how to insert an array in ajax? - javascript

I have modal, inside the modal there is a form when i click the submit button it will do this.
jquery code:
$('#add-new-content-form').on('submit', e => {
//I want to add this block dates to the data
let blockdates = $("#block-dates").val();
let title = $("#card-title").val();
let catalogId = $("#catalog").val();
let categoryId = $("#category").val();
let subcategoryId = $('#subcategory').val();
let why = $("#why").val();
let description = $('#card-description').val();
let cancellationPolicy = $('#cancellation-policy').val();
let displayPrice = $('#display-price').val();
let displayDiscounted = $('#discounted-price').val();
let displayMaxPax = $('#display-maxpax').val();
let data = {
"description": "national araw ng mga puso day!",
"notAvailableDate": "2019-02-14 10:00:00"
"description": "chinese new year!",
"notAvailableDate": "2019-02-25 10:00:00"
"title": title,
"catalogId": catalogId,
"categoryId": categoryId,
"subcategoryId": subcategoryId,
"why": why,
"description": description,
"cancellationPolicy": cancellationPolicy,
"displayPrice": displayPrice,
"displayDiscounted": displayDiscounted,
"displayMaxPax": displayMaxPax
let content = ajax("api/unitContents", JSON.stringify(data), "POST");
// window.location.replace("/category");
Now, in the postman there is something just like this:
"description": "national araw ng mga puso day!",
"notAvailableDate": "2019-02-14 10:00:00"
"description": "chinese new year!",
"notAvailableDate": "2019-02-25 10:00:00"
"name": "abulalas,purok 4",
"address" : "abulalas1 hagonoy bulacan",
"lat" : 12141.00,
"lng" : 123251.00
"units": 2,
"title": "sample unit content",
"catalogId": 6,
"categoryId": 22,
"subcategoryId": 13,
"contentOptions": [
"name":"bannana boat",
"inventoryId": 1,
"inventoryId": 1,
"paxPrices": [
"count": 5,
"pricePerPax": 200,
"totalPrice": 1000,
"fee": 100
"count": 1,
"pricePerPax": 200,
"totalPrice": 200,
"fee": 10
"name":"bannana with island tour",
"inventoryId": 1,
"inventoryId": 1,
"paxPrices": [
"count": 5,
"pricePerPax": 200,
"totalPrice": 1000,
"fee": 100
"count": 1,
"pricePerPax": 200,
"totalPrice": 200,
"fee": 10
"photos": [
"videos": [
"why": "sample why",
"description": "sample desc",
"displayPrice": 300,
"displayDiscounted": 250,
"displayMaxPax": 2
the thing is, I want to save the blockdate, what is the syntax of inserting the blockdates?

Try this before stringifying the data variable:
data.blockdates = $("#block-dates").val();

To execute your code jQuery is needed. Try after inserting <script src=''></script> before your code.

If you have let blockdates = $("#block-dates").val();
You can append blockdates into data like this

You may need to keep the elements in an object first. You can then add them to the array.
blockDates= [];
var description = $("#card-description").val();
var notAvailableDate = $("##block-dates").val();
var blockdate = {description, notAvailableDate};
in this way => let content = ajax("api/unitContents", JSON.stringify(data, blockDates), "POST");
let data = {
"title": title,
"catalogId": catalogId,
"categoryId": categoryId,
"subcategoryId": subcategoryId,
"why": why,
"cancellationPolicy": cancellationPolicy,
"displayPrice": displayPrice,
"displayDiscounted": displayDiscounted,
"displayMaxPax": displayMaxPax,
"blockDates": blockDates
in this way => `let content = ajax("api/unitContents", JSON.stringify(data), "POST");`


