Returning query fragments [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have an url that looks like this:
Is it possible to return every dk parameter separately? (no matter if there will be 1 or 5 dk parameters) so i would get separately sports, groupcompanyinsider, local.
If its not possible maybe there is a way to return all of them in one string like dk=sports&dk=groupcompanyinsiderlocal&dk=local ?

You can use the built-in javascript class URLSearchParams for this.
You can then transform this into the string you want with string concatenation and a foreach.
const url = "";
var params = new URLSearchParams(url);
var result = "";
// concatenate individual values of the 'dk' query parameter
params.getAll('dk').forEach(function (item) {
result += '&dk=' + item;
result = result.substr(1); // remove starting '&' from the result;
The result should contain your desired string.


How to extract a IP address from JavaScript string data [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I have string data aa = {"PC-lab-network-452":[{"version":4,"addr":"","OS-EXT-IPS:type":"fixed","OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr":"fa:16:3e:39:38:ac"}]}
in javaScript and I've to extract the exact IP address -- from this data
I'm trying this command--
b = aa.match(\\g) but it also matches the pattern like I need to match the exact pattern. Any help to fix this?
One of the most simple regex pattern would be:
const aa = `{"PC-lab-network-452":[{"version":4,"addr":"","OS-EXT-IPS:type":"fixed","OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr":"fa:16:3e:39:38:ac"}]}`
const reg = new RegExp(/..\....\...\..../g)
const res = aa.match(reg)
but as posted in comments why not use JSON.parse?
Parse the string with JSON.parse(STRING) then access your network object ("PC-lab-network-452") JSON.parse(aa)["PC-lab-network-452"] then access any valid array index JSON.parse(aa)["PC-lab-network-452"][0] then access the addr property JSON.parse(aa)["PC-lab-network-452"][0].addr
If you want to solve this without regex. Try this :
const a = {"PC-lab-network-452":[{"version":4,"addr":"","OS-EXT-IPS:type":"fixed","OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr":"fa:16:3e:39:38:ac"}]};
Object.keys(a).forEach(item => {
const ipExist = a[item].find(obj => obj.addr === "");
if (ipExist) {
else {
console.log('IP not found');

Converting a javascript string into an existing javascript variable [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am stuck with this problem. I have a function to accept the path and also the same time I have a variable that I want to condition with.
Here is my problem: I want to make a string type that will act as an access to my variable.
In my situation, I have a roles.operation variable which I want to access it dynamically.
The roles variable has an array with the values of:
roles.operations = ['document','article','document-type'];
with this variable I want this to be access dynamically.
Here is what I've tried, which in replacePath i have the value of document-type:
export const createVariable = (roles,path) => {
const replacePath = path.replace(/-/g,"_");
const finalPath = window[`roles.operations.${replacePath}`];
this gives me undefined.
Try this way:
const finalPath = window['roles']['operations'][replacePath];
const finalPath = window.roles.operations[replacePath];

finding repeating params in query using regex [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a search query like
`const query = '?sortBy=recent&page=2&comments=true&sortBy=rating' // two repeating params 'sortBy'
How can I use regex for checking is there any repeating params ????
Not recommended to use regex.
Try this
const query = new URLSearchParams('?sortBy=recent&page=2&comments=true&sortBy=rating');
const keys = [...query.keys()]; // convert iterable to array
const unique = keys.length === new Set(keys).size; // return false if dupes found
// to get the dupe(s)
const dupes = keys.filter((e, i, a) => a.indexOf(e) !== i)

How to do array from the string ? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have an adress such as , how can I make it to an array with elements after # ?
var urlToSplit = ""
var onlyAfterHash = urlToSplit.split("/#/")[1];
var result = onlyAfterHash.split("/");
Use the split function
var str = "";
var res = str.split("#");
I think you just want something like this.First here I just split out the string by #, grab the second part of split result i.e index 1 then again splitting the result with / and finally filter out the empty string from the generated array.
var string = '';
var result = string.split('#')[1].split('/');
var filtered = result.filter((entry)=>entry.trim() != '');

Extra tags on the end of a URL for different pages [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hello I really want to learn how to do something like this. If you go to a page for example it says I do not have access to php so it can only be HTML and Javascript/jQuery. Thanks in advance!
The part of the URL that is from the questionmark onwards is called a query string.
Here is a pure JavaScript function to parse the query string to obtain particular values:
function querystring(key)
var filter;
var value;
key = key.replace(/[\[]/, '\\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\\]');
filter = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + key + '=([^&#]*)');
value = filter.exec(;
if(value == null)
return '';
return decodeURIComponent(value[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
You just pass in the query string key name you're interested in (as a string) and you get the value back (also as a string.) An example of how you could use the function:
alert('Category = ' + querystring('catagory'));
Everything behind the questionmark is a url parameter. every word left of an equal sign is the name of the parameter, everything right of an equal sign is the corresponding value. The name-value-pairs are divided by &-signs
Here are two pages i quickly googled that are about getting these parameters in JavaScript (wich is really not that hard):

