Format text as user inputs in a contenteditable div - javascript

I'm attempting to make a page that allows users to input text and it will automatically format the input -- as in a screenplay format (similar to Amazon's StoryWriter).
So far I can check for text with ":contains('example text')" and add/remove classes to it. The problem is that all of the following p tags inherit that class.
My solution so far is to use .next() to remove the class I added, but that is limited since there might be need for a line break in the script (in dialogue for instance) and that will remove the dialogue class.
$('.content').on('input', function() {
I can't get || to work in the :contains parameter either, but that's the least of my issues.
I have a JS fiddle
I've worked on this for a while now, and if I could change only the node that contains the text (INT. or EXT. in this example) and leaves the rest alone that would work and I could apply it to the rest of the script.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm new to the stackoverflow so thank you.

See the comments in the code below for an explanation of what's going on.
Fiddle Example
var main = function(){
var content = $('.content');
content.on('input', function() {
$("p.input").each(function() {
//Get the html content for the current p input.
var text = $(this).html();
//indexOf will return a positive value if "INT." or "EXT." exists in the html
if (text.indexOf('INT.') !== -1 || text.indexOf('EXT.') !== -1) {
//You could include additional "if else" blocks to check and apply different conditions
else { //The required text does not exist, so remove the class for the current input
};//main close


Add hanging indent to CKEditor on web page [duplicate]

I'm using CKEditor and I want to indent just the first line of the paragraph. What I've done before is click "Source" and edit the <p> style to include text-indent:12.7mm;, but when I click "Source" again to go back to the normal editor, my changes are gone and I have no idea why.
My preference would be to create a custom toolbar button, but I'm not sure how to do so or where to edit so that clicking a custom button would edit the <p> with the style attribute I want it to have.
Depending on which version of CKE you use, your changes most likely disappear because ether the style attribute or the text-indent style is not allowed in the content. This is due to the Allowed Content Filter feature of CKEditor, read more here:!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter
Like Ervald said in the comments, you can also use CSS to do this without adding the code manually - however, your targeting options are limited. Either you have to target all paragraphs or add an id or class property to your paragraph(s) and target that. Or if you use a selector like :first-child you are restricted to always having the first element indented only (which might be what you want, I don't know :D).
To use CSS like that, you have to add the relevant code to contents.css, which is the CSS file used in the Editor contents and also you have to include it wherever you output the Editor contents.
In my opinion the best solution would indeed be making a plugin that places an icon on the toolbar and that button, when clicked, would add or remove a class like "indentMePlease" to the currently active paragraph. Developing said plugin is quite simple and well documented, see the excellent example at!/guide/plugin_sdk_sample_1 - if you need more info or have questions about that, ask in the comments :)
If you do do that, you again need to add the "indentMePlease" style implementation in contents.css and the output page.
I've got a way to indent the first line without using style, because I'm using iReport to generate automatic reports. Jasper does not understand styles. So I assign by jQuery an onkeydown method to the main iframe of CKEditor 4.6 and I check the TAB and Shift key to do and undo the first line indentation.
// TAB
function startTab() {
var $iframe_document;
var $iframe;
$iframe_document = $('.cke_wysiwyg_frame').contents();
$iframe = $iframe_document.find('body');
function event_onkeydown(event){
if(event.keyCode===9) { // key tab
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['editor1'], //get your CKEDITOR instance here
range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0],
startNode = range.startContainer,
element = startNode.$,
if(element.parentNode.tagName != 'BODY') // If you take an inner element of the paragraph, get the parentNode (P)
parent = element.parentNode;
else // If it takes BODY as parentNode, it updates the inner element
parent = element;
if(event.shiftKey) { // reverse tab
var res = parent.innerHTML.toString().split(' ');
var aux = [];
var count_space = 0;
for(var i=0;i<res.length;i++) {
// console.log(res[i]);
if(res[i] == "")
if(count_space > 8 || res[i] != "") {
if(!count_space > 8)
count_space = 9;
parent.innerHTML = aux.join(' ');
else { // tab
var spaces = " ";
parent.innerHTML = spaces + parent.innerHTML;

Input field with attached text to the right

I'm doing a fancy comment list on my project, structured like this:
As you see, there's a comments list and at his bottom there's an input field (textarea) to submit a comment. Note that there's the current username attached to the right (let's call it a simple static appended text).
I just found this little JS to make an input field resize automatically by adapting it to the content.
function resizeInput() {
$(this).attr('size', $(this).val().length);
But it's not enough. I need it for a textarea and I want it to behave correctly when a comment is long enough to wrap on another line. By definition, the input field is a box, and it obviously acts badly compared to what I want:
Instead, this should be the right behavior:
I looked everywhere and I can't think any way to implement this. Can somebody help me?
Here is a good plugin for textarea. But it using jQuery.
usage simple as always.
You could use the contenteditable attribute:
<span contenteditable="true">comment</span> by <span class="userName">someone</span>
It is supported in practically all browsers. Using the right CSS, you can underline the content and also limit the width.
I think you mean this
NOTE: No check for selection and bound to document. Exercise for the reader to bind to a specific field and swap it for a span
$(document).keypress(function(e) {
var char = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
if (e.which==13) char = '<br/>'; // needs to handle backspace etc.
$("#hiddenfield").val($("#textfield").text()); // or .html if you want the BRs
<span id="textfield"></span> - by My Username
If you make the field contenteditable you will get this in Chrome so some additional CSS may be needed
Use a <span> with contenteditable (supported in IE too). Here is a fiddle:
<span contenteditable>Insert a comment...</span> by My Username
Then, using JavaScript, attach an event listener that mirrors the inner text of the span into a hidden input field, so it gets submitted with your <form>.
Edit: I have updated the fiddle to also include the JS code. Here is the updated code:
<span class="editor" id="editor" contenteditable data-placeholder="Insert a comment...">Insert a comment...</span> by My Username
<!-- Hide this textarea in production: -->
<textarea type="text" id="comment"></textarea>
And the JS:
function mirror() {
var text = $('#editor').html().trim()
.replace(' ', ' ')
.replace(/<br(\s*)\/*>/ig, '\n') // replace single line-breaks
.replace(/<[p|div]\s/ig, '\n$0') // add a line break before all div and p tags
.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); // remove any remaining tags
$('#editor').focus(function () {
var editor = $(this);
if (editor.text() == editor.attr('data-placeholder')) {
}).blur(function () {
var editor = $(this);
if (editor.text() == editor.attr('data-placeholder')) {

