Race conditions when fetching, updating, and deleting documents using Firebase with AngularFire - javascript

I've come across an issue that I'm having difficulty solving. There are two issues both of which appear to be caused by race conditions.
1.) The drawPoll() function is getting executed before the this.poll.choices are done appending. I confirmed that this is the issue by manually adding a 3 second setTimeout(). How do I make sure the drawPoll() function only executes after the choices.ForEach() iteration is complete?
2.) When calling the vote(choiceId) function and decrementing a choice the firebaseService observable does not pick up the correct value for "votes" because the observable kicks in before the vote deletion has finished executing. How do I re-arrange my code so that the observable waits until the vote document deletion is complete?
I tried to wrap the choices.forEach iteration in a promise but had difficulty getting this to work. And I wasn't sure where to even start to do a promise chain for the decrementChoice() and getChoices() since the getChoices() function doesn't always rely on the decrementChoice or incrementChoice() function when it's initilaized. It only relies on those when a vote is casted. Attached is my component and firebase service. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import * as Chart from 'chart.js';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { FirebaseService } from '../services/firebase.service';
import { first } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '#angular/core';
import { CardModule } from 'primeng/card';
selector: 'app-poll',
templateUrl: './poll.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./poll.component.scss']
export class PollComponent implements OnInit {
votes:[] = [];
labels:string[] = [];
title:string = "";
isDrawn:boolean = false;
inputChoices:any = [];
username:string = "";
pollKey: string;
editEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
deleteEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
constructor(private firebaseService: FirebaseService) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.firebaseService.getPoll(this.pollKey).subscribe(pollDoc => {
// ToDo: draw poll choices on create without breaking vote listener
console.log("details?", pollDoc);
// Return if subscription was triggered due to poll deletion
if (!pollDoc.payload.exists) {
const pollData:any = pollDoc.payload.data();
this.poll = {
id: pollDoc.payload.id,
helperText: pollData.helperText,
pollType: pollData.pollType,
scoringType: pollData.scoringType,
user: pollData.user
if (this.poll.pollType == 1) {
this.title = "Who Do I Start?";
if (this.poll.pollType == 2) {
this.title = "Who Do I Drop?";
if (this.poll.pollType == 3) {
this.title = "Who Do I Pick Up?";
if (this.poll.pollType == 4) {
this.title = "Who Wins This Trade?";
// Populate username and user points
this.firebaseService.getUser(pollData.user).subscribe((user:any) => {
const userDetails = user.payload._document.proto;
if (userDetails) {
this.username = userDetails.fields.username.stringValue;
this.points = userDetails.fields.points.integerValue;
this.firebaseService.getChoices(this.pollKey).pipe(first()).subscribe(choices => {
console.log("get choices");
this.poll.choices = [];
choices.forEach(choice => {
const choiceData:any = choice.payload.doc.data();
const choiceKey:any = choice.payload.doc.id;
this.firebaseService.getVotes(choiceKey).pipe(first()).subscribe((votes: any) => {
id: choiceKey,
text: choiceData.text,
votes: votes.length
this.firebaseService.getVotes(choiceKey).subscribe((votes: any) => {
if (this.isDrawn) {
const selectedChoice = this.poll.choices.find((choice) => {
return choice.id == choiceKey
selectedChoice.votes = votes.length;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
drawPoll() {
if (this.isDrawn) {
this.chart.data.datasets[0].data = this.poll.choices.map(choice => choice.votes);
this.chart.data.datasets[0].label = this.poll.choices.map(choice => choice.text);
if (!this.isDrawn) {
console.log("text?", this.poll.choices.map(choice => choice.text));
this.inputChoices = this.poll.choices;
var canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement> document.getElementById(this.pollKey);
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
this.chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'horizontalBar',
data: {
labels: this.poll.choices.map(choice => choice.text),
datasets: [{
label: this.title,
data: this.poll.choices.map(choice => choice.votes),
fill: false,
backgroundColor: [
"rgba(255, 4, 40, 0.2)",
"rgba(19, 32, 98, 0.2)",
"rgba(255, 4, 40, 0.2)",
"rgba(19, 32, 98, 0.2)",
"rgba(255, 4, 40, 0.2)",
