Merge the object using typescript - javascript

In my angular application i am having the data as follows,
forEachArrayOne = [
{ id: 1, name: "userOne" },
{ id: 2, name: "userTwo" },
{ id: 3, name: "userThree" }
forEachArrayTwo = [
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
newObj: any = {};
ngOnInit() {
this.forEachArrayOne.forEach(element => {
this.newObj = { titleOne: "objectOne", dataOne: this.forEachArrayOne };
this.forEachArrayTwo.forEach(element => {
this.newObj = { titleTwo: "objectTwo", dataTwo: this.forEachArrayTwo };
console.log({ ...this.newObj, ...this.newObj });
In my real application, the above is the structure so kindly help me to achieve the expected result in the same way..
The working demo which has the above structure.
Here console.log(this.newObj) gives the last object,
titleTwo: "ObjectTwo",
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
but i want to combine both and need the result exactly like the below..
titleOne: "objectOne",
{ id: 1, name: "userOne" },
{ id: 2, name: "userTwo" },
{ id: 3, name: "userThree" }
titleTwo: "ObjectTwo",
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
Kindly help me to achieve the above result.. If i am wrong in anywhere kindly correct with the working example please..

You're assigning both values to this.newObj, so it just overwrites the first object.
Also, there is no need for your loop. It doesn't add anything.
Instead, you can do:
this.newObjA = { titleOne: "objectOne", dataOne: this.forEachArrayOne };
this.newObjB = { titleTwo: "objectTwo", dataTwo: this.forEachArrayTwo };
console.log({ ...this.newObjA, ...this.newObjB });
Having spoken to you regarding your requirements, I can see a different solution.
Before calling componentData, you need to make sure you have the full data. To do this, we can use forkJoin to join the benchmark requests, and the project requests into one Observable. We can then subscribe to that Observable to get the results for both.
The code would look something like this:
createComponent() {
let benchmarks, projects;
let form = this.productBenchMarkingForm[0];
if (form.benchmarking && form.project) {
benchmarks = form.benchmarking.filter(x => x.optionsUrl)
.map(element => this.getOptions(element));
projects = form.project.filter(x => x.optionsUrl)
.map(element => this.getOptions(element));
forkJoin(benchmarks), // Join all the benchmark requests into 1 Observable
forkJoin(projects) // Join all the project requests into 1 Observable
).subscribe(res => {
this.componentData({ component: NgiProductComponent, inputs: { config: AppConfig, injectData: { action: "add", titleProject: "project", dataProject: this.productBenchMarkingForm[0] } } });
getOptions(element) {
return this.appService.getRest(element.optionsUrl).pipe(
map((res: any) => {
this.dataForOptions =;
element.options =;
return element;
Here is an example in Stackblitz that logs the data to the console


Loop over the array and display the following format

My goal is to loop over some data and get something like the following output, so if anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. In order to display something like this, I tried looping something and displaying it in a loop.
let selectedOrders: {code?: string;selectedList?: [{ name: string; language: string }];
let set = new Set(); => {
if (!set.has(list.code)) {
code: list.code,
selectedList: [
language: list.language!,
selectedList: [
language: list.language!,
return selectedOrders;
code: A
selectedList: [{
let data = [
code: "A",
name: "php",
desc: "language",
order: 2,
code: "B",
name: "c++",
desc: "language",
order: 3,
code: "A",
name: "javascript",
desc: "language",
order: 1
let result = data.reduce((acc: any[], item) => {
const { name, desc, order, code } = item;
if (acc.some((a: any) => code == a.code)) {
let obj: any = acc.find((a: any) => code == a.code)!;
name, desc, order
} else {
selectedList: [{ name, desc, order }]
return acc;
}, []);
Just change any to your required type.

Converting an array to an object of nested objects for a tree diagram in Javascript

