Dynamically creation of promises and running sequentially - javascript

I'm running into the following problem.
I have the following promise (simplified):
module.exports.checkVotes = (groupId) =>{
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
// some db stuff onoing
.then((votes)=>{return resolve(votes}})
.catch((err)=>{return reject(err}})
At some point I'm looping through an object. For each entry i have to call promise above. But before the 2. Promise starts, the first one have to be finished...and so on.
I tried this, but as soon as I call the promise it gets executed.
for (let i=0;i<groups.length;i++){
// for each group I want to call the promise later
//but it executes as soon as I push it.
return tasklist.reduce((promiseChain, currentTask) => {
return promiseChain.then(chainResults =>
currentTask.then(currentResult =>
[ ...chainResults, currentResult ]
}, Promise.resolve([])).then(arrayOfResults => {
}).catch((err) =>{console.log(err)});
I can not run this with Promise.all() because for some database things, I need this to run sequentially. Moreover I can not hardcode this because the number of groups is variable.
How can I solve this?
Thanks for helping

Your problem was with putting promises in the taskList, not tasks (functions that return promises). The idea behind making them run in sequence is to call them in the then callback in the reduce:
return groups.reduce((promiseChain, currentGroup) => {
return promiseChain.then(chainResults =>
this.checkVotes(currentGroup).then(currentResult => [...chainResults, currentResult])
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
}, Promise.resolve([]))
But if you can use async/await syntax, you don't need to do all of this anyway and can write the much simpler and more efficient
const results = [];
for (const group of groups)
results.push(await this.checkVotes(group));

seems to work like this:
groupIds = [12, 45, 34];
return groupIds .reduce((promise, groupId) => {
return promise.then(() => {
return this.checkVotes(groupId)
votesList[groupId] = votes
throw err
}, Promise.resolve())


javascript Promise not wait Promise.all

So getAstronautsData make request to API then return array of promises. This promises mast make request to Wiki API and parse response in object. Then exampleAsyncFunc must wait all promises and return one big object with all info about Astronauts.
But if I use Promise.all function ending and console is clear.
function getAstronautsData() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
getData('http://api.open-notify.org/astros.json', "http", (data) => {
resolve(data) // get Astronauts list from API
}).then((astronautsList) => {
return astronautsList.people.map((person => // return array of promises
new Promise(resolve => {
getWikiData(person.name, (data) => { // request on Wiki API
resolve({info: data.extract, img: data.thumbnail.source})
async function exampleAsyncFunc (){
let promisesList = await getAstronautsData()
// next code just few variant was i try
let data = await Promise.all(promisesList)// it's not working.
Promise.all(promisesList).then(data => console.log(data)) //it's not working. Function display nothing
promisesList.forEach((promise) => { //it's working but not so elegant
promise.then(data => console.log(data))
exampleAsyncFunc ()
function getWikiData(searhTerm, callback) {
getData(getUrlString(searhTerm), "https", (data) => {
const regex = new RegExp(searhTerm.replaceAll(" ", ".*"));
for (let page in data.query.pages) {
if (data.query.pages[page].title === searhTerm || regex.test(data.query.pages[page].title)) {
You appear to be using Promise.all correctly, but if any of the Promises in Promise.all rejects, then overall Promise.all promise will reject too and nothing will happen, where in your forEach version it'll simply skip those promises silently and move on to the next entries.
Likewise if any of the promises in the list stays pending: if so then the Promise.all promise will never resolve. This could be because you have a long list of return values and the whole list takes a longer-than-expected time to resolve, or because your getWikiData call encounters an error and you don't pass that out to reject that particular promise in your array.
You can debug this behavior by ensuring that each of your calls to then is followed by .catch(console.error) (or some more robust error handler).
Let me first disclose that I am a big promise partisan and frankly deplore callbacks. The implication here is that I would not have written your getData and getWikiData with callbacks.
I will also point out that I second what #t.niese said in the comments: Because it does not make sense having both let data = await Promise.all(promisesList) and promisesList.forEach((promise) => {.
Anyway, your code is unnecessarily complex and can be simplified like so:
function getAstronautsData(callback) {
getData('http://api.open-notify.org/astros.json', "http", data => {
callback(data.people.map(person =>
new Promise(resolve => {
getWikiData(person.name, data => {
function exampleAsyncFunc (){
getAstronautsData(promises => {
.then(result => {
//result will contain those resolved promises
exampleAsyncFunc ()
Notice that I am passing a callback to getAstronautsData and call it from inside that function with the array of promises you ultimately want to resolve. No need for async here either as you can see.
Ok, problem was in API (in API one of astronauts have name "Tom Marshburn" but on Wiki his page have title "Thomas Marshburn") and function getWikiData not return any data on error. So i fixed this problem.
Thanks you all for you help!!!

How to write firebase cloud function which responds to data change by writing a file to cloud storage bucket in one chained idiomatic promise? [duplicate]

Given the following function I get the warning:
warning Avoid nesting promises promise/no-nesting (line 6)
How should I re-estructure the function to fix the warning?
function FindNearbyJobs(uid, lat, lng){
return admin.database().ref(`users/${uid}/nearbyjobs`).remove().then(data => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const geoQueryJobs = geoFireJobs.query({center: [lat, lng], radius: 3 });
geoQueryJobs.on("key_entered", (key, location, distance) => {
return Promise.all([admin.database().ref(`jobs/${key}/category`).once('value'), admin.database().ref(`users/${uid}/account/c`).once('value')]).then(r => {
const cP = r[0];
const cO = r[1];
if (cO.val().includes(cP.val())){
return admin.database().ref(`users/${uid}/nearbyjobs/${key}`).set({ d: distance });
return null;
geoQueryJobs.on("ready", () => {
You have a promise then() call nested inside another promise's then(). This is considered to be poor style, and makes your code difficult to read. If you have a sequence of work to perform, it's better to chain your work one after another rather than nest one inside another. So, instead of nesting like this:
.then(results1 => {
return doMoreWork()
.then(results2 => {
return doFinalWork()
Sequence the work like this:
.then(results => {
return doMoreWork()
.then(results => {
return doFinalWork()
Searching that error message also yields this helpful discussion.

