How to make a string palindrome? - javascript

Create a function which takes a string as parameter. Return the shortest palindrome formed by adding the letter to that string.
"abc" // cbabc
"21234" // 4321234
"321234" // 4321234
"a" // a
What I have tried so far is below.
function isPal(str){
return [...str].reverse().join('') === str;
function palindrome(s){
if(isPal(s)) return s;
for(let i = 0;i<s.length;i++){
if(isPal(s)) return s;
s = s.slice(0,i) + s[s.length - 1 - i] + s.slice(i)
return s;
The code works fine but its not efficient because its checking for isPal during each iteration.
I would like to know the efficient solution for the problem. I can't calculate the time-complexity of the solution but its clears it not linear. I want to know the solution with linear time-complexity or better than mine.

Make r = reversed string (s)
Find the longest suffix of r equal to prefix of s (checking char by char)
a b c
c b a
for another example
2 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 2
but better variant does exist:
2 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 2
Note that you really don't need to build reversed string - just use corresponding indexes
Both operations should be linear.
Edit: Modified code exploiting z-function
(thanks #Kalido for pointing to abcdba test case)
It is possible to use z-function mentioned in your earlier theme. I am not familiar with JS (enough to properly make result strings), so just made z-array for comparison of string suffix with prefix of reversed one (note index mangling in the right part here s[z[i]] == s[n - 1 - i - z[i]])
Code looks for the largest value z[maxi] except for the first item. The first item is used only if it is equal to n (string already is palindrome). Result is length of prefix to add.
For example, 21234 gives z[maxi]=3, so function returns 2 (we add prefix of 43212of length 5-3=2), ie 43 = > 43 21234
cabac gives z[0] = 5 = n, result is zero, so we don't need to add anything
abcdba gives z[0] = 2 < n, so we choose maximum among other items
function ex_z_function(s) {
var n = s.length;
var z = Array(n).fill(0);
var i, l, r, maxi = 1;
for (i = 0, l = 0, r = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (i <= r)
z[i] = Math.min(r - i + 1, z[i - l]);
while (i + z[i] < n && s[z[i]] == s[n - 1 - i - z[i]])
if ((i > 0) && (z[i] > z[maxi]))
maxi = i;
if (i + z[i] - 1 > r)
l = i, r = i + z[i] - 1;
if (z[0] == n) {
return 0;
return n - z[maxi];

You could already gain a lot of time on your isPal function by just checking half the string, or return if the check fails early:
function isPal(str){
for (let i = 0, l = str.length; i < l / 2; i++) {
if (str[i] != str[l-i-1]) {
return false
return true
Note: the complexity of isPal remains linear but the best case is far better.


Codewars division Kata using Javascript is producing results that are not divisble by 6

