How to call two functions with the same event? - javascript

I want to display eight elements of first array in eight divs with class .box, and one element of second array in the center div with id center by clicking any div except the middle one with id center. The problem is the two functions named nextElems & arr are not called simultaneously. If one function is called, another does not work. I am able to call the function arr, but how to call the function nextElems simultaneously on the click of any div.
Your suggestions are always really great and helpful and I am much obliged.
<div id="container"> </div>
var words = [40];
// Showing 8 elements each time in different divs
var count = 0;
var x = "";
function nextElems() {
var newArray = words.slice(count, count + 8);
for (i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++)
x += '<div class=box>' + newArray[i] + '</div>';
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = x;
x = "";
count += 8;
// Creating div in middle between fourth and fifth div
if (count <= 40) {
var center = document.querySelector('#div-3');
center.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<div id="center"> </div>')
// Showing elements one at a time in order
var oppo = ["White", "Easy", "Soft", "Low", "Good"];
var x = "";
var count = 0;
function arr() {
if (count < oppo.length) {
x += '<div>' + oppo[count] + '</div>';
document.getElementById('center').innerHTML = x;
} else {
count = 0;
document.getElementById('center').innerHTML = "";
x = "";
$('.box').click(function() {
I have tried
$('.box').click(function() {
I have also tried it on the click of a button & with other jQuery

You need to declare variables inside a function scope.
Because now your code performed in the next order:
var count = 0;
var x = "";
var oppo = ["White", "Easy", "Soft", "Low", "Good"];
var x = "";
var count = 0;
someday later ...
arr(); //here you modify your global variables "x" and "count", so next function will use it with unpredictable values
so you need to declare it like
function nextElems() {
var count = 0;
var x = "";
and then you can use
$('.box').click(function() {


Create a random array to compare between the users array and flashes on a simon says game

i'm bulding a simon game as a student work project in school. i bulit the "card game "Dynamically by entering cell's to a table in pure js now i would want to make the "card game " to flash in a Random Sequence so i had created a random var and add a classList to evry random but here is the problem
1) i would want to creat a random array to compare between the users array when playing and it seems that i cant do a classLiss.add() to it
2)i would want to "flash" the "cards game" that evry time it will flash once and NOT at the same time (and also at the first turn it will flashh once and at the second turn it will flash Twice {not on the same time.exc}) i did use a setTimeout function to remove classList
Here is the code for "card display" and random function:
function cards(user) {
userchioce = parseInt(user.value);
if (userchioce == 4) {
var table = document.getElementById("mytable");
document.getElementById("mytable").innerHTML = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var row = table.insertRow(0);
for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
var t = document.getElementById("mytable");
var idnum = 0;
counter = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < t.rows.length; r++) { //luop at length of rows
for (var c = 0; c < t.rows[r].cells.length; c++) { //luop at length of rows and cells
t.rows[r].cells[c].style.backgroundColor = colorarry[counter];
t.rows[r].cells[c].innerHTML = colorarry1[counter];
t.rows[r].cells[c].setAttribute("class", "td1");
t.rows[r].cells[c].setAttribute("id", "tdd" + idnum++);
counter = 0;//end of if 4
function getrandom(rnd) {
rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * userchioce);
var id = "tdd";
var fullid = id + rnd;
var dispaly = document.getElementById(fullid);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 850);
Alright, let's clean up a little first. You are creating looping to create the cells, then looping again to modify them, you should just modify them right away.
if (userchioce == 4) {
var table = document.getElementById("mytable");
document.getElementById("mytable").innerHTML = "";
var idnum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var row = table.insertRow(0);
for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
var cell = row.insertCell(-1); = colorarry[idnum];
cell.innerHTML = colorarry1[idnum];
cell.setAttribute("class", "td1");
cell.setAttribute("id", "tdd" + idnum++);
I've also removed the counter variable in favour to the idnum variable. They were both defined at 0 at the same place, and also incremented at the same pace...
You do not get to display the lights one after the other because you only do it once. There should be a place where you keep track of the previous randoms.
var moves = [];
function newTurn() {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * userchioce);
// Add the new random to the moves history.
//create a copy, we'll be playing with it.
var movesToShow = moves.slice();
function showMove(moveList){
//Remove first value of the list of moves and use it to show.
var move = moveList.shift();
var id = "tdd";
var fullid = id + move;
var display= document.getElementById(fullid);
//Wait a little before removing the hightlight.
setTimeout(function () {
//There are more moves, wait just a little
//Display a new move.
}, 850);
// call this to start a new turn.
Also, I would like to urge you to correct all the typos in your script. "dispaly","userchioce" this will make things very hard for you to follow.

