Javascript: using one function on multiple elements - javascript

I'm new to JavaScript and I'm having trouble figuring out how to resize multiple elements with one function for my rhythm game. This is for my CSP class and theres no use of jQuery sadly. I'm also limited to the commands that the program (AppLab) I'm using has provided. My goal right now is to make an "animation" of a circle growing to its desired size to indicate that it should be clicked. I need these elements to appear while another one is in the process growing and so on.
I'm aware that my code probably sucks so if there is also a way to simplify or improve it I would love to know.
This is my current program code and the hitIndicator function is the one I'm having the most trouble with:
var circleSizeW = 0;
var circleSizeL = 0;
var score = 0;
hitCircle("hitcircle", 300, 6, 206);
hitCircle("image2", 300, 6, 682);
function circleEffects(circleid, whentohit) {
setTimeout(function() {
onEvent(circleid, "click", function() {
playSound("47 (1).mp3", false);
}, whentohit);
function hitIndicator(circleid, growthRate) {
var xPos = getXPosition(circleid);
var yPos = getYPosition(circleid);
var t = setInterval(function() {
circleSizeW = circleSizeW + growthRate;
circleSizeL = circleSizeL + growthRate;
xPos = xPos - (growthRate/2);
yPos = yPos - (growthRate/2);
setSize(circleid, circleSizeW, circleSizeL);
setPosition(circleid, xPos, yPos);
if (circleSizeW >= 60) {
circleSizeW = 0;
circleSizeL = 0;
}, 50);
function scoreSystem(circleid, whentohit) {
setTimeout(function() {
onEvent(circleid, "click", function() {
score = score + 100;
setText("scoreTrack", score);
}, whentohit);
function hitCircle(circleid, whentohit, growthRate, appearancetime) {
setTimeout(function() {
circleEffects(circleid, whentohit);
hitIndicator(circleid, growthRate);
scoreSystem(circleid, whentohit);
}, appearancetime);
My code is nowhere near completion either so there are still many things that needs to be done.
I'm not sure how to have multiple circles running that function at similar times because when I try to fix the errors/change the values of the functions' parameters they sometimes loop twice, infinitely loop, or receive the changed values of the previous circle while the previous circle is still growing.

I am also fairly new with Javascript, but I have a fairly good idea of what should be done here.
I would write an object constructor for instantiating circles.
Scroll down this page to see how to make object constructors.
Then for your circle object add a hitindicator method.
This page covers methods.
Then set up a function that will retrieve and loop through every instantiated circle object and run .hitindicator on each circle. Best way to do this, might be to add every instantiated circle to a circle array, then just loop through the array?
Then have an update() function that calls the function in step 3, and have update() called every "frame" with setInterval.
The pages linked should give you enough information to figure it out from here.