I am trying to solve this Kata from Codewars:
The idea is that a number (expressed as a string) with one digit replaced with *, such as "1047*66", will be inserted into a function. You must return an array in which the values are the original number with the * replaced with any digit that will produce a number divisive by 6. So given "1*0", the correct resulting array should be [120, 150, 180].
I have some code that is producing some correct results but erroring for others, and I can't figure out why. Here's the code:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
var results = [];
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
var string = i.toString(); // Convert i to string, ready to be inserted into s
var array = Array.from(s); // Make an array from s
var index = array.indexOf("*"); // Find where * is in the array of s
array[index] = string; // Replace * with the string of i
var number = array.join(""); // Join all indexes of the s array back together. Now we should have
// a single number expressed as a string, with * replaced with i
parseInt(number, 10); // Convert the string to an integer
if((number % 6) == 0) {
} // If the integer is divisible by 6, add the integer into the results array
This code works with the above example and generally with all smaller numbers. But it is producing errors for larger numbers. For example, when s is "29070521868839*57", the output should be []. However, I am getting ['29070521868839257', '29070521868839557', '29070521868839857']. I can't figure out where this would be going wrong. Is anyone able to help?
The problem is that these numbers are larger than the Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - the point when JavaScript numbers break down in terms of reliability:
var num = 29070521868839257;
console.log(num > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
console.log(num % 6);
The last log shows that the num actually has a different value than what we gave it. This is because 29070521868839257 simply cannot be represented by a JavaScript number, hence you get the closest possible value that can be represented and that's 29070521868839256.
So, after some point in numbers, all mathematical operations become unreliable as the very numbers are imprecise.
What you can do instead is ignore treating this whole as a number - treat it as a string and only apply the principles of divisibility. This makes the task vastly easier.
For a number to be divisible by 6 it has to cover two criteria:
it has to be divisible by 2.
to verify this, you can just get the very smallest digit and check if it's divisible by 2. For example in 29070521868839257 if we take 7, and check 7 % 2, we get 1 which means that it's odd. We don't need to consider the whole number.
it has to be divisible by 3.
to verify this, you can sum each of the digits and see if that sum is divisible by 3. If we sum all the digits in 29070521868839257 we get 2 + 9 + 0 + 7 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 2 + 5 + 7 = 82 which is not divisible by 3. If in doubt, we can sum the digits again, since the rule can be applied to any number with more than two digits: 8 + 2 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1. That is still not divisible by 3.
So, if we apply these we can get something like:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
return isDivisibleBy2(s) && isDivisibleBy3(s);
function isDivisibleBy2(s) {
var lastDigit = Number(s.slice(-1));
return (lastDigit % 2) === 0;
function isDivisibleBy3(s) {
var digits = s.split("")
var sum = digits.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b
return (sum % 3) === 0;
These can even be recursively defined true to the nature of these rules:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
return isDivisibleBy2(s) && isDivisibleBy3(s);
function isDivisibleBy2(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return false;
if (s.length > 1) {
return isDivisibleBy2(s.slice(-1));
var lastDigit = Number(s);
return (lastDigit % 2) === 0;
function isDivisibleBy3(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return false;
if (s.length > 1) {
var digits = s.split("")
var sum = digits.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b
return isDivisibleBy3(String(sum));
var num = Number(s);
return (num % 3) === 0;
This is purely to demonstrate the rules of division and how they can be applied to strings. You have to create numbers that will be divisible by 6 and to do that, you have to replace an asterisk. The easiest way to do it is like you did - generate all possibilities (e.g., 1*0 will be 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190) and then filter out whatever is not divisible by 6:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
var allDigits = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
var allPossibleNumbers = {
return s.replace("*", digit);
var numbersDibisibleBySix = allPossibleNumbers.filter(function(s) {
return isDivisibleBy2(s) && isDivisibleBy3(s);
return numbersDibisibleBySix;
function isDivisibleBy2(s) {
var lastDigit = Number(s.slice(-1));
return (lastDigit % 2) === 0;
function isDivisibleBy3(s) {
var digits = s.split("")
var sum = digits.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b
return (sum % 3) === 0;