Placeholders with divs, not inputs/textareas

I have working on this problem for a couple weeks off and on. What I am trying to do is have placeholders to show users where they can type. When they do type, I want the placeholder to disappear, but reappear again when the div is empty.
Every thing I have found has to do with cross-browser placeholder support for inputs and textareas, and trying to apply the code for them to my issue results in failure.
I am using h1s for titles and standard divs for descriptions.
My code looks like this:
<div class="page-desc" contenteditable="true" data-placeholder="Write your description here."></div>
var placeholder = '<span class="placeholder">Write your title here</span>';
I have more jQuery code, but it sucks. I am currently using keyup to hide the placeholder, and that's obviously not working. Can someone help me out?
I am totally open to using vanilla JavaScript as well.
You can have something like this:
$('#xdiv').keydown(function() {
if ($(this).html() == $(this).data('placeholder')) {
$('#xdiv').keyup(function() {
if ($(this).html() == '') {
Initially it sets DIV's HTML to placeholder text. Then when user begins to type (on keydown) it checks if DIV still has the placeholder text and if so - removes it. And since user can delete all the data - it checks (on keyup) if DIV is empty, and if so - restores placeholder's text.
there's a way to do it in css (modern browser only)
.pageDesc:empty:after {content : "Write your description here.";}
Javascript solution (not as pretty, but more cross-browser):
Working Example: JSFiddle;
Why not use the Blur and Focus event handlers from jQuery and check the Text value of the Div?
Code for quick look:
$('[contenteditable="true"]').blur(function() {
var text = $.trim($(this).text());
var ph = $('<span/>',{ 'class':"placeholder"})
if (text == '') {
}).focus(function() {
if ($(this).children('.placeholder').length > 0) {
$(this).html('<span> </span>');
Fiddle for example:
Why can't you use the placeholder attribute of the input element.
It seems to do exactly what you want and it's very well supported
Sorry if I have missed something.

Is there a way to place a keyboard shortcut inside an editable div?

For example, i have a div which users can type into it. i would like to place shortcuts so when the user inputs the word pi. The output would be the symbol π. Or if the user inputs sqrt then they would get this symbol inf then the output would be ∞. and even when the tab button is clicked to indent a couple of lines. I have not seen a web app that does this yet so any help would be appreciated.
There's some extensive key tracking + field updating you can do to accomplish this, or you can get a jQuery plugin that already does something similar (if not exactly) and modify it to accomplish the same task.
This might be what you are looking for though:
You could simply use a replace. See JSFiddle demo here
$('.test').keydown(function (event) {
if ($('.test').val().contains("pi")) {
var newVal = $('.test').val().replace("pi", "π");
//Place Cusor at the end of the div if using editable div
else if ($('.test').val().contains("inf")) {
var newVal = $('.test').val().replace("inf", "∞");
//Place Cusor at the end of the div if using editable div
In this sample I am using an input. You can change that to div

How can I create tags using Rangy.js without a class attribute?

I've been playing with Rangy.js for selection ranges and so far really like it. I'm looking to wrap a selection range's text nodes within a certain tag and toggle this upon button click. I have it working great using the cssClassApplierModule with the exception of (and it makes sense due to the name) I HAVE to also give the dom element a class that it's applying to itself.
So right now when I select a range and apply for instance a strong tag, my end result is:
Text text text <strong class="test"> selected text </strong> text text text
And I'd like it to be:
Text text text <strong> selected text </strong> text text text
The code I have so far is as follows:
function gEBI(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var action;
function toggleAction() {
// Enable buttons
var cssClassApplierModule = rangy.modules.CssClassApplier;
// Next line is pure paranoia: it will only return false if the browser has no support for ranges,
// selections or TextRanges. Even IE 5 would pass this test.
if (rangy.supported && cssClassApplierModule && cssClassApplierModule.supported) {
action = rangy.createCssClassApplier("test", {
elementTagName: "strong",
elementProperties: { }
var toggleActionButton = gEBI(nsID);
toggleActionButton.disabled = false;
toggleActionButton.ontouchstart = toggleActionButton.onmousedown = function () {
return false;
I tried "" and null instead of "text" as the css class being passed, and it will toggle, but no longer toggle off and is obviously not the correct solution.
Any help appreciated.. Thanks!
Rangy's CSS class applier won't let you do this, unfortunately. The fundamental problem is that it relies on the CSS class to decide which elements and text nodes to surround or add/remove classes from. It's considerably simpler to detect the presence of a class than the more general case of detecting a style, such as boldness.
I did some work last year on a more ambitious and generic execCommand module that would do what you want. It got as far as a working demo but I got bogged down in tricky edge cases and stopped working on it. I do intend to go back to it but it's likely to be months before anything is ready.

