Change the root element of a component - javascript

VueJS allows only one root element per component. In most case that's fine to wrap the component inside a div tag but it can sometimes cause unexpected behaviors.
For instance, when using Bootstrap, if you put a div between two elements (like <b-row> and <b-col>), the layout get totally broken.
Many other elements in the framework needs to follow a specific order and that's why having one root element could be problematic.
Is there a way to dynamically set the root element?
To illustrate what i'm saying, take a look at this example:
If a have a component my-h1 like this:
<h1>Hello world</h1>
which get called here:
<div id="my-app">
<my-h1 />
The code above will output:
<div id="my-app">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
How can i get this output:
<div id="my-app">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
and at another place, this one:
<div id="my-app">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
(I know these tags doesn't make any sense, it's only for the purpose of this exemple)
I hope you see what i mean. Still have one root element, but setting it to be different, with a prop or something else :)

Just use the special <component> component which allows you to choose the component dynamically:
<component :is="is" v-bind="props">
Hello world
export default {
props: ['is', 'props'],
Usage is like so:
<my-component is="div"/>
<my-component is="p"/>

With slots you will have to replace the entire component, which I don't think you want.
The other solution will be to pass a type property to your component and do a switch (I don't know if it is compliant with vue general philosophy)
But here is an example about what I was thinking:
<template v-if="type === 'div'">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
<template v-else-if="type === 'a'">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
<template v-else-if="type === 'p'">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
<template v-else>
This is a default
export default {
props: {
type: String
Then you call your component
<component type="div|p|a|whatever"/>


white-space: pre-wrap doesn't work while passing text as a prop in Vue

I am just passing a long-text as a prop into a child component in Vue project.
child component:
<div class="story">
<p class="story__content">{{ content }}</p>
parent component:
content="Before your trip, I recommend researching the destination to find the most interesting photo opportunities.\n I always research the location I’m traveling to.\n I do this extensively and obsessively!"
I tried css like this in tag of the child component.
.story__content {
white-space: pre-wrap;
But it shows no line break but shows text as is like this:
Does anybody have a similar experience to this?
Than you in advance!
Update your code adding v-html directive to your p tag, that way the content prop is used as html code:
<div class="story">
<p class="story__content" v-html="content" />
You can read more about it here

Vue.js use slot from children's children

So I have the following example:
Here is my child component. Every other ones of the following components is based upon this.
<div class="content-box">
<div class="boxtitlecontainer titleColor">
<slot name="title">Title</slot>
<div class="insidebox boxColor">
This is one of the children.
<div class="example">
<div slot="title"><slot name="title">Title</slot></div>
This component is directly used in my App.vue. To use <slot>s, the only way i found is this one above.
My question is: Is there a more elegant way of doing this and to not stack up div-Boxes unnecessary? I mean, I can do it with no named slots. I guess that the <slot> can be showed recursivly like content -> slot(1st children) -> slot(2nd children) but i have no idea about how to do it with named slots.
Thanks in advance for any help.
instead of depending on slot for passing your content, why not use props instead?
<div class="example">
<div v-text="title">Title</div>
export default {
props: ['title']