Does ClearRect on a canvase context slow down the code over time? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
HTML5 Canvas performance very poor using rect()
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I start the code, watch in dev window, get no errors. The image moves very quickly at first but, after a few seconds, it comes to a craw.
I checked on here but I can't figure it out. I'm a rookie so that could be the problem.
I've tried breaking it out into basic functional steps rather than any class, put "===" and "==" back and forth (cause I do not get the real difference between them), and changed from a "setInterval" to a "setTimeout" just in case I was calling the interval too soon.
I am very much a noob to Javascript and this is my first real work with canvas.
The HTML code simply adds the script with nothing else. The window load at the end of the script runs "startgame".
Thanks for anything you can help me with.
var winX=0;
var winY=0;
var scaleX=0;
var scaleY=0;
var bkcolor="#777777";
var ctx;
var objs=[];
var wallimg = new Image();
wallimg.src = 'wall.png';
var willy=new Image();
var player;
var gameActive=0;
var keyboard=[];
function startGame()
var i;
someting=new Obj(0,10,600,20,"PATTERN",wallimg);
player=new Obj(24,400,16,16,"PLAYER",willy);
function setWindow()
winX = window.innerWidth|| document.documentElement.clientWidth|| document.body.clientWidth;
winY = window.innerHeight|| document.documentElement.clientHeight|| document.body.clientHeight;
if (gameActive==1) {
theBoard.canvas.width = 600/scaleX;
theBoard.canvas.height = 440/scaleY;""+20/scaleX+"px";""+20/scaleY+"px";
function setBackdrop(img)
var str="<img src='"+img+"' onclick='showCoords(event);' style='";
var theBoard = {
canvas : theCanvas=document.createElement("canvas"),
start : function() {
this.canvas.width = 600/scaleX;
this.canvas.height = 440/scaleY;""+20/scaleX+"px";""+20/scaleY+"px";"absolute";
this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
document.body.insertBefore(this.canvas, document.body.childNodes[0]);;
setTimeout(updateGameArea, 40);
window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
window.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
stop : function() {
restart:function() { this.interval = setTimeout(updateGameArea, 40);},
clear : function() {
this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
function updateGameArea()
var i;
if (keyboard && keyboard[37])
player.speed-=2; if (player.speed<-8) player.speed=-8;
else if (player.speed<0)
if (keyboard && keyboard[39])
player.speed+=2; if (player.speed>8) player.speed=8;
else if (player.speed>0)
if (player.gravity<1) player.gravity++;
if (keyboard && keyboard[38] && player.gravity>-1 && player.canjump==1){
if (player.gravity<4) {player.gravity=player.gravity+player.dir; player.dir+=4;if (player.dir>16) player.dir=16;}
if (player.gravity!=0)
if (checkWalls(player)==true)
{ player.y-=player.gravity;
if (player.gravity>0) player.canjump=1;
if (player.speed!=0)
if (checkWalls(player)===true)
for (i=0;i<objs.length;i++)
setTimeout(updateGameArea, 10);
function checkWalls(obj)
var i;
for (i=0;i<objs.length;i++)
if (objs[i].type=="WALL")
if (obj.collision(objs[i])) {return true;}
return false;
class Obj {
constructor (x,y,w,h,t,img="") {
static Wall(x,y,w,h,img) {
var id=new Obj(x,y,w,h,"WALL",img);
return id;
if ((this.x/scaleX)<0 || (this.x/scaleX)>theBoard.canvas.width ||
(this.y/scaleY)<0 || (this.y/scaleY)>theBoard.canvas.height)
switch (this.type){
case 'PATTERN':
case 'WALL':
if (this.pattern===0)
{ this.pattern=ctx.createPattern(this.imagemap,"repeat");}
case 'PLAYER':
collision(wth) {
if (((this.x+this.width)>wth.x) && (this.x<(wth.x+wth.width))
&& ((this.y+this.height)>wth.y) && (this.y<(wth.y+wth.height)))
{return true;}
else return false;
As pointed out by #Kaiido, solution to your problem is here: HTML5 Canvas performance very poor using rect().
In short, just put your main loop code between beginPath and closePath without changing your theBoard.clear() method.
function updateGameArea()
var i;
Answer I originally wrote:
Resetting the dimensions to clear the canvas works better in your case, but it would induce performance issues.
clear : function() {
this.context.canvas.width = 600 / scaleX;
this.context.canvas.height = 440 / scaleY;
Also, use requestAnimationFrame as it eliminates any flicker that can happen when using setTimeout.
The following is a guess. I think you're running out of cycles and your frames are piling up on top of each other. At a glance, I don't see anything in your code that would cause a memory leak. Unless you look at the console memory graph and find out that you do, because you're adding listeners over and over or something like that. But simply clearing a canvas does not slow things down. It's basically the same as setting a bunch of values in an array.
However: Running heavy canvas operations within a setTimeout() can have a big toll on your CPU, if the CPU can't finish one operation before the next one enters the queue. Remember that timeouts are asynchronous. If your CPU throttles down and if the refresh rate you are specifying (40 milliseconds) is too short, then you will be left with a whole stack of redraws and clears that are waiting to go right after the last one, without giving the CPU any time to breathe.
Most Canvas animation packages have ways of dealing with this, by not just setting a timeout but waiting to make sure the last redraw is finished before triggering the next one in the call stack, and dropping a frame if necessary. At a bare minimum, you want to set a global variable like _redrawing=true before you do your redraw, and then set it to false when the redraw is finished, and ignore any call to setTimeout while it's still true. That will let you count how many frames you might be dropping. If you see this number going up over time, your CPU may be throttling as well. But do also check the memory graph and see if anything else is leaking.
Edit as correctly noted by #N3R4ZZuRR0 using requestAnimationFrame() will also avoid the timer problem. But you then need to measure the time between animation frames to figure out where things should actually be at that point in time. My suggestion of dropping frames here and there is primitive and most packages use requestAnimationFrame(), but it would help you identify whether your problem is with some other part of your code or with your frames building up in the timer.

