Trim tweets from plugin - javascript

I am using this Wordpress plugin
I would like to trim the Tweets to 120 characters.
I have no JS skills and very little php - I tried this which I found but I don't know if it's relevant at all.
$twitter_feed = (strlen($twitter_feed) > 120) ? substr($twitter_feed,0,10).'...' : $twitter_feed;
enter code here
I also attempted to edit my working code for trimming my post titles to suit which did not work.
function custom_trim_my_tweet( $twitter_feed ) {
global $uncode_vc_index;
if ( is_singular() && !$uncode_vc_index )
return $twitter_feed;
$twitter_feed = wp_trim_words( $twitter_feed, 9 );
return $twitter_feed;
add_filter( 'ctf-tweet-text', 'custom_trim_my_tweet' );

To trim the text using JavaScript:
First you have to select the element using a css selector. It's easiest if you can select the elements using an element id, like so:
var tweet = document.getElementById("my_tweet_id");
Then you can grab the text content of the element with element.innerText
var tweetText = tweet.innerText;
Then you can simple cut the length of the text inside the element using string.substring()
tweet.innerText = tweetText.substring(0, 120);
I honestly think you should try to fix this at the plugin/wordpress/php level rather than cutting text in JavaScript. But if that's what you want to do, then the above methos would work.
In case the tweet elements do not have unique ID's you will have to select all of them and then loop through each and perform the text-cutting. I'll give you an example of how to do that:
You might have to be a bit creative with your css selectors depending on how the tweets are displayed.
In my example I will assume that you have a div with the ID 'tweets' that then holds five separate div elements, one for each tweet, that all have the same class of 'single-tweet'.
First we get all the 'single-tweet' elements:
var tweets = document.querySelectorAll('#tweets .single-tweet');
tweets now contain a node list of the five 'single-tweet' divs.
Then we loop through them with .forEach() and do the text-cutting on each element.
tweets.forEach( (tweet) => {
tweet.innerText = tweet.innerText.substring(0, 120);
Now all of the 'single-tweet' elements will contain what's left after you cut the text down to 120 characters.


Codemirror: Retrieve character index from span tag

So I have a codemirror instance on the left of a document, and an iframe on the right. When the code is updated in the editor, it is written to the iframe.
During this rewrite, I add an index to each and every element that is created using jQuery's $.data function so that whenever the user hovers their mouse over the element it can be highlighted in the editor.
So far I have managed to pick out the required element's position in the editor in terms of where its generated <span class="cm-tag cm-bracket"> tag is and give it a class of cm-custom-highlight.
My question is - is there any way to turn an instance of a source span tag into an actual selection within the editor?
Update: Answered my own question - see below! You can check out my resulting code here.
I answered my own question! How about that?
Turns out CodeMirror has a neat little list of nodes in its display container. All I needed to do was loop through CodeMirror.display.renderedView[lineNumber] and test each text node's parentNode property to see if it was the same as the span I had highlighted.
The map array is structured like so:
0: 0
1: 1
2: text
3: 1
4: 5
Every text node here refers to a piece of code in the editor and the numbers before and after refer to its character index, so it was pretty easy to find the index that I needed:
var span = $('', CodeMirror.display.lineDiv),
lineNumber = span.closest('.CodeMirror-line').closest('div[style]').index(),
lineView = CodeMirror.display.renderedView[lineNumber],
char = 0;
for(var i in
if(!char &&
typeof[i] == 'object' &&[i].parentNode && span[0] ==[i].parentNode)
char =[i - 1];
Sure it's a little messy, but it gets the job done nicely.
You will get better results when using markText rather than directly messing with the editor's DOM. The DOM and view data structure aren't part of the interface, and will change between versions. The editor can also update its DOM at any moment, overriding the changes you made.

Format text as user inputs in a contenteditable div

I'm attempting to make a page that allows users to input text and it will automatically format the input -- as in a screenplay format (similar to Amazon's StoryWriter).
So far I can check for text with ":contains('example text')" and add/remove classes to it. The problem is that all of the following p tags inherit that class.
My solution so far is to use .next() to remove the class I added, but that is limited since there might be need for a line break in the script (in dialogue for instance) and that will remove the dialogue class.
$('.content').on('input', function() {
I can't get || to work in the :contains parameter either, but that's the least of my issues.
I have a JS fiddle
I've worked on this for a while now, and if I could change only the node that contains the text (INT. or EXT. in this example) and leaves the rest alone that would work and I could apply it to the rest of the script.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm new to the stackoverflow so thank you.
See the comments in the code below for an explanation of what's going on.
Fiddle Example
var main = function(){
var content = $('.content');
content.on('input', function() {
$("p.input").each(function() {
//Get the html content for the current p input.
var text = $(this).html();
//indexOf will return a positive value if "INT." or "EXT." exists in the html
if (text.indexOf('INT.') !== -1 || text.indexOf('EXT.') !== -1) {
//You could include additional "if else" blocks to check and apply different conditions
else { //The required text does not exist, so remove the class for the current input
};//main close