As a last note, this can be written more concisely by removing intermediate values and using arrow functions:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
.map(digit => s.replace("*", digit))
.filter(s => isDivisibleBy2(s) && isDivisibleBy3(s));
const isDivisibleBy2 = s => Number(s.slice(-1)) % 2 === 0;
const isDivisibleBy3 = s => s.split("")
.reduce((a, b) => a + b) % 3 === 0
Sum of all digits is divisible by three and the last digit is divisible by two.
An approach:
Get the index of the star.
Get left and right string beside of the star.
Return early if the last digit is not divisible by two.
Take the sum of all digits.
Finally create an array with missing digits:
Start loop from either zero (sum has no rest with three) or take the delta of three and the rest (because you want a number which is divisible by three).
Go while value is smaller then ten.
Increase the value either by 3 or by 6, if the index of the star is the last character.
Take left, value and right part for pushing to the result set.
Return result.
function get6(s) {
var index = s.indexOf('*'),
left = s.slice(0, index),
right = s.slice(index + 1),
result = [],
sum = 0,
i, step;
if (s[s.length - 1] % 2) return [];
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) if (i !== index) sum += +s[i];
i = sum % 3 && 3 - sum % 3;
step = s.length - 1 === index ? 6 : 3;
for (; i < 10; i += step) result.push(left + i + right);
return result;
console.log(get6("*")); // ["0", "6"]
console.log(get6("10*")); // ["102", "108"]
console.log(get6("1*0")); // ["120", "150", "180"]
console.log(get6("*1")); // []
console.log(get6("1234567890123456789012345678*0")); // ["123456789012345678901234567800","123456789012345678901234567830","123456789012345678901234567860","123456789012345678901234567890"]
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The problem is with:
parseInt(number, 10);
You can check and see that when number is large enough, this result converted back to string is not equal to the original value of number, due to the limit on floating point precision.
This challenge can be solved without having to convert the given string to number. Instead use a property of numbers that are multiples of 6. They are multiples of 3 and even. Multiples of 3 have the property that the sum of the digits (in decimal representation) are also multiples of 3.
So start by checking that the last digit is not 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, because in that case there is no solution.
Otherwise, sum up the digits (ignore the asterisk). Determine which value you still need to add to that sum to get to a multiple of 3. This will be 0, 1 or 2. If the asterisk is not at the far right, produce solutions with this digit, and 3, 6, 9 added to it (until you get double digits).
If the asterisk is at the far right, you can do the same, but you must make sure that you exclude odd digits in that position.
If you are desperate, here is a solution. But I hope you can make it work yourself.
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
// If last digit is odd, it can never be divisable by 6
if ("13579".includes(s[s.length-1])) return [];
let [left, right] = s.split("*");
// Calculate the sum of the digits (ignore the asterisk)
let sum = 0;
for (let ch of s) sum += +ch || 0;
// What value remains to be added to make the digit-sum a multiple of 3?
sum = (3 - sum%3) % 3;
// When asterisk in last position, then solution digit are 6 apart, otherwise 3
let mod = right.length ? 3 : 6;
if (mod === 6 && sum % 2) sum += 3; // Don't allow odd digit at last position
// Build the solutions, by injecting the found digit values
let result = [];
for (; sum < 10; sum += mod) result.push(left + sum + right);
return result;
// Demo
There is also another way to get around the floating point precision problem: use BigInt instead of floating point. However, BigInt is not supported on CodeWars, at least not in that specific Kata, where the available version of Node goes up to 8.1.3, while BigInt was introduced only in Node 10.
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
let [left, right] = s.split("*");
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let k = BigInt(left + i + right);
if (k % 6n === 0n) result.push(k.toString());
return result;
// Demo
This would anyway feel like "cheating" (if it were accepted), as it's clearly not the purpose of the Kata.
As mentioned, the values you are using are above the maximum integer value and therefore unsafe, please see the docmentation about this over here Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. You can use BigInt(string) to use larger values.
Thanks for all the responses. I have now created successful code!
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
var results = [];
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
var string = i.toString();
var array = Array.from(s);
var index = array.indexOf("*");
array[index] = string;
var div2 = 0;
var div3 = 0;
if(parseInt((array[array.length-1]),10) % 2 == 0) {
div2 = 1;
var numarray = => parseInt(x));
if(numarray.reduce(function myFunc(acc, value) {return acc+value}) % 3 == 0) {
div3 = 1;
if(div2 == 1 && div3 == 1) {
I know this could be factored down quite a bit by merging the if expressions together, but I like to see things split out so that when I look back over previous solutions my thought process is clearer.
Thanks again for all the help!

