Cannot set property 'new_form' of undefined - javascript

I'm having trouble with a Backbone.js tutorial from Treehouse. Here's my code:
var NotesApp = (function () {
var App = {
stores: {}
App.stores.notes = new Store('notes');
// Note Model
var Note = Backbone.Model.extend({
//Local Storage
localStorage: App.stores.notes,
initialize: function () {
if (!this.get('title')) {
title: "Note at " + Date()
if (!this.get('body')) {
body: "No Body"
var NewFormView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"submit form": "createNote"
createNote: function (e) {
var attrs = this.getAttributes(),
note = new Note();
getAttributes: function () {
return {
title: this.$('form [name=title]').val(),
body: this.$('form [name=body]').val()
window.Note = Note;
$(document).ready(function () {
App.views.new_form = new NewFormView({
el: $('#new')
return App
And I get the error: Cannot set property 'new_form' of undefined
I've tried to go back and copy the code as close as possible, but I still couldn't get it to work. Any suggestions?

After stores: {} add ,
views: {}.
You need an object to attach your view to - JavaScript has no vivification


Backbone subview is not rendered, "Uncaught ReferenceError: view is not defined" error returned

I am working on a site that uses Backbone.js, jQuery and I am trying to render a subview that has to display a description of the current page, loaded depending on a choice made from a dropdown menu. I searched for more info in the web but I am still stuck on this. Please help!
Here is the main view in which I have to load the description view:
const InquiryContentView = Backbone.View.extend(
el: $('#inquiryContent'),
events: {
'change #styles': 'renderTabs',
'click': 'renderTabPanel'
initialize: function () {
const view = this
this.inquiryContent = new InquiryContent
success: function () {
view.listenTo(view.inquiryContent, 'update', view.render)
render: function () {
const data = []
this.inquiryContent.each(function (model) {
const value = {} =
value.text =
value.disabled = !model.get('active')
data.unshift({id: 'none', text: 'Select One', disabled: true, selected: true})
this.$el.append('<h2 class="pageHeader">Inquiry Content</h2>')
this.$el.append('<select id="styles"></select>')
this.$stylesDropdown = $('#styles')
data: data,
dropdownAutoWidth: true,
width: 'element',
minimumResultsForSearch: 10
this.$el.append('<div id="navWrapper"></div>')
this.$el.append('<div id="tNavigation"></div>')
this.$navWrapper = $('#navWrapper')
this.$tNavigation = $('#tNavigation')
this.$el.append('<div id="editorDescription"></div>')
renderTabs: function (id) {
const style = this.inquiryContent.findWhere({id: id.currentTarget.value})
if (this.clearTabPanel()) {
this.tabsView = new TabsView({style: style})
renderTabPanel (e) {
const tabModel = this.tabsView.tabClicked(
if (tabModel && this.clearTabPanel()) {
this.tabPanel = new TabPanelView({model: tabModel})
clearTabs: function () {
if (this.tabsView !== undefined && this.tabsView !== null) {
clearTabPanel: function () {
if (this.tabPanel !== undefined && this.tabPanel !== null) {
if (this.tabPanel.dataEditor !== undefined && this.tabPanel.dataEditor.unsavedChanges) {
if (!confirm('You have unsaved changes that will be lost if you leave the page. '
+ 'Are you sure you want to leave the page without saving your changes?')) {
return false
this.tabPanel.dataEditor.unsavedChanges = false
return true
I am trying to render the subview adding this method:
renderDescription () {
this.$editorDescription = $('#editorDescription')
this.descView = new DescView({model: this.model})
It has to be rendered in a div element with id='editorDescription'
but I receive Uncaught ReferenceError: DescView is not defined
Here is how DescView is implemented:
window.DescView = Backbone.View.extend(
el: $('#editorDescription'),
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, 'render')
render: function () {
description: this.model.get('description')})
What am I doing wrong?
Your implementation of the DescView is incomplete. You are missing a bunch of closing braces and brackets. That's why it's undefined.