"rgba(19, 32, 98, 0.2)"
borderColor: [
"rgb(255, 4, 40)",
"rgb(19, 32, 98)",
"rgb(255, 4, 40)",
"rgb(19, 32, 98)",
"rgb(255, 4, 40)",
"rgb(19, 32, 98)",
borderWidth: 1
options: {
events: ["touchend", "click", "mouseout"],
onClick: function(e) {
console.log("clicked!", e);
tooltips: {
enabled: true
title: {
display: true,
text: this.title,
fontSize: 14,
fontColor: '#666'
legend: {
display: false
maintainAspectRatio: true,
responsive: true,
scales: {
xAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true,
precision: 0
this.isDrawn = true;
vote(choiceId) {
if (choiceId) {
const choiceInput:any = document.getElementById(choiceId);
const checked = choiceInput.checked;
this.poll.choices.forEach(choice => {
const choiceEl:any = document.getElementById(choice.id);
if (choiceId !== choiceEl.id && checked) choiceEl.disabled = true;
if (!checked) choiceEl.disabled = false;
if (checked) this.firebaseService.incrementChoice(choiceId);
if (!checked) this.firebaseService.decrementChoice(choiceId);
edit() {
delete() {
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { AngularFirestore } from '#angular/fire/firestore';
import { map, switchMap, first } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Observable, from } from 'rxjs';
import * as firebase from 'firebase';
import { AngularFireAuth } from '#angular/fire/auth';
providedIn: 'root'
export class FirebaseService {
// Source: https://github.com/AngularTemplates/angular-firebase-crud/blob/master/src/app/services/firebase.service.ts
constructor(public db: AngularFirestore, private afAuth: AngularFireAuth) { }
getPoll(pollKey) {
return this.db.collection('polls').doc(pollKey).snapshotChanges();
getChoices(pollKey) {
return this.db.collection('choices', ref => ref.where('poll', '==', pollKey)).snapshotChanges();
incrementChoice(choiceKey) {
const userId = this.afAuth.auth.currentUser.uid;
const choiceDoc:any = this.db.collection('choices').doc(choiceKey);
// Check if user voted already
choiceDoc.ref.get().then(choice => {
let pollKey = choice.data().poll
this.db.collection('votes').snapshotChanges().pipe(first()).subscribe((votes:any) => {
let filteredVote = votes.filter((vote) => {
const searchedPollKey = vote.payload.doc._document.proto.fields.poll.stringValue;
const searchedChoiceKey = vote.payload.doc._document.proto.fields.choice.stringValue;
const searchedUserKey = vote.payload.doc._document.proto.fields.user.stringValue;
return (searchedPollKey == pollKey && searchedChoiceKey == choiceKey && searchedUserKey == userId);
if (filteredVote.length) {
// This person aleady voted
return false;
} else {
let votes = choice.data().votes
votes: ++votes
const userDoc:any = this.db.collection('users').doc(userId);
userDoc.ref.get().then(user => {
let points = user.data().points
points: ++points
choiceKey: choiceKey,
pollKey: pollKey,
userKey: userId
decrementChoice(choiceKey) {
const choiceDoc:any = this.db.collection('choices').doc(choiceKey);
const userId = this.afAuth.auth.currentUser.uid;
choiceDoc.ref.get().then(choice => {
let pollKey = choice.data().poll
let votes = choice.data().votes
votes: --votes
const userDoc:any = this.db.collection('users').doc(userId);
userDoc.ref.get().then(user => {
let points = user.data().points
points: --points
// Find & delete vote
this.db.collection('votes').snapshotChanges().pipe(first()).subscribe((votes:any) => {
let filteredVote = votes.filter((vote) => {
const searchedPollKey = vote.payload.doc._document.proto.fields.poll.stringValue;
const searchedChoiceKey = vote.payload.doc._document.proto.fields.choice.stringValue;
const searchedUserKey = vote.payload.doc._document.proto.fields.user.stringValue;
return (searchedPollKey == pollKey && searchedChoiceKey == choiceKey && searchedUserKey == userId);
createVote(value) {
choice: value.choiceKey,
poll: value.pollKey,
user: value.userKey
}).then(vote => {
console.log("Vote created successfully", vote);
}).catch(err => {
console.log("Error creating vote", err);
deleteVote(voteKey) {
this.db.collection('votes').doc(voteKey).delete().then((vote) => {
console.log("Vote deleted successfully");
}).catch(err => {
console.log("Error deleting vote", err);
getVotes(choiceKey) {
return this.db.collection('votes', ref => ref.where('choice', '==', choiceKey)).snapshotChanges().pipe(first());
** UPDATE **
I was able to solve issue #2 by creating a separate subcription just for vote updates. The code feels rather cumberson but at-least now #2 is no longer an issue. I'm still encountering the same issue though with #1 where the drawPoll() function is getting executed before this.poll.choices are done iterating and appending. I updated the question to reflect my updated code.


