highcharts - does not create with ajax - javascript

I want to chart created after an event like click a button, but chart does not created after clicking the button.
in sample there are 2 divs. container1 and container2,
container1 render partialView in razor and works fine and chart created, but container2 suppose to contains a chart after Change Data button clicked, it call an action via AJAX that renders same partialView as shown in container1 but does not work!
where I'm wrong?
action called and server responding and there is no error in console, this is after button click:
<button id="changeDataButton">Change Data</button>
<div id="container1">
Random random = new Random();
Html.RenderPartial("~/Views/Shared/chartPartialView.cshtml", new ChartModel()
CategoriesStackBar = new List<string>() { "A", "B", "C" },
Series = new List<Series>()
new ColumnSeries()
Name = "A",
Data = new List<ColumnSeriesData>()
new ColumnSeriesData()
Y = random.Next(100),
new ColumnSeriesData()
Y = random.Next(100),
new ColumnSeriesData()
Y = random.Next(100),
Id = "chart",
<div id="container2">
#section scripts{
<script src="~/Scripts/highcharts.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#changeDataButton').click(function (event) {
console.log('change data button clicked');
async: false,
url: '/Home/UpdateChart',
success: function (partialView) {
$('#container2').innerHTML = (partialView);
public ActionResult UpdateChart()
Random random = new Random();
PartialViewResult partialViewResult = PartialView("~/Views/Shared/chartPartialView.cshtml", new ChartModel()
CategoriesStackBar = new List<string>() { "A", "B", "C" },
Series = new List<Series>()
new ColumnSeries()
Name = "A",
Data = new List<ColumnSeriesData>()
new ColumnSeriesData()
Y = random.Next(100),
new ColumnSeriesData()
Y = random.Next(100),
new ColumnSeriesData()
Y = random.Next(100),
Id = "dynamicChart",
return partialViewResult;
thanks in advance for your help

You can't use innerHTML directly on a jQuery object, you'll have to use .html() :


handle click event on item in listbox

I have some line chart which gets data from controller.Also I have Methods ListBox with with some SelectListItem items. When I click on any of these items in Listbox I get graphId and then it pass to controller to "Coordinates" method and this method creates dataCoord list with (x,y) coordinates. So question is how do I modify my script to pass this dataCoord list to my line chart by clicking on any item in Method ListBox
here is Coordinates method:
public JsonResult Coordinates(int graphId)
List<DataPoint> dataCoords = new List<DataPoint> { };
string exp = "GRAPHIC_ID = " + graphId;
DataRow[] foundrows;
foundrows = oraVars.Ds.Tables["COORDS"].Select(exp);
for (int i = 0; i < foundrows.Length; i++)
double x = Convert.ToDouble(foundrows[i].ItemArray[1]);
double y = Convert.ToDouble(foundrows[i].ItemArray[2]);
dataCoords.Add(new DataPoint(x, y));
return Json(dataCoords, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
here is script in view:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#MethodsListBoxValues").change(function () {
type: 'POST',
url: '#Url.Action("coordinates")',
dataType: 'json',
data: { graphId: $("#GraphicListBoxValues").val() },
"how to modify script?"
error: function (ex) {
alert('Failed.' + ex);
return false;
here is line chart script:
window.onload = function () {
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
theme: "light2",
animationEnabled: true,
title: {
text: "Simple Column Chart in ASP.NET MVC"
subtitles: [
{ text: "Try Resizing the Browser" }
data: [
type: "line", //change type to bar, line, area, pie, etc

