Rails

I am building a collaborative web app to share places and media related to this place .
I am new to Google Maps and still new to Ruby on Rails . I need to have a user to mark a location on a map (using Google Map) then share an event in this map. It's kind of a collaborative tool using a map ?
I can't find an operational code example on Github or blogpost/Tutorial that explain a similar scenario .
Does anyone have one to share? Thanks.
I did this app a while back: try it out, if is usefull for you i can share you the source
You can create map pins give them a title and share them with a url, also they get saved on your pins section
here is the github:

Show google maps on mobile website

Is it possible to add google maps on a site designed specifically for the iPhone? I have never integrated maps in my websites before, so this question really goes more because of my inexperience.
Using basic html and javascript at the moment.
The Google Maps API V3 is specifically designed to work efficiently on mobile devices. There are some great tutorials here and here.
Any link to a Google Maps URL will automatically open in the Maps application, which may be more useful than simply embedding a map view in the website itself.
For example, a link to will automatically open the Maps application and run a search for "cupertino".
I think, if you only need a google map with some simple function. The simplest way is use the MapKit.Framework, it's a part of iphone OS. You can find the document here.
If you need to load your own web site, you need to use UIWebView. you can find the document here(
I think these two ways can help you solve your problem.
And sorry about the link, because I'm not allowed to post more than one hyperlink.