How to override a owl function in odoo?

I want to override a function in companyService but have no idea how to do it.
Here is the code in company_service.js and I want to override the start function.
/** #odoo-module **/
import { browser } from "#web/core/browser/browser";
import { registry } from "#web/core/registry";
import { symmetricalDifference } from "#web/core/utils/arrays";
import { session } from "#web/session";
function parseCompanyIds(cidsFromHash) {
const cids = [];
if (typeof cidsFromHash === "string") {
} else if (typeof cidsFromHash === "number") {
return cids;
function computeAllowedCompanyIds(cids) {
const { user_companies } = session;
let allowedCompanyIds = cids || [];
const availableCompaniesFromSession = user_companies.allowed_companies;
const notReallyAllowedCompanies = allowedCompanyIds.filter(
(id) => !(id in availableCompaniesFromSession)
if (!allowedCompanyIds.length || notReallyAllowedCompanies.length) {
allowedCompanyIds = [user_companies.current_company];
return allowedCompanyIds;
export const companyService = {
dependencies: ["user", "router", "cookie"],
start(env, { user, router, cookie }) {
let cids;
if ("cids" in router.current.hash) {
cids = parseCompanyIds(router.current.hash.cids);
} else if ("cids" in cookie.current) {
cids = parseCompanyIds(cookie.current.cids);
let allowedCompanyIds = Object.values(session.user_companies.allowed_companies).map(company => company.id);
const stringCIds = allowedCompanyIds.join(",");
router.replaceState({ cids: stringCIds }, { lock: true });
cookie.setCookie("cids", stringCIds);
user.updateContext({ allowed_company_ids: allowedCompanyIds });
const availableCompanies = session.user_companies.allowed_companies;
return {
get allowedCompanyIds() {
return allowedCompanyIds.slice();
get currentCompany() {
return availableCompanies[allowedCompanyIds[0]];
setCompanies(mode, ...companyIds) {
// compute next company ids
let nextCompanyIds;
if (mode === "toggle") {
nextCompanyIds = symmetricalDifference(allowedCompanyIds, companyIds);
} else if (mode === "loginto") {
const companyId = companyIds[0];
if (allowedCompanyIds.length === 1) {
// 1 enabled company: stay in single company mode
nextCompanyIds = [companyId];
} else {
// multi company mode
nextCompanyIds = [
...allowedCompanyIds.filter((id) => id !== companyId),
nextCompanyIds = nextCompanyIds.length ? nextCompanyIds : [companyIds[0]];
// apply them
router.pushState({ cids: nextCompanyIds }, { lock: true });
cookie.setCookie("cids", nextCompanyIds);
browser.setTimeout(() => browser.location.reload()); // history.pushState is a little async
registry.category("services").remove("company").add("company", companyService);
You can use the patch utility
However, there are situations for which it is not sufficient. In those cases, we may need to modify an object or a class in place. To achieve that, Odoo provides the utility function patch. It is mostly useful to override/update the behavior of some other component/piece of code that one does not control.
/** #odoo-module **/
import { patch } from "#web/core/utils/patch";
import { companyService } from "#web/webclient/company_service";
patch(companyService, 'module_name.companyService', {
start(env, { user, router, cookie }) {
return this._super(env, { user, router, cookie });

Yields "TypeError: Cannot read property 'xxxx' of undefined" after running jest with Vue

