Jquery .load() only parent and ignore children - javascript

So, I am trying to load picture from another page using Jquery .load(), now the element I am trying to load has multiple children element which also load on current page, now obviously I could hide those divs but first I want to know if there's way to only grab parent div and leave out children.
I have tried using parent() method but since .load() works differently, it didn't work as intended. (Unless I missed something)
$('#myNewDiv').load('/robots .heading-image');
Here's HTML code from the other page
<div class="heading-image" style="background-image:url(imagelinkhere.png)">
<div class="heading-image_cover">
<div class="left">
<div class="heading-image title">Heading Title</div>
<div class="heading-image desc">I am a desc</div>
<div class="right">
<div class="heading-image stat">Stat text</div>
That's the code I am using right now, but .heading-image has multiple child elements as mentioned above.
To sum up, I need to load only parent element and ignore all child elements of the div mentioned above without having to load those children on current page and hide them (If possible)

From what I understand, your goal seems to be to copy the empty div to a new page, while maintaining the background image associated with the <div> tag.
The simplest approach would be to add to a stylesheet in which both of the pages can reach. For example:
$('#myNewDiv').html("<div class="heading-image"></div>");
Then in the head of both HTML documents, have <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> to point towards the correct stylesheet for both pages.

If you just want the empty <div class="heading-image"></div> you could use the load() complete callback to empty it:
$('#myNewDiv').load('/robots .heading-image', function(){
// new html exists in page now, 'this' is #myNewDiv element
If there are resources inside that element like images, videos etc that you don't want to load in page you could also parse the :
var $hImage = $(html).find('.heading-image').empty();
With all that said I don't see why you need to extract an empty element from another page and can't just do:
$('#myNewDiv').html('<div class="heading-image"></div>')


Is it possible to use a DIV instead of an iFrame so that content looks like in the same page?

I have a web page, I need part of the content separated to an individual page, but not use iframe. Just like to know if it is possible use div instead of iframe and works as it in the same page(With js base code or php code is cool).
I'd need the whole content of <div class="row-fluid">..</div> to be an individual html, but not use iframe, I will need a div instead of iframe, and make it works like just as in one page.
With PHP you can include a page inside your code inside a specific division.
for example inside index.php:
<?php include('page2.php'); ?>
and inside page2.php you have:
<span>Hello World</span>
The result would be:
<span>Hello World</span>
If what you want to achieve needs to be in the front-end as the user navigates through your site; that is after a click is made to an element and you don't want to change to another page, then AJAX is your option. this example is with Jquery:
<span class="clickme">Get Page 2</span>
<div id="insert_div">
<!-- Page 2 will be inserted here -->
Another solution is Jquery load() as many have posted:
You can use the jQuery load() method to load the content when the corresponding link is clicked. you can also use this without event clicked with animation.

Change CSS settings of a page before page changing

I'm using Jquery mobile for my mobile application. before I changing a page I want to make some CSS changes on that page. When I am setting for example adding class to id of the next page,or color change: $("#divA1").css("background-color","blue");
It change the same id on the current page (if it exist) and only then change next page. How can I set my CSS settings while on one page but load the next page with those CSS settings.
In most scenarios, jQuery Mobile loads additional pages into the DOM via ajax calls. This is a fairly fundamental part of how it works and you should insure that all markup IDs across all pages are unique.
<div id="page1" data-role="page">
<div data-role="content">
<div id="myContent1"></div>
<div id="page2" data-role="page">
<div data-role="content">
<div id="myContent2"></div>
If your pages contain similar sub-componants, consider a class instead:
<div id="page1" data-role="page">
<div data-role="content">
<div class="myContent"></div>
<div id="page2" data-role="page">
<div data-role="content">
<div class="myContent"></div>
Classes allow for selection such as $("#page1.myContent").css("background-color");
If it must be on a new page, you have three options.
You can pass a variable in the URL to test on the new page and change the CSS appropriately. eg. www.url.com?newcolor=f00
You can put a hidden form on the current page, update the values in it and pass it when you go to the next page. (Ugly way to do it but it works.)
Set a cookie. (My preferred solution, works great as long as cookies are enabled. Which, honestly, they may not be.)
However, the best option, especially on a mobile device is to keep the current framework of the page and get new content via ajax and load it into a content div on the current page.
I don't understand exactly what you're trying to do, but I would suggest you using an asynchronous ajax call to download the DOM of the next page.
Then you can apply the changes you want to that DOM, and finally you plug it into your current DOM.
An stub for that woul look like this:
$.ajax('path/to/next/page', {
async : true,
complete : function ajaxCallback(newSite) {
$item = $('YOURSELECTOR');
// Here you can make changes, such as CSS edition
$item.css({'background-color' : '#FF0000'});
// Since you want to make changes to the new site only if you did them in the first site...
if ($item.length > 0) {
$(newSite).find('YOURSELECTOR').css({'background-color' : '#FF0000'});
// Here you can append the new site to the DOM

Insert just opening HTML tags after an element?

