VueJs and Vuex, how to attach v-model to dynamic fields - javascript

I have a series of checkboxes generated by a database. The database call isn't usually finished before the page loads.
This is part of my Vue.
folderList is a list of folders from the database, each has a key, and a doc.label for describing the checkbox and a doc.hash for using as a unique key.
<li v-if="foldersList!=null" v-for="folder in folderData">
<Checkbox :id="folder.key" :name="folder.hash" label-position="right" v-model="searchTypeList[folder.hash]">{{ folder.doc.label }}</Checkbox>
export default {
name: 'Menu',
components: {
props: {
foldersList: {type: Array, required: true}
computed: {
searchListType: 'getSearchListType'
searchTypeList: {
get() {
return this.searchTypeList;
set(newValue) {
//Vuex store commit
this.$store.commit(Am.SET_SEARCH_TYPES, newValue);
methods: {
checkAllTypes: _.debounce(function (folderList){
const initialList = {};
folderList.forEach((folder) => {
initialList[folder.hash] = true;
this.$store.commit(Am.SET_SEARCH_TYPES, initialList);
}, 100)
mounted() {
//hacky way of prefilling data after it loads
(state) => {
return this.foldersList;
deep: false
Checkbox is a custom component with a sliding style checkbox, it's v-model is like this
<div class="checkbox">
<label :for="id" v-if="labelPosition==='left'">
<label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox" :name="name" :id="id" :disabled="isDisabled" v-bind:checked="checked" v-on:change="$emit('change', $"/>
<span class="slider round"></span>
<label :for="name" v-if="labelPosition==='right'">
export default {
name: 'Checkbox',
model: {
prop: 'checked',
event: 'change'
props: {
id: {default: null, type: String},
name: {required: true, type: String},
isDisabled: {default: false, type: Boolean},
checked: Boolean,
labelPosition: {default: 'left', type: String},
value: {required: false}
I verified checkbox is working by using a simple non dynamic v-model and without the loop.
I want to collect an array of checked values.
In my example above, I tried with this computed to try and link to vuex like I have with other fields, but the get counts as a mutation because it is adding properties to the object as it loops through. I don't know how to solve this
const state = {
searchListType: {}
const getters = {
getSearchListType: function (state) {
return state.searchListType;
const mutations = {
[Am.SET_SEARCH_TYPES]: (state, types) => {
state.searchListType = types;
What is the correct way to link these up? I need the values in vuex so several sibling components can use the values and store them between page changes.
Also, what is the correct way to prefill the data? I assume I have a major structure problem here. FolderList is async and can load at any point, however it doesn't typically change after the application has loaded. It is populated by the parent, so the child just needs to wait for it to have data, and every time it changes, check off everything by default.
Thank you

I was going to suggest using a change event and method instead of computed get & set, but when testing I found the v-model works ok without any additional code. Below is a rough approximation of your scenario.
Maybe something in the custom component interaction is causing your issue?
Ref Customizing Components, did you use
model: {
prop: 'checked',
event: 'change'
props: {
checked: Boolean
in the Checkbox component?
Vue.component('Checkbox', {
model: {
prop: 'checked',
event: 'change'
props: {
checked: Boolean
template: `
v-on:change="$emit('change', $"
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
folderData: [],
searchTypeList: {}
created() {
// Dynamic checkbox simulation
setTimeout(() => {
this.folderData = [
{ key: 1 },
{ key: 2 },
{ key: 3 },
}, 2000)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-if="folderData != null" v-for="folder in folderData">
<Checkbox :id="folder.key" :name="folder.key"
Handling Vuex updates
I think the simplest way to handle updates to the store is to split v-model into :checked and #change properties. That way your control does not attempt to write back to the store directly, but still takes it's value from the store directly and reacts to store changes (both changes from an api call and from this component's $store.commit() calls).
This is the relevant guide Vuex Form Handling.
<li v-if="folderData != null" v-for="folder in folderData">
<Checkbox :id="folder.key" :name="folder.key"
computed: {
theList: 'getSearchListType' // Standard getter with get() only
methods: {
changeChecked(key) {
this.$store.commit('updateChecked', key) // Handle details in the mutation


Error: "Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: this.filter is undefined"" in a list rendering in vue?