Access an instance from a function outside of the object constructor

I have a problem I can't understand after a lot of attempts to solve it.
To help you understand, there are 2 classes (Game and Board), and a third file with the jQuery keypress controls. Game is about the logic of the game, and Board about the display.
Here is a part of the code I hope sufficient to understand.
function Game(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.forbiddenPosition = [];
this.chartBoard = this.resetBoard();
Game.prototype.generateGame = function () {
this.player1 = new Player("Joueur 1", 100, dagger);
this.player2 = new Player("Joueur 2", 100, dagger);
const playerArray = [this.player1, this.player2];
Game.prototype.getPlayer1 = function () {
return this.player1;
Game.prototype.getPlayer2 = function () {
return this.player2;
Game.prototype.switchTurn = function (player1, player2) {
const ctx = $('#board').get(0).getContext('2d');
function Board (width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height; = new Game(this.width, this.height);
Board.prototype.displayInfoPlayers = function (player1, player2) {
$('.canvas-side__left').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('.canvas-side__right').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('.canvas-side__left').addClass('animated slideInLeft');
$('.canvas-side__right').addClass('animated slideInRight');
$(".canvas-side__left").html("<h2 class='canvas-side--title'>" + + "</h2><p class='canvas-side--health'>" + + "</p><p class='canvas-side--health'>" + + "</p>");
$(".canvas-side__right").html("<h2 class='canvas-side--title'>" + + "</h2><p class='canvas-side--health'>" + + "</p><p class='canvas-side--health'>" + + "</p>");
$(document).on('keypress', function (e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
Game.prototype.switchTurn(Game.prototype.getPlayer1(), Game.prototype.getPlayer2());
Board class is linked to Game class and so uses this. The control using jQuery code are in a third file and not into a class.
When I press Enter, I get undefined for player1 and 2. I tried different ways to call the getter functions and nothing works. I also tried to put the controls inside the Game file and still nothing.
I get either undefined or getPlayer1() is not a function.
I am looking for a way to call these getter functions from everywhere so I can use player1 and 2 which I need to move on the board.
There are several issues there.
The keypress event handler is using Game.prototype, not an instance of Game. You want to be using an instance of Game you've created and stored somewhere. Game.prototype doesn't have the player1 and player2 properties. They're added to instances of Game by the Game constructor. Nothing ever adds them to Game.prototype (which is correct, they shouldn't be on the prototype).
There's no need for getPlayer1, etc. You can directly access player1 and player2. (It's possible to make player1 and player2 private and only provide accessors for them, but it's a bit complicated at the moment and probably not something you want to take on yet.)
Within Game methods, you need to consistently use this.player1 and this.player2, don't pass the players around.
It seems odd for Board to create an instance of Game. It seems like it should be the other way around.
I suggest stepping back from this task and trying something simpler first (like creating a class, an instance of the class, and using that instance in an event handler), then incrementally adding complexity and making sure at each stage you're clear on what's happening. As you go, you may have more specific questions, which you can post on SO (after thorough research, etc.).
You can do something like this and it should work. Essentially, you prototype the function you're trying to access which is not declared until after the constructor.
class Test {
constructor() {
this.five = Test.prototype.getFive();
getFive() {
return 5;
let test = new Test();
console.log(test.five); // Returns 5

