Mocking a function inside of a Redux action - javascript

I am writing tests for my redux actions. In one of my complex actions I have a function, e.g. aRandomFunction that I want to mock. How do I add write a test that mocks a function that is used inside of the fetchAction? Thanks! You can see the example below.
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
let store;
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
beforeEach(() => {
store = mockStore({});
const aRandomAction = () => ({
const aRandomFunction = (data, dispatch) => {
if (data.isTrue) {
export const fetchAction = () => {
return (dispatch) => {
return fetch('sampleApi/foo')
.then(response => handleResponse(response))
.then((json) => {
aRandomFunction(, dispatch);
.catch(error => handleError(error));
describe('testing the fetch Action', () => {
test('testing the fetch action', () => {
const expectedActions = [
{ type: "REQUEST_ACTION" },
{ type: "RECEIVE_ACTION", data: "payload" },
return store.dispatch(fetchAction()).then(() => {

You cannot mock aRandomFunction in this case, because it's not exported. Although this is not explicitly said in Jest's documentation, please note in the examples that only importable code can be mocked with Jest. You could focus on testing the final outcome of fetchAction, and what happens in the middle wouldn't matter. It's completely fine not to test it because it's implementation details, that is, it only defines the means used by fetchAction to achieve its goal, which could change over time and break your tests, even if the goal of fetchAction keeps being correctly achieved.
But if it's important for you to be able to test aRandomFunction, you will have to move it to an external file, and export it from there. After doing that, you'll be able to mock it in the same way that you're mocking other dependencies, such as handleError and handleResponse. You can even define a mock implementation if it's necessary for your test case, for example:
const aRandomAction = () => ({
const aRandomFunction = (data, dispatch) => {
if (data.isTrue) {
export default aRandomFunction;
your-test-case.spec.js (place this along with your test case from the example in the question)
import aRandomFunction from "./random-function";
aRandomFunction.mockImplementation((data, dispatch) => {
dispatch({ type: "MOCK_ACTION" );


Is it possible to clear the mock of a module in JEST?

I want to mock the function forgotPassword inside the module authenticationPlugin/App, So i am doing this
jest.mock("authenticationPlugin/App", () => ({
forgotPassword (email: string) {
const msg='success'
return msg
Now i want to clear the mock of authenticationPlugin/App and have a different implementation for the forgotPassword method
So i did this
jest.mock("authenticationPlugin/App", () => ({
forgotPassword (email: string) {
throw new Error(<any>{'err':{'message':'Network Error'}})
Now i expect the forgotPassword method to have a different implementation after clearing the mocks in for the module authenticationPlugin/App but it doesn't change...
If you want to have a different implementation for the mock in each test, you can use jest.fn instead.
Expanding on your code, it could look like this:
it('returns success', () => {
authApp.forgotPassword = jest.fn((email: string) => {
const msg='success'
return msg
// Your test code here.
test('returns error', () => {
authApp.forgotPassword = jest.fn((email: string) => {
throw new Error(<any>{'err':{'message':'Network Error'}})
// Your test code here.

Mock Axios to test .catch()

I have been trying to write tests to test a axios call but now need to test the catch part.
I have been able to do the then by mocking axios like so but can't seem to get a way to test catch. I have followed many different examples from stack overflow and the web.
jest.mock('axios', () => jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData })));
but that will always return a good result so can't test the catch. The bit of code I want to test is: goToUrl() is just a window.location.assign(url) but imported.
.then(({ data: { bundles } }) => {
this.setState({ showUpdatingPrices: false });
.catch(() => goToUrl(bundlesUrl));
In my test for .then() part I do this:
const fetchedBundles = await fetchBundlesFromApi(
However if I follow examples like this one Mocking Axios with Jest in React - mock function not being called I can't manually mock get if I put a mock axios file in a folder __mocks__ then a lot of the test suit fails so I just want to mock it in this one test file.
here is one of the examples I tried doing:
jest.mock('axios', () => ({
get: () => jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData })),
default: () => jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({ data: mockData })),
but the tests error with TypeError: (0 , _axios.default) is not a function
Here is my fetchBundlesApi function:
const fetchBundlesFromApi = params => axios(`${bundleRoute}/bundles${params}`);
EDIT: catch test
it('should redirect if api fails', async () => {
const networkError = new Error('Some network error');
const goToUrl = jest.fn();
let error;
try {
await fetchBundlesFromApi('?params');
} catch (err) {
error = err;
in my component I import goToUrl like so:
import { goToUrl } from 'Helpers';
You can make use of Jests ability to pop implementations off once they've run i.e. mockImplementationOnce and friends.
import axios from 'axios';
// default implementation
describe('#fetchBundlesFromApi', () => {
it('returns data from API', async () => {
const fetchedBundles = await fetchBundlesFromApi('?params');
it('redirects on failure', () => {
// override behaviour for this one call
// verify your failure test