Remove a sub level of an array

I get a list of items with add-ons from the server, but when I try to delete an add-on from this list I can't. I noticed that when I try to access the property grupoAdicionais.produto.codigo, it does not exist because it has a sublevel coming from the API, how do I remove this to have access to my product.codigo?
Array received from API:
{"produto": {"codigo":21, "descricao":"Bacon"}, "item":148657, "quantidade":1, "total":5},
{"produto": {"codigo":13193, "descricao":"Queijo"}, "item":148657, "quantidade":1, "total":1}
My code in the reducer to return the list without the extra:
REMOVER_ADICIONAL: (state, action) => {
let itemRemover = action.item;
let listaReducer = state.lstItensRestauranteQRcode;
const itemRemovido = listaReducer.filter((item) => {
return item.grupoAdicionais.produto.codigo != itemRemover.produto.codigo;
state.lstItensRestauranteQRcode = itemRemovido;
If all you want to do is get a list of the codes:
const response = {"grupoAdicionais": [{
"produto": {
"codigo": 21,
"descricao": "Bacon"
"item": 148657,
"quantidade": 1,
"total": 5
}, {
"produto": {
"codigo": 13193,
"descricao": "Queijo"
"item": 148657,
"quantidade": 1,
"total": 1
const codigos = => grupo.produto.codigo)
// =>
[ 21, 13193 ]
I'm not totally sure, but it seems like maybe you want to remove a group by its code.
const removeByCode = (code) => response.grupoAdicionais.filter((group) => group.produto.codigo !== code)
const newGroups = removeByCode(21)
// =>
produto: { codigo: 13193, descricao: 'Queijo' },
item: 148657,
quantidade: 1,
total: 1
var response = {"grupoAdicionais": [{
"produto": {
"codigo": 21,
"descricao": "Bacon"
"item": 148657,
"quantidade": 1,
"total": 5
}, {
"produto": {
"codigo": 13193,
"descricao": "Queijo"
"item": 148657,
"quantidade": 1,
"total": 1
grupoAdicionais is an array here, you have to access it like this:

Get Father and Children in an API with APPS SCRIPT (GSHEETS)

i'm using google apps script, and I have a JSON array consisting of nested parent and child objects.
"logisticalHierarchies": [
"product_key_id": 48232671,
"gtin": "05449000696878",
"lastRequest": null,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [
"product_key_id": 48232673,
"gtin": "05449000283863",
"quantity": 130,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [
"product_key_id": 48232457,
"gtin": "05449000283856",
"quantity": 4,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [
"product_key_id": 48232675,
"gtin": "05449000214843",
"quantity": 6,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [],
"contentOwner_id": 10525,
"isMainHierarchyUnit": false,
I would like by entering the GTIN object as parameters, to succeed in recovering the GTIN object of the father of the product that I have just entered.
For example if I enter the GTIN: 05449000283856
I get the GTIN FATHER: 05449000283863
For the moment I am able to retrieve only the first GTIN of the list (the first father) using this script:
var url=''+params;
var content =UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
if (content. getResponseCode() ==200) {
var return =JSON.parse(content.getContentText());
for(i=0; i<data.length;i++) {
var product=data[i]; // A product in JSON format
var childrens ={logisticalHierarchies}) => => [o.children?.gtin || ""]));
var line=[
product.logisticalHierarchies[0] != null? product.logisticalHierarchies[0].children[0].gtin: ' ',
So a recursion would help, passing the father as you go into deeper level. This one written for readability not for efficiency as you should break from the loop early if you find the searched item.
var logisticalHierarchies = [{
"product_key_id": 48232671,
"gtin": "05449000696878",
"lastRequest": null,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [{
"product_key_id": 48232673,
"gtin": "05449000283863",
"quantity": 130,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [{
"product_key_id": 48232457,
"gtin": "05449000283856",
"quantity": 4,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [{
"product_key_id": 48232675,
"gtin": "05449000214843",
"quantity": 6,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [],
"contentOwner_id": 10525,
"isMainHierarchyUnit": false,
}, {
"product_key_id": 12323,
"gtin": "05449000214847",
"quantity": 6,
"productIdentifier": null,
"children": [],
"contentOwner_id": 10525,
"isMainHierarchyUnit": false,
function find_gtin_father(arr, gtin, parent) {
parent = parent || null;
var found = null;
arr.forEach(function(item) {
if (item.gtin === gtin) {
found = parent;
} else {
if (item.children) {
found = found || find_gtin_father(item.children, gtin, item);
return found;
var item = find_gtin_father(logisticalHierarchies, "05449000214847")
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important}

Look up value from array in another array, and then match a second value Google Apps Script Javascript JSON API