How to give unique ids to each child div created dynamically?

The function displays eight elements on click in dynamically created divs using the slice() method. How can I give a unique id to each div? Your suggestions would be of great help to me.
var words = [40];
var count = 0;
var x = "";
function nextElems() {
var newArray = words.slice(count, count + 8);
for (i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++) {
x += '<div class=box>' + newArray[i] + '</div>';
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = x;
x = "";
count += 8;
I have tried this but it's not working:
var mainDiv = document.getElementById('container');
var first = mainDiv.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; = 'one';
You can do it right inside the for loop while it's iterating:
for (i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++)
x += '<div id="box-' + i + '"> class="box">' + newArray[i] + '</div>';
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = x;
You can use assign an ID inside the text string.
Here are a couple of other things you can do to improve this code:
Move the getElementById outside the loop
use js methods instead of string concatenation
Something like this (untested):
// get the container
container = document.getElementById('container');
for (i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++)
// create a div
var div = document.createElement('div');
// add attributes
div.setAttribute("id", "box-" + i);
div.setAttribute("class", "box");
// create text node
var textnode = document.createTextNode("This is div #" + i);
// add text to div
// append to container
How about giving it the id when creating? Also put the class=box in quotations like so -> class="box".
And add the whole div construct only once after the for loop. Because right now you are basically overwriting the whole thing multiple times.
var words = [40];
var count = 0;
var x = "";
function nextElems() {
var newArray = words.slice(count, count + 8);
for (i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++)
// Change class and add custom id
x += '<div class="box" id="box-'+i+'">' + newArray[i] + '</div>';
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = x; // Add divs after for loop
x = "";
count += 8;
Now each box has a unique id going from box-0, box-1, ... to box-n

Looping through a set of <p>'s one at a time

I'm trying to figure out how to count the number of p's so every time the button is pressed, it outputs to 0 to 1 until the maximum number of p's is counted.
var big_number = 999999;
var i;
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
function function0() {
for (i=0; i < big_number; i++) {
I want it to write to another p every time the button is pressed.
document.getElementsByTagName("p").length // number of p elements on the page
Is that what you were asking?
Make a generic tag adder function then call it:
function addTags(tagName,start, max, container) {
var i = start;
for (i; i < max; i++) {
var newp = document.createElement(tagName);
newp.innerHTML = "paragraph" + i;
var tag = 'p';
var big_number = 30;
var i;
var a = document.getElementsByTagName(tag );
// **THIS is your specific question answer**:
var pCount = a.length;
var parent = document.getElementById('mydiv');
addTags(tag,pCount , big_number, parent);
// add 10 more
a = document.getElementsByTagName(tag );
pCount = a.length;
big_number = big_number+10;
addTags(tag,pCount , big_number, parent);
NOTE: THIS might be better, only hitting the DOM once, up to you to determine need:
function addTagGroup(tagName, start, max, container) {
var tempContainer = document.createDocumentFragment();
var i = start;
for (i; i < max; i++) {
var el = document.createElement(tagName);
el.textContent = "Paragraph" + i;
To find out how many <p> elements there are in the document you should use DOM's length property as below :-
var numP = document.getElementsByTagName("P").length;
var div = document.getElementById("myDIV");
var numP = div.getElementsByTagName("P").length;
To get number of element inside a tag.

How do I step though an array one cell at a time using onclick?