Jest: Vue Component can't find mocked function

I'm mocking a ES6 class which is used inside my Vue Component:
export default class DataUploadApi {
// Get uploaded files
static async getUploadedFiles() : Promise<Object> {
return WebapiBase.getAsync({uri: DATA_UPLOAD_ENPOINTS.FILES});
I've been following along with this document, but I think my syntax is slightly off with my mock:
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils';
import DataUploadApi from '../webapi/DataUploadService';
import FileDownloadList from '../components/file-download-list.vue';
const mockGetUploadedFiles = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({json: JSON.stringify(uploadedFilesObj)});
jest.mock('../webapi/DataUploadService', () => jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({getUploadedFiles: mockGetUploadedFiles})));
describe('file-download-list component', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// #ts-ignore
DataUploadApi.mockClear(); // dont use # imports on mocks.
describe('renders correct markup:', () => {
it('without any uploaded files', () => {
const wrapper = mount(FileDownloadList, {});
This test passes. However, in the snapshot I can see that the API called failed with this error message:
_DataUploadService.default.getUploadedFiles is not a function
What have I done wrong with the function mock? Thanks in advance!
There seemed to be a few issues with my code:
Mocking the API
Using an internal mockImplementation seems to cause issues, and is not required if you don't need the additional mock functionality.
jest.mock('#/apps/gb-data/webapi/DataUploadService', () => ({
getUploadedFiles() {
return Promise.resolve({ uploaded_files: {} });
Changes to the test
Both flushPromises and nextTick are required.
it('with uploaded files', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(FileDownloadList, {
stubs: fileDownloadListStubs,
await flushPromises();
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();

Jest: How to mock a redux thunk calling another thunk?

I have the following redux thunk:
function thunkOne() {
return dispatch => {
callToApi().then(() => {
function thunkTwo() {
return dispatch => {
I would like to test only thunkOne and mock thunkTwo so that it doesn't get executed when I test thunkOne.
I tried to do this but it doesn't work:
import * as someActions from './actions';
it ('thunkOne should dispatch someNonThunkAction and thunkTwo', () => {
someActions.thunkTwo = jest.fn();
const expectedActions = [
{ type: SOME_NON_THUNK_ACTION, data: {} }
store = mockStore(initialState);
store.dispatch(someActions.thunkOne()).then(() => {
I get the following error when I run this test:
[ERROR] Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.
How do I mock thunkTwo and test thunkOne only?

How to unit test/stub async call in redux

How is the proper way to unit test the following redux async action?
const client = contentful.createClient(clientConfig);
export const fetchNavigation = () => {
return dispatch => {
return client.getEntries({content_type: 'navigation'})
.then((entries) => {
console.log('All entries for content_type = navigation')
.catch(error => {
console.log('Something went wrong');
I don't know how to customise the web request response body performed by client.getEntries. I think that replacing the getEntries function with my own one would do the trick. However, I don't know where to start to do that.
Here is the unit test I wrote:
const middlewares = [ thunk ]
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares)
describe('fetchNavigation', () => {
it('creates RECEIVE_NAVIGATION when fetching navigation is done', () => {
// Here I should prepare the client.getEntries() returned promise
const expectedBodyResponse = { includes: ['do something', 'yay!'] }
const expectedActions = [
{ type: actions.RECEIVE_NAVIGATION, navigation: expectedBodyResponse }
const store = mockStore({ todos: [] })
return store.dispatch(actions.fetchNavigation())
.then(() => {
IMO mocking getEntries (and probably createClient) seems to be the right way to do. :)
It depends how you load the contentful sdk. As I see you're using ES Modules and Jasmine, right?
To mock the getEntries function you have to mock the createClient as the client is not accessible from within your test.
I think this this answer might be what you're looking for.
I just wrote down an example.
import contentful from 'contentful';
export const fetchNavigation = () => {
return (dispatch) => {
return contentful.createClient({ accessToken: 'fooo', space: 'bar' })
.getEntries({ content_type: 'navigation' })
.then(() => {
.catch(error => console.error('Something went wrong', error));
import { fetchNavigation } from '../Action';
import * as contentful from 'contentful';
describe('Contentful mocking', () => {
it('should be possible to mock Contentful', (done) => {
const client = { getEntries: () => { return Promise.resolve(); } };
const spy = {
fn: (value) => {
spyOn(contentful.default, 'createClient').and.returnValue(client);
I had to move the createClient call into the action itself, because otherwise I don't think it's possible to reach and mock it when it's hidden in the module scope. I then used the import * as contentful from 'contentful' to mock and overwrite the needed functionality and to have the flexibility to adjust everything to my needs.
The usage of the createClient feels a bit unfortunate for me. I'd probably restructure everything a bit and would pass the client as dependency of all the actions? This way the mocking would become way easier and when you also have several action modules, there is most probably no need to initialize the client several times?
I solved in this way.
First I moved the creation of the client to its own file with functions initClient() and getClient(). The module is called contentfulClient.
Then, I found out that it is possible to mock the function of an instantiated object in sinon:
import * as contentful from './services/contentfulClient';
const client = contentful.initClient(clientConfig);
const navigation = {
items: ['page1', 'page2']
// Returns a promise with navigation as content
sinon.stub(client, 'getEntries').resolves(navigation);
// Assert
return store.dispatch(actions.fetchNavigation())
.then( () => { expect(store.getActions()).toEqual(expectedActions)