I'm importing data from my crm Pipedrive into Google sheets using Google Apps Script. This is part of a larger process but I'm at an impasse with this section of the script. I need to return a value by matching two parts of one array to another array.
First I pull all deal fields, which returns custom field keys and their id/label pairs. Here's a simplified output example:
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 12500,
"key": "c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8",
"name": "Lead Type",
"options": [
"label": "Expired",
"id": 28
"label": "Sale",
"id": 29
"label": "Rent",
"id": 30
"label": "Other",
"id": 31
"mandatory_flag": false
Then I have separate info from a specific deal that includes an id. I need to match the below id 28 to the above array and return the label Expired:
var leadType =["c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8"];
which returns 28
I don't know what '28' means so that's why I need to match it to the label Expired.
The dealFields array is long, maybe 50 or 100 of the above array objects. And there are around 10 custom deal field keys where I will have to return the label base on matching the key and id. I think I have to loop each key and id to return the label. But not sure of the optimum way to do this and save on processing power.
I tried:
for (var i in dealFieldsresponse) {
if (dealFieldsresponse[i].data.key == "c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8") {
for (var j in dealFieldsresponse[j]) {
if (dealFieldsresponse[j].id == "28") {
It's not working. I'm new at javascript and programming in general so this is my best guess and I appreciate any insights.
Edit: here's a bigger chunk of code that I have to work with:
// Get deal fields data
var dealFieldsurl = URL +'/v1/dealFields?api_token='+ API_TOKEN;
var options = {
"method": "get",
"contentType": "application/json",
var dealFieldsresponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(dealFieldsurl, options);
dealFieldsresponse = JSON.parse(dealFieldsresponse.getContentText());
// Get deal data
var dealurl = URL +'/v1/deals/' + dealId + '?api_token='+ API_TOKEN;
var options = {
"method": "get",
"contentType": "application/json",
var dealresponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(dealurl, options);
dealresponse = JSON.parse(dealresponse.getContentText());
var propertyAddress =["9bd1d8c4f07f5795fd8bffb16f3b63c6547d7d3a"];
var leadType =["c4ecbe01c3494d1be52432f4a3194ede3a50c0f8"];
var dealType =["a4269fb4730cf7fd1787752be94eacbc4b0de24e"];
var dealSource =["d76fa2d6f8454a51f7d64d981cd9320877bc2ea0"];
var marketingFor =["58cb55090b55652b7f89a8b44074682d874c548a"];
var dateListedOnMarket =["aa49c7b95a7d151bec4c2d936f6ab40d0caea43c"];
var dateTakenOffMarket =["660c1250b0a641a10ff9121c2df124ff89c13052"];
var askingPrice =["1de94dbf589fda7a3a3248662cd24f03d512a961"];
And the dealFieldsresponse variable stores an array with many objects containing arrays. Here are two primary objects, as you can see each has a key and then options. I need to match the key and then find the id within options for each key
"id": 12500,
"key": "c4ecbe01c3494d1be52432f4a3194ede3a50c0f8",
"name": "Lead Type",
"order_nr": 64,
"field_type": "set",
"add_time": "2020-08-20 19:33:22",
"update_time": "2020-08-20 19:33:22",
"last_updated_by_user_id": 11678191,
"active_flag": true,
"edit_flag": true,
"index_visible_flag": true,
"details_visible_flag": true,
"add_visible_flag": true,
"important_flag": true,
"bulk_edit_allowed": true,
"searchable_flag": false,
"filtering_allowed": true,
"sortable_flag": true,
"options": [
"label": "Expired",
"id": 28
"label": "Sale",
"id": 29
"label": "Rent",
"id": 30
"label": "Other",
"id": 31
"mandatory_flag": false
"id": 12502,
"key": "a4269fb4730cf7fd1787752be94eacbc4b0de24e",
"name": "Deal Type",
"order_nr": 65,
"field_type": "set",
"add_time": "2020-08-20 19:57:12",
"update_time": "2020-08-20 19:57:12",
"last_updated_by_user_id": 11678191,
"active_flag": true,
"edit_flag": true,
"index_visible_flag": true,
"details_visible_flag": true,
"add_visible_flag": true,
"important_flag": true,
"bulk_edit_allowed": true,
"searchable_flag": false,
"filtering_allowed": true,