i'm attempting to create a Tree Diagram with react-d3-js. It needs to be in a specific format. So i need to convert the initial data that i have to the format.
This is a diagram for a shop to see the distribution chain and who is allowed to make a purchase from specific nodes.
Initial Data: = 'Absolut Chocolat' //Main Parent
store.shopconditions: [
"role": "agent",
"condition": ["owner", "stokist"]
"role": "stokist",
"condition": ["owner", "master stokist"]
"role": "master stokist",
"condition": ["owner"]
// If role is agent, then they are allowed to buy from 'owner' and 'stokist'
Here's the hardcoded ideal output:
orgChart = {
name: 'Absolut Chocolat',
children: [
{ name: 'Agent' },
name: 'Stokist',
children: [
name: 'Agent',
name: 'Master Stokist',
children: [
name: 'Stokist',
children: [
name: 'Agent',
With a few for each loops, i've gotten to the first 2 layers of the intended output but i cannot find a way to get more than that.
Here is what i got so far:
Agent node is not under Master Stokist
Current code:
let chartData = { name:, children: [] };
store.shopconditions.forEach((i) => {
i.condition.forEach((c) => {
if (c === 'owner') {
chartData.children.push({ name: i.role });
const chartDataParser = (data) => { => {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(i)) {
store.shopconditions.forEach((c) => {
c.condition.forEach((o) => {
if (o === v) {
if (!i.children) {
i.children = [{ name: c.role }];
} else {
i.children.push({ name: c.role });
Current output:
name: 'Absolut Chocolat',
children: [
{ name: 'Agent' },
name: 'Stokist',
children: [
name: 'Agent',
name: 'Master Stokist',
children: [
name: 'Stokist',
// Missing children: Agent Node
What the tree diagram should look like:
As you can see under Master Stokist node, Agent is under Stokist
The Agent node is not reached under the stokist node in the right most chain. I need a fix to my current code so it can go to that extra layer. Thanks in advance. Looking forward to learn from your answers.
You can build an object that lists children by role and then use that to recursively build the nodes of the object. Possibly something like the following:
const store = {
name: 'Absolut Chocolat',
shopconditions: [
{ "role": "agent", "condition": ["owner", "stokist"], name: 'Agent' },
{ "role": "stokist", "condition": ["owner", "master stokist"], name: 'Stockist' },
{ "role": "master stokist", "condition": ["owner"], name: 'Master Stockist' },
const build_role_map = (store) => {
let role_map = Object.fromEntries( => [v.role, { ...v, children: [] }])
role_map.owner = { "role": "owner", "condition": [], children: [], name: };
({ role, condition }) => {
condition.forEach((parent) => { role_map[parent].children.push(role) })
return role_map;
const build_node = (role_map, { name, children }) => {
let node = { name };
if(children.length > 0)
node.children = => build_node(role_map, role_map[child]));
return node;
const build_tree = (store) => {
const role_map = build_role_map(store);
return build_node(role_map, role_map.owner);

Search Inside Dropdown with data in tree structure React JS

I have developed a custom component which renders dropdown with a tree like structure inside it and allows the user to search for values inside the dropdown. Somehow the search works only after two levels of the tree structure.
We would be able to search only on the inside of NextJS label. The previous levels do not render results.
My function looks like this:
const searchFunction = (menu: treeData[], searchText: string) => {
debugger; //eslint-disable-line no-debugger
for (let i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
if (menu[i].name.includes(searchText)) {
return menu[i].name;
} else if (!menu[i].name.includes(searchText)) {
if (menu[i].children !== undefined) {
return searchFunction(menu[i].children, searchText);
} else {
return 'Not Found';
And My data is like this:
import { treeData } from './DdrTreeDropdown.types';
export const menu: treeData[] = [
name: 'Web Project',
children: [
name: 'NextJS',
children: [
name: 'MongoDB',
name: 'Backend',
children: [
name: 'NodeJS',
name: 'ReactJS',
children: [
name: 'Express',
name: 'mysql',
children: [
name: 'jwt',
name: 'lorem project',
children: [
name: 'Vue Js',
children: [
name: 'Oracle Db',
name: 'JDBC',
children: [
name: 'Java',
name: 'ReactJS',
children: [
name: 'Express',
name: 'mysql',
children: [
name: 'jwt',
The sandbox link of the component is here:
I haven't looked at the context that this is used in, so apologies if I'm missing something about how this is supposed to work. I've assumed that you can call setFound after running this function based on whether it finds anything or not and that it only needs to return one value. But hopefully this helps.
const menu = [{"name":"Web Project","children":[{"name":"NextJS","children":[{"name":"MongoDB"},{"name":"Backend","children":[{"name":"NodeJS"}]}]},{"name":"ReactJS","children":[{"name":"Express"},{"name":"mysql","children":[{"name":"jwt"}]}]}]},{"name":"lorem project","children":[{"name":"Vue Js","children":[{"name":"Oracle Db"},{"name":"JDBC","children":[{"name":"Java"}]}]},{"name":"ReactJS","children":[{"name":"Express"},{"name":"mysql","children":[{"name":"jwt"}]}]}]}];
const searchFunction = (menu, searchText) => {
let result;
for(let i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
if(menu[i].name.includes(searchText)) {
return menu[i].name;
} else if(menu[i].children !== undefined) {
result = searchFunction(menu[i].children, searchText);
if(result) return result;
return null;
console.log(searchFunction(menu, 'NextJS'));
console.log(searchFunction(menu, 'jwt'));
console.log(searchFunction(menu, 'foo'));
Looking at why the current version doesn't work, I think it goes something like this:
Let's take 'jwt' as the searchText.
We start in the 'Web Project' object, the name does not match, so we go to the else if block (BTW, we can never reach the else block as the else if condition is the opposite of the if condition).
The 'Web Project' object does have children so we will return from the new call to searchFunction; notice that 'lorem project' can never be reached as we will (regardless of the result) return the value of searchFunction and skip the rest of the loop.
Inside of our new and subsequent calls to searchFunction the same is going to happen until we find either a matching item or an item without children.
If we get to an item without children the the loop will successfully carry on to the siblings of the item.
If it doesn't find a match or an item with children it will exit the for loop and return undefined up the chain to the caller of the initial searchFunction.