I am trying to build a component that creates filter buttons and then sends the type attribute in the filters object through the event bus to be handled elsewhere in my app. However, when I added the array of objects (filters) in the data section, I am getting an error of this.filter is not defined when I click on a button.
I would like to keep the filters array in this component because I am also trying to dynamically change the active class to whichever button has been clicked.
Am I missing something that has to do with props? Why am I unable to display the buttons when the data and v-for was on another component? These were the questions I have been asking myself in order of solving this issue.
v-for="(filter, index) in filters"
:class="{ active: index === activeItem }"
#click="emitFilter(), selectItem(index)"
{{ }}
import EventBus from '#/components/EventBus'
export default {
props: {
filter: { type: String }
data() {
return {
activeItem: 0,
filterResult: '',
filters: [
{ name: 'All', type: 'all' },
{ name: 'Holidays', type: 'holiday' },
{ name: 'Seasons', type: 'season' },
{ name: 'Events', type: 'custom' }
methods: {
emitFilter() {
this.filterResult = this.filter
EventBus.$emit('filter-catagories', this.filterResult)
selectItem(index) {
this.activeItem = index
My button component is used in a filters component
<FilterBtn />
import FilterBtn from '#/components/FilterBtn'
export default {
components: {
// data() {
// return {
// filters: [
// { name: 'All', type: 'all' },
// { name: 'Holidays', type: 'holiday' },
// { name: 'Seasons', type: 'season' },
// { name: 'Events', type: 'custom' }
// ]
// }
// }
As you can see, the commented section is where I had my filters originally, but I had to move them to the button component in order to add the active class.
I'm assuming you were actually trying to access the filter iterator of v-for="(filter, index) in filters" from within emitFilter(). For this to work, you'd need to pass the filter itself in your #click binding:
<button v-for="(filter, index) in filters"
Then, your handler could use the argument directly:
export default {
methods: {
emitFilter(filter) {
this.filterResult = filter
You are passing a prop called filter typed string to your component. When you output {{ }} you are actually referring to this property instead of the variable filter you create within the v-for loop.
Unless you passed a property called "filter" to your component, this property will be undefined. Therefore outputting will result in this error message.
Yea you dont pass an prop to your component thats why its undefined.
<FilterBtn filter="test" />
Here i pass an prop named filter with the value of test.
Sure you could pass dynamic props. Just bind it.
<FilterBtn :filter="yourData" />
I need to ask: Are you passing an object or an string?
Because you defined your prop to be a string, but you actually use it as an object
{{ }}
Maybe you should also set the type to Object.
props: {
filter: { type: Object }

Why not my vue component not re-rendering?

I have a question why not this component, not re-rendering after changing value so what I'm trying to do is a dynamic filter like amazon using the only checkboxes so let's see
I have 4 components [ App.vue, test-filter.vue, filtersInputs.vue, checkboxs.vue]
Here is code sandbox for my example please check the console you will see the value changing
the first component is App.vue;
<div id="app">
{{ test }}
<test-filter :filters="filters" :value="test"></test-filter>
import testFilter from "./test-filter";
import filters from "./filters";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
data() {
return {
filters: filters,
test: {},
so App.vue that holds the filter component and the test value that I want to display and the filters data is dummy data that hold array of objects.
in my test-filter component, I loop throw the filters props and the filterInputs component output the input I want in this case the checkboxes.
<div class="test-filter">
v-for="filter in filters"
<p class="test-filter__title">
{{ filter.title }}
import filterInputs from "./filterInputs";
export default {
name: "test-filter",
components: {
filters: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
value: {
type: Array,
default: () => ({}),
// Check if there is a array in checkbox key if not asssign an new array.
if (!this.value.checkbox) {
this.value.checkbox = [];
so I need to understand why changing the props value also change to the parent component and in this case the App.vue and I tried to emit the value to the App.vue also the component didn't re-render but if I check the vue dev tool I see the value changed but not in the DOM in {{ test }}.
so I will not be boring you with more code the filterInputs.vue holds child component called checkboxes and from that, I emit the value of selected checkbox from the checkboxes.vue to the filterInputs.vue to the test-filter.vue and every component has the value as props and that it if you want to take a look the rest of components I will be glad if you Did.
v-if="filterType == checkboxName"
export default {
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
options: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
methods: {
checkboxChanged(value) {
this.$emit("checkboxChanged", value);
v-for="checkbox in options"
{{ checkbox.title }}
export default {
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
options: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
methods: {
checkboxChange(event) {
I found the solution As I said in the comments the problem was that I'm not using v-model in my checkbox input Vue is a really great framework the problem wasn't in the depth, I test the v-model in my checkbox input and I found it re-render the component after I select any checkbox so I search more and found this article and inside of it explained how we can implement v-model in the custom component so that was the solution to my problem and also I update my codeSandbox Example if you want to check it out.
Big Thaks to all who supported me to found the solution: sarkiroka, Jakub A Suplick