I would like to insert a couple of opening DIV tags after the H1 element on a page, without inserting the corresponding closing tags (since the closing tags are contained in an included footer file which I don't have access to).
Existing code:
<h1>Heading One</h1>
... page content...
New code:
<h1>Heading One</h1>
<div id="foo">
<div id="baa">
... page content...
DOM methods insert the div as a complete (closed) element, 'createTextNode' inserts escaped characters and 'innerHTML' needs an element to insert into. Have even tried to insert a script element with document.write without any luck.
Any ideas (jQuery would be fine)?
The following worked:
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace('</h1>','</h1><div id="foo"><div id="baa">')
As pointed out by Asad the solution (which now seems obvious of course) is to use string methods on the HTML rather than DOM methods.
If you're dealing with DOM manipulation, use DOM manipulation methods. If you're dealing with HTML manipulation, use string manipulation methods.
h1.parentElement.innerHTML = h1.parentElement.innerHTML.replace("<h1>Heading One</h1>","<h1>Heading One</h1><div><div>");
i think this will answer your question, it is all about valid XML formation.
Forget DOM methods, insert it as a string using .replace().
Your approach is fundamentally wrong. The browser parses the DOM as it sees it, and automatically closes any tags that ought to be closed. It's impossible to use JavaScript to insert only the opening tag.
You say "the closing tags are contained in an included footer file which I don't have access to." Closed tags that haven't been opened are ignored, so as far as the DOM parser is concerned, those closing tags don't exist.
Your solution is either:
Put the opening tags in a header, or somewhere else on the server-side, or
Use JavaScript to grab ALL the following DOM elements, including the footer, and .wrap() them all in the desired divs.
This kind of practice seems a bit unorthodox, but perhaps something like this would help.
Existing HTML
<h1 id="testH1">Test H1</h1>
<div id="existingDiv">
<div id="existingDivContent">Existing Div Content</div>
<h1 id="testH1">Test H1</h1>
<div id="newDiv">
<div id="existingDiv">
<div id="existingDivContent">Existing Div Content</div>
The javascript is fairly rudimentary, but I think the concept can be applied to safely and properly achieve your goal.
$(document).ready(function() {
//-- parent node you wish to copy
var existingDiv = $('#existingDiv');
//-- new parent div node
var newDiv = $('<div id="newDiv">');
//-- where we want to insert the new parent node
var testH1 = $('#testH1');
//-- stuff our previous parent node into our new parent node
//-- insert into the DOM

image overwriting existing html objects

i tried to generate img tag with javascript
(when clicked on link, image is created)
The problem is that when the image is generated, all other objects(other images or text) are overwritten and i cannot reach them anymore
i have something like
in html
<div id="bigger">
<div id="picturediv"></div>
<div id="div for some other stuff"></div>
It should work, unless picturetag is breaking the html.
<div id="bigger">
<div id="picturediv"></div>
<div id="div for some other stuff"></div>
document.getElementById("picturediv").innerHTML="<img src='"+pictureLocation+"'>";
Assigning the innerHTML indeed "overwrites" any previous content of the element.
To append the image to the existing contents have:
document.getElementById("picturediv").innerHTML += picturetag;
Assuming picturetag contains valid HTML - if no luck please post more code especially what is picturetag and how it's created.
Try something like this:
That will append the image to the div

Better alternative to an iframe to display tab content?

