How to see values in Semantic-UI-React with multiple attribute? - javascript

This is a really straight forward question. Notice I have the multiple attribute. When I select a value it just pushes a value into an array. Hence, if I have multiple values it will give me an array with multiple values but not the specific option I'm choosing.
Now my question is how do I get that specific value when I remove it from the Dropdown? I've searched google for an hour and haven't found an answer.
search fluid multiple selection/>
onChange(e, { value } ) {
// DOESN'T WORK???!!!

So Dropdown from Semantic UI doesn't seem to provide this functionality out of the box. However, there's a decent way of achieving this. First, create a state like:
this.state = {
selected: [],
Then, bind a function to the Dropdown component like so:
Once that's done, write the handleChange function to compare array lengths on every change. If state array is longer than whatever array you get from the dropdown, the item has been removed and you can check which one. Otherwise, dump the array into the state.
handleChange = (e, { value }) => {
if (this.state.selected.length > value.length) { // an item has been removed
const difference = this.state.selected.filter(
x => !value.includes(x),
console.log(difference); // this is the item
return false;
return this.setState({ selected: value });
You'll need a polyfill to run in IE8 and below though.


react useState doesn't update state

I have a table with checkboxes and I want to save selected checkboxes' ids in state. So here's my code.
Input looks like this (I use coreui so this is the inside of a table's scopedSlots):
selected: (item) => {
return (
<td style={{ width: '40px' }}>
onChange={(e) => handleSelect(e)}
And this is the rest:
const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState([]);
const handleSelect = (e) => {
const id =;
const index = selectedRows.indexOf(id);
const rows = [...selectedRows];
if (index === -1) {
} else {
rows.split(index, 1);
And the weirdest thing happens - in the chrome's react devtools I see that the first id is being added to the selectedRows array and then when I select another row - the previous item in the array is being overwritten. When i console.log my selectedRows array it shows empty array always (even if I see in the devtools that there's one item). I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.
There is not a lot of information to work with in your question, so I had to make many assumptions about how are they suppose to work, but this is what I got so far:
the handleSelect function has a little error when it comes to removing items from the list, your function is using split but I think what you meant was slice
I think the scopes of handleSelect and const [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState([]); are wrong. For what I can see, they are at the same level of selected component, which will fail as they will only be able to keep track of one selected component at the time, and I think you are needing to keep track of multiple selected components.
Here is a working version of what I think you are trying to do
If you need clarification on something, please let me know, I'm aware that I'm not the best explainer.

ReactJS value not being stored in for loop while using inline html

i have a small problem with this piece of code (using PrimeReact):
let dropDownOptions = [];
for(var i = 0; i<this.state.filter_bonus.length;i++){
var filter_option = this.state.filter_bonus[i];
<Dropdown value={filter_option.type.bonus_name}
onChange={(e) => this.updateTypeFilterAtIndex(e.value,i)}
filter showClear filterBy="bonus_name"
placeholder="Select a Bonus" />
<InputNumber value={filter_option.value}
onValueChange={(e) => this.updateValueFilterAtIndex(e.value,i)}
mode="decimal" showButtons min={0} max={100} />
This is suposed to create multiple dropdowns and store the values in a list state variable to be read using it's index. This is the function called when some option is selected.
let new_arr = [...this.state.filter_bonus];
new_arr[index]['type'] = val;
this.setState({filter_bonus: new_arr});
This is the result,
But the problem here is that, when i select some option for example in the first dropdown, the value "i" in the for loop is 0, although when the onChange gets triggered (e) => this.updateTypeFilterAtIndex(e.value,i) the value "i" passed will be 1 instead of 0. So it will be referencing the wrong dropdown.
This happens to all dropdowns, it looks like the value stored in the callback is one iteration ahead. Is this normal or is it a bug on React?
I have checked a bunch of times and all looks fine.
I had similar issue. Try using forEach() instead of using a for loop.
this.state.filter_bonus.forEach((item, index)=>{

React DatePicker loads with default value but then will not change when state changes