jQuery how to do the following

I've the following question, let say we have a div like this:
These are dynamically formatted divs, with the classes 'row', 'element' and 'isotope-item' are always present. Everything in between can vary per div.
What I want is to the following:
As you see the commmas are no longer there and seperate classes between the commas are now one class.
Anyone any idea?
I already have the following to remove the commas:
$('div.element').each(function () {
var _sCurrClasses = jQuery(this).attr('class');
jQuery(this).attr('class', _sCurrClasses.replace(/,/g, ' '));
I would advise doing this backend,but in JavaScript you could:
This will not account for the space in the words though.
You would need to pass then trough separately one by one and replace.
or store them in a data-attribute and format when you need them.
var classesFormat = classes.replace(/,/g, '');
var classesList = classesFormat.split(" ");
for(String c : classesList)
So you could create a data-attribute for each one instead.
Go through each one, format and the add to class.
<div data-id="Microsoft Office," class="test test test">
With the script
$(this).attr("data-id") // will return the string "Microsoft Office,"
or .data() (if you use newer jQuery >= 1.4.3)
$(this).data("id") // will return the Microsoft Office,
And then do your replace after that and addClass.
I don't think classes work like you think they do
the first PICTURE you posted would result in that div having the follwing classes
Note the , is PART of the class
You want, according to the second PICTURE
Removing , is just as you posted ... the problem is, how do you determine which spaces to remove, and which to keep?
(I posted this as an ANSWER, but I KNOW IT IS NOT AN ANSWER)

splitting a single string ( regular text, no HTML ) between 3 div's

So I managed to stumble upon a frustrating problem.
I need to split a string between 3 div's ( they are not equal in height therefor can't split the string according to character count).
I created a little sketch to display the exact layout.
Here is my sketch:
String comes from a database and user ( admin ) can change it in the admin panel.
Admin can also choose a different layout and therefor I can't simply let him enter the values in to 3 different columns in the database.
I have searched for the answer but nothing so far.
Try to use a delimiter (separator) atleast like [div1 content]~[div2 content]~[div3 content] if you can not add in three different columns.
In javascript, you can use split function to get the content of three divisions separately now.
If you want to use as separator, then
var div1Content = myContent.split("<div")[0];
var div2Content = "<div" + myContent.split("<div")[1];
var div3Content = "<div" + myContent.split("<div")[2];
$("#c").scrollTop($("#a").innerHeight() + $("#b").innerHeight());
Thats the hack part :-D
Columns MUST be same width AND height of div MUST divide by line-height with no remainders.
Also you need to add a BUCKET-LOAD of <br/> to the end of your content to prevent the third box from not being able to scroll up far enough!
If any of your layouts use different width divs then this won't work - but as long as they are the same widths as each other heights are irrelevant.
I'm not sure how I missed it earlier but here is a Perfect answer already to my question.
it transfers the overflow to another div :)
Transfer overflow from one div to another
After you recieve the text in page you can simply modify it by javascript. Here i made two examples for you.
//If you use elements as seperators
var htmlHolder = $(".htmlHolder");
var html = $(this).html();
$(".target_column"+ index).html(html);
//If you dont use elements as seperator
var htmlHolder2 = $(".htmlHolder2");
var data = htmlHolder2.html().split("--");
for(var index in data){
var html = data[index];
$(".target2_column"+ index).html(html);
You can develop this.
If you have no seperator use this:
It divides the text by number of column.. you can change division rule by your needings.

Get specified texts in a div, than search for them in a different div

I am trying to get texts from a div, than i want to search for these titles on the same page, but in a different div. And if one of the title exist there, i want to put some text after it. I tried to do it, but i don't know what is the problem. Last time i tried it with this jquery code:
var cim = $.trim($('.hirblokk span.comments:contains("új")').parent(".hirblokk").children("h3").text());
jQuery.each(cim, function(X) {
$(" li.hir a:contains(X)").find("small").append(" (Új!)");
return (this == cim.length);
As you can see i put the texts what i wanted to 'cim'(it is working). Than i tried (line 3) to check if one of the ' li.hir a' contains one of the text, and if it containes, i put (append) something in the small tag (there is a small tag inside a tag : Text..)(this is not working). I tried it in more ways, but none of them worked.
If i write:
$(" li.hir a:contains(a)").find("small").append(" (Új!)");
than it will put ' (Új)' after every small tag when the a contains a character. So it looks like the problem is how i want to check if it a contains one of the text.
Oh, and i can get more than whan text for example: 'I am new' and 'Oh, hello darling' and only one of them contains * li.hir a*
I'm not sure I have fully understood what text you want to search, but I see several problems:
your cim var is a single string: as jQuery docs explains, the result of the .text() method is a string containing the combined text of all matched elements . So if you have multiple elements matched with your selector, cim will be a string of all text concatenated.
jQuery.each() iterate on each character of cim, and X is the index of the character in the string, not the value
in your third line, X is not evaluated as a var because it's in double quotes.
I don't understand what you're expecing with return (this == cim.length) : you're comparing a number (cim.length) with a string (the value of each currently evaluated).
Try something like this:
// titles contain all the h3 elements you're searching
var titles = $('.hirblokk span.comments:contains("új")').parent(".hirblokk").children("h3"));
// you're iterating on each title
jQuery.each(titles, function(index,title) {
// you're searching links elements containing each title text
var text = $.trim($(title).text());
$(" li.hir a:contains("+text+")").find("small").append(" (Új!)");