Tween.js | My tween isn't updating even when I loop it

So, I'm creating a game in which I have a ship with a gun that shoots bullets.
I want the gun of the ship to bounce back when I shoot so it looks like the gun actually shot the bullet. Everything is fine so far, the gun is only moving relative to the body, and nothing's been stuck in infinite loops so far.
My ship is made from a constructor I coded that works perfectly, so to create the tweens, instead of making variables inside the constructor that I can't reuse, I made the tweens actual attributes of the object.
This is what the code looks like:
this.gunTweenPosition = {y : unit / -1.52 + (gunLength * unit / -4)};
this.gunTweenTarget = {y : av.gunTweenPosition.y + unit / 6};
this.gunTween1 = new TWEEN.Tween(av.gunTweenPosition.y).to(av.gunTweenTarget.y, 1000);
this.gunTween2 = new TWEEN.Tween(av.gunTweenTarget.y).to(av.gunTweenPosition.y, 1000);
this.gunTween1.onUpdate(function() {
this.gun.position.y = av.gunTweenPosition.y;
this.gunTween2.onUpdate(function() {
this.gun.position.y = av.gunTweenTarget.y;
'this' being the object we're constructing,
and to start the function that will push and pull the gun, I have this function that I just call:
car avatar = this;
var number = 0;
function loopTweenUpdating() {
if (number < 20) {
avatar.gunTween1.onComplete(function() {
setTimeout(loopTweenUpdating, 20);
I can't see what the problem is here.
Click THIS link to see the full code.
Any ideas?
It looks like you are missing to start the tween.

Loop object method

i'm trying to call an objects methods at the same time with a loop.
I would create a game with a group of enemies that are move at the same time.
I create an object "Warrior"
function Warrior(x, y) {
// Coordinates x, y
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.character = $('<div class="enemy"></div>');
// Inserting the div inside #map
// assigning x and y parameters
marginLeft: x + 'px',
marginTop: y + 'px'
// walk method that move the div
this.walk = function() {
// Moving div 10px to the right
this.character.css('left', "+=10");
var enemies = new Array();
enemies[0] = new Warrior(0, 0);
enemies[1] = new Warrior(10, 20);
enemies[2] = new Warrior(60, 80);
for(var i=0;i<enemies.length;i++) {
setInterval(function(){enemies[i].walk()}, 1000);
I've created an array "enemies"
and I tried to call walk() methods at the same time
But nothing it happens. I would like that the divs are moving at the same time!
Based on this question
You might want to pass a parameter by value to setInterval:
for(var i=0;i<enemies.length;i++) {
function(index){ //<-- accept parameter here
}, 1000, i); //<-- pass i here
If you do not pass the parameter, x variable changes while loop is running, thus all the functions will be called having x = 2 (because you have 3 elements in your array)
You have two major problems where:
CSS does not allow programmatic modification in the way that javascript does. You modify values in javascript, and then set them in CSS:
this.walk = function() {
var current = parseInt(this.character.css('left')),
stepped = current + 10;
this.character.css('left', stepped);
Your loop creates a closure on var i which is only declared once, so the same value will be shared across the functions. You can either have the function take a parameter, and provide it in the setInterval call:
setInterval(function(index) { /* ... */}, 1000, i);
or you can put the loop within the interval function:
setInterval(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
You might also want to reconsider whether your walk function should modify the CSS directly. You've already forgotten about your x and y coordinate attributes in this code. Perhaps you should have a walk method that modifies these coordinates, and a draw function that updates the sprites' positions based on their current coordinates.