I have a page with an iframe to feature the contents of the clicked tab. There are 3 tabs and 1 iframe. The sources of the contents relating to each tab clicked are formatted and coded in other html & css files.
What is another alternative to using an iframe, because I noticed that when the tab is clicked, it still shows the white background, similar to when a new page is loading?
Here's my code:
<div id="tabs">
<div id="overview">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="toframe.html">Overviews</a>
<div id="gallery">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="tawagpinoygallery.html">Gallery</a>
<div id="reviews">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="trframe.html">Reviews</a>
<div id="tabs-1">
<iframe src="toframe.html" name= "tabsa" width="95%" height="100%" frameborder="0">
The only alternative to using IFRAMEs to load dynamic content (after the page has loaded) is using AJAX to update a container on your web page. It's pretty elegant and usually faster than loading a full page structure into an IFRAME.
Ajax with JQuery (use this and you will be loved on SO; the AJAX functions are great and simple)
Ajax with Prototype
Ajax with MooTools
Standalone Ajax with Matt Kruse's AJAX toolbox (Used to use this, using JQuery today because I needed a framework)
AJAX with Dojo (Said to be fast, but AJAX is not as straightforward)
Another alternative is to use AJAX to load the content of a tab and use a div to display the content. I would suggest that using an existing Tab library might be an option rather than trying to solve all the problems associated with creating tabs.
Maybe the jQuery UI Tab might be helpful here if you like to try it.
EDIT: AJAX example with UI Tabs.
First, the HTML will look like this.
<div id="tabs">
Then make sure that you import the appropriate jQuery files:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/ui-lightness/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then add the code to create the tabs:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
There's an alternative to AJAX!
You can load ALL three possible contents into separate DIVs.
Then clicking on a tab will simply make the display attribute of the appropriate content's DIV "block" while making the other two DIVs' display property "none".
Cheap, easy, does not require AJAX costs for extra http request or for coding.
Mind you, AJAX is a better solution if the contents of the tabs will change dynamically based on other data as opposed to being known at the time the page loads.
You don't need script.
<ul><li>foo link<li>bar link</ul>
<div class="tab" id="foo">foo contents</div>
<div class="tab" id="bar">bar contents</div>
Plus this CSS, in most browsers: .tab:not(:target) { display: none !important; }, which defaults to all content visible if :target isn't supported (any modern browser supports it).
If you're showing content with script, always hide it with script. Let it degrade gracefully if that script doesn't run.
It's probably better to load in the content for each tab into DIVs on the same page and then switch the visibility of each DIV when a tab button is clicked using JavaScript and the CSS display property.
If you can't do that then iframe is probably the best solution. You can make the iframe background transparent, see below:
<iframe src="toframe.html" name= "tabsa" width="95%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
You would then need to add the following CSS to the BODY element using:
BODY { Background: transparent; }
The HTML iframe is to be used to include/display non-template content, such as a PDF file. It's considered bad practice when used for template content (i.e. HTML), in both the SEO and UX opinions.
In your case you just want to have a tabbed panel. This can be solved in several ways:
Have a bunch of links as tabs and a bunch of div's as tab contents. Initially only show the first tab content and hide all others using CSS display: none;. Use JavaScript to toggle between tabs by setting CSS display: block; (show) and display: none; (hide) on the tab content divs accordingly.
Have a bunch of links as tabs and one div as tab contents. Use Ajax to get the tab content asynchronously and use JavaScript to replace the current tab contents with the new content.
Have a bunch of links as tabs and one div as tab contents. Let each link send a different GET request parameter or pathinfo representing the clicked tab. Use server-side flow-control (PHP's if(), or JSP's <c:if>, etc) or include capabilities (PHP's include(), or JSP's <jsp:include>, etc) to include the desired tab content depending on the parameter/pathinfo.
When going for the JavaScript based approach, I can warmly recommend to adopt jQuery for this.
This is jQuery example that includes another html page into your document. This is much more SEO friendly than iframe. In order to be sure that the bots are not indexing the included page just add it to disallow in robots.txt
<script src="/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript">
<div id='include-from-outside'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
You could also include jQuery directly from Google: http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlibs/documentation/ - this means optional auto-inclusion of newer versions and some significant speed increase. Also, means that you have to trust them for delivering you just the jQuery ;)
As mentioned, you could use jQuery or another library to retrieve the contents of the HTML file and populate it into the div. Then you could even do a fancy fade to make it look all pretty.
Something along these lines:
$.get("toframe.html", function(data){
you could prepopulate or onclick you could do the get dynamically
$("#tabs a").click(function(){
var pagetoget = $(this).attr("href");
If you prepopulate could have three containers instead of the one you have now, 2 hidden, 1 display, and the click functions will hide them all except for the one you want.
The get is less code though, easier time.