Trying to optimize my code to either remove nested loop or make it more efficient

A friend of mine takes a sequence of numbers from 1 to n (where n > 0)
Within that sequence, he chooses two numbers, a and b
He says that the product of a and b should be equal to the sum of all numbers in the sequence, excluding a and b
Given a number n, could you tell me the numbers he excluded from the sequence?
Have found the solution to this Kata from Code Wars but it times out (After 12 seconds) in the editor when I run it; any ideas as too how I should further optimize the nested for loop and or remove it?
function removeNb(n) {
var nArray = [];
var sum = 0;
var answersArray = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
nArray.push(n - (n - i));
sum += i;
var length = nArray.length;
for (let i = Math.round(n / 2); i < length; i++) {
for (let y = Math.round(n / 2); y < length; y++) {
if (i != y) {
if (i * y === sum - i - y) {
answersArray.push([i, y]);
return answersArray;
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I think there is no reason for calculating the sum after you fill the array, you can do that while filling it.
function removeNb(n) {
let nArray = [];
let sum = 0;
for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
sum += i;
And since there could be only two numbers a and b as the inputs for the formula a * b = sum - a - b, there could be only one possible value for each of them. So, there's no need to continue the loop when you find them.
if(i*y === sum - i - y) {
I recommend looking at the problem in another way.
You are trying to find two numbers a and b using this formula a * b = sum - a - b.
Why not reduce the formula like this:
a * b + a = sum - b
a ( b + 1 ) = sum - b
a = (sum - b) / ( b + 1 )
Then you only need one for loop that produces the value of b, check if (sum - b) is divisible by ( b + 1 ) and if the division produces a number that is less than n.
for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
let eq1 = sum - i;
let eq2 = i + 1;
if (eq1 % eq2 === 0) {
let a = eq1 / eq2;
if (a < n && a != i) {
return [[a, b], [b, a]];
You can solve this in linear time with two pointers method (page 77 in the book).
In order to gain intuition towards a solution, let's start thinking about this part of your code:
for(let i = Math.round(n/2); i < length; i++) {
for(let y = Math.round(n/2); y < length; y++) {
You already figured out this is the part of your code that is slow. You are trying every combination of i and y, but what if you didn't have to try every single combination?
Let's take a small example to illustrate why you don't have to try every combination.
Suppose n == 10 so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 where sum = 55.
Suppose the first combination we tried was 1*10.
Does it make sense to try 1*9 next? Of course not, since we know that 1*10 < 55-10-1 we know we have to increase our product, not decrease it.
So let's try 2*10. Well, 20 < 55-10-2 so we still have to increase.
3*10==30 < 55-3-10==42
4*10==40 < 55-4-10==41
But then 5*10==50 > 55-5-10==40. Now we know we have to decrease our product. We could either decrease 5 or we could decrease 10, but we already know that there is no solution if we decrease 5 (since we tried that in the previous step). So the only choice is to decrease 10.
5*9==45 > 55-5-9==41. Same thing again: we have to decrease 9.
5*8==40 < 55-5-8==42. And now we have to increase again...
You can think about the above example as having 2 pointers which are initialized to the beginning and end of the sequence. At every step we either
move the left pointer towards right
or move the right pointer towards left
In the beginning the difference between pointers is n-1. At every step the difference between pointers decreases by one. We can stop when the pointers cross each other (and say that no solution can be obtained if one was not found so far). So clearly we can not do more than n computations before arriving at a solution. This is what it means to say that the solution is linear with respect to n; no matter how large n grows, we never do more than n computations. Contrast this to your original solution, where we actually end up doing n^2 computations as n grows large.
Hassan is correct, here is a full solution:
function removeNb (n) {
var a = 1;
var d = 1;
// Calculate the sum of the numbers 1-n without anything removed
var S = 0.5 * n * (2*a + (d *(n-1)));
// For each possible value of b, calculate a if it exists.
var results = [];
for (let numB = a; numB <= n; numB++) {
let eq1 = S - numB;
let eq2 = numB + 1;
if (eq1 % eq2 === 0) {
let numA = eq1 / eq2;
if (numA < n && numA != numB) {
results.push([numA, numB]);
results.push([numB, numA]);
