Analyse clips in Adobe Premiere with warp stabilizer applied (jsx, ExtendScript) - javascript

When exporting a Premiere sequence with warp stabilizer applied, which is not analysed, Premiere will show a big banner across the video.
Therefore I'm trying to write a script, what tells Premiere to analyse a clip, that has warp stabilizer applied.
So far I can get Premiere to give me information about the effects of a clip, but I can't find a way to trigger the "Analyse" button inside the warp stabilizer. Also ExtendedScript Toolkit documentation isn't very helpful at this.
How can I tell Premiere to analyse the clip?
Thats my script so far:
// get active sequence
var seq = app.project.activeSequence;
if (seq) {
// get first video layer
var firstVideoTrack = seq.videoTracks[0];
if (firstVideoTrack) {
// get first video clip
var firstClip = firstVideoTrack.clips[0];
if (firstClip) {
// get effects applied to clip
var clipComponents = firstClip.components;
if (clipComponents) {
// loop through effects to find match
for (var i = 0; i < clipComponents.numItems; ++i) {
if (clipComponents[i].matchName == "AE.ADBE SubspaceStabilizer") {
var stabProps = clipComponents[i].properties;


Phaser3 framework javascript: current anims index

In phaser 3 framework, what syntax do I use to check the current frame index?
I want to make a hit area appear only when the player's sprite sheet reaches a certain index(the index displaying the motion of 'attack'). I want to accomplish this through detecting its current frame index.
How can I do this?
You could use the sprite events like: Phaser.Animations.Events.ANIMATION_UPDATE, details in official phaser documenation
player.on(Phaser.Animations.Events.ANIMATION_UPDATE, function (anim, frame, gameObject, frameKey) {
// Here you can check for the specific-frame
if(frameKey == "show_hit_area_frame"){
// ... show hitarea
// alternatively: with the index of the frame
if(frame.index == 7){
// ... show hitarea
In this selected Event, you can also check the current frame, for other properties of the frame object (details in official documenation), if you don't know/have the specific framekey/index.
The solution is found.
//hitbox solution:
//hitboxB listener
gameState.playerB.on('animationstart-kill', function () {
console.log("finish kill <3")
gameState.hitBoxB.x = gameState.playerB.flipX ? gameState.playerB.x + 120 : gameState.playerB.x - 120;
gameState.hitBoxB.y = gameState.playerB.y;
// gameState.hitBoxB.visible = true;
gameState.playerB.on('animationcomplete-kill', function () {
console.log("kill <3")
gameState.hitBoxB.x =0 ;
gameState.hitBoxB.y = 0;
// gameState.hitBoxB.visible = false;

play a videojs from a given position

I use videojs as player and I want if I restart the video for the second time to start reading from the last position before leaving it the last time
avant quitter le player je stocke la position
whereYouAt = player.currentTime();
var currentTime = localStorage.currentTime;
localStorage.currentTime = whereYouAt;
to restart it
if (player.readyState() < 1) {"loadedmetadata", onLoadedMetadata);
else {
// metadata already loaded
function onLoadedMetadata() {
var weAreAt = localStorage.currentTime;
var dri = weAreAt.split(".");
var LastTime= dri[0];
when I launch the application for the first time the player starts reading from the position last.but when I leave the player without leaving the application and relaunch it again it starts reading from the beginning of the video
knowing that localStorage.currentTime is still recovering the last position
you can set/seek current time of video on load using following snippet.
myPlayer.currentTime(120); // 2 minutes into the video
ref - docs
My solution is to remove the fuction readyState() and it worked well:
player.on('loadedmetadata', function(msg) {;
function onLoadedMetadata() {
var weAreAt = localStorage.currentTime;
var dri = weAreAt.split(".");
var LastTime= dri[0];