"sortable_flag": true,
"options": [
"label": "Lease",
"id": 37
"label": "Financing",
"id": 38
"label": "Assign",
"id": 39
"label": "ST",
"id": 40
"label": "Other (see notes)",
"id": 41
"mandatory_flag": false
Edit 2: how do I return the labels for multiple ids?
const obj = {
"a4269fb4730cf7fd1787752be94eacbc4b0de24e": {id: 37,38}, "58cb55090b55652b7f89a8b44074682d874c548a": {id: 44,45},
"2ec54cce0d091b69b1fd1a245c7aad02b57cadb8": {id: 126},
"fab84c732295022ecd7bdf58892a62cb4d8ecf24": {id: 50,52,54},
For example, I'd want the first to return red, blue as a string, and the second to return green, orange as a string. Assuming the labels that match the ids are colors. The third one only has one id, but the fourth one has three. How do I account for this? And I'd like my output to be some kind of array where I can then say search key a4269fb4730cf7fd1787752be94eacbc4b0de24e and return value red, blue as a string
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to retrieve the value of label using key and id from the JSON object in your question using Google Apps Script.
As a sample situation, you want to retrieve the value of "label": "Expired" using "key": "c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8" and "id": 28.
The JSON object has the arrays of data and options. Both arrays have the several elements.
Modification points:
If dealFieldsresponse is the JSON object in your question, and[].options are 1 dimensional array. When you want to retrieve the value of key and id, it is required to loop those arrays.
When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
const searchKey = "c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8"; // Please set the value of key.
const searchId = 28; // Please set the value of id.
const dealFieldsresponse = {
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 12500,
"key": "c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8",
"name": "Lead Type",
"options": [
"label": "Expired",
"id": 28
"label": "FSBO",
"id": 29
"label": "FRBO",
"id": 30
"label": "Other",
"id": 31
"mandatory_flag": false
const data =;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].key == searchKey) {
const options = data[i].options;
for (let j = 0; j < options.length; j++) {
if (options[j].id.toString() == searchId.toString()) {
// Logger.log(options[j].label);
Other sample:
As other sample script, how about the following script? In this sample, the result values are put in an array.
const searchKey = "c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8"; // Please set the value of key.
const searchId = 28; // Please set the value of id.
const dealFieldsresponse = {
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 12500,
"key": "c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8",
"name": "Lead Type",
"options": [
"label": "Expired",
"id": 28
"label": "FSBO",
"id": 29
"label": "FRBO",
"id": 30
"label": "Other",
"id": 31
"mandatory_flag": false
const res =, {key, options}) => {
if (key == searchKey) {
options.forEach(({id, label}) => {
if (id == searchId) ar.push(label);
return ar;
}, []);
When you want to retrieve the multiple values using the multiple key and id, how about the following sample script? In this sample script, the key c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8 and id 28 and the key a4269fb4730cf7fd1787752be94eacbc4b0de24e and id 37 are searched and the values of label are retrieved.
const obj = {
"c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8": {id: 28},
"a4269fb4730cf7fd1787752be94eacbc4b0de24e": {id: 37}
}; // Please set the key and id you want to search.
const dealFieldsresponse = {
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 12500,
"key": "c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8",
"name": "Lead Type",
"options": [
"label": "Expired",
"id": 28
"label": "FSBO",
"id": 29
"label": "FRBO",
"id": 30
"label": "Other",
"id": 31
"mandatory_flag": false
};{key, options}) => {
if (obj[key]) {
options.forEach(({id, label}) => {
if (id == obj[key].id) obj[key].label = label;
When above script is run, the following result is obtained.
At above sample JSON object, the label of the key c4ecbe01c34994ede3a50c0f8 and id 28 is retrieved.