return results;
In case it's of interest, CY Aries pointed this out:
ab + a + b = n(n + 1)/2
add 1 to both sides
ab + a + b + 1 = (n^2 + n + 2) / 2
(a + 1)(b + 1) = (n^2 + n + 2) / 2
so we're looking for factors of (n^2 + n + 2) / 2 and have some indication about the least size of the factor. This doesn't necessarily imply a great improvement in complexity for the actual search but still it's kind of cool.
This is part comment, part answer.
In engineering terms, the original function posted is using "brute force" to solve the problem, iterating every (or more than needed) possible combinations. The number of iterations is n is large - if you did all possible it would be
n * (n-1) = bazillio n
Less is More
So lets look at things that can be optimized, first some minor things, I'm a little confused about the first for loop and nArray:
// OP's code
for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
nArray.push(n - (n - i));
sum += i;
??? You don't really use nArray for anything? Length is just n .. am I so sleep deprived I'm missing something? And while you can sum a consecutive sequence of integers 1-n by using a for loop, there is a direct and easy way that avoids a loop:
sum = ( n + 1 ) * n * 0.5 ;
// OP's loops, not optimized
for(let i = Math.round(n/2); i < length; i++) {
for(let y = Math.round(n/2); y < length; y++) {
if(i != y) {
if(i*y === sum - i - y) {
Optimization Considerations:
I see you're on the right track in a way, cutting the starting i, y values in half since the factors . But you're iterating both of them in the same direction : UP. And also, the lower numbers look like they can go a little below half of n (perhaps not because the sequence start at 1, I haven't confirmed that, but it seems the case).
Plus we want to avoid division every time we start an instantiation of the loop (i.e set the variable once, and also we're going to change it). And finally, with the IF statements, i and y will never be equal to each other the way we're going to create the loops, so that's a conditional that can vanish.
But the more important thing is the direction of transversing the loops. The smaller factor low is probably going to be close to the lowest loop value (about half of n) and the larger factor hi is probably going to be near the value of n. If we has some solid math theory that said something like "hi will never be less than 0.75n" then we could make a couple mods to take advantage of that knowledge.
The way the loops are show below, they break and iterate before the hi and low loops meet.
Moreover, it doesn't matter which loop picks the lower or higher number, so we can use this to shorten the inner loop as number pairs are tested, making the loop smaller each time. We don't want to waste time checking the same pair of numbers more than once! The lower factor's loop will start a little below half of n and go up, and the higher factor's loop will start at n and go down.
// Code Fragment, more optimized:
let nHi = n;
let low = Math.trunc( n * 0.49 );
let sum = ( n + 1 ) * n * 0.5 ;
// While Loop for the outside (incrementing) loop
while( low < nHi ) {
// FOR loop for the inside decrementing loop
for(let hi = nHi; hi > low; hi--) {
// If we're higher than the sum, we exit, decrement.
if( hi * low + hi + low > sum ) {
// If we're equal, then we're DONE and we write to array.
else if( hi * low + hi + low === sum) {
answersArray.push([hi, low]);
low = nHi; // Note this is if we want to end once finding one pair
break; // If you want to find ALL pairs for large numbers then replace these low = nHi; with low++;
// And if not, we increment the low counter and restart the hi loop from the top.
else {
} // close for
} // close while
So we set the few variables. Note that low is set slightly less than half of n, as larger numbers look like they could be a few points less. Also, we don't round, we truncate, which is essentially "always rounding down", and is slightly better for performance, (though it dosenit matter in this instance with just the single assignment).
The while loop starts at the lowest value and increments, potentially all the way up to n-1. The hi FOR loop starts at n (copied to nHi), and then decrements until the factor are found OR it intercepts at low + 1.
The conditionals:
First IF: If we're higher than the sum, we exit, decrement, and continue at a lower value for the hi factor.
ELSE IF: If we are EQUAL, then we're done, and break for lunch. We set low = nHi so that when we break out of the FOR loop, we will also exit the WHILE loop.
ELSE: If we get here it's because we're less than the sum, so we need to increment the while loop and reset the hi FOR loop to start again from n (nHi).