Spine multiple animations

So I have 2, or more skeletons for an animation (so, 2 or more json files). I want them to play at the same time and 10 seconds after, to play another animation.
Problem is that there is only one animation playing, and the second isn't displayed.
The way I'm doing it is the following:
<canvas id="animationCanvas" width="240" height="240"></canvas>
var first = true,
rendererFirst = new spine.SkeletonRenderer(''),
spineAFirst = /* My JSON Code */,
parsedFirst = JSON.parse(spineAFirst);
rendererFirst.scale = 0.2;
rendererFirst.load(spineAFirst); = 1.0;
for (var i in parsedFirst.animations) {
if (first) {
first = false;
rendererFirst.state.setAnimationByName(0, i, true);
} else {
rendererFirst.state.addAnimationByName(0, i, true, 10);
rendererFirst.skeleton.x = 120;
rendererFirst.skeleton.y = 120;
And, of course, I'm doing it twice (or more). I tried as well with a single SkeletonRenderer, just loading (and setting or adding) animations as many times as I need, and it didn't worked.
It seems that the renderer is cleaning the canvas each time it is called, the better way to achieve this seems to create a canvas for each animation, and bind a renderer to each one.

How to stop other sounds until one finishes (Js, HTML)

I need to include some sound files on a website, i recorded them and used the super complicated:
<a href="seo.html" onmouseover="new Audio('sounds/seo.mp3').play()">
to play them when the user scrolls over with the mouse. There are a total of four links on the website.
The problem is, when i mouse over one of them it starts playing, and then if i mouse over another it plays that one as well. If i move the mouse really fast accross the links i end up getting Giberish because all files are being played at the same time. How do i stop this ??
Ideal would be that the others CANNOT be played until the current playing is finished :)
An approch below.
Note, untested ;-)
a sound link -
a sound link -
a sound link -
a sound link
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a.onmousesound');
var currentPlayedAudioInstance = null;
var onHoverPlaySound = function(element) {
if (currentPlayedAudioInstance &&
currentPlayedAudioInstance instanceof Audio) {
// is playing ?
if (!currentPlayedAudioInstance.paused && !currentPlayedAudioInstance.ended && 0 < currentPlayedAudioInstance.currentTime) {
return false;
var file = element.getAttribute('data-file');
currentPlayedAudioInstance = new Audio(file);;
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
link.addEventListene('onmouseover', function() {

Easeljs sprite animation stuck on frame

I'm learning javascript by using the easeljs library to make a simple game, for school lessons.
I want to make a crosshair give some feedback to the player by showing a small animation while you are pointing at your target, using a hittest I made.
However, when the crosshair touches the target, the animation (should be two little triangles pointing to the middle of the crosshair) seems to be stuck on it's first frame.
Here is a bit of my code, I put both of these functions inside a ticker function. The functions do what they're supposed to do (I checked by sending a message to the console.log), but I think the animation is reset as soon as the variable "hitTestControle" is set to true, at every tick.
If you want to check out all of the code, here is a link to the "game":
function hitTest() {
if(distance(crossHair, block) < 60) {
hitTestControle = true;
} else {
hitTestControle = false;
function hitTestControl() {
if(hitTestControle == true) {
} else {
PS: There also seems to be something wrong with this hittest I used.
function distance() {
var difx = blok.x - crossHair.x;
var dify = blok.y - crossHair.y;
return Math.sqrt( (difx * difx) + (dify * dify) );
It looks like you're starting the animation... setting it to the first frame and starting it... every time hitTestControle is true. Since hitTestControle will be true as long as you're hovering over the target, the animation will never reach the second frame.
What you need to do is start the animation when you transition from hitTestControle = false to hitTestControle = true, but once that happens you just let it play automatically.
Try changing your hitTestControl() function to something like this:
function hitTestControl() {
if(hitTestControle == true && alreadyOverHit == false) {
alreadyOverHit = true;
} else {
alreadyOverHit = false;
In other words, only start the animation once, during the first frame you're detecting a hit, and then don't touch it unless you move off the target and back on.