Vue js error: Component template should contain exactly one root element

I don't know what the error is, so far I am testing through console log to check for changes after selecting a file (for uploading).
When I run $ npm run watch, i get the following error:
"Webpack is watching the files…
95% emitting
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors
error in ./resources/assets/js/components/File.vue
(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) Vue template syntax
Component template should contain exactly one root element. If you
are using v-if on multiple elements, use v-else-if to chain them
# ./resources/assets/js/components/AvatarUpload.vue 5:2-181 #
./resources/assets/js/app.js # multi ./resources/assets/js/app.js
My File.vue is
<div class="form-group">
<label for="avatar" class="control-label">Avatar</label>
<input type="file" v-on:change="fileChange" id="avatar">
<div class="help-block">
Help block here updated 4 🍸 ...
<div class="col-md-6">
<input type="hidden" name="avatar_id">
<img class="avatar" title="Current avatar">
export default{
methods: {
console.log('Test of file input change')
Any ideas on how to solve this? What is actually the error?
Note This answer only applies to version 2.x of Vue. Version 3 has lifted this restriction.
You have two root elements in your template.
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-6">
And you need one.
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-6">
Essentially in Vue you must have only one root element in your templates.
For a more complete answer:
But basically:
Currently, a VueJS template can contain only one root element (because of rendering issue)
In cases you really need to have two root elements because HTML structure does not allow you to create a wrapping parent element, you can use vue-fragment.
To install it:
npm install vue-fragment
To use it:
import Fragment from 'vue-fragment';
// or
import { Plugin } from 'vue-fragment';
Then, in your component:
<tr class="hola">
<tr class="hello">
You need to wrap all the html into one single element.
<div class="form-group">
<label for="avatar" class="control-label">Avatar</label>
<input type="file" v-on:change="fileChange" id="avatar">
<div class="help-block">
Help block here updated 4 🍸 ...
<div class="col-md-6">
<input type="hidden" name="avatar_id">
<img class="avatar" title="Current avatar">
export default{
methods: {
console.log('Test of file input change')
if, for any reasons, you don't want to add a wrapper (in my first case it was for <tr/> components), you can use a functionnal component.
Instead of having a single components/MyCompo.vue you will have few files in a components/MyCompo folder :
With this structure, the way you call your component won't change.
components/MyCompo/index.js file content :
import File from './File';
import Avatar from './Avatar';
const commonSort=(a,b)=>b-a;
export default {
functional: true,
name: 'MyCompo',
props: [ 'someProp', 'plopProp' ],
render(createElement, context) {
return [
createElement( File, { props: Object.assign({light: true, sort: commonSort},context.props) } ),
createElement( Avatar, { props: Object.assign({light: false, sort: commonSort},context.props) } )
And if you have some function or data used in both templates, passed them as properties and that's it !
I let you imagine building list of components and so much features with this pattern.
Component template should contain exactly one root element. If you are using v-if on multiple elements, use v-else-if to chain them instead.
The right approach is
<div> <!-- The root -->
The wrong approach
<template> <!-- No root Element -->
Multi Root Components
The way around to that problem is using functional components, they are components where you have to pass no reactive data means component will not be watching for any data changes as well as not updating it self when something in parent component changes.
As this is a work around it comes with a price, functional components don't have any life cycle hooks passed to it, they are instance less as well you cannot refer to this anymore and everything is passed with context.
Here is how you can create a simple functional component.
Vue.component('my-component', {
// you must set functional as true
functional: true,
// Props are optional
props: {
// ...
// To compensate for the lack of an instance,
// we are now provided a 2nd context argument.
render: function (createElement, context) {
// ...
Now that we have covered functional components in some detail lets cover how to create multi root components, for that I am gonna present you with a generic example.
<NavBarRoutes :routes="persistentNavRoutes"/>
<NavBarRoutes v-if="loggedIn" :routes="loggedInNavRoutes" />
<NavBarRoutes v-else :routes="loggedOutNavRoutes" />
Now if we take a look at NavBarRoutes template
v-for="route in routes"
<router-link :to="route">
{{ route.title }}
We cant do some thing like this we will be violating single root component restriction
Make this component functional and use render
functional: true,
render(h, { props }) {
return =>
<li key={}>
<router-link to={route}>
Here you have it you have created a multi root component, Happy coding
Reference for more details visit:
In addition to Bert and blobmaster responses:
If you need to remove the root element from the DOM you can exploit css and use display: value on the root element.
Bit of a misleading error.
What fixed it on my side was the fact that I had an additional </div> without an opening <div>.
I spotted it using Find/Replace on "div" which gave an odd number.
Wrap everything in one div and it will resolve the issue.
For example,
It is similar concept to React.js
For vue 3 they removed this constraint in template syntax :
<main v-bind="$attrs">...</main>
but it's still existing in JSX syntax :
Incorrect ❌
setup(props,{attrs}) {
return ()=>(
<main {..attrs}>...</main>
Correct ✔
setup(props,{attrs}) {
return ()=>(
<main {..attrs}>...</main>
I experienced this kind of issue and the issue was fixed by adding a main parent div tag or section if it is a section type of component.
<div class="list-of-friends">
<h3>Hello World</h3>
I was confused as I knew VueJS should only contain 1 root element and yet I was still getting this same "template syntax error Component template should contain exactly one root element..." error on an extremely simple component. Turns out I had just mispelled </template> as </tempate> and that was giving me this same error in a few files I copied and pasted. In summary, check your syntax for any mispellings in your component.
instead of using this
Vue.component('tabs', {
template: `
<div class="tabs">
<li class="is-active"><a>Pictures</a></li>
<div class="tabs-content">
you should use
Vue.component('tabs', {
template: `
<div class="tabs">
<li class="is-active"><a>Pictures</a></li>
<div class="tabs-content">
Just make sure that you have one root div and put everything inside this root
<div class="root">
<!--and put all child here --!>
<div class='child1'></div>
<div class='child2'></div>
and so on

Components and Slots approach

I have actually 2 global components one for Admin and other one for Modal. The Admin component have a child comp called Page and the Page comp have others childs. I want to pass content directly to Page comp via slots. Like this:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: { Admin, Modal }
export default {
components: { Page }
<slot name="page-header">
<h1 class="page-title">
<slot name="page-title">
Page Title
Page Body
<slot name="page-footer">
Page Footer
export default {
components: {
<div slot="page-header">
Header Test
Body Test
<div slot="page-footer">
Footer Test
I don't need to use Page as global component, Please any idea?? Hope you understand what I'm looking for...
I don't think slots are designed to do this. If you need data to be persisted between parent and children then use either props as #Belmin Bedak suggested. When you pass a prop to a component it will be available to all its children.
If you need to persist state on front-end I strongly recommend using Vuex as source of data for all components ( only use if it becomes more complex to have data scattered across components ).

Vue.js fragment instance

I seriously don't know, why the fragments is the problem.
<div id="page">
<div class="some">
[Vue warn]: Attribute "id" is ignored on component "div"
You need to wrap the contents of your template in another div. When it comes to render it, it needs the single root element to replace
<div id="page">
<div class="some">
Vue v3 now supports multi-root templates. Your code should work out-of-the-box.