How to reference a Backbone/Marionette View within itself?

function (MyModel) {
return Mn.LayoutView.extend({
template: '#my-template',
className: 'my-classname',
regions: {
content: '.content-region',
panel: '.panel-region'
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, 'childButtonClicked');
onShow: function () {
this.getRegion('content').show(new AnotherView());
childEvents: {
'some-child-click': 'childButtonClicked'
childButtonClicked: function (view) {
var newView = new MyView({
model: new MyModel({
title: view.model.get('title')
I'm trying to nest instances of MyView within itself. This worked correctly when I was building the prototype by dumping everything into one function, like so:
var MyView = Mn.LayoutView.extend({
childButtonClicked: function(view) {
var newView = new MyView({
Now that I'm trying to separate the Views into their own files and use require.js, I can't figure out the syntax for a self-referential view.
When I run this code as is, I get an error like 'MyView is undefined'.
If I add it to the require header like so:
define(['app/models/MyModel', 'app/views/MyView'],
function (MyModel, MyView) {
I get the error 'MyView is not a function'.
EDIT for solution:
The marked solution works fine, I ended up using the obvious-in-hindslght:
function (MyModel) {
var MyView = Mn.LayoutView.extend({
template: '#my-template',
className: 'my-classname',
regions: {
content: '.content-region',
panel: '.panel-region'
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, 'childButtonClicked');
onShow: function () {
this.getRegion('content').show(new AnotherView());
childEvents: {
'some-child-click': 'childButtonClicked'
childButtonClicked: function (view) {
var newView = new MyView({
model: new MyModel({
title: view.model.get('title')
return MyView;
You can require() in your module: var MyView = require(app/views/MyView);.
So for want of a better place:
childButtonClicked: function (view) {
var MyView = require(app/views/MyView);
var newView = new MyView({
model: new MyModel({
title: view.model.get('title')

