Access an instance from a function outside of the object constructor - javascript

I have a problem I can't understand after a lot of attempts to solve it.
To help you understand, there are 2 classes (Game and Board), and a third file with the jQuery keypress controls. Game is about the logic of the game, and Board about the display.
Here is a part of the code I hope sufficient to understand.
function Game(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.forbiddenPosition = [];
this.chartBoard = this.resetBoard();
Game.prototype.generateGame = function () {
this.player1 = new Player("Joueur 1", 100, dagger);
this.player2 = new Player("Joueur 2", 100, dagger);
const playerArray = [this.player1, this.player2];
Game.prototype.getPlayer1 = function () {
return this.player1;
Game.prototype.getPlayer2 = function () {
return this.player2;
Game.prototype.switchTurn = function (player1, player2) {
const ctx = $('#board').get(0).getContext('2d');
function Board (width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height; = new Game(this.width, this.height);
Board.prototype.displayInfoPlayers = function (player1, player2) {
$('.canvas-side__left').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('.canvas-side__right').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('.canvas-side__left').addClass('animated slideInLeft');
$('.canvas-side__right').addClass('animated slideInRight');
$(".canvas-side__left").html("<h2 class='canvas-side--title'>" + + "</h2><p class='canvas-side--health'>" + + "</p><p class='canvas-side--health'>" + + "</p>");
$(".canvas-side__right").html("<h2 class='canvas-side--title'>" + + "</h2><p class='canvas-side--health'>" + + "</p><p class='canvas-side--health'>" + + "</p>");
$(document).on('keypress', function (e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
Game.prototype.switchTurn(Game.prototype.getPlayer1(), Game.prototype.getPlayer2());
Board class is linked to Game class and so uses this. The control using jQuery code are in a third file and not into a class.
When I press Enter, I get undefined for player1 and 2. I tried different ways to call the getter functions and nothing works. I also tried to put the controls inside the Game file and still nothing.
I get either undefined or getPlayer1() is not a function.
I am looking for a way to call these getter functions from everywhere so I can use player1 and 2 which I need to move on the board.

There are several issues there.
The keypress event handler is using Game.prototype, not an instance of Game. You want to be using an instance of Game you've created and stored somewhere. Game.prototype doesn't have the player1 and player2 properties. They're added to instances of Game by the Game constructor. Nothing ever adds them to Game.prototype (which is correct, they shouldn't be on the prototype).
There's no need for getPlayer1, etc. You can directly access player1 and player2. (It's possible to make player1 and player2 private and only provide accessors for them, but it's a bit complicated at the moment and probably not something you want to take on yet.)
Within Game methods, you need to consistently use this.player1 and this.player2, don't pass the players around.
It seems odd for Board to create an instance of Game. It seems like it should be the other way around.
I suggest stepping back from this task and trying something simpler first (like creating a class, an instance of the class, and using that instance in an event handler), then incrementally adding complexity and making sure at each stage you're clear on what's happening. As you go, you may have more specific questions, which you can post on SO (after thorough research, etc.).

You can do something like this and it should work. Essentially, you prototype the function you're trying to access which is not declared until after the constructor.
class Test {
constructor() {
this.five = Test.prototype.getFive();
getFive() {
return 5;
let test = new Test();
console.log(test.five); // Returns 5


Confirming that using a factory is the best (only?) way to create a generic multi-use click count listener

