Omitting one or multiple values in javascript using lodash - javascript

I have a complex structure and I want to omit some properties from this structure for final value
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123,
city: {
city: {'Austrailia'},
houses: {1000}
}], remove: []
I want to omit city property from this structure and need this
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123
}], remove: []
This is what I have tried
let newListOfWorls =, function (worlds) {
return _.omit(worlds, ['city']); })
Appreciate the help and knowledge

This is what i have tried.
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123,
city: {
city: 'Austrailia',
houses: 1000
}], remove: []
const newList =>{
arr.add[index] = _.omit(item,'')
return arr
Probably not the best way to do it, but hey it works, and why your code doesn't work probably you mapped an Object ListofWorlds and you need to be specific which field you want to be omitted


Sort a nested array, given its inner value, based on another array

I have 2 arrays, one (array1) which needs to be sorted based on its inner key, role, according to another (array2). I have tried different solutions but cannot progress any further since i don't understand what steps i should take
I have the following output: Array1
And i want to order the array above according to the order of this:
const array2 = ["LWB", "LB", "CAM"]
The issue i'm having is that the given key that the sorting should be according to in array1 is too deep, and I haven't found any way to map the "role" from the first array with the array2.
You need to get role and with this value get the index for the order.
getRole = ({ roles: [{ team_meta: { default_player_role: { role } }}] }) => role,
data = [{ id: 1576, roles: [{ id: 1673, role: "team_player", sub_role: null, team_meta: { default_player_role: { pos: null, role: "CAM" } } }], user_email: "E#E.E" }, { id: 12, roles: [{ id: 12, role: "team_player", sub_role: null, team_meta: { default_player_role: { pos: null, role: "LWB" } } }], user_email: "w#w.w" }, { id: 1575, roles: [{ id: 1672, role: "team_player", sub_role: null, team_meta: { default_player_role: { pos: null, role: "LB" } } }], user_email: "j#j.s" }],
order = ["LWB", "LB", "CAM"];
data.sort((a, b) => order.indexOf(getRole(a)) - order.indexOf(getRole(b)));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Over several loops you can also sort it but probably not an elegant solution:
const nestedArray = [...]; // Replace Array
const sortByArray = ["LWB", "LB", "CAM"];
const sortedArray = [];
sortByArray.forEach(function(sortByArrayValue) {
nestedArray.forEach(function(nestedArrayValue) {
nestedArrayValue.roles.forEach(function(role) {
if (role.team_meta.default_player_role.role === sortByArrayValue) {

Object gets duplicated inside array

This is the result I want to achieve
dataset: [
dataset: [
seriesname: "",
data: [
value: "123",
value: "123",
My problem right now is that the second dataset gets duplicated.
This is how I am setting it (val is an integer and allYears is an array of integers):
this.grphColumn.dataSource.dataset[0].dataset = => {
return {
seriesname: "Planned",
data: [{value: val}, {value: val}]
How can I make it so the dataset doesn't get duplicated?
You have to map the values separately, if you dont want the seriesName to be Repeated..
const yearsMap = => { return { value: el } });
this.grphColumn.dataSource.dataset[0].dataset = {
seriesname: "Planned",
data: yearsMap

How to traverse through a tree like nested data structure of unknown depth in order to find and collect addressable array items?

Say I have an array that looks as such:
"name": "Audiograms",
"folders": [{
"name": "2022"
}, {
"name": "2021"
}, {
"name": "2020"
}, {
"name": "Patient Paperwork"
}, {
"name": "Repairs"
And this array can have an infinite amount of objects and sub-objects, similar to a file tree.
I have an array letting me know the name of the folders I need to access from the root of the object, like:
["Audiograms", "2022"]
I also do not know this value ahead of time, nor do I know how many items are in this array ahead of time.
How would I be able to actually traverse this file tree using the array of names? I wish to do things like maybe pop the matching object out and move it to another part of the file tree.
Thank you!
"I wish to do things like maybe pop the matching object out and move it to another part of the file tree."
In order to achieve follow-up tasks like the above mentioned one, the next provided solution walks the OP's folder structure and collects for each addressable match an object of two references, target and parent, where the former is the reference of the to be found folder-item, and the latter is the reference of its parent folder-item.
The solution got achieved by a recursively implemented reducer function.
function collectAddressableFolderRecursively(collector, folderItem) {
const { name = null, folders = [] } = folderItem;
const {
address: [parentName, childName], result,
} = collector;
if (name === parentName && folders.length) {
const targetFolder = folders
.find(({ name }) => name === childName) ?? null;
if (targetFolder !== null) {
target: targetFolder,
parent: folderItem,
...folders.reduce(collectAddressableFolderRecursively, {
address: [parentName, childName],
result: [],
return collector;
const folders = [{
name: 'Audiograms',
folders: [{
name: '2022',
folders: [{
name: 'Audiograms',
folders: [{
name: '2022',
}, {
name: 'foo',
}, {
name: '2021',
}, {
name: '2020',
}, {
name: 'Patient Paperwork',
}, {
name: 'Repairs',
folders: [{
name: 'Audiograms',
folders: [{
name: '2022',
}, {
name: 'bar',
}, {
name: 'baz',
const address = ['Audiograms', '2022'];
const { result } = folders
.reduce(collectAddressableFolderRecursively, {
result: [],
console.log({ address, result });
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