I have a component which renders x amount of DateInputs based on x number of charges. The date inputs should be rendered with the default value loaded from the server. Once the onChange is triggered it updates the state in the parent and prints out the console with the selected date using the computedProperty. To give more context here is an image of the page:
A you can see, a datepicker is rendered for each charge and the user needs the ability to modify the charge date. So in terms of data flow, the onChange in the child component triggers the method handleChargesDateChange in the parent, as the state needs to be stored in parent.
At the minute, the default charge date is rendered in the dropdown, but when onChange is executed then date input value does not change. However, the method prints out the correct date that was selected. Again, for more context, here is a screenshot of the data stored in parent when child executes onChange on the date picker.
As you can see, the date values get modified when the user selects one from each datepicker. However, the actual datepicker value stays the same. I can get it to work where it renders with an empty date for each datepicker and when the user selects a new date, it will render the datepicker with the selected date. It also stored the value in parent. But I am really struggling to render the defalt value, but when it is changed update the datepicker with the user selected value... I hope this makes sense.. Anyway here's the code. So the method which gets triggered in parent:
handleChargesDateChange = (e) => {
const date =;
const momentDate = moment(date);
const chargeId =;
updatedChargeDates: [
{[chargeId]: date}
}, () => console.log(this.state.updatedChargeDates))
This then gets passed down (around 3 children deep) via:
<Grid.Column width={16}>
I will skip the various other children components that the method gets passed to and go straight to the effected component. So the method then lands at Charges:
export class Charges extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
currentItem: 0,
newDate: '',
fields: {}
render() {
const {charges, chargeTypes, updateChargeDates, chargeDates} = this.props;
console.log('Props method', charges);
if (charges.length === 0) { return null; }
return <Form>
{ => {
const chargeType = chargeTypes.find(type => type.code === charge.type) || {};
return <Grid>
<Grid.Row columns={2}>
label={chargeType.description || charge.type}
width={6} />
***value={chargeDates[] == null ? charge.effectiveDate : chargeDates[]}***
<Divider hidden />
<br />
I have highlighted the culprit code with *** to make it easier to follow. I am using a ternary type operator to determine which value to display, but it doesnt seem to update when i select a value.. I thought that from the code I have, if the initial chargeDates[] is null then we display the charge.effectiveDate which is what it is doing, but soon as I change the date i would expect chargeDates[] to have a value, which in turn should display that value...
I really hope that makes sense, im sure im missing the point with this here and it will be a simple fix.. But seems as im a newbie to react, im quite confused..
I have tride to follow the following resources but it doesnt really give me what I want:
Multiple DatePickers in State
Daepicker state
If you need anymore questions or clarification please do let me know!
Looking at your screenshot, updatedChargeDates (chargeDates prop) is an array of objects. The array has indexes 0, 1 and 2, but you access it in the DateInput like this chargeDates[] your trying to get the data at the index 431780 for example, which returns undefined, and so the condition chargeDates[] == null ? charge.effectiveDate : chargeDates[], will always return charge.effectiveDate.
You can fix this in handleChargesDateChange by making updatedChargeDates an object, like this :
handleChargesDateChange = (e) => {
const date =;
const momentDate = moment(date);
const chargeId =;
updatedChargeDates: {
[chargeId]: date
}, () => console.log(this.state.updatedChargeDates))

slice happens in the code but it doesnt update in the UI

there are three drop down menus in the initial state.
after I select the first drop down the second drop down values gets loaded
after I select the second drop down values.
a new set of drop down loads.
when I select remove button of the second set.
it doesnt remove that set but it removes the first set.
when I debugged removeSelectedValue method there slices are happening correctly but its not updating in the updating
can you tell me how to pass the queryComponents values so that it will update in the UI.
can you tell me how to fix it.
so that in future I will fix it myself.
providing my relevant code snippet and sandbox below.
all my code is in demo.js
removeSelectedValue = index => {
console.log("removeSelectedValue--->", index);
let seletedValues = this.state.queryComponents;
seletedValues.splice(index, 1);
console.log("spliced Values--->", seletedValues);
this.setState({ queryComponents: seletedValues });
render() {
let queryComp =, index) => {
return (
return <div>{queryComp}</div>;
When you do let seletedValues = this.state.queryComponents;
you're creating a reference to that variable, instead of making a copy.
You need to make sure you replace your state with a new object/array for the re-render to happen.
Please try this:
removeSelectedValue = index => {
this.setState(prevState => ({
queryComponents: prevState.seletedValues.filter((a, i) => (i !== index));
That filter function is equivalent to the splice you were using, but returns a new array instead of modifying the original one.
On the other hand, I 'm passing setState a function that uses prevState making the code shorter.