Write a wrapper object in Javascript

First off, let me apologize if my question isn't worded correctly - I'm not a professional coder so my terminology might be weird. I hope my code isn't too embarrassing :(
I have a fade() method that fades an image in and out with a mouse rollover. I would like to use a wrapper object (I think this is the correct term), to hold the image element and a few required properties, but I don't know how to accomplish this. fade() is called from the HTML, and is designed to be dropped into a page without much additional setup (so that I can easily add new fading images to any HTML), just like this:
<div id="obj" onmouseover="fade('obj', 1);" onmouseout="fade('obj', 0);">
The fade(obj, flag) method starts a SetInterval that fades the image in, and when the pointer is moved away, the interval is cleared and a new SetInterval is created to fade the image out. In order to save the opacity state, I've added a few properties to the object: obj.opacity, obj.upTimer, and obj.dnTimer.
Everything works okay, but I don't like the idea of adding properties to HTML elements, because it might lead to a future situation where some other method overwrites those properties. Ideally, I think there should be a wrapper object involved, but I don't know how to accomplish this cleanly without adding code to create the object when the page loads. If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it!
Here's my fader method:
var DELTA = 0.05;
function fade(id, flag) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
var setCmd = "newOpacity('" + id + "', " + flag + ")";
if (!element.upTimer) {
element.upTimer = "";
element.dnTimer = "";
if (flag) {
element.upTimer = window.setInterval(setCmd, 10);
} else {
element.dnTimer = window.setInterval(setCmd, 10);
function newOpacity(id, flag) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
if (!element.opacity) {
element.opacity = 0;
element.modifier = DELTA;
if (flag) {
element.opacity += element.modifier;
element.modifier += DELTA; // element.modifier increases to speed up fade
if (element.opacity > 100) {
element.opacity = 100;
element.modifier = DELTA;
element.opacity = Math.ceil(element.opacity);
} else {
element.opacity -= element.modifier;
element.modifier += DELTA; // element.modifier increases to speed up fade
if (element.opacity < 0) {
element.opacity = 0;
element.modifier = DELTA;
element.opacity =
function setStyle(id) {
var opacity = document.getElementById(id).opacity;
with (document.getElementById(id)) {
style.opacity = (opacity / 100);
style.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100);
style.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100);
style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")";
You are right, adding the handlers in your HTML is not good. You also loose the possible to have several handlers for event attached to one object.
Unfortunately Microsoft goes its own way regarding attaching event handlers. But you should be able to write a small wrapper function to take care of that.
For the details, I suggest you read - Advanced event registration models.
An example for W3C compatible browsers (which IE is not): Instead of adding your event handler in the HTML, get a reference to the element and call addEventListener:
var obj = document.getElementById('obj');
obj.addEventListener('mouseover', function(event) {
fade(event.currentTarget, 1);
}, false);
obj.addEventListener('mouseout', function(event) {
fade(event.currentTarget, 0);
}, false);
As you can see I'm passing directly a reference to the object, so in you fade method you already have a reference to the object.
You could wrap this in a function that accepts an ID (or reference) and every time you want to attach an event handler to a certain element, you can just pass the ID (or reference) to this function.
If you want to make your code reusable, I suggest to put everything into an object, like this:
var Fader = (function() {
var DELTA = 0.05;
function newOpacity() {}
function setStyle() {}
return {
fade: function(...) {...},
init: function(element) {
var that = this;
element.addEventListener('mouseover', function(event) {
that.fade(event.currentTarget, 1);
}, false);
element.addEventListener('mouseout', function(event) {
that.fade(event.currentTarget, 0);
}, false);
Using an object to hold your functions reduces pollution of the global namespace.
Then you could call it with:
Explanation of the above code:
We have an immediate function (function(){...}()) which means, the function gets defined and executed (()) in one go. This function returns an object (return {...};, {..} is the object literal notation) which has the properties init and fade. Both properties hold functions that have access to all the variables defined inside the immediate function (they are closures). That means they can access newOpacity and setStyle which are not accessible from the outside. The returned object is assigned to the Fader variable.
This doesn't directly answer your question but you could use the jQuery library. It's simple, all you have to do is add a script tag at the top:
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
Then your div would look like:
<div id="obj" onmouseover="$('#obj').fadeIn()" onmouseout="$('#obj').fadeOut()">
jQuery will handle all the browser dependencies for you so you don't have to worry about things like differences between firefox and mozilla etc...
If you want to keep your HTML clean, you should consider using JQuery to set up the events.
Your HTML will look like this:-
<div id="obj">
Your JavaScript will look "something" like this:-
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#obj").mouseover(function() {
Page.fade(this, 1);
Page.fade(this, 0);
var Page = new function () {
// private-scoped variable
var DELTA = 0.05;
// public-scoped function
this.fade = function(divObj, flag) {
// private-scoped function
var newOpacity = function (divObj, flag) {
// private-scoped function
var setStyle = function (divObj) {
I introduced some scoping concept in your Javascript to ensure you are not going to have function overriding problems.