I have created the following click count factory for adding the click count to the event information already present in a regular click event. This function creates a clickCountObj to track the number of clicks, as well as a new function for catching a click event on the given element parameter and reporting it back to the listener parameter along with the click count.
Originally, I wanted to do this as a class, rather than a factory... Way back when I was working in Java, I would have done it with a façade class, so that's what I was thinking. But I've concluded that it is not possible in Javascript, because the same function you'd use to create the object would be the one called in response to the click, and I can't see a way around this.
The purpose of this question is simply to improve my understanding and using of JavaScript. Please let me know if I am wrong in my conclusion stated above, or if there are any other alternatives to doing this a better way?
function clickCount(element, listener) {
let clickCountObj = {};
clickCountObj.clickCount = 0;
clickCountObj.clickDelay = 500;
clickCountObj.element = element;
clickCountObj.lastClickTime = 0;
let clickCountListener = function (e) {
// alert("last click time: " + clickCountObj.clickDelay);
if ((e.timeStamp - clickCountObj.clickDelay) < clickCountObj.lastClickTime) {
clickCountObj.clickCount = clickCountObj.clickCount + 1;
// alert("click count up: " + clickCountObj.clickCount);
else {
clickCountObj.clickCount = 1;
clickCountObj.lastClickTime = e.timeStamp;, clickCountObj.clickCount, e);
if (!element) throw "No element to listener to";
element.addEventListener("click", clickCountListener);
return clickCountListener;
For sure you can also use a class:
class ClickCounter {
constructor(element, onClick, delay = 500) {
this.element = element;
this.onClick = onClick;
this.counter = 0;
this.delay = delay;
this.lastClicked = 0;
element.addEventListener("click", () =>, false);
click() {
if( < this.lastClicked + this.delay)
this.lastClicked =;, this.counter++);
new ClickCounter(document.body, count => {
[is] doing this a better way?
No, not really. Using a class is not really useful here as you don't want to expose properties and you also don't need inheritance. A factory seems to be a good approach here.
Small sidenote: Instead of
return clickCountListener;
it would make more sense to
return clickCountObj;
as it would expose the settings and the count which might be useful.
warning: unserious content below
Way back when I was working in Java ...
... you took over that senseless naming scheme (clickCountObj.clickCount). I guess you won't loose any necessary information with just settings.count ...

Javascript: using one function on multiple elements

I'm new to JavaScript and I'm having trouble figuring out how to resize multiple elements with one function for my rhythm game. This is for my CSP class and theres no use of jQuery sadly. I'm also limited to the commands that the program (AppLab) I'm using has provided. My goal right now is to make an "animation" of a circle growing to its desired size to indicate that it should be clicked. I need these elements to appear while another one is in the process growing and so on.
I'm aware that my code probably sucks so if there is also a way to simplify or improve it I would love to know.
This is my current program code and the hitIndicator function is the one I'm having the most trouble with:
var circleSizeW = 0;
var circleSizeL = 0;
var score = 0;
hitCircle("hitcircle", 300, 6, 206);
hitCircle("image2", 300, 6, 682);
function circleEffects(circleid, whentohit) {
setTimeout(function() {
onEvent(circleid, "click", function() {
playSound("47 (1).mp3", false);
}, whentohit);
function hitIndicator(circleid, growthRate) {
var xPos = getXPosition(circleid);
var yPos = getYPosition(circleid);
var t = setInterval(function() {
circleSizeW = circleSizeW + growthRate;
circleSizeL = circleSizeL + growthRate;
xPos = xPos - (growthRate/2);
yPos = yPos - (growthRate/2);
setSize(circleid, circleSizeW, circleSizeL);
setPosition(circleid, xPos, yPos);
if (circleSizeW >= 60) {
circleSizeW = 0;
circleSizeL = 0;
}, 50);
function scoreSystem(circleid, whentohit) {
setTimeout(function() {
onEvent(circleid, "click", function() {
score = score + 100;
setText("scoreTrack", score);
}, whentohit);
function hitCircle(circleid, whentohit, growthRate, appearancetime) {
setTimeout(function() {
circleEffects(circleid, whentohit);
hitIndicator(circleid, growthRate);
scoreSystem(circleid, whentohit);
}, appearancetime);
My code is nowhere near completion either so there are still many things that needs to be done.
I'm not sure how to have multiple circles running that function at similar times because when I try to fix the errors/change the values of the functions' parameters they sometimes loop twice, infinitely loop, or receive the changed values of the previous circle while the previous circle is still growing.
I am also fairly new with Javascript, but I have a fairly good idea of what should be done here.
I would write an object constructor for instantiating circles.
Scroll down this page to see how to make object constructors.
Then for your circle object add a hitindicator method.
This page covers methods.
Then set up a function that will retrieve and loop through every instantiated circle object and run .hitindicator on each circle. Best way to do this, might be to add every instantiated circle to a circle array, then just loop through the array?
Then have an update() function that calls the function in step 3, and have update() called every "frame" with setInterval.
The pages linked should give you enough information to figure it out from here.