Looping through nested data and displaying object properties and values

In my React app, I'm looking for a clean way to loop through the following dynamic data structure and display the object properties and values.
Sample data:
data: {
company: [
company_name: "XYZ Firm",
company_email: "",
company_phone: 91982712,
shareholders: [
shareholder_name: "Lin",
percentage: 45
shareholder_name: "Alex",
percentage: 10
employees: [
employee_name: "May",
employee_email: ""
The output I want is:
company_name: XYZ Firm
company_phone: 91982712
shareholder_name: Lin
shareholder_percentage: 45
shareholder_name: Alex
shareholder_percentage: 10
employee_name: May
This is what I've tried so far:
//data contains the entire object
const profileInfo = Object.keys(data).map(key => {
let profileSection = [];
for (let values of data[key]) { //retrieve the objects of each "section" e.g., company, shareholders
Object.keys(values).map(key => {
profileSection.push(<p>{key}: {values[key]}</p>);
return profileSection;
I'm able to achieve the intended results but I'm not sure if it's the best solution in terms of performance. Having nested Object.keys().mapseems a bit off to me.
Note: User will be able to add more shareholders/employees.
Here is a somewhat shorter version using Object.values() and Object.entries().
var data = { company: [ { company_name: "XYZ Firm", company_email: "", company_phone: 91982712, } ], shareholders: [ { shareholder_name: "Lin", percentage: 45 }, { shareholder_name: "Alex", percentage: 10 }, ], employees: [ { employee_name: "May", employee_email: "" }, ] };
let profileInfo = [];
Object.values(data).flat().forEach((item) => {
Object.entries(item).forEach(([key, value]) => {
profileInfo.push(key + ": " + value);

Merge the object using typescript

In my angular application i am having the data as follows,
forEachArrayOne = [
{ id: 1, name: "userOne" },
{ id: 2, name: "userTwo" },
{ id: 3, name: "userThree" }
forEachArrayTwo = [
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
newObj: any = {};
ngOnInit() {
this.forEachArrayOne.forEach(element => {
this.newObj = { titleOne: "objectOne", dataOne: this.forEachArrayOne };
this.forEachArrayTwo.forEach(element => {
this.newObj = { titleTwo: "objectTwo", dataTwo: this.forEachArrayTwo };
console.log({ ...this.newObj, ...this.newObj });
In my real application, the above is the structure so kindly help me to achieve the expected result in the same way..
The working demo which has the above structure.
Here console.log(this.newObj) gives the last object,
titleTwo: "ObjectTwo",
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
but i want to combine both and need the result exactly like the below..
titleOne: "objectOne",
{ id: 1, name: "userOne" },
{ id: 2, name: "userTwo" },
{ id: 3, name: "userThree" }
titleTwo: "ObjectTwo",
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
Kindly help me to achieve the above result.. If i am wrong in anywhere kindly correct with the working example please..
You're assigning both values to this.newObj, so it just overwrites the first object.
Also, there is no need for your loop. It doesn't add anything.
Instead, you can do:
this.newObjA = { titleOne: "objectOne", dataOne: this.forEachArrayOne };
this.newObjB = { titleTwo: "objectTwo", dataTwo: this.forEachArrayTwo };
console.log({ ...this.newObjA, ...this.newObjB });
Having spoken to you regarding your requirements, I can see a different solution.
Before calling componentData, you need to make sure you have the full data. To do this, we can use forkJoin to join the benchmark requests, and the project requests into one Observable. We can then subscribe to that Observable to get the results for both.
The code would look something like this:
createComponent() {
let benchmarks, projects;
let form = this.productBenchMarkingForm[0];
if (form.benchmarking && form.project) {
benchmarks = form.benchmarking.filter(x => x.optionsUrl)
.map(element => this.getOptions(element));
projects = form.project.filter(x => x.optionsUrl)
.map(element => this.getOptions(element));
forkJoin(benchmarks), // Join all the benchmark requests into 1 Observable
forkJoin(projects) // Join all the project requests into 1 Observable
).subscribe(res => {
this.componentData({ component: NgiProductComponent, inputs: { config: AppConfig, injectData: { action: "add", titleProject: "project", dataProject: this.productBenchMarkingForm[0] } } });
getOptions(element) {
return this.appService.getRest(element.optionsUrl).pipe(
map((res: any) => {
this.dataForOptions =;
element.options =;
return element;
Here is an example in Stackblitz that logs the data to the console

