Dynamic change of dropdown - javascript

I have and issue that i can't wrap my head around, so i hope i could get some help and new knowlage to use.
i am building a form, where the user needs to book an item, but once selected i will not have it been able to be selected again.
so what my plan was, is to have a dropdown menu , that you can select what ever from, if you want one item more , you click a button and get a new dropdown menu, allowing you to select a new item, but this new dropdown, should not contain the item from the first dropdown.
i had tried to build a thing like this
$(function() {
$('.dropdown').change(function() {
dropdownvalue = $(this).val();
$('.dropdown').not(this).find('option[value="' + dropdownvalue + '"]').remove();
How ever, if my user changes mind, the option is now gone, even if something else is selected ( i know it is the Remove part in the javascript, but i am unsure how to restore the previous option )
if anyone have an solution, or some guidence to how i can get it done i would apreciate it very much.
an alternative solution i had in my mind, that may work, was to do an onchange add to array, but then i would need another dropdown to remove items from that array, and i think that may confuse the user.

What you want to do is - filter your options when you select someting instead of removing them from the array.
for example
let options = [1, 2, 3, 4] // this is an array of options with ids
let valuesSelected = []; // once you choose a value from the dropdown you need to push it to valuesSelectedArray
Every time you choose something in a dropdown you need to filter this value out of you options array
options.filter(option => !valuesSelected.includes(option))
this will give you array of options without values you already selected.


How to find radio group checked property

Here, I've three radio group in a single page. But in the entire page I want to select only one radio option. Like if I'm selecting Monday then Tuesday selection should be unchecked automatically. How can I proceed with the logic, below logic is not working as expected.
sample JSON :
JS code
for(var I=0; I<reports.length; I++){
var radios = document.getElementsByTagName('input')
if(radios[I].type === 'radio' && radios[I].checked){
document.getElementById(radios[I].id).checked = false
If you're able to create radio buttons in SurveyJS, you should be able to give the button group a name, so there would be no need for any additional JavaScript. Check out their documentation for an example.
Looks like the sort of nested structure you have for the buttons could be achieved with something like a dynamic panel or cascading conditions in SurveyJS. You should be able to render the available time slots dynamically with "visibleIf" based on the selected day.
I would definitely dig around the documentation of SurveyJS to find a solution there rather than hacking your way around it. But solely as an exercise, the problem in your current code could be that you're selecting a button by ID, which will not work correctly if you have tried to give the same ID to multiple buttons. After all, you already have the target button as radios[I], so you could just use radios[I].checked = false. Or the issue could be that you're unchecking the selected button AFTER the new selection has been made, which might actually uncheck the button you just clicked. Hard to say without additional information, but in any case, looping your inputs based on a value that might be something else than the actual number of inputs (you're using reports.length) is probably not the best idea, since that value might be different from the number of inputs in your form, which would mean that not all of them are included in the loop. Here are a couple of examples of what you could do instead:
// Get all radio buttons
const radioButtons = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]')
// If you need to uncheck the previously selected one (don't do this if you can avoid it!)
radioButtons.forEach(radioButton => {
// Use a mousedown event instead of click
// This gives you time to uncheck the previous one before the new one gets checked
radioButton.addEventListener('mousedown', () => {
// Get the currently selected button and uncheck it
const currentlySelected = document.querySelector('input[type="radio"]:checked')
if (currentlySelected) currentlySelected.checked = false
// You can add further options to the querySelector, such as [name]
// This gets the currently selected button in the specified group
const checkedRadioButton = document.querySelector('input[type="radio"][name="group-name"]:checked')
Here's a fiddle demonstrating this sort of "fake" radio button functionality (without a "name" attribute).
You can give all these radio buttons the same name, then one radio only will be checked.

Delete Dropdown values using jquery

I have a situation here,
Using JQuery I'm appending some values in drop down list.. Even it is one or two value that appended in drop down list..
For Add,
tableui+='<option value="">'+resourceadd+'</option>';
When the page reloads automatically the value stored in db.
For example 4 values added in dropdown list (Values are not stored in db), I want to delete last value. I'm using,
$("#resourcess :last-child").remove();
The same condition, I want to delete middle of two values, How to do it??
Assuming you know the value of the option you want to remove, you could use filter:
$('#resources option').filter(function() {
return this.value == 'foo'; // insert your value here.
Or an attribute selector:
$('#resources option[value="foo"]').remove();
If you don't know the value, but do know the position of the option within the select, you could remove it by index using eq():
$('#resources option').eq(1).remove(); // remove the 2nd option