I'm trying to make a test using jest with Vue.
the details below.
Can't mount using shallowMount option.
Run the test after mounting the component using shallowMount option that provides in Vue-test-utils.
Throw error "Cannot read property 'XXXX' of undefined
This is my test code.
import myComponent from '#/~';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import Vuelidate from 'vuelidate';
import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '#vue/test-utils';
const localVue = createLocalVue();
describe('myComponent~', () => {
let store;
beforeEach(() => {
store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
user: {
namespaced: true,
getters: {
profile: () => {
const profile = { name: 'blahblah' };
return profile;
describe('profile.name is "blahblah"', () => {
it('return something~', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(myComponent, {
mocks: {
$api: {
options: {
testMethod() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
$i18n: {
t() {
return {
EN: 'EN',
KO: 'KO',
JP: 'JA',
SC: 'zh-CN',
TC: 'tw-CN',
I think the problem is that property isn't set as a specified value or an empty value like an array or object.
But I don't know how I set properly the properties in my logic.
For example,
when the error yields "Cannot read property 'images' of undefined",
I add to a wrapper in the relevant method like this.
exampleMethod() {
this.something = this.something.map(item => {
if (item.detailContent.images) { // <-- the added wrapper is here
But the undefined properties are so many, I also think this way is not proper.
How I do solve this problem?
These are details about the above example method:
exampleMethod() {
this.something = this.something.map(item => {
let passValidation = false;
let failValidation = false;
if (item.detailContent.images) {
if (this.detail.showLanguages.includes(item.code)) {
if (this.configId !== 'OPTION1') {
item.detailContent.images = item.detailContent.images.map(element => {
return {
required: true,
checkValidationPass = true;
} else {
if (this.configId !== 'OPTION1') {
item.detailContent.images = item.detailContent.images.map(element => {
return {
required: false,
checkValidationPass = false;
return {
required: passValidation,
warning: failValidation,
if (this.configId === 'OPTION2') {
} else if (this.configId === 'OPTION3') {
} else {
And this is 'this.something':
data() {
return {
something: []
The detailContent is set here.
setMethod() {
this.something = [
this.something = this.something.map(item => {
let details1 = {};
if (this.configId === 'OPTION2') {
details1 = {
images: [
{ deviceType: 'PC', titleList: [null, null], imageType: 'IMAGE' },
{ deviceType: 'MOBILE', titleList: [null, null, null] }
} else if (this.configId === 'OPTION3') {
details1 = {
images: [
{ deviceType: 'PC' },
{ deviceType: 'MOBILE' }
links: { linkType: 'EMPTY' },
let details2 = {
mainTitle: {
content: null,
let checkValidation = false;
this.detail.detailLanguages.forEach(element => {
if (element.language === item.code) {
details1 = { ...element };
if (!!element.mainTitle) {
details2 = { ...element };
} else {
details2 = {
if (this.configId !== 'OPTION1') {
details1.images = details1.images.map(image => {
return {
required: true,
checkValidation = true;
return {
detailContent: this.configId !== 'OPTION1' ? details1 : details2,
required: false,
warning: false,

JS: Stub a method to do unit test via testdouble

I'm trying to 'stub' a method via testdoubleJS to do a unit test for this method (doing npm test). It is the first time I'm doing this, so it is still hard to understand for me.
For my attempt - shown below - I do get the error TypeError: mediaAddImagePoint.run is not a function
This is how my method I want to test looks like:
import { ValidatedMethod } from 'meteor/mdg:validated-method'
import { LoggedInMixin } from 'meteor/tunifight:loggedin-mixin'
import { Media } from '/imports/api/media/collection.js'
const mediaAddImagePoint = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'media.point.add',
mixins: [LoggedInMixin],
checkLoggedInError: { error: 'notLogged' },
validate: null,
run ({ id, x, y }) {
{ _id: id },
$push: {
'meta.points': {
id: Random.id(),
And this is how I'm trying to test this method via testdouble:
import { expect } from 'chai'
import td from 'testdouble'
describe('media.point.add', function () {
describe('mediaAddImagePoint', function () {
let Media = td.object(['update'])
let ValidatedMethod = td.function()
let LoggedInMixin = td.function()
let mediaAddImagePoint
beforeEach(function () {
td.replace('meteor/mdg:validated-method', { ValidatedMethod })
td.replace('meteor/tunifight:loggedin-mixin', { LoggedInMixin })
td.replace('/imports/api/media/collection.js', { Media })
mediaAddImagePoint = require('../../imports/api/media/methods/imagePoints.js').mediaAddImagePoint
afterEach(function () {
it('should add image point', function () {
const query = { id: 'sampleID', x: 12, y: 34 }

How do I unit test a init() function with Jasmine?

