play a videojs from a given position - javascript

I use videojs as player and I want if I restart the video for the second time to start reading from the last position before leaving it the last time
avant quitter le player je stocke la position
whereYouAt = player.currentTime();
var currentTime = localStorage.currentTime;
localStorage.currentTime = whereYouAt;
to restart it
if (player.readyState() < 1) {"loadedmetadata", onLoadedMetadata);
else {
// metadata already loaded
function onLoadedMetadata() {
var weAreAt = localStorage.currentTime;
var dri = weAreAt.split(".");
var LastTime= dri[0];
when I launch the application for the first time the player starts reading from the position last.but when I leave the player without leaving the application and relaunch it again it starts reading from the beginning of the video
knowing that localStorage.currentTime is still recovering the last position

you can set/seek current time of video on load using following snippet.
myPlayer.currentTime(120); // 2 minutes into the video
ref - docs

My solution is to remove the fuction readyState() and it worked well:
player.on('loadedmetadata', function(msg) {;
function onLoadedMetadata() {
var weAreAt = localStorage.currentTime;
var dri = weAreAt.split(".");
var LastTime= dri[0];


Analyse clips in Adobe Premiere with warp stabilizer applied (jsx, ExtendScript)

When exporting a Premiere sequence with warp stabilizer applied, which is not analysed, Premiere will show a big banner across the video.
Therefore I'm trying to write a script, what tells Premiere to analyse a clip, that has warp stabilizer applied.
So far I can get Premiere to give me information about the effects of a clip, but I can't find a way to trigger the "Analyse" button inside the warp stabilizer. Also ExtendedScript Toolkit documentation isn't very helpful at this.
How can I tell Premiere to analyse the clip?
Thats my script so far:
// get active sequence
var seq = app.project.activeSequence;
if (seq) {
// get first video layer
var firstVideoTrack = seq.videoTracks[0];
if (firstVideoTrack) {
// get first video clip
var firstClip = firstVideoTrack.clips[0];
if (firstClip) {
// get effects applied to clip
var clipComponents = firstClip.components;
if (clipComponents) {
// loop through effects to find match
for (var i = 0; i < clipComponents.numItems; ++i) {
if (clipComponents[i].matchName == "AE.ADBE SubspaceStabilizer") {
var stabProps = clipComponents[i].properties;

seekTo() is not a function YouTube iframe API error

I am using a Wordpress plugin to add timestamp links of videos that will seek the video automatically to a certain timeframe.
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(){
console.log('Confirmation of call to onYouTubeIframeAPIReady()');
var STT = {
settings: STTSettings,
media: undefined,
skipTo: undefined,
isHTML5: false,
isYoutube: true,
doHTML5Skip: function() {'canplaythrough', STT.doHTML5Skip); = STT.skipTo;;
doYoutubeSkip: function() {;;
STTSkipTo = function(time) {
var audio = document.getElementsByTagName('audio'),
video = document.getElementsByTagName('video'),
iframe = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'),
timeArray = time.split(':').reverse(),
seconds = parseInt(timeArray[0]),
minutes = timeArray.length > 1 ? parseInt(timeArray[1]) : 0,
hours = timeArray.length > 2 ? parseInt(timeArray[2]) : 0;
STT.skipTo = seconds + (minutes * 60) + (hours * 3600);
if ( {
if ((parseInt(STT.settings.link_audio) && audio.length) ||
(parseInt(STT.settings.link_video) && video.length))
STT.doSkip = STT.doHTML5Skip;
if (parseInt(STT.settings.link_audio) && audio.length) { = audio[0];
} else { = video[0];
}'canplaythrough', STT.doHTML5Skip);;;
} else if (parseInt(STT.settings.link_youtube && iframe.length)) {
// Inspect the iframes, looking for a src with youtube in the URI
for (var i = 0; i < iframe.length; i++) {
if (iframe[i]'youtube') !== -1) {
// Set up the JS interface
STT.doSkip = STT.doYoutubeSkip;
iframe[0].id = 'stt-youtube-player'; = new YT.Player('stt-youtube-player', {
events: {
onReady: STT.doYoutubeSkip
console.log('Skip to Timestamp: No media player found!');
On my localhost, the plugin works seamlessly but on my hosted website, I get the following error with the stack as follows:
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
I think for some reason the website is unable to load the www-widgetapi.js which is a dependency for YouTube iframe API and thus is unable to generate the required function definition. However, I did try to include the script manually in the header but it still didn't work.
If anyone knows of any other wordpress plugin, please advice.
Based from this documentation, you need to set both the two parameter of the player.seekTo(seconds:Number, allowSeekAhead:Boolean).
Seeks to a specified time in the video. If the player is paused when the function is called, it will remain paused. If the function is called from another state (playing, video cued, etc.), the player will play the video.
The seconds parameter identifies the time to which the player should advance.
The player will advance to the closest keyframe before that time unless the player has already downloaded the portion of the video to which the user is seeking.
The allowSeekAhead parameter determines whether the player will make a new request to the server if the seconds parameter specifies a time outside of the currently buffered video data.
It should be like: Player.seekTo(120, true)//120 seconds