Backbone.js and router.navigate

I'm trying to improve the navigation of my little backbone application. Right now I just have some simple navigation using html links that use to #path/to/page in the href element.
What I'm running into is when I click on one of these and then click the back button, the page doesn't refresh properly, and the HTML content doesn't change. So I'm trying to incorporate the navigate functionality into my code.
The issue I'm running into is that I can't find an example that matches the code layout I'm currently using, and I don't understand how backbone works enough to adapt the things I find into something useful.
Here's what I've got:
app.js - called from the index.html file
baseUrl: 'js/lib',
paths: {
app: '../app',
tpl: '../tpl',
bootstrap: 'bootstrap/js/',
shim: {
'backbone': {
deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
exports: 'Backbone'
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
], function ($, Backbone, Router) {
var router = new Router();
app/router.js - instantiated in app.js
define(function (require) {
"use strict";
var $ = require('jquery'),
Backbone = require('backbone'),
WindowView = require('app/views/Window'),
breadcrumbs = {"Home": ""},
$body = "",
$content = "",
windowView = "";
return Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function () {
require([], function () {
$body = $('body');
windowView = new WindowView({el: $body}).render();
$content = $("#content", windowView.el);
routes: {
'' : 'home',
'profile/login(/)' : 'candidateProfileLogin',
'profile/manage(/)' : 'candidateProfileLogin',
'profile/manage/:id(/)' : 'candidateProfileHome',
'profile/manage/:id/questionnaire/:page(/)' : 'candidateProfileQuestionnaire',
'profile/manage/:id/:section(/)' : 'candidateProfileSection',
home: function (){
candidateProfileLogin: function () {
require(['app/views/CandidateLogin'], function (CandidateLoginView) {
var view = new CandidateLoginView({el: $content});
candidateProfileHome: function (id) {
require(["app/views/Candidate", "app/models/candidate"], function (CandidateView, models) {
var candidate = new models.Candidate({id: id});
success: function (data) {
var view = new CandidateView({model: data, el: $content});
error: function (data) {
var view = new CandidateView({model: data, el: $content});
candidateProfileSection: function (id, section) {
require(["app/views/Candidate", "app/models/candidate"], function (CandidateView, models) {
var candidate = new models.Candidate({id: id});
success: function (data) {
var view = new CandidateView({model: data, el: $content});
error: function (data) {
//Output the data to the console. Let the template take care of the error pages
var view = new CandidateView({model: data, el: $content});
candidateProfileQuestionnaire: function (id, page) {
require(["app/views/Candidate", "app/models/candidate"], function (CandidateView, models) {
var candidate = new models.Candidate({id: id});
success: function (data) {
var view = new CandidateView({model: data, el: $content});
error: function (data) {
//Output the data to the console. Let the template take care of the error pages
var view = new CandidateView({model: data, el: $content});
app/views/Candidate.js - My view I'm trying to process the clicks
define(function (require) {
"use strict";
var $ = require('jquery'),
_ = require('underscore'),
Backbone = require('backbone'),
tpl = require('text!tpl/Candidate.html'),
template = _.template(tpl),
CandidateErrorView = require('app/views/CandidateError'),
errtpl = require('text!tpl/CandidateError.html'),
errTemplate = _.template(errtpl);
return Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'submit #voters-guide-personalInfo': 'savePersonalInfo',
'submit #voters-guide-essay' : 'saveEssay',
'submit #voters-guide-survey' : 'saveSurvey',
'submit #voters-guide-endorsements': 'saveEndorsements',
'submit #voters-guide-photo' : 'savePhoto',
'click #table-of-contents a' : 'navTOC',
savePersonalInfo: function (event) {
saveEssay: function (event) {
saveSurvey: function (event) {
saveEndorsements: function (event) {
savePhoto: function(event) {
navTOC: function (event) {
var id = $('candidate-id');
var path = $('path');
//router.navigate("profile/manage/" + id + "/" + path, {trigger: true});
render: function (page) {
//Check to see if we have any errors
if (!this.model.get('error')) {
var dataToSend = {candidate: this.model.attributes};
switch(page) {
case 'personalInfo':
template = _.template(require('text!tpl/Candidate-personalInfo.html'));
case 'essay':
template = _.template(require('text!tpl/Candidate-essay.html'));
case 'survey':
template = _.template(require('text!tpl/Candidate-survey.html'));
case 'endorsements':
template = _.template(require('text!tpl/Candidate-endorsements.html'));
case 'photo':
template = _.template(require('text!tpl/Candidate-photo.html'));
return this;
} else {
this.$el.html(errTemplate({candidate: this.model.attributes}));
return this;
Now, in an attempt to stop the 'the page content doesn't reload when I hit the back button' issue, I've been looking into the navigate function that backbone has available (this: router.navigate(fragment, [options]);). There are lots of examples of how this is used, but none of them seem to have anything similar to the file setup that I'm using, so I'm not exactly sure how best to access this functionality from my view. If I include the router file in the view and instantiate a new version of it, the page breaks b/c it tries to run the initialize function again.
I'm just really at a loss on how this is supposed to work.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
P.S. If someone has any better ideas, I am all ears!
You should have access to the Backbone object, which within it, has access to navigate around using the history.navigate function. If you call that passing in trigger: true you'll invoke the route. For instance:
Backbone.history.navigate("profile/manage", { trigger: true });

How can i call function on view on the click event of Id, function is written on controller in backbone.js

