image overwriting existing html objects - javascript

i tried to generate img tag with javascript
(when clicked on link, image is created)
The problem is that when the image is generated, all other objects(other images or text) are overwritten and i cannot reach them anymore
i have something like
in html
<div id="bigger">
<div id="picturediv"></div>
<div id="div for some other stuff"></div>

It should work, unless picturetag is breaking the html.
<div id="bigger">
<div id="picturediv"></div>
<div id="div for some other stuff"></div>
document.getElementById("picturediv").innerHTML="<img src='"+pictureLocation+"'>";

Assigning the innerHTML indeed "overwrites" any previous content of the element.
To append the image to the existing contents have:
document.getElementById("picturediv").innerHTML += picturetag;
Assuming picturetag contains valid HTML - if no luck please post more code especially what is picturetag and how it's created.

Try something like this:
That will append the image to the div


Jquery .load() only parent and ignore children

So, I am trying to load picture from another page using Jquery .load(), now the element I am trying to load has multiple children element which also load on current page, now obviously I could hide those divs but first I want to know if there's way to only grab parent div and leave out children.
I have tried using parent() method but since .load() works differently, it didn't work as intended. (Unless I missed something)
$('#myNewDiv').load('/robots .heading-image');
Here's HTML code from the other page
<div class="heading-image" style="background-image:url(imagelinkhere.png)">
<div class="heading-image_cover">
<div class="left">
<div class="heading-image title">Heading Title</div>
<div class="heading-image desc">I am a desc</div>
<div class="right">
<div class="heading-image stat">Stat text</div>
That's the code I am using right now, but .heading-image has multiple child elements as mentioned above.
To sum up, I need to load only parent element and ignore all child elements of the div mentioned above without having to load those children on current page and hide them (If possible)
From what I understand, your goal seems to be to copy the empty div to a new page, while maintaining the background image associated with the <div> tag.
The simplest approach would be to add to a stylesheet in which both of the pages can reach. For example:
$('#myNewDiv').html("<div class="heading-image"></div>");
Then in the head of both HTML documents, have <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> to point towards the correct stylesheet for both pages.
If you just want the empty <div class="heading-image"></div> you could use the load() complete callback to empty it:
$('#myNewDiv').load('/robots .heading-image', function(){
// new html exists in page now, 'this' is #myNewDiv element
If there are resources inside that element like images, videos etc that you don't want to load in page you could also parse the :
var $hImage = $(html).find('.heading-image').empty();
With all that said I don't see why you need to extract an empty element from another page and can't just do:
$('#myNewDiv').html('<div class="heading-image"></div>')

I can't put external javascript inside a div

I've got some pretty simple HTML, a photo and some text but I want to put a javascript element between them. This element is a countdown timer and can be inserted using external javascript.
I have a codepen with the HTML, inline css, and javascript here:
<div class="kanye-wrapper">
<div class="kanye-photo">
<img src="">
<div class="kanye-timer">
<script src="js/kanye.js"></script>
<div class="kanye-link">
See why
I've done hours of Googling and trying things. Could some please tell me how I can get the javascript timer inside the "kanye-timer" div?
Instead of $(document.body).append($r.cvs);, try $('.kanye-timer').append($r.cvs);
This tells the JS to append the timer to the div, rather that just placing it at the end of the document
Your initialization code creates a canvas object that is never attached to any DOM document. The JavaScript snippet doesn't have to be included in line. But you can have a container where you want the canvas to be:
<div class="kanye-wrapper">
<div class="kanye-photo">
<img src="">
<div class="kanye-timer" id="timercontainer">
<div class="kanye-link">
See why
<script src="js/kanye.js"></script>
Now within your kanye.js, write something like this:
Of course this is not portable code. Once you make it work you can externalize the container ID as a parameter.

How append html in a <div>

I have a div in my html page with a id:
<div id="home">
I need to put some html like a link so I use jquery and my code is:
$('#home').add('<a href=..../a>);
The problem is that if I go control the DOM with google chrome I can see the element in the div but I can't see the link the page.Anyone can help me?
Use append() to append content to the div.
$('#home').append('<a href=..../a>');

Show all dropzone errors instead of one at a time [duplicate]

I have this HTML:
<div class="region-list" id="region_North_America">
<strong>North America</strong>
and want to add more divs after the strong element to result:
<div class="region-list" id="region_North_America">
<strong>North America</strong>
<div> ... </div>
<div> ... </div>
<div> ... </div>
I am trying this:
var row_str = '<div>content here</div>';
$('#region_North_America div:last').html(row_str);
However, there is no change to the html. This is probably so since there is no div within the element selected.
I know that the js is making it to this code because I can print the content of row_str to the console.
So, how can I get to the end of that container element to add the new items?
using append().
$("<div>content here</div>").appendTo("#region_North_America");
To create the element on the fly, and place it in the document.
Using the appendTo method.
Your code will just place html in the last div within #region_North_America. Use the append function.

Insert just opening HTML tags after an element?

I would like to insert a couple of opening DIV tags after the H1 element on a page, without inserting the corresponding closing tags (since the closing tags are contained in an included footer file which I don't have access to).
Existing code:
<h1>Heading One</h1>
... page content...
New code:
<h1>Heading One</h1>
<div id="foo">
<div id="baa">
... page content...
DOM methods insert the div as a complete (closed) element, 'createTextNode' inserts escaped characters and 'innerHTML' needs an element to insert into. Have even tried to insert a script element with document.write without any luck.
Any ideas (jQuery would be fine)?
The following worked:
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace('</h1>','</h1><div id="foo"><div id="baa">')
As pointed out by Asad the solution (which now seems obvious of course) is to use string methods on the HTML rather than DOM methods.
If you're dealing with DOM manipulation, use DOM manipulation methods. If you're dealing with HTML manipulation, use string manipulation methods.
h1.parentElement.innerHTML = h1.parentElement.innerHTML.replace("<h1>Heading One</h1>","<h1>Heading One</h1><div><div>");
i think this will answer your question, it is all about valid XML formation.
Forget DOM methods, insert it as a string using .replace().
Your approach is fundamentally wrong. The browser parses the DOM as it sees it, and automatically closes any tags that ought to be closed. It's impossible to use JavaScript to insert only the opening tag.
You say "the closing tags are contained in an included footer file which I don't have access to." Closed tags that haven't been opened are ignored, so as far as the DOM parser is concerned, those closing tags don't exist.
Your solution is either:
Put the opening tags in a header, or somewhere else on the server-side, or
Use JavaScript to grab ALL the following DOM elements, including the footer, and .wrap() them all in the desired divs.
This kind of practice seems a bit unorthodox, but perhaps something like this would help.
Existing HTML
<h1 id="testH1">Test H1</h1>
<div id="existingDiv">
<div id="existingDivContent">Existing Div Content</div>
<h1 id="testH1">Test H1</h1>
<div id="newDiv">
<div id="existingDiv">
<div id="existingDivContent">Existing Div Content</div>
The javascript is fairly rudimentary, but I think the concept can be applied to safely and properly achieve your goal.
$(document).ready(function() {
//-- parent node you wish to copy
var existingDiv = $('#existingDiv');
//-- new parent div node
var newDiv = $('<div id="newDiv">');
//-- where we want to insert the new parent node
var testH1 = $('#testH1');
//-- stuff our previous parent node into our new parent node
//-- insert into the DOM