Prevent multiple select element from automatically sorting the value assigned to it basis the order of the indexes in the options

I am using the select2 plugin to convert a multiple select html element to a more presentable format. Also I don't think my question is very much dependent on the plugin.
What the plugin does internally is -
where this.select points to the hidden multiple select element.
On feeding the function above a val of say - 2,4,0 ,
the value stored as confirmed when I do an alert(this.select.val()) is 0,2,4 , i.e. with automatic unwanted sorting according to the order of the options in the select element.. :/
DEMO - http://jsfiddle.net/rohanxx/DYpU8/ (thanks to Mark)
Is there a way to preserve the sort order after feeding in the value to my select element?
This is a very good question. I think this is more to do with the multiselect html element, rather than select2.
If you have a normal multiselect, there is no "order" sort of speak. You just have a list in the original order, with either each item selected or not.
I'm almost 100% sure there is a better way of doing this than the below, but for a workaround it should do just fine.
End result:
JavaScript code
// 'data' brings the unordered list, while 'val' does not
var data = $('#e1').select2('data');
// Push each item into an array
var finalResult = [];
for( item in $('#e1').select2('data') ) {
// Display the result with a comma
alert( finalResult.join(',') );
A little late for an answer but I actually found a way of doing this.
Keep in mine that this method will hide the options that are already selected, because for my use case it looked better, plus it needs to be that way in order the choices to be in the order the user made them.
$('.my-multi-select').select2('Your Options').on("select2:select", function (e) {
$('[data-option-id="' + e.params.data.id + '"]').insertBefore(_this.find('option:not(:selected):eq(0)'));
}).on("select2:open", function () {
_this.append(_this.find('option:not(:selected)').sort(function (a, b) {
return +a.getAttribute('data-sort-order') - +b.getAttribute('data-sort-order');
And for the styles
display:none !important;
You will want to make sure you know how the jQuery .sort() function works for you to be able to modify this for your own needs.
Basically what this is doing is when you select an option, it gets hidden and then placed at the bottom of the other selected options, which are before the unselected options. And when you open the drop down, it sorts all of the unselected options by their pre-determined sort order.

How to get values of 2 sides of jquery multiselect2side

Here's the jsfiddle for the code http://jsfiddle.net/VFskn/2/
The jquery multiselect2side has 2 parts for the list say the Available and Selected
a.To get the values of Selected portion of the I used the following code:
var multipleValues = $("#columnList").val() || [];
b. To get all values of the list I can use:
$('#columnList option').each(function() {
columns.push( $(this).attr('value') );
My Question is how I can obtain the Available portion of the list
If I understand your question right, you want to get the value of every option that is in the select under Available?
In the given example this select has the id "columnListms2side__sx", so that you can get the values of its options with
var multipleValues = [];
$("#columnListms2side__sx option").each(function()
here's the updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/VFskn/3/
!important notes though: its not a good idea to mess with it, other then the functions provided by the plugin.
And I'm not sure how safe it is too assume that this select will allways get this id (e.g. if you have multiple of them in one page). It might be smarter to, build a more generic select. (the plugin seems to create a div container after the select it replaces, you want to get the first select in there)
this would be more generic, but less efficient:
updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/VFskn/4/

switching selections between two select menus

I'm trying to build some kind of currency converter and I have two select menus with the list of currencies.
I want to create a button that when clicked, it will switch the selection between the "from" select menu and the "to" select menu.
how do I implement it using the select menus I already have?
I believe you'r looking for a swap behavior.
var $sel1 = $('#currency1');
var $sel2 = $('#currency2');
var val1 = $sel1.val();
var val2 = $sel2.val();
Something like this?
$("#button").on("click", function() {
var from = $("#from").val();
var to = $("#to").val();
I'd really do it with less code than that, but have done it like that for readability.
Assuming I've understood you correctly, you want a button that will swap the values of two select elements. If that's right, try something along these lines:
$("#someButton").click(function() {
var elemTo = $("#to"),
elemFrom = $("#from"),
toVal = elemTo.val();
It simply gets references to the two select elements (assumed here to be #to and #from), gets the value of one of them, replaces the value of that one with the value of the other, and then replaces the value of the second with the stored value from the first.
Note that this assumes both select elements have the same option values. If an option is present in one select but not the other, it would not work.
Here's a working example.
If you dbl click on one item in 'From' section , it will get selected be appended to the 'To' section.
Which all functionalities you want??