Dynamically created custom form components in react

See this gist for the complete picture.
Basically I will have this form:
When you click the plus, another row should appear with a drop down for day and a time field.
I can create the code to add inputs to the form, however I'm having trouble with the individual components (selectTimeInput is a row) actually updating their values.
The onChange in the MultipleDayTimeInput is receiving the correct data, it is just the display that isn't updating. I extremely new to react so I don't know what is causing the display to not update....
I think it is because the SelectTimeInput render function isn't being called because the passed in props aren't being updated, but I'm not sure of the correct way to achieve that.
Thinking about it, does the setState need to be called in the onChange of the MultipleDayTimeInput and the input that changed needs to be removed from the this.state.inputs and readded in order to force the render to fire... this seems a little clunky to me...
When you update the display value of the inputs in state, you need to use this.setState to change the state data and cause a re-render with the new data. Using input.key = value is not the correct way.
Using State Correctly
There are three things you should know about
Do Not Modify State Directly
For example, this will not re-render a
// Wrong
this.state.comment = 'Hello';
Instead, use setState():
// Correct
this.setState({comment: 'Hello'});
The only place where you
can assign this.state is the constructor.
read more from Facebook directly here
I would actually suggest a little bit of a restructure of your code though. It's not really encouraged to have components as part of your state values. I would suggest having your different inputs as data objects in your this.state.inputs, and loop through the data and build each of the displays that way in your render method. Like this:
suppose you have one input in your this.state.inputs (and suppose your inputs is an object for key access):
inputs = {
1: {
selectedTime: 0:00,
selectedValue: 2
in your render, do something like this:
render() {
let inputs = Object.keys(this.state.inputs).map((key) => {
let input = this.state.inputs[key]
return (<SelectTimeInput
name={'option_' + key}
onChange={this.onChange.bind(this, key)}
return (
<button className="button" onClick={this.onAddClick}><i className="fa fa-plus" /></button>
{ inputs }
Notice how we're binding the key on the onChange, so that we know which input to update. now, in your onChange function, you just set the correct input's value with setState:
onChange(event, key) {
inputs: Immutable.fromJS(this.state.inputs).setIn([`${key}`, 'selectedTime'],
// or
inputs: Object.assign(this.state.inputs, Object.assign(this.state.inputs[key], { timeValue: }))
this isn't tested, but basically this Immutable statement is going to make a copy of this.state.inputs and set the selectedTime value inside of the object that matches the key, to the State is updated now, a re-render is triggered, and when you loop through the inputs again in the render, you'll use the new time value as the timeValue to your component.
again, with the Object.assign edit, it isn't tested, but learn more [here]. 2 Basically this statement is merging a new timeValue value in with the this.state.inputs[key] object, and then merging that new object in with the entire this.state.inputs object.
does this make sense?
I modified the onChange in the MultipleDayTimeInput:
onChange(event) {
const comparisonKey = - 1);
const input = this.getInputState(comparisonKey);
input.selected =;
input.display = this.renderTimeInput(input);
let spliceIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.state.inputs.length; i++) {
const matches = inputFilter(comparisonKey)(this.state.inputs[i]);
if (matches) {
spliceIndex = i;
if (spliceIndex < 0) {
throw 'error updating inputs';
inputs: [...this.state.inputs].splice(spliceIndex, 1, input)
The key points are:
// re render the input
input.display = this.renderTimeInput(input);
// set the state by copying the inputs and interchanging the old input with the new input....
inputs: [...this.state.inputs].splice(spliceIndex, 1, input)
Having thought about it though, input is an object reference to the input in the this.state.inputs so actually [...this.states.inputs] would have been enough??

