Javascript (unsolved) - Passing variables inside a function to an onclick function - javascript

I'm trying to pass a variable from an addEventListener function to an onclick function. Thank you!
document.getElementById('rect').addEventListener('keyup', function() {
var index = 5;
asd.onclick = function() {

Here is the way
asd.onclick = function() {
var index = 5;
function hey (index) {
var recive = index;


Use Javascript Object to Angular Service

I am trying to add functions to a JS Object which will be used as a singleton service.
.factory('createStepsService', createStepsService);
createStepsService.$inject = [];
/* #ngInject */
function createStepsService() {
var steps;
var service = {
newSteps: function (current_step, total_steps) {
if (!steps) {
return new Steps(current_step, total_steps);
return service;
function Steps(current_step, total_steps) {
this.c_step = current_step;
this.t_step = total_steps;
Steps.prototype = {
addSteps: function (num) {
this.c_step += num;
setLastStep: function () {
this.lastStep = this.c_step = this.t_step;
When I run this line from the controller, I am not able to access
addSteps / setLastStep methods.
vm.createStepsService = createStepsService.newSteps(1, 3);
Why I don't see these methods? Were they created?
Your steps.prototype code is never ran.
This is because it appears after the return.
Change the order of your code to this:
/* #ngInject */
function createStepsService() {
var steps;
function Steps(current_step, total_steps) {
this.c_step = current_step;
this.t_step = total_steps;
Steps.prototype = {
addSteps: function (num) {
this.c_step += num;
setLastStep: function () {
this.lastStep = this.c_step = this.t_step;
var service = {
newSteps: function (current_step, total_steps) {
if (!steps) {
return new Steps(current_step, total_steps);
return service;
The reason that you can have a function declared before a return is because of JavaScript variable and function hoisting.
Your problem is that you are creating Steps.prototype after a return statement, so it will never be read.
In AngularJS, services are singletons objects that are instantiated only once per app.
And the factory() method is a quick way to create and configure a service.
It provides the function's return value i.e. Need to create an object, add properties to it, then it will return that same object.
For ex:
.factory("createStepService", function(){
var stepServiceObj = {};
var c_step = 0;
var t_steps = 0;
var last_step = 0;
stepServiceObj.setCurrentStep = function(current_step){
c_step = current_step;
console.log('c_step1: ',c_step);
stepServiceObj.getCurrentStep = function(){
return c_step;
stepServiceObj.setTotalStep = function(total_steps){
t_steps = total_steps;
stepServiceObj.getTotalStep = function(){
return t_steps;
stepServiceObj.setLastStep = function(){
last_step = c_step = t_step;
stepServiceObj.getLastStep = function(){
return last_step;
stepServiceObj.addSteps = function(num){
return c_step += num;
return stepServiceObj;

Get var from another function?

Hello im trying to get a variable from another function
$(document).ready(function() {
var totalFiles;
$(".filesUpload").on("change", function() {
var files = $(".filesUpload").prop("files");
var names = $.map(files, function(val) { return; });
var totalFiles = names.length;
$("#uploadBar").on("", function() { var test = totalFiles; alert(test); });
But right now i only get undefined on the totalFiles, but if i have a alert right after var totalFiles = names.length i get the right result, anyone knows what i can do and what am i doing wrong?
PS. I've checked other threads aswell and it still doesn't work.
Check your references to totalFiles. You have one declared globally and then declared it locally in $(".filesUpload").on("change", function() {.
This is what it needs to be :
$(document).ready(function() {
var totalFiles;
$(".filesUpload").on("change", function() {
var files = $(".filesUpload").prop("files");
var names = $.map(files, function(val) { return; });
totalFiles = names.length;
$("#uploadBar").on("", function() { var test = totalFiles; alert(test); });
Just remove 'var' from the 1st function.
Do not declare the variable twice. In your onChange function, just use totalFiles rather than declaring it again with the var keyword.
$(".filesUpload").on("change", function() {
totalFiles = names.length;
You are declaring a local variable inside your callback. totalFiles = names.length; is the right way to update the global variable.
var totalFiles;
$(".filesUpload").on("change", function() {
var files = $(".filesUpload").prop("files");
var names = $.map(files, function(val) { return; });
totalFiles = names.length;

How do I append a javascript-function to another javascript-function?

How can I define, that a javascript function is to be called, whenever another specific javascript function has been called and executed?
var UploadStatusController= {
var uploadedcount,
UpdateStatus: function (numberOfUploadedFiles) {
UploadStatusController.uploadedcount += numberOfUploadedFiles;
var DisplayController{
UpdateInfoBox: function () {
$('#Infobox').InnerHtml = UploadStatusController.uploadedcount;
I do not want to call my DisplayController from the UploadStatusController,
and I also do not want to pass my DisplayController into the UploadStatusController as a variable.
Instead, I am looking for a way to bind my function to calls on the other function in a way similar to binding it to a document-event.
var uploadStatusController = {};
(function () {
var subscribers = [];
var uploadedCount = 0;
uploadStatusController.updateStatus = function (numberOfUploadedFiles) {
uploadedCount += numberOfUploadedFiles;
// call subscribers
uploadStatusController.subscribe = function (fn) {
function callSubscribers() {
for (var i = 0, len = subscribers.length; i < len; i++) {
subscribers[i].apply(this, [uploadedCount]);
// subscribe to event from anywhere you need
uploadStatusController.subscribe(function (uploadedCount) {

Why are my properties assigning incorrectly?