I am new to JavaScript and am trying to create a function that changes the background color of my HTML document each time I click on a DIV. The code I have just loops though my array all the way to the end instead of one loop per click on my DIV. I know I am missing something that increments each time I click on the DIV, but can't figure out what. In my HTML document I have a DIV
<div id="autoText" onclick="moveMe()"></div>.
Here is my JavaScript so far:
var multipleColors = [];
multipleColors[0] = "red";
multipleColors[1] = "blue";
multipleColors[2] = "yellow";
function moveMe() {
for (i=0; i < multipleColors.length; i++) {
console.log("This is step " + i);[i];
I would really appreciate anyone's advice?
If you want to continue from the beginning of the after you reached its end, use %(modulo) operator:
var multipleColors = [];
multipleColors[0] = "red";
multipleColors[1] = "blue";
multipleColors[2] = "yellow";
var current = 0;
function moveMe() {
var newIdx = current % multipleColors.length; = multipleColors[newIdx];
Instead of using a loop, use a counter variable that you increase whenever the element is clicked:
var index = 0;
function moveMe() {
console.log("This is step " + index);[index];
index += 1;
If you want to continue from the beginning of the array after you reached its end, reset the variable:
var index = 0;
function moveMe() {
console.log("This is step " + index);[index];
index += 1;
if (index === multipleColors.length) {
index = 0;
try something like this
var multipleColors = [];
multipleColors[0] = "red";
multipleColors[1] = "blue";
multipleColors[2] = "yellow";
function moveMe() {[multipleColors.indexOf(])?multipleColors[multipleColors.indexOf(]:multipleColors[0];
You can keep adding the more colors in array.

assign parameter value of an object javascript

I have been looking at this code for a long time trying to figure this out, but I am having no luck. This issue is that I want to assign a value to the parameter boxId. When I click on a box in the webpage an alert will come up displaying that id. I have tried many things, but nothing seems to work. I'm a beginner, so I feel at this point there just must be something that I don't know how to do.
constructor function:
function Box (boxId, name, color, number, coordinates) {
this.boxId = boxId; = name;
this.color = color;
this.number = number;
this.coordinates = coordinates;
global variables:
var boxes = [];
var counter = 0;
var boxId = 0;
init function:
window.onload = init;
function init() {
var generateButton = document.getElementById("generateButton");
generateButton.onclick = getBoxValues;
var clearButton = document.getElementById("clearButton");
clearButton.onclick = clear;
function to get values and create new boxes:
function getBoxValues() {
var nameInput = document.getElementById("name");
var name = nameInput.value;
var numbersArray = dataForm.elements.amount;
for (var i = 0; i < numbersArray.length; i++) {
if (numbersArray[i].checked) {
number = numbersArray[i].value;
var colorSelect = document.getElementById("color");
var colorOption = colorSelect.options[colorSelect.selectedIndex];
var color = colorOption.value;
if (name == null || name == "") {
alert("Please enter a name for your box");
else {
var newbox = new Box(boxId, name, color, number, "coordinates");
var boxId = counter;
var data = document.getElementById("dataForm");
function that adds boxes to the page:
function addBox(newbox) {
for (var i = 0; i < newbox.number; i++) {
var scene = document.getElementById("scene");
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className += " " + "box";
div.innerHTML +=; = newbox.color;
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (scene.offsetWidth-101));
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (scene.offsetHeight-101)); = x + "px"; = y + "px";
div.onclick = display;
function to display alert when box is clicked:
function display(e) {
var a =;
function to clear boxes:
function clear() {
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("box");
for ( k = elems.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
var parent = elems[k].parentNode;
All of the other functions work just fine. I keep running into the id showing up as "undefined" when I click it, or the counter displaying "0" in the console log, for everything I've tried.
You can do it like this.
First, in addBox() embed boxId as an tag's attribute like this:
div.setAttribute('data-boxId', newbox.boxId);
Then in display() you can retrieve it back:
Please tell if you do not prefer this approach and I will post an alternative (closure things).
Edit: Add jsfiddle example
One more try. Perhaps if you change:
var boxId = counter;
boxId = counter;
It will then use the boxId from the outer scope instead of the one defined in the function getBoxValues()