Dynamically changing props

On my app, I have multiple "upload" buttons and I want to display a spinner/loader for that specific button when a user clicks on it. After the upload is complete, I want to remove that spinner/loader.
I have the buttons nested within a component so on the file for the button, I'm receiving a prop from the parent and then storing that locally so the loader doesn't show up for all upload buttons. But when the value changes in the parent, the child is not getting the correct value of the prop.
return {
uploadCompleteBoolean: true
methods: {
this.uploadCompleteBoolean = false
// do stuff to upload, then when finished,
this.uploadCompleteBoolean = true
props: {
uploadComplete: {
type: Boolean
return {
uploadingComplete: this.uploadComplete
methods: {
this.uploadingComplete = false
Fixed event name and prop name then it should work.
As Vue Guide: Custom EventName says, Vue recommend always use kebab-case for event names.
so you should use this.$emit('start-upload'), then in the template, uses <upload-button #start-upload="upload"> </upload-button>
As Vue Guide: Props says,
HTML attribute names are case-insensitive, so browsers will interpret
any uppercase characters as lowercase. That means when you’re using
in-DOM templates, camelCased prop names need to use their kebab-cased
(hyphen-delimited) equivalents
so change :uploadComplete="uploadCompleteBoolean" to :upload-complete="uploadCompleteBoolean"
Edit: Just noticed you mentioned data property=uploadingComplete.
It is easy fix, add one watch for props=uploadComplete.
Below is one simple demo:
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.component('upload-button', {
template: `<div> <button #click="onClick">Upload for Data: {{uploadingComplete}} Props: {{uploadComplete}}</button>
props: {
uploadComplete: {
type: Boolean
data() {
return {
uploadingComplete: this.uploadComplete
watch: { // watch prop=uploadComplete, if change, sync to data property=uploadingComplete
uploadComplete: function (newVal) {
this.uploadingComplete = newVal
methods: {
onClick() {
this.uploadingComplete = false
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
uploadCompleteBoolean: true
methods: {
upload() {
this.uploadCompleteBoolean = false
// do stuff to upload, then when finished,
this.uploadCompleteBoolean = true
changeStatus() {
this.uploadCompleteBoolean = !this.uploadCompleteBoolean
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="changeStatus()">Toggle Status {{uploadCompleteBoolean}}</button>
<p>Status: {{uploadCompleteBoolean}}</p>
<upload-button :upload-complete="uploadCompleteBoolean" #start-upload="upload">
The UploadButton component shouldn't have uploadingComplete as local state (data); this just complicates the component since you're trying to mix the uploadComplete prop and uploadingComplete data.
The visibility of the spinner should be driven by the parent component through the prop, the button itself should not be responsible for controlling the visibility of the spinner through local state in response to clicks of the button.
Just do something like this:
Vue.component('upload-button', {
template: '#upload-button',
props: ['uploading'],
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
uploading1: false,
uploading2: false,
methods: {
upload1() {
this.uploading1 = true;
setTimeout(() => this.uploading1 = false, Math.random() * 1000);
upload2() {
this.uploading2 = true;
setTimeout(() => this.uploading2 = false, Math.random() * 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<upload-button :uploading="uploading1" #click="upload1">Upload 1</upload-button>
<upload-button :uploading="uploading2" #click="upload2">Upload 2</upload-button>
<template id="upload-button">
<button #click="$emit('click')">
<template v-if="uploading">Uploading...</template>
<slot v-else></slot>
Your question seems little bit ambiguë, You can use watch in that props object inside the child component like this:
//val gives you the updated value
}, deep:true
by adding deep to true it will watch for nested properties in that object, if one of properties changed you ll receive the new prop from val variable
for more information :
if not what you wanted, i made a real quick example,
check it out hope this helps :