Video.js remove poster when using currentTime before video starts

I have a playlist of videos, with a list of each video in a sidebar. When I click on the name of the video I want to load in the sidebar, the player switches the current video to the one I just clicked.
Some videos have sections, and those sections need to start playing at a certain time in the video. For example, I have a video with 2 sections, Section 1 starts at 0:00, but when I click on "Section 2" in the sidebar, the video should start playing at 1:30 seconds into the video.
Now I got this working with the following code, but the poster image is still playing over the video when I click on Section 2 which should start playing in the middle of the video. How can I get rid of the poster image when starting a video with currentTime offset?
(function($) {
var current, gototime;
var istime = false;
// video.js object
var $player = videojs('ppi-video');
$('a').on('click', function(e) {
var attr = $(this).attr('data-video');
var time = $(this).attr('data-time');
if(typeof time !== 'undefined' && time !== false) {
istime = true;
gototime = time;
}else {
istime = false;
gototime = undefined;
// If link has data-video attribute... continue
if(typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== false) {
if( current == attr ) return;
var image_path = "images/screens/";
var content_path = "source/";
// Wait till player is ready
$player.ready(function() {
// Hide the player?
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").fadeOut(400, function() {
// Change poster
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").attr('poster', image_path + attr + ".jpg");
$player.poster(image_path + attr + ".jpg");
{ type: "video/mp4", src: content_path + attr + ".mp4" },
{ type: "video/webm", src: content_path + attr + ".webm" },
// Set the currently playing variable
current = attr;
function updateVideo() {
if( istime ) {
$player.ready(function() {
* Trying to get rid of poster here, but not working
$("#ppi-video_html5_api").attr('poster', '');
}else {
// update video when metadata has loaded
$player.on('loadedmetadata', updateVideo);
I found myself in the same situation where i needed to programmatically hide the poster image. (i wanted the posterimage to hide on drag of a custom scrubbar)
I found two ways that might help someone else who is in the same situation (i know this is an old post, but i came across it looking for an answer).
First and most simply you can hide the poster image using css:
.vjs-poster.vjs-poster.vjs-poster {
display: none;
// specificity bumped for default css, your mileage may vary.
However because i wanted this to be done on drag event i figured i might as well just use js:
It looks like on Chrome and Firefox, setting currentTime() needs to be delayed a bit. What I did was call play() and then pause() to remove the poster before the video starts. Then I set a timeout of 200 milliseconds which has a callback which then calls currentTime().
Kind of a makeshift workaround but it is working nicely.

How to stop other sounds until one finishes (Js, HTML)

I need to include some sound files on a website, i recorded them and used the super complicated:
<a href="seo.html" onmouseover="new Audio('sounds/seo.mp3').play()">
to play them when the user scrolls over with the mouse. There are a total of four links on the website.
The problem is, when i mouse over one of them it starts playing, and then if i mouse over another it plays that one as well. If i move the mouse really fast accross the links i end up getting Giberish because all files are being played at the same time. How do i stop this ??
Ideal would be that the others CANNOT be played until the current playing is finished :)
An approch below.
Note, untested ;-)
a sound link -
a sound link -
a sound link -
a sound link
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a.onmousesound');
var currentPlayedAudioInstance = null;
var onHoverPlaySound = function(element) {
if (currentPlayedAudioInstance &&
currentPlayedAudioInstance instanceof Audio) {
// is playing ?
if (!currentPlayedAudioInstance.paused && !currentPlayedAudioInstance.ended && 0 < currentPlayedAudioInstance.currentTime) {
return false;
var file = element.getAttribute('data-file');
currentPlayedAudioInstance = new Audio(file);;
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
link.addEventListene('onmouseover', function() {

Html5 video plays only for some times

Before I go into the problem I would like to say that this is the first time I'm trying to write javascript using OOP. So please bear with me and guide me if I doing anything wrong.
As title says I am using HTML5 video to play videos in my application and here is the code which I wrote.
I have created an object Screens where I have a video tag.
var Screens = {
return "<div id=\"celebration\"><video id=\"myvideo1\" width=\"300px\" ><source src=\"video/winning.mp4\" type=\"video/mp4\"></video></div> ";
getVideoElement:function() {
return $("#celebration");
This is an object where I actually control video.
var obj = Object.create(Screens);
obj.playVideo = (function() {
var videoFile = "";
var play = false;
function start() {
end(); console.log("end");
}, false);
function end() {
return {
startVideo:function(flag) {
play = flag;
if(play) {
else {
I have a button and on click it plays video,
$("#start").click(function() {
This works fine for around 5 to 10 times and later on it doesn't work. Doesn't work mean I get a white screen and video doesn't play. I inspected the page and video tag is there but doesn't play the video. I really don't have any idea about what is going wrong. I saw few posts and that didn't help. Looking ahead for a help....
I am using chrome Version 26.0.1410.64 m. And I'm concerned only about this browser.
You can see this page.