Given this hash function, an expected output, and the length of the input string, how do I find the input string that returns the given result?

I have this hash function below.
I know that for an input string of length 8 I get a hash with the value of 16530092119764772
The input string can only consist of the characters "abcdefghijklmnop"
What is the best approach to find the input string?
Is there a way to break down the problem mathematically without relying on a brute-force approach to find the string?
Would a recursive solution overflow the stack?
function hash(str) {
let g = 8;
let charset = "abcdefghijklmnop";
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
g = (g * 82 + charset.indexOf(str[i]));
return g;
As an example for the string "agile" it hashes to 29662550362
That’s not even really a hash, because charset doesn’t have 82 characters in it. It’s more like parsing a string as a base-82 number where you can only use the first 16 symbols. It’d be completely reversible if it didn’t use floating-point numbers, which are imprecise for integers that big. In case you’re not familiar with why, the simplified version is that the operation inside the loop:
g * 82 + d
gives a different result for every possible value of g and d as long as d is less than 82, because there’s enough space between g * 82 and (g + 1) * 82 to fit 82 different ds (from 0 to 81). Each different result is reversible back to g and d by dividing by 82; the whole value is g and the remainder is d. When every operation inside the loop is reversible, you can reverse the whole thing.
So, like you might convert a number to decimal manually with a loop that divides out one digit at a time, you can convert this imprecise number into base 82:
const getDigits = (value, base) => {
const result = [];
while (value) {
result.push(value % base);
value /= base;
return result.reverse();
const getLetter = index =>
String.fromCharCode(97 + index);
const getPreimage = value =>
getDigits(value, 82n)
The results start with “i” because g starts at 8 instead of 0. The second number is also big enough to not be unique (in contrast to agile’s “hash”, which can be represented exactly by a JavaScript number), but if you were just trying to find any preimage, it’s good enough.
function hash(str) {
let g = 8;
let charset = "abcdefghijklmnop";
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
g = (g * 82 + charset.indexOf(str[i]));
return g;
for (const s of ['hijackec', 'hijacked', 'hijackee', 'hijackef', 'hijackeg']) {
console.log(s, hash(s) === 16530092119764772);
You could make a recursive function that starts from 8, iterates over the charset indices and stops (returns) whenever the current value gets over the passed hash.
Check the comments below for more details:
const charset = 'abcdefghijklmnop';
function bruteforce(hash, base = 8, result = {value: ''}) {
// Always multiply the previous value by 82
base *= 82;
for (let i = 0; i < charset.length; i++) {
// Add the char index to the value
value = base + i;
// If we found the hash, append the current char and return
if (value === hash) {
result.value += charset[i];
return base === 656 ? result.value : value;
// If we went past the hash, return null to mark this iteration as failed
if (value > hash) {
return null;
// Otherwise, attempt next level starting from current value
value = bruteforce(hash, value, result);
// If we found the hash from there, prepend the current char and return
if (value === hash) {
result.value = charset[i] + result.value;
return base === 656 ? result.value : value;
// We tried everything, no match found :(
return null;

Adding numbers together

I want to loop over an array whilst addding the numbers together.
Whilst looping over the array, I would like to add the current number to the next.
My array looks like
I would like to do the following;
[0,1,0,4,1] - 0+1= 1, 1+0= 1, 0+4=4, 4+1=5
which would then give me [1,1,4,5] to do the following; 1+1 = 2, 1+4=5, 4+5=9
and so on until I get 85.
Could anyone advise on the best way to go about this
This transform follows the specified method of summation, but I also get an end result of 21, so please specify how you get to 85.
var ary = [0,1,0,4,1],
transform = function (ary) {
var length = ary.length;
return ary.reduce(function (acc, val, index, ary) {
if (index + 1 !== length) acc.push(ary[index] + ary[index + 1]);
return acc;
}, []);
while (ary.length !== 1) ary = transform(ary);
If you do in fact want the answer to be 21 (as it seems like it should be), what you are really trying to do is closely related to the Binomial Theorem.
I am not familiar with javascript, so I will write an example in c-style pseudocode:
var array = [0,1,0,4,1]
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
int result += array[i] * nChooseK(array.length - 1, i);
This will put the following numbers into result for each respective iteration:
0 += 0 * 1 --> 0
0 += 1 * 4 --> 4
4 += 0 * 6 --> 4
4 += 4 * 4 --> 20
20 += 1 * 1 --> 21
This avoids all the confusing array operations that arise when trying to iterate through creating shorter-and-shorter arrays; it will also be faster if you have a good nChooseK() implementation.
Now, finding an efficient algorithm for a nChooseK() function is a different matter, but it is a relatively common task so it shouldn't be too difficult (Googling "n choose k algorithm" should work just fine). Some languages even have combinatoric functions in standard math libraries.
The result I get is 21 not 85. This code can be optimised to only use single array. Anyway it gets the job done.
var input = [0, 1, 0, 4, 1];
function calc(input) {
if (input.length === 1) {
return input;
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length - 1; i++) {
result[i] = input[i] + input[i + 1];
return calc(result);
This is an O(n^2) algorithm.