I'm trying to write a unit test for an init function and I'm getting an error where I am calling collectionReport.init() in the test....
TypeError: undefined is not an object
This is the code I am trying to test...
class CollectionsReport {
constructor({ editCollectionsId, hasCollections}) {
this.editCollectionsId = editCollectionsId;
this.hasCollections = hasCollections
init({ id, name }) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
// need to test this
if (this.hasCollections) {
this.collection = this.collections.find(c => c.staticId === 'CAR-COLLECTION');
And this is my test so far
describe('CollectionsReport', () => {
const collectionArgs = {
editCollectionsId: jasmine.createSpy(),
hasCollections: false,
const collections = [
id: 1,
name: 'foo',
id: 2,
name: 'bar',
let collectionReport;
beforeEach(() => {
collectionReport = new CollectionsReport(collectionArgs);
describe('.init()', () => {
it('should test hasCollections', () => {
//test this.hasCollections here
I'm sure its a mess, so please comment on how to fix and improve it.
Not sure what is the purpose of the CollectionsReport class, but maybe this will lead you to the right direction:
class CollectionsReport {
constructor({ editCollectionsId, hasCollections}) {
this.editCollectionsId = editCollectionsId
this.hasCollections = hasCollections
init({ collections, staticId }) {
this.hasCollections = !!collections.find(c => c.staticId === staticId)
describe('CollectionsReport', () => {
const collectionArgs = {
editCollectionsId: jasmine.createSpy(), // Not really using it
hasCollections: false
const collections = [
id: 1,
name: 'foo',
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'bar',
describe('.init()', () => {
let collectionReport
beforeEach(() => {
collectionReport = new CollectionsReport(collectionArgs)
it('should test hasCollections', () => {
collectionReport.init({ collections, staticId: 'CAR-COLLECTIONS' })
it('should test hasCollections', () => {
collectionReport.init({ collections, staticId: 'SOMETHING-ELSE' })