I created an ObservablePropertyList which is supposed to execute a callback when a property changes. The implementation is:
function ObservablePropertyList(nameCallbackCollection) {
var propertyList = {};
for (var index in nameCallbackCollection) {
var private_value = {};
propertyList["get_" + index] = function () { return private_value; }
propertyList["set_" + index] = function (value) {
// Set the value
private_value = value;
// Invoke the callback
return propertyList;
And here's a quick test demonstration:
var boundProperties = BoundPropertyList({
TheTime: function (value) {
TheDate: function (value) {
var number = 0;
setInterval(function () {
boundProperties.set_TheTime(new Date());
}, 500);
For some reason though, the properties are not being assigned correctly or something. That is, calling set_TheTime for some reason executes the callback for set_TheDate, almost as though it were binding everything to only the last item in the list. I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong.
When using loops like that you need to wrap it in an enclosure
function ObservablePropertyList(nameCallbackCollection) {
var propertyList = {};
for (var index in nameCallbackCollection) {
var private_value = {};
propertyList["get_" + index] = function () { return private_value; }
propertyList["set_" + index] = function (value) {
// Set the value
private_value = value;
// Invoke the callback
return propertyList;
You need to create a closure in order for each iteration of the for loop to have its own private_variable object. Otherwise, each iteration just overwrites the previous (since private_variable is hoisted to the top of its scope). I'd set it up like this:
var ObservablePropertyList = (function () {
"use strict";
var handleAccess = function (propList, key, callback) {
var privValue = {};
propList["get_" + key] = function () {
return privValue;
propList["set_" + key] = function (value) {
// Set the value
privValue = value;
// Invoke the callback
return function (coll) {
var propertyList = {}, index;
for (index in coll) {
handleAccess(propertyList, index, coll[index]);
return propertyList;
var boundProperties = ObservablePropertyList({
TheTime: function (value) {
TheDate: function (value) {
}), number = 0;
setInterval(function () {
boundProperties.set_TheTime(new Date());
}, 500);

Javascript function doesn't receive an argument correctly [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
JavaScript closures and variable scope
Assign click handlers in for loop
I have this script:
var MyClass = {
MyArray: new Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
MyFunc1: function() {
var i = 0;
for (i = MyClass.MyArray.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
var cen = document.getElementById("cen_" + i); // It is an img element
cen.src = "col.png";
cen.className = "cen_act";
cen.onclick = function() { MyClass.MyFunc1(i); };
} else {
cen.src = "no.png";
cen.className = "cen";
cen.onclick = null;
MyFunc2: function(id) {
My problem is that, at this line :cen.onclick = function() { MyClass.MyFunc1(i); }; the argument sent to MyFunc2 is always -1. The MyFunc1 function should create four images, each one with an onclick event. When you click on each image, the MyFunc2 function should show the corresponding i value. It looks like the i value is not "saved" for each event and image element created, but only its "pointer".
You should be familiar with the concept of JavaScript closures to understand why this happens. If you are, then you should remember that every instance of the
function() { MyClass.MyFunc1(i); };
function closure contains i's value of -1 (since it is the final value of this variable after the entire loop finishes executing.) To avoid this, you might either use bind:
cen.onclick = (function(i) { MyClass.MyFunc1(i); }).bind(null, i);
or use an explicitly created closure with the proper i value.
It's a normal case and misunderstand of closures, see this thread and you may get some clue, the simply way to fix this problem is to wrap your for loop body with an Immediate Invoked Function Expression
MyFunc1: function() {
var i = 0;
for (i = MyClass.MyArray.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
(function(i) {
var cen = document.getElementById("cen_" + i); // An img element
cen.src = "col.png";
cen.className = "cen_act";
cen.onclick = function() { MyClass.MyFunc2(i); };
} else {
cen.src = "no.png";
cen.className = "cen";
cen.onclick = null;
You are capturing a variable that changes inside the loop, so you always get the last value of i.
You can easily fix that by creating a closure:
MyFunc1: function() {
var i = 0;
for (i = MyClass.MyArray.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
(function(i) {
var cen = document.getElementById("cen_" + i); // An img element
cen.src = "col.png";
cen.className = "cen_act";
cen.onclick = function() { MyClass.MyFunc2(i); };
} else {
cen.src = "no.png";
cen.className = "cen";
cen.onclick = null;