My controller code is here.
spine.module("communityApp", function (communityApp, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
"use strict";
communityApp.Controllers.pforumController = Marionette.Controller.extend(
init: function(){
var func = _.bind(this._getpforum, this);
var request = App.request('alerts1:entities' , {origin:'pforum'});
var pforumCollectionView = new communityApp.CollectionViews.pforumCollectionViews({
collection: data
communityApp.activeTabView = pforumCollectionView;
// Populating the data;
view code is here
spine.module("communityApp", function (communityApp, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
// Load template
var a;
var pforumTemplateHtml = App.renderTemplate("pforumTemplate", {}, "communityModule/tabContainer/pforum");
// Define view(s)
communityApp.Views.pforumView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile($(pforumTemplateHtml).html()),
tagName: "li",
onRender: function () {
this.object = this.model.toJSON();
events: {
"click #postcomment" : "alrt",
"click #recent-btn": "recent",
"click #my-posts": "myposts",
"click #popular-btn": "popular",
"click #follow-btn": "follow",
"click #my-posts": "LeftLinks",
"click #popular-btn": "LeftLinks",
"click #follow-btn": "LeftLinks"
postcomments : function ()
alrt : function ()
alert ("In Progress ......");
showCommentEiditor : function (){
showPforumTab : function ()
showComments : function(){
hideCommentPopup : function ()
// Show Loading sign
showLoading : function () {
// UnLoading Function
hideLoading : function (){
// Add New Event Function
addEvent : function()
document.getElementById("my-gllpMap").style.width = "100%";
var my_gllpMap = document.getElementById("my-gllpMap");
google.maps.event.trigger( my_gllpMap, "resize" );
setValues : function(key,value)
getValues : function (key)
return window.localStorage.getItem(key);
closeAddEvent:function ()
// Show Over lay
showOverly:function ()
// Hide Loading sign
hideOverly : function()
LeftLinks: function (e) {
var elem = $('a');
var elem = $('a');
var event = elem.attr('name');
switch (event) {
case "myposts":
var _this = $.extend({}, this, true);
_this.event = 'myposts';;
case "recents":
var _this = $.extend({}, this, true);
_this.event = 'recents';;
// $("#recent").addClass('active');
case "populars":
var _this = $.extend({}, this, true);
_this.event = 'populars';;
// $("#pforum").removeClass('active');
case "follows":
var _this = $.extend({}, this, true);
_this.event = 'follows';;
LinkUrl: function (modalThis) {
communityApp.activeTabView.collection = []; // currently empty data
className: 'comm-main-container'
// uncomment these lines when getting data fro web service route, it will repopulate the data
var func = _.bind(function (data) {
communityApp.activeTabView.collection = data;
}, this);
switch (this.event) {
case "myposts":
$.when(App.request('alertLinks:entities', {
origin: 'pforum',
event: this.event
case "recents":
$.when(App.request('alertLinks:entities', {
origin: 'pforum',
event: this.event
case "populars":
$.when(App.request('alertLinks:entities', {
origin: 'pforum',
event: this.event
case "follows":
$.when(App.request('alertLinks:entities', {
origin: 'pforum',
event: this.event
return true;
// define collection views to hold many communityAppView:
communityApp.CollectionViews.pforumCollectionViews = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
tagName: "ul",
itemView: communityApp.Views.pforumView
Whenever I need to share an event between a view and controller I usually wire up the listeners within the module that instantiates the controller. This example is a bit contrived, but it gets the point across. The full working code is in this codepen. The relevant bit is copied here. Notice the line this.listenTo(view, 'itemview:selected', this.itemSelected); where the view's event triggers a method on the controller.
App.module("SampleModule", function(Mod, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
// Define a controller to run this module
// --------------------------------------
var Controller = Marionette.Controller.extend({
initialize: function(options){
this.region = options.region
itemSelected: function (view) {
var logView = new LogView();
$('#log').append(logView.render('selected:' + view.cid).el);
show: function(){
var collection = new Backbone.Collection(window.testData);
var view = new CollectionView({
collection: collection
this.listenTo(view, 'itemview:selected', this.itemSelected);;
// Initialize this module when the app starts
// ------------------------------------------
Mod.controller = new Controller({
region: App.mainRegion
The other way to accomplish this, if you cannot wire it all up within the same module, is to use Marionette's messaging infrastructure. For example, you can use the application's event aggregator to pass events around.