Javascript Object array get last array

I have a json object array I have two functions. One to get the last message and the other to get. I need to keep the outer format the same but only return the one message.
I am getting the Json from the Telegram api and I have a Node Express script to return the reformatted Json
Here is the full Json:
"ok": true,
"result": [
"update_id": 650787950,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 258,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256395,
"text": "test messge"
"update_id": 650787951,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 259,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256604,
"text": "next"
I have a function to store the object after an api call to Telegram:
this.messageData = data;
For the function to get the last message:
getlastMessage() {
I am trying to return the Json:
"ok": true,
"result": [
"update_id": 650787951,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 259,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256604,
"text": "next"
And for the function to get a specific update_id
getNextMessage(update_id) {
Again I am trying to get this format of a single message matching the passed in update_id
"ok": true,
"result": [
"update_id": 650787951,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 259,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256604,
"text": "next"
I am a little confused with the layers of object and arrays mixed.
Does this work?
const messages = {
ok: true,
result: [{
update_id: 650787950,
channel_post: {
message_id: 258,
chat: {
id: -1001497153100,
title: 'TestBot',
type: 'channel',
date: 1592256395,
text: 'test messge',
update_id: 650787951,
channel_post: {
message_id: 259,
chat: {
id: -1001497153100,
title: 'TestBot',
type: 'channel',
date: 1592256604,
text: 'next',
const getLastMessage = (messages) => {
final = {
ok: true,
result: [],
final.result.push(messages.result[messages.result.length - 1]);
return final;
const getNextMessage = (update_id, messages) => {
final = {
ok: true
final.result = messages.result.filter((msg) => {
return msg.update_id === update_id;
return final;
console.log(getNextMessage(650787950, messages));
You get the last message by returning the last element in the array, by getting the length of the array and -1
I used Array.prototype.filter() to find the correct object.
To get the last result you would need to go to results and return the last index:
function getlastMessage(resultObject) {
return {
ok: resultObject.ok
result: [resultObject.result[resultObject.result.length - 1]]
To get the message by update_id:
getNextMessage(update_id) {
return {
ok: resultObject.ok
result: [resultObject.result.find(message => message.update_id === update_id)]
Something along these lines
Using destructuring you can make your code a little bit more compact:
const someObject = JSON.parse(`{
"ok": true,
"result": [
"update_id": 650787950,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 258,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256395,
"text": "test messge"
"update_id": 650787951,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 259,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256604,
"text": "next"
const getNextMessage = (update_id) => {
return {
result: someObject.result.find(message => message.update_id === update_id)
const getLastMessage = () => {
const arrayLength = someObject.result.length;
return {
result: someObject.result[arrayLength - 1]
If you want to keep the result type as an array you can use filter instead of find and surround the last element of result array with square brackets, like this:
const getNextMessage = (update_id) => {
return {
result: someObject.result.filter(message => message.update_id === update_id)
const getLastMessage = () => {
const arrayLength = someObject.result.length;
return {
result: [someObject.result[arrayLength - 1]]

how can i set the property in empty object using for loop?

this is my data which i am getting through the form.
var subject = {
"subject":"Welcome to Transcendental Meditation India",
"EmailType":"Create New",
I am using the loop to create another array of object which looks like this after modifying subject.
"Catitems": [
"template": {
"name": "Series 1 email",
"from": "TEAMGMG",
"subject": "GROUP2 - SERIES1 - EMAIL",
"body": "<html><body><strong>My test email</strong></body></html>",
"confidential": true,
"active": true
"sequentialOrder": 1,
"numberOfDaysToWait": 0,
}, {
"template": {
"name": "Series 2 email",
"from": "TEAMGMG",
"subject": "GROUP2 - SERIES2 - EMAIL",
"body": "<html><body><strong>My test email2</strong></body></html>",
"confidential": true,
"active": true
"sequentialOrder": 2,
"numberOfDaysToWait": 10,
I Have tried to manipulate the Subject with this loop but can not be able to set the property.
var Catitems={};
for(var i=0; i<subject.items.length ; i++){
Catitems[i]["name"]= subject.items[i].EmailType
Your Catitems is declared as object, when it should be declared as an array:
var Catitems=[];
for(var i=0; i<sobject.items.length ; i++){
var tempObj = {
"template":{} //must set this otherwise some other error
tempObj["template"]["name"] = sobject.items[i].EmailType
//tempObj["template"]["somethingElse"] = sobject.items[i].somethingElse
//console.log(item); //not defined btw
If you want to modify each one of the element in the array, you can use to map each item in the array to a new obj structure.
var subject = {
"items": [{
"EmailType": "INVITATION",
"name": "INVITATION",
"subject": "Welcome to Transcendental Meditation India",
"from": "",
"body": "hello",
"active": true,
"confidential": false,
"numberOfDaysToWait": 1,
"sequentialOrder": 3
"EmailType": "Create New",
"name": "sweeeee",
"subject": "eeee",
"from": "",
"body": "hello2",
"active": false,
"confidential": true,
"numberOfDaysToWait": 1,
"sequentialOrder": 2
const CartItems = => {
return {
name: item.EmailType,
template: {
name: item.EmailType,
from: item.from,
subject: item.subject,
body: item.body,
confidential: item.confidential,
sequentialOrder: item.sequentialOrder,
numberOfDaysToWait: item.numberOfDaysToWait,