Javascript prototype function override when x

In my case, I'm using the Phaser framework.
So in this example I'm extending the Group class of phaser. Every 'actor' class (Sprite, Group, ...) calls upon the update() prototype every few miliseconds.
My idea was to extend this function only when the application runs on a desktop (so not on a phone).
for example:
var MousePointer = function (game, parent, name) {, game, parent, name);
MousePointer.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Group.prototype);
MousePointer.prototype.constructor = MousePointer;
MousePointer.prototype.init = function () {
// ... init
MousePointer.prototype.update = function () {
// Do something when on desktop
I can't possibly use an if clausule in the update() function to check whether the player is on dekstop/tablet/phone. So is there a way to actually override the prototype on initialisation?
for example (pseudocode):
MousePointer.prototype.update = parent.prototype.update;
MousePointer.prototype.update = this.update;
Well, you've kind of already written the answer for yourself, haven't you? This code (not inside the init method).
if(onPhone) {
MousePointer.prototype.update = function(){//Phone implementation};
} else {
MousePointer.prototype.update = function(){//Other implementation};
I advise against starting off with the "regular" function and then potentially overriding it, since you're just declaring it for nothing.
I think a better way to do this would be to write two different classes that shares the same parent, and then write different update() implementations for them. Then you can just do something like:
if(phone) {
var obj = new PhoneMousePointerObject();
} else {
var obj = new DesktopMousePointerObject();
// ... later

typescript class cannot find "this" variable?

I'm using babylonjs library and created a "Building" class with typescript. Using typescript for the whole thing BTW. I create this new "Building" from my main game.ts "Game" class and when trying to access a member of "Building" I get "undefined" variable errors. However this only happens within another class method but seems work correctly in the constructor. I'm assuming it has something to do with the "this" scoping in javascript/typescript. I have tried modifying the function by doing:
Create = ...(...)=> {
I have tried creating the variable via:
private rect: = () => Rectangle
but this still does not work
Is this really an issue with "this" scoping because nothing seems to be working.
Below I marked exactly where this variable works and where this doesnt work.
class Building {
private rect : Rectangle
private buildingMesh:string[]
private buildingId:string
constructor(rect: Rectangle, id:string) {
this.rect = rect
console.log("TL in b const: " + this.rect.topLeft.x) // <--- This works here
this.buildingId = id
Create(scene:BABYLON.Scene) {
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh(this.buildingId, "models/","tree.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes) {
var idx = 0
console.log("TL in b: " + this.rect.topLeft.x) // <--- this gives me undefined
var wall =newMeshes[0].createInstance(this.buildingId + idx)
wall.position.x = this.rect.topLeft.x
wall.position.y = this.rect.topLeft.y
this.buildingMesh.push(this.buildingId + idx)
I guess that you are almost there. Arrow function ( => ) syntax is what we need, but even on the BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh call:
.ImportMesh(this.buildingId, "models/","tree.babylon", scene,
function (newMeshes) {
// here we do not have this kept by TS for us
we should use
.ImportMesh(this.buildingId, "models/","tree.babylon", scene,
(newMeshes) => {
// here the magic would happen again
// and compiler will keep this to be what we expect