performcallback gridview after combobox filtering

can you help me to fix my problem, I made gridview, and I use combobox to filter data in gridview and get gridview performcallback after filter, but gridview not callback after filter. how can I do ? Help me Please?
this is some code :
controller gridview filter :
public ActionResult FilterTypePro(String typePro)
//Session["typePro"] = typePro;
var model = Model._ProposalObject.ListDataProposal();
if (typePro != null && typePro != string.Empty)
model = Model._ProposalObject.ListDataProposal(typePro);
return PartialView("_gvPartialViewProposals", model);
and this is code to get value filter combobox :
function OnClickFilter(type) {
type = cbTypeProposal.GetValue();
type: "POST",
cache: false,
async: false,
url: '#Url.Action("FilterTypePro", "App")',
data: { 'typePro': type },
success: function (data) {
try {
and this is code to view cshtml :
groupItem.Items.Add(item =>
item.Caption = "Type Of Proposal";
item.Width = 400;
item.SetNestedContent(() =>
Html.DevExpress().ComboBox(cmbSettings =>
cmbSettings.Name = "cbTypeProposal";
cmbSettings.Width = 100;
cmbSettings.Properties.DropDownStyle = DropDownStyle.DropDownList;
cmbSettings.ShowModelErrors = true;
cmbSettings.Properties.Items.Add("ATL", "ATL");
cmbSettings.Properties.Items.Add("BTL", "BTL");
cmbSettings.Properties.ClientSideEvents.SelectedIndexChanged = "function(s, e) { OnClickFilter();}";
}); ;
I hope you can help me.
Modify your javascript function as follows:
function OnClickFilter(type){
type = cbTypeProposal.GetValue();
'typePro': type
Modify your grid settings as follows:
settings.Name = "gvPartialViewProposals";
settings.CustomActionRouteValues = new { Controller = "App", Action = "FilerTypePro" };

how do you call getJSON inside the highchart section

Currently I am doing this:
$(function () {
// Create the chart
$.getJSON('db_cpu.php', function(data) {
var chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container'
rangeSelector: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: 'Database utilization'
series: data
}, function (chart) {
normalState = new Object();
normalState.stroke_width = null;
normalState.stroke = null;
normalState.fill = null;
normalState.padding = null;
//normalState.r = null;
normalState.style = hash('text-decoration', 'underline');
hoverState = new Object();
hoverState = normalState;
pressedState = new Object();
pressedState = normalState;
//pressedState.style = hash('text-decoration', 'none');
chart_1DButton = chart.renderer.button('1D', 52, 10, function () {
$.getJSON('db_memory.php', function (data) {
}, normalState, hoverState, pressedState);
function unselectButtons() {
when I clicked on the button, my chart does not diplay any data. dp_cpu.php and db_memory.php outputs json formated data that has name and data in it already. For exmaple dp_cpu.php outputs this data:
I have some more info. when I do another getJSON as below example, It looks like I need to reset each series. This is really not convenient. I need to be able to read and external file and just show whatever in that file as chart and redraw the chart. Any ideas?
$.getJSON('db_memory.php', function (data) {
I have tried something like this and it is partially working with one problem. After clicking the button, I get the chart but my button disappears:
$(function () {
// Create the chart
$.getJSON('db_pc.php', function(data) {
var chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container'
rangeSelector: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: 'Database utilization'
series: data
}, function (chart) {
normalState = new Object();
normalState.stroke_width = null;
normalState.stroke = null;
normalState.fill = null;
normalState.padding = null;
//normalState.r = null;
normalState.style = hash('text-decoration', 'underline');
hoverState = new Object();
hoverState = normalState;
pressedState = new Object();
pressedState = normalState;
//pressedState.style = hash('text-decoration', 'none');
chart_1DButton = chart.renderer.button('1D', 52, 10, function () {
$.getJSON('db_memory.php', function (data1) {
var chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container'
rangeSelector: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: 'Database utilization'
series: data1
}, normalState, hoverState, pressedState);
function unselectButtons() {
You can use addSeries() then you will not need to reset data, but in case when you use setData, redrawing is called, so redraw() can be skipped.
You only add your button when the chart is created.
The problem is that when you use the following code
, new Highcharts.StockChart..., the chart will load again, so it's will render without your button.
So, you have two options, add a callback that will add the button again, or use serie.setData to change it's data dinamically.
I'd go with the second option.
Other problem is that the response is an array, you have to access it the following way data[0]
Finally will have the following code:
chart_1DButton = chart.renderer.button('1D', 52, 10, function () {
$.getJSON('db_memory.php', function (data) {
// update data
// chart.series[0].setData( data[0].data );
// update series' options
}, normalState, hoverState, pressedState);
after looking at different options, I realized that what I need to do maybe better implemented using html/css type buttons:
And using jquery click event I can load any kind of chart to the div:

Cannot set property 'new_form' of undefined

I'm having trouble with a Backbone.js tutorial from Treehouse. Here's my code:
var NotesApp = (function () {
var App = {
stores: {}
App.stores.notes = new Store('notes');
// Note Model
var Note = Backbone.Model.extend({
//Local Storage
localStorage: App.stores.notes,
initialize: function () {
if (!this.get('title')) {
title: "Note at " + Date()
if (!this.get('body')) {
body: "No Body"
var NewFormView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"submit form": "createNote"
createNote: function (e) {
var attrs = this.getAttributes(),
note = new Note();
getAttributes: function () {
return {
title: this.$('form [name=title]').val(),
body: this.$('form [name=body]').val()
window.Note = Note;
$(document).ready(function () {
App.views.new_form = new NewFormView({
el: $('#new')
return App
And I get the error: Cannot set property 'new_form' of undefined
I've tried to go back and copy the code as close as possible, but I still couldn't get it to work. Any suggestions?
After stores: {} add ,
views: {}.
You need an object to attach your view to - JavaScript has no vivification

Knockout Complex Data Model Binding

Let's start with the code..
Javascript to bind viewmodel and display dialog
$("#add-song").click(function () {
.attr("data-bind", "template: { name: 'manage-song-template' }")
resizable: false,
modal: true,
title: "Add Song",
width: 960,
height: 490,
buttons: [
text: "Create Song",
'data-bind': 'click: savechanges',
click: function () {
text: "Close",
click: function () {
close: function () {
open: function () {
ko.applyBindings(new my.managesongviewmodel());
Now let's take a look at the view model
my.managesongviewmodel = function () {
//Scalar Properties
song = null,
loadfromserver = function (Id) {
$.post("/song/getsong", "id=1", function (response) {
if (response.Success) {
var data = response.Data;
var song = response.Data.Song;
var songdata = {
Song: {
Id: song.Id,
Title: song.Title,
Description: song.Description,
Lyrics: song.Lyrics,
isMaster: song.isMaster,
AudioFilePath: song.AudioFilePath,
CoverImageFilePath: song.CoverImageFilePath,
CreatedDate: song.CreatedDate
Genres: data.Genres,
SongAlternateTitles: data.SongAlternateTitles,
Exploitations: data.Exploitations,
SongWriterSongs: data.SongWriterSongs
song = new my.song(songdata);
savechanges = function () {
return {
song: song,
loadfromserver: loadfromserver
my.song = function (data) {
//Scalar Properties
id = ko.observable(data.Song.Id),
title = ko.observable(data.Song.Title),
description = ko.observable(data.Song.Description),
lyrics = ko.observable(data.Song.Lyrics),
ismaster = ko.observable(data.Song.isMaster),
audiofilepath = ko.observable(data.Song.AudioFilePath),
coverimagefilepath = ko.observable(data.Song.CoverImageFilePath),
createddate = ko.observable(data.Song.CreatedDate),
genres = ko.observableArray(data.Genres),
alttitles = ko.observableArray(data.SongAlternateTitles),
exploitations = ko.observableArray(data.Exploitations),
songwritersongs = ko.observableArray(data.SongWriterSongs);
return {
id: id,
title: title,
description: description,
lyrics: lyrics,
ismaster: ismaster,
audiofilepath: audiofilepath,
coverimagefilepath: coverimagefilepath,
createddate: createddate,
genres: genres,
alttitles: alttitles,
exploitations: exploitations,
songwritersongs: songwritersongs
Here is my template
<script type="text/html" id="manage-song-template">
<div class="modal-form">
<span data-bind="text: song.title"></span>
Chrome is throwing the error "Cannot read property 'title' of null;" when I launch the dialog. That said, the "alert(song.title());" actually shows a the song title.
Any thoughts on where I've gone wrong?
I have created a jsfiddle that replicates the issue. http://jsfiddle.net/mcottingham/H7jqa/28/
It's easy. In the moment when you shows modal window your song var still equals null. So you have to wait while info about song will be loaded from server:
$("<div>").attr("data-bind", "template: { name: 'manage-song-template' }").dialog({
// another options
open: function (event, ui) {
var vm = new my.managesongviewmodel(), domNode = this;
vm.loadfromserver().done(function() {
ko.applyBindings(vm, domNode);
// another code
And add return statement at the begining of loadfromserver function:
loadfromserver = function (Id) {
return $.post("/song/getsong", "id=1", function (response) {
// code