GraphQL Validation Error on mutation

I am trying to set up a mutation with modified code from the Relay Todo example.
When I try to compile I get the following error:
-- GraphQL Validation Error -- AddCampaignMutation --
File: /Users/me/docker/relay/examples/todo/js/mutations/AddCampaignMutation.js
Error: Cannot query field "addCampaign" on type "Mutation".
> mutation AddCampaignMutation {addCampaign}
> ^^^
-- GraphQL Validation Error -- AddCampaignMutation --
File: /Users/me/docker/relay/examples/todo/js/mutations/AddCampaignMutation.js
Error: Unknown type "AddCampaignPayload". Did you mean "AddTodoPayload" or "RenameTodoPayload"?
> fragment AddCampaignMutationRelayQL on AddCampaignPayload #relay(pattern: true) {
> ^^
I have duplicated the Todo code so I don't know why the Todo mutation is working correctly but my new Campaign test isn't.
This is my database.js file, I have removed the Todo related items to make the document easier to read:
export class Campaign {}
export class User {}
// Mock authenticated ID
const VIEWER_ID = 'me';
// Mock user data
const viewer = new User();
viewer.id = VIEWER_ID;
const usersById = {
[VIEWER_ID]: viewer,
// Mock campaign data
const campaignsById = {};
const campaignIdsByUser = {
[VIEWER_ID]: [],
let nextCampaignId = 0;
export function addCampaign(text) {
const campaign = new Campaign();
//campaign.complete = !!complete;
campaign.id = `${nextCampaignId++}`;
campaign.text = text;
campaignsById[campaign.id] = campaign;
return campaign.id;
export function getCampaign(id) {
return campaignsById[id];
export function getCampaigns(status = 'any') {
const campaigns = campaignIdsByUser[VIEWER_ID].map(id => campaignsById[id]);
if (status === 'any') {
return campaigns;
return campaigns.filter(campaign => campaign.complete === (status === 'completed'));
This is my schema.js file, again I have removed the Todo related items to make the document easier to read:
import {
} from 'graphql';
import {
} from 'graphql-relay';
import {
} from './database';
const {nodeInterface, nodeField} = nodeDefinitions(
(globalId) => {
const {type, id} = fromGlobalId(globalId);
if (type === 'User') {
return getUser(id);
} else if (type === 'Campaign') {
return getCampaign(id);
return null;
(obj) => {
if (obj instanceof User) {
return GraphQLUser;
} else if (obj instanceof Campaign) {
return GraphQLCampaign;
return null;
* Define your own connection types here
const GraphQLAddCampaignMutation = mutationWithClientMutationId({
name: 'AddCampaign',
inputFields: {
text: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString) },
outputFields: {
campaignEdge: {
type: GraphQLCampaignEdge,
resolve: ({localCampaignId}) => {
const campaign = getCampaign(localCampaignId);
return {
cursor: cursorForObjectInConnection(getCampaigns(), campaign),
node: campaign,
viewer: {
type: GraphQLUser,
resolve: () => getViewer(),
mutateAndGetPayload: ({text}) => {
const localCampaignId = addCampaign(text);
return {localCampaignId};
const GraphQLCampaign = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Campaign',
description: 'Campaign integrated in our starter kit',
fields: () => ({
id: globalIdField('Campaign'),
text: {
type: GraphQLString,
description: 'Name of the campaign',
resolve: (obj) => obj.text,
interfaces: [nodeInterface]
const {
connectionType: CampaignsConnection,
edgeType: GraphQLCampaignEdge,
} = connectionDefinitions({
name: 'Campaign',
nodeType: GraphQLCampaign,
const GraphQLUser = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'User',
fields: {
id: globalIdField('User'),
campaigns: {
type: CampaignsConnection,
args: {
resolve: (obj, {...args}) =>
connectionFromArray(getCampaigns(), args),
totalCount: {
type: GraphQLInt,
resolve: () => getTodos().length,
completedCount: {
type: GraphQLInt,
resolve: () => getTodos('completed').length,
interfaces: [nodeInterface],
const Root = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Root',
fields: {
viewer: {
type: GraphQLUser,
resolve: () => getViewer(),
node: nodeField,
This is my AddCampaignMutation.js file:
import Relay from 'react-relay';
export default class AddCampaignMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
static fragments = {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on User {
getMutation() {
return Relay.QL`mutation{addCampaign}`;
getFatQuery() {
return Relay.QL`
fragment on AddCampaignPayload #relay(pattern: true) {
viewer {
getConfigs() {
return [{
type: 'RANGE_ADD',
parentName: 'viewer',
parentID: this.props.viewer.id,
connectionName: 'campaigns',
edgeName: 'campaignEdge',
rangeBehaviors: ({orderby}) => {
if (orderby === 'newest') {
return 'prepend';
} else {
return 'append';
//rangeBehaviors: ({status}) => {
// if (status === 'completed') {
// return 'ignore';
// } else {
// return 'append';
// }
getVariables() {
return {
text: this.props.text,
getOptimisticResponse() {
return {
// FIXME: totalCount gets updated optimistically, but this edge does not
// get added until the server responds
campaignEdge: {
node: {
text: this.props.text,
viewer: {
id: this.props.viewer.id,
totalCount: this.props.viewer.totalCount + 1,
And finally this is the app file that contains my text input and the call to AddCampaignMutation:
import AddTodoMutation from '../mutations/AddTodoMutation';
import AddCampaignMutation from '../mutations/AddCampaignMutation';
import TodoListFooter from './TodoListFooter';
import TodoTextInput from './TodoTextInput';
import React from 'react';
import Relay from 'react-relay';
class TodoApp extends React.Component {
_handleTextInputSave = (text) => {
new AddTodoMutation({text, viewer: this.props.viewer})
_campaignHandleTextInputSave = (text) => {
new AddCampaignMutation({text, viewer: this.props.viewer})
render() {
const hasTodos = this.props.viewer.totalCount > 0;
return (
<section className="todoapp">
<header className="header">
placeholder="Campaign name"
placeholder="What needs to be done?"
{hasTodos &&
export default Relay.createContainer(TodoApp, {
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on User {
Well I feel a bit silly but I found out what the problem was. I didn't realise that my schema.json file was not updating!
If anyone has a similar problem make sure that the schema.json file is up to date by running the following command to rebuild it:
npm run-script update-schema