HTML Canvas Unit testing

How can I unit-test Javascript that draws on an HTML canvas? Drawing on the canvas should be checked.
I wrote an example for unit-testing canvas and other image-y types with Jasmine and js-imagediff.
Jasmine Canvas Unit Testing
I find this to be better than making sure specific methods on a mock Canvas have been invoked because different series of methods may produce the same method. Typically, I will create a canvas with the expected value or use a known-stable version of the code to test a development version against.
As discussed in the question comments it's important to check that certain functions have been invoked with suitable parameters. pcjuzer proposed the usage of proxy pattern. The following example (RightJS code) shows one way to do this:
var Context = new Class({
initialize: function($canvasElem) {
this._ctx = $canvasElem._.getContext('2d');
this._calls = []; // names/args of recorded calls
_initMethods: function() {
// define methods to test here
// no way to introspect so we have to do some extra work :(
var methods = {
fill: function() {
lineTo: function(x, y) {
this._ctx.lineTo(x, y);
moveTo: function(x, y) {
this._ctx.moveTo(x, y);
stroke: function() {
// and so on
// attach methods to the class itself
var scope = this;
var addMethod = function(name, method) {
scope[methodName] = function() {
scope.record(name, arguments);
method.apply(scope, arguments);
for(var methodName in methods) {
var method = methods[methodName];
addMethod(methodName, method);
assign: function(k, v) {
this._ctx[k] = v;
record: function(methodName, args) {
this._calls.push({name: methodName, args: args});
getCalls: function() {
return this._calls;
// TODO: expand API as needed
// Usage
var ctx = new Context($('myCanvas'));
ctx.moveTo(34, 54);
ctx.lineTo(63, 12);
ctx.assign('strokeStyle', "#FF00FF");
var calls = ctx.getCalls();
You can find a functional demo here.
I have used a similar pattern to implement some features missing from the API. You might need to hack it a bit to fit your purposes. Good luck!
I make really simple canvases and test them with mocha. I do it similarly to Juho Vepsäläinen but mine looks a little simpler. I wrote it in ec2015.
CanvasMock class:
import ContextMock from './ContextMock.js'
export default class {
constructor (width, height)
this.mock = [];
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.context = new ContextMock(this.mock);
getContext (string)
this.mock.push('[getContext ' + string + ']')
return this.context
ContextMock class:
export default class {
this.mock = mock
moveTo(x, y)
this.mock.push('[moveTo ' + x + ', ' + y + ']')
lineTo(x, y)
this.mock.push('[lineTo ' + x + ', ' + y + ']')
some mocha tests that evaluates the functionality of the mock itself:
describe('CanvasMock and ContextMock', ()=> {
it('should be able to return width and height', ()=> {
let canvas = new CanvasMock(500,600)
assert.equal(canvas.width, 500)
assert.equal(canvas.height, 600)
it('should be able to update mock for getContext', ()=> {
let canvas = new CanvasMock(500,600)
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
assert.equal(canvas.mock, '[getContext 2d]')
A mocha tests that evaluates the functionality of a function that returns a canvas:
import Myfunction from 'MyFunction.js'
describe('MyFuntion', ()=> {
it('should be able to return correct canvas', ()=> {
let testCanvas = new CanvasMock(500,600)
let ctx = testCanvas.getContext('2d')
assert.deepEqual(MyFunction(new CanvasMock(500,600), 8, 8), canvas.mock, [ '[getContext 2d]', '[beginPath]', '[moveTo 0, 0]', [lineTo 8, 8]', '[stroke]' ])
so in this example myfunction takes the canvas you passed in as an argument ( Myfunction(new CanvasMock(500,600), 8, 8) ) and writes a line on it from 0,0 to whatever you pass in as the arguments ( Myfunction(new CanvasMock(500,600),** 8, 8**) ) and then returns the edited canvas.
so when you use the function in real life you can pass in an actual canvas, not a canvas mock and then it will run those same methods but do actual canvas things.
read about mocks here
Since the "shapes" and "lines" drawn on a canvas are not actual objects (it's like ink on paper), it would be very hard (impossible?) to do a normal unit test on that.
The best you can do with standard canvas it analyze the pixel data (from the putImageData/getImageData. Like what bedraw was saying).
Now, I haven't tried this yet, but it might be more what you need. Cake is a library for the canvas. It's using alot of the putImageData/getImageData. This example might help with what you are trying to do with a test.
Hope that helps answer your question.
I've been looking at canvas testing recently and I've now thought about a page that allows comparing the canvas to a "known good" image version of what the canvas should look like. This would make a visual comparison quick and easy.
And maybe have a button that, assuming the output is OK, updates the image version on the server (by sending the toDataUrl() output to it). This new version can then be used for future comparisons.
Not exactly (at all) automated - but it does make comparing the output of your code easy.
Now I've made this:
The left chart is the real canvas whilst the right is an image stored in a database of what it should look like (taken from when I know the code is working). There'll be lots of these to test all (eventually) aspects of my code.
From a developer's point of view the canvas is almost write-only because once drawn it's difficult to programmatically get something useful back. Sure one can do a point by point recognition but that's too tedious and such tests are hard to be written and maintained.
It's better to intercept the calls made to a canvas object and investigate those. Here are a few options:
Create a wrapper object that records all the calls. Juho Vepsäläinen posted a such example.
If possible use a library like frabric.js that offers a higher level of abstraction for drawing. The "drawings" are JS objects that can be inspected directly or converted to SVG which is easier to inspect and test.
Use Canteen to intercept all the function calls and attribute changes of a canvas object. This is similar with option 1.
Use Canteen with rabbit which offers you a few Jasmine custom matchers for size and alignment and a function getBBox() that can be used to determine the size and the position of the stuff being drawn on the canvas.