VueJS pass default prop without reference to child component

I've stumbled upon this situation where I want to pass a prop to a child component that will be the default value of the component, but it will only be showed when the initial value is empty.
Parent Component:
<multi-line-input v-model="data.something" placeholder="Enter Something" :default="data.something"/>
Child Component
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: ''
default: {
type: String,
default: ''
methods: {
emitBlur (e) {
if (!this.value && this.default) {
this.value = this.default
emitInput () {
this.$emit('input', this.$el.value)
So what I am trying to achieve basically, is when the component loads will get the value from v-model it will also receive a default value that shouldn't change, and only used as a value when the actual value is empty on blur
The default will have the initial value of data.something and it should not change!
I tried to get rid of the reference using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value)) but it doesn't seem to work either!
So if I understand your question correctly, you want this behavior: upon the blur event on your <multi-line-input> component, if the value of the input is empty, then set the value to a default value which is specified by the parent (through a prop).
First of all, it is an error to do this.value = ... in your component. You must not modify props, props pass data from parent to child only, the data passed through props is not yours to modify directly from within the component.
Try something like this:
Vue.component('multi-line-input', {
template: '<input #blur="onBlur" #input="onInput" :value="value">',
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: '',
default: {
type: String,
default: '',
methods: {
onBlur() {
if (!this.value && this.default) {
this.$emit('input', this.default);
onInput(e) {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
user: null,
initialUser: null,
created() {
// Pretend that I'm pulling this data from some API
this.user = {
name: 'Fred',
email: '',
address: '123 Fake St',
// Make a copy of the data for the purpose of assigning the
// default prop of each input
this.initialUser = _.cloneDeep(this.user);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-if="user">
<multi-line-input v-model="" :default=""></multi-line-input>
<multi-line-input v-model="" :default=""></multi-line-input>
<multi-line-input v-model="user.address" :default="initialUser.address"></multi-line-input>
Or, if you want the default value to be determined by the component instead of the parent (through a prop), you can do something like this instead:
Vue.component('multi-line-input', {
template: '<input #blur="onBlur" #input="onInput" :value="value">',
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: '',
created() {
this.def = this.value;
methods: {
onBlur() {
if (!this.value && this.def) {
this.$emit('input', this.def);
onInput(e) {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
user: null,
created() {
// Pretend that I'm pulling this data from some API
this.user = {
name: 'Fred',
email: '',
address: '123 Fake St',
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-if="user">
<multi-line-input v-model=""></multi-line-input>
<multi-line-input v-model=""></multi-line-input>
<multi-line-input v-model="user.address"></multi-line-input>
However I do not recommend the second approach because the child component instance will only every have one default value for its entire lifetime. Vue reuses component instances whenever possible, so it wouldn't work if Vue were to bind it to a different parent component (how/when would it update its own default state?).

proper use of Vue $refs

Im attempting to recreate this exact inline editing functionality in on of my vue components. However, and I may be wrong, I see some of the syntax is outdated Vue, in particular the v-el directive being used. I've attempted to update the syntax like so:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
numbers: [{
val: 'one',
edit: false
val: 'two',
edit: false
val: 'three',
edit: false
methods: {
toggleEdit: function(ev, number) {
number.edit = !number.edit
// Focus input field
if (number.edit) {
Vue.nextTick(function() {
ev.$refs.input.focus(); // error occurs here
saveEdit: function(ev, number) {
//save your changes
this.toggleEdit(ev, number);
<div id="app">
<template v-for="number in numbers">
<span v-show="!number.edit"
v-on:click="toggleEdit(this, number)">{{number.val}}</span>
<input type="text"
v-on:blur="saveEdit(ev, number)"> <br>
<script src=""></script>
However I get a range of errors... any suggestions on how to properly execute this?
Here is the Error:
[Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: "TypeError: undefined is not an object
(evaluating 'ev.$refs.input')"
Many things changed from Vue.js 1.x to 2.x. I will walk you through the changes necessary in that snippet of yours:
v-repeat should be v-for
Replace v-el="input" with ref="input"
Since you are using ref="input" inside a v-for, then this.$refs.input will be an array of elements, not a single element.
To access each single element, you will need an index (for the array), that's why you should include the index variable in the v-for: v-for="(number, index) in numbers"
Pass the index instead of the ev to the functions, so you can get the<input>s later using vm.$refs.input[index].focus();
And that's pretty much it. After changes you'll get:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
numbers: [
val: 'one',
edit: false
{ val: 'two',
edit: false
val: 'three',
edit: false
methods: {
toggleEdit: function(index, number){
number.edit = !number.edit;
// Focus input field
var vm = this;
if (number.edit){
Vue.nextTick(function() {
saveEdit: function(index, number){
//save your changes
this.toggleEdit(index, number);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-for="(number, index) in numbers">
<span v-show="!number.edit"
v-on:click="toggleEdit(index, number)">{{number.val}}</span>
<input type="text"
v-on:blur="saveEdit(index, number)"> <br>
If you want the functionality and not the code design, I'd recommend you redesign it. I think you want to edit data, and the data shouldn't have to know whether it's being edited. That is the role of a component.
So let's make a component that lets you v-model data. The component itself has a span and an input. If you're editing, it shows the input, otherwise, the span. Click starts editing, blur stops editing. When editing starts, set focus on the input.
It takes a value prop. Its input element emits an input event to signal changes (per component v-model spec.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
stuff: ['one', 'two', 'three']
components: {
inlineEditor: {
template: '#inline-editor-template',
props: ['value'],
data() {
return {
editing: false
methods: {
startEditing() {
this.editing = true;
this.$nextTick(() => this.$refs.input.focus());
stopEditing() {
this.editing = false;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<inline-editor v-for="item, index in stuff" v-model="stuff[index]"></inline-editor>
<template id="inline-editor-template">
<span #click="startEditing" v-show="!editing">{{value}}</span>
<input ref="input" :value="value" #input="e => $emit('input'," #blur="stopEditing" v-show="editing">