Promises and race-conditions

I'm currently a little stuck with a race condition, and I'm pulling my hair out. Essentially, I'm querying an API, adding the results to the DB, then doing stuff with the returned/saved data.
I'm less asking about this specific problem, and more the design pattern of how to fix this sort of issue. The line p.push(formatter.createAccounts(account, id)); might run upto 1000 times, and might take 20 seconds or so.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong will be super helpful
// get all users
.then(() => {
// create an array of promises
const p = [];
users.then((user) => {
ids.forEach((id) => {
const accounts = foo.getAccounts(id, true); // returns a promise
accounts.then((account) => {
// add the return data from here to the promise array at the bottom
p.push(formatter.createAccounts(account, id));
// this would ideally be a promise array of the data from above - but instead it just evaluates to [] (what it was set to).
Promise.all(p).then(() => {
// do my stuff that relies on the data here
The problem is that you are not including the foo.getAccounts promise into your promises array. Modified version:
.then(() => {
users.then((user) => {
return Promise.all(ids.map(id => {
//for each ID we return a promise
return foo.getAccounts(id, true).then(account => {
//keep returning a promise
return formatter.createAccounts(account, id)
}).then((results) => {
//results is an array of the resolved values from formatter.createAccounts
// do my stuff that relies on the data here
//rest of closing brackets

Convert Promise.all into Observable

I need to make several async calls that depend on each other. I initially wrote the code and used Promise.all to make async in steps. I looped through my data and created a async method in order to put all of the needed actions into an array to pass into Promise.all(). This works fine, but how could I do the same using Observables. I've read that forkJoin is the equivalent of Promise.all, but how could i loop through the data and wrap my async function, and then execute it before moving to the next flatMap?
public getMonthly(){
return this.http.get(url)
.flatMap(response => {
// need to convert this?
let actions = response.json().map(this.asyncMonthlyRecord);
return Promise.all(actions);
.flatMap(()=> this.queryMonthly())
.catch((error:any)=> Observable.throw(error || 'Server Error'));
private asyncMonthlyRecord = (record):Promise<any> => {
return this.setUsage(record,'HILowMonthly');
private queryMonthly(){
return this.storage.query('SELECT * FROM HILowMonthly')
getMonthly().subscribe(x => console.info(x)); // logs data from SQLite perfectly...
I think what you want is something like this
Rx.Observable.of({ itemIds: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]})
.mergeMap(response => {
const promises = response.itemIds
.map(id => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Wait for some random time, then resolve the promise.
const timeout = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Finished promise ${id}`); // debug only
resolve({id, resolved: true})
}, timeout);
// Wait until all Promises have been resolved, then return all
// of them in a single and ordered array.
return Rx.Observable.forkJoin(promises);
.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Working code on jsbin
Notice that the promises resolve in an arbitrary order but are returned in the correct order.
The commented code in the jsbin example also shows each promise could be resolved individually and merged back into the original stream in case the order of the promises is not important.

Recursive Promise.all?

I'm trying to wait for a bunch of promises to complete. I know I can do this with Promise.all, but I can't figure out what to do when one of those promises pushes a new promise into the promise list.
asyncFunction(...).then(result => {
// do something
asyncFunction(...).then(result => {
for(let row of result) {
console.log(promises.length); // 2
await Promise.all(promises);
console.log(promises.length); // 5
Where asyncFunction is something like:
const asyncFunction = (...args) => {
let result = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pool.query(...args, (err, rows, fields) => {
if (err) {
} else {
return result;
What's happened here is that the first two calls to asyncFunction push promises into my promises array, so promises.length is 2. However, after waiting for them to complete, the 2nd one pushes a bunch of new promises into the array after Promise.all has already evaluated that array, so they're not awaited.
So, how can I wait for all the promises, plus any new ones? Simply calling await Promise.all(promises) twice would work in this example, but this could go on ad infinitum.
You can write a recursive all function that re-evaluates the status of the list after each iteration:
function recursiveAll( array ) {
// Wait for the promises to resolve
return Promise.all( array ).then(function( result ) {
// If no new promises were added, return the result
if ( result.length == array.length )
return result;
// If new promises were added, re-evaluate the array.
return recursiveAll( array );
That's the problem with functions that have side effects.
Your code is a bit to abstract to give you a moe precise answer, but I would reccomend you to completely drop the promises-Array.
const asyncFunction = (...args) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pool.query(...args, (err, rows, fields) => {
if (err) {
} else {
asyncFunction(...).then(result => Promise.all(result.map(row => asyncFunction(row))) );
As far as I understand your intentions, this should result in a nested structure of Arrays within Arrays, in the worst case, wich now only has to be flattened to get ALL values, and those wich are triggered by the previous ones.
I think simply replacing Promise.all with this should work fine:
while(promises.length) {
await promises.shift();