Generate all combinations for pair of bits set to 1?

I'm trying to generate all possible combinations for pair of 1's within given bit width.
Let's say the bit width is 6, i.e. number 32. This is what I would like to generate:
If I have variables:
var a = 1,
b = 2;
num = a | b;
and create a loop that I'll loop over width - 1 times, and where I shift both a << 1 and b << 1, I'll get all combinations for one pair. After that, I'm pretty much stuck.
Could someone , please, provide some help.
Update: working example
Based on Barmar's mathematical approach, this is what I managed to implement
var arr = [],
arrBits = [];
function getCombs(pairs, startIdx) {
var i, j, val = 0, tmpVal, idx;
if (startIdx + 2 < pairs) {
startIdx = arr.length - 1;
pairs -= 1;
if (pairs < 2) {
for (i = 0; i < pairs-1; i++) {
idx = startIdx - (i * 2);
val += arr[idx];
for (j = 0; j < idx - 1; j++) {
arrBits.push((val + arr[j]).toString(2));
getCombs(pairs, startIdx-1);
(function initArr(bits) {
var i, val, pairs, startIdx;
for (i = 1; i < bits; i++) {
val = i == 1 ? 3 : val * 2;
pairs = Math.floor(bits / 2);
startIdx = arr.length - 1;
getCombs(pairs, startIdx);
Working example on JSFiddle
The numbers with exactly one pair of 1's are the sequence 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, ...; they start with 3 and just double each time.
The numbers with two pairs of 1's are 12+3, 24+3, 24+6, 48+3, 48+6, 48+12, ...; these are the above sequence starting at 12 + the original sequence up to n/4.
The numbers with three pairs of 1's are 48+12+3, 96+12+3, 96+24+3, 96+24+6, ...
The relationship between each of these suggests a recursive algorithm making use of the original doubling sequence. I don't have time right now to write it, but I think this should get you going.
if the bit width isn't that big then you'll be way better off creating bit representations for all numbers from 0 to 31 in a loop and simply ignore the ones that have an odd number of "ones" in the bit representation.
Maybe start counting normally in binary and replace all 1's with 11's like this:
n = 5
n = n.toString(2) //= "101"
n = n.replace(/1/g, "11") //= "11011"
n = parseInt(n, 2) //= 27
So you'll get:
0 -> 0
1 -> 11
10 -> 110
11 -> 1111
100 -> 1100
101 -> 11011
110 -> 11110
111 -> 111111
And so on. You'll have to count up to 31 or so on the left side, and reject ones longer than 6 bits on the right side.
var len=6,
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
for(var j=0;j<arr.length;j++){
var k=j;
function getNum1(str){
var n=0;
for(var i=str.length-1;i>=0;i--){
return n;
document.write(arr.join('<br />'));
Or maybe you will prefer It's simpler, but then you will have to sort() the array:
var len=6,
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
for(var k=0,l=arr.length;k<l;k++){
function getNum1(str){
var n=0;
for(var i=str.length-1;i>=0;i--){
return n;
document.write(arr.sort().join('<br />'));
See if you want to compare the performance. It seems that the fastest code is the first one on Chrome but the second one on Firefox.
You can also do this with bit twiddling. If the lowest two bits are zero, we need to set them, which is equivalent to adding 3. Otherwise, we need to replace the lowest block of ones by its top bit and a 1-bit to the left of it. This can be done as follows, where x is the current combination:
x3 = x + 3;
return (((x ^ x3) - 2) >> 2) + x3;