Updated nested object by matching ID

I have an array with nested objects that I need to update from another array of objects, if they match.
Here is the data structure I want to update:
const invoices = {
BatchItemRequest: [
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "11110" },
Amount: 2499,
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10111" },
Amount: 2499,
Here is the array of objects I want to update it from:
const accounts = [
{ AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
{ AccountCode: "11110", Id: "5" },
{ AccountCode: "10111", Id: "81" },
I want to update invoices, using accounts, by inserting Id if AccountCode matches, to get the following structure:
const invoices = {
BatchItemRequest: [
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "11110", Id: "5" },
Amount: 2499,
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10111", Id: "81" },
Amount: 2499,
I have tried various methods, such as the following:
const mapped = => {
return Object.assign(
accounts.find((item2) => {
return item2 && item1.Invoice.Line.ItemAccountRef.AccountCode === item2.AccountCode;
Problem with this approach (it doesn't work as I think I need to do another nested map), but it also creates a new array, only including the nested elements of invoices.
Does anyone know a good approach to this?
This isn't the cleanest of code but it gets the job done:
function matchInvoiceWithAccount(invoices, accounts) {
const mappedInvoices = => {
// Shouldn't modify input parameter, could use Object.assign to create a copy and modify the copy instead for purity
request.Invoice.Line = => {
const accountCode = line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.AccountCode;
// If accounts was a map of AccountCode to Id you would't need to search for it which would be more effective
const account = accounts.find((account) => account.AccountCode === accountCode);
if (account) {
line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.Id = account.Id;
return line;
return request;
return {
BatchItemRequest: mappedInvoices,
What you could and probably should do to improve this is to not modify the input parameters of the function, but that requires that you in a better way copy the original, either using Object.assign or spread operator.
At first, it will be good to create Map from your accounts array. We will go one time for array with O(n) and then will read ids by code with O(1). And nested fors is O(m*n), that will be much more slower at big arrays.
const idsByAccountCodes = new Map();
accounts.forEach((data) => {
idsByAccountCodes.set(data.AccountCode, data.Id);
or shorter:
const idsByAccountCode = new Map( => [data.AccountCode, data.Id]))
then if you want to mutate original values you can go through all nesting levels and add values
for ( const {Invoice:{ Line: line }} of invoices.BatchItemRequest){
for ( const {SalesItemLineDetail: {ItemAccountRef: item}} of line){
item.Id = idsByAccountCodes.get(item.AccountCode) || 'some default value'
// also if you don't have ids for all codes you need to define logic for that case
If you don't need to mutate original big object "invoices" and all of nested objects, then you can create recursive clone of if with something like lodash.cloneDeep

Omitting one or multiple values in javascript using lodash

I have a complex structure and I want to omit some properties from this structure for final value
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123,
city: {
city: {'Austrailia'},
houses: {1000}
}], remove: []
I want to omit city property from this structure and need this
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123
}], remove: []
This is what I have tried
let newListOfWorls =, function (worlds) {
return _.omit(worlds, ['city']); })
Appreciate the help and knowledge
This is what i have tried.
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123,
city: {
city: 'Austrailia',
houses: 1000
}], remove: []
const newList =>{
arr.add[index] = _.omit(item,'')
return arr
Probably not the best way to do it, but hey it works, and why your code doesn't work probably you mapped an Object ListofWorlds and you need to be specific which field you want to be omitted