Backbone - Validation not working on create, only update/edit?

So, I am able to validate just fine when I am editing an existing item. However, if I want to create, validation for some reason is not getting kicked off. Instead, I am seeing the errors below:
//this is if the field I want to validate is empty
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'get'
//this is if everything in the form is filled out
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'trigger' of undefined
Here is(what I think is) the relative portion of my js. Sorry if its an overload, I wanted to add as much as I can to be as specific as possible:
Comic = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.bind("error", this.notifyCollectionError);
this.bind("change", this.notifyCollectionChange);
idAttribute: "ComicID",
url: function () {
return this.isNew() ? "/comics/create" : "/comics/edit/" + this.get("ComicID");
validate: function (atts) {
if ("Name" in atts & !atts.Name) {
return "Name is required";
if ("Publisher" in atts & !atts.Publisher) {
return "Publisher is required";
notifyCollectionError: function (model, error) {
this.collection.trigger("itemError", error);
notifyCollectionChange: function () {
this.collection.trigger("itemChanged", this);
Comics = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Comic,
url: "/comics/comics"
comics = new Comics();
FormView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, "render");
this.template = $("#comicsFormTemplate");
events: {
"change input": "updateModel",
"submit #comicsForm": "save"
save: function () {
success: function (model, response) {
model.collection.trigger("itemSaved", model);
error: function (model, response) {
model.trigger("itemError", "There was a problem saving " + model.get("Name"));
return false;
updateModel: function (evt) {
var field = $(evt.currentTarget);
var data = {};
var key = field.attr('ID');
var val = field.val();
data[key] = val;
if (!this.model.set(data)) {
//reset the form field
render: function () {
var html = this.template.tmpl(this.model.toJSON());
return this;
NotifierView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.template = $("#notifierTemplate");
this.className = "success";
this.message = "Success";
_.bindAll(this, "render", "notifySave", "notifyError");
comics.bind("itemSaved", this.notifySave);
comics.bind("itemError", this.notifyError);
events: {
"click": "goAway"
goAway: function () {
notifySave: function (model) {
this.message = model.get("Name") + " saved";
notifyError: function (message) {
this.message = message;
this.className = "error";
render: function () {
var html = this.template.tmpl({ message: this.message, className: this.className });
return this;
var ComicsAdmin = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function () {
listView = new ListView({ collection: comics, el: "#comic-list" });
formView = new FormView({ el: "#comic-form" });
notifierView = new NotifierView({el: "#notifications" });
routes: {
"": "index",
"edit/:id": "edit",
"create": "create"
index: function () {
edit: function (id) {
var model = comics.get(id);
formView.model = model;
create: function () {
var model = new Comic();
formView.model = model;
jQuery(function () {
success: function () { = new ComicsAdmin();
error: function () {
So, shouldnt my create be getting validated too? Why isnt it?
When creating a new instance of a model, the validate method isn't called. According to the backbone documentation the validation is only called before set or save.
I am also struggling with this problem and found solutions in related questions:
You could make a new model and then set its attributes (see question 9709968)
A more elegant way is calling the validate method when initializing the model (see question 7923074)
I'm not completely satisfied with these solutions because creating a new instance of the model like described in the backbone documentation shouldn't happen when an error is triggered. Unfortunately, in both solutions you're still stuck with a new instance of the model.
edit: Being stuck with a new instance of the model is actually quite nice. This way you can give the user feedback about why it didn't pass the validator and give the opportunity to correct his/her input.
OK. So, I'm having some mild success here.
First, I wrote my own validation framework, Backbone.Validator since I didn't like any of the ones out there that I found.
Second, I am able to get the validation framework to set off the validation routine by setting silent: false with in the object provided during the new Model creation.
Along with using the use_defaults parameter from my validation framework I am able to override bad data during setup in initial testing. I'm still working on doing some more tests on this, but it seems to be going OK from from the Chrome browser console.

