Google Slides Linked Items - javascript

I'm trying to right a script that will loop through all linked items in a google slide and update then automatically at a given time.
I've managed to get this working for charts that I have linked from a spreadsheet, but can't seem to find a way to update anything else that I have linked.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Scraping from javascript-controlled table in Wayback Machine?

I am attempting to scrape details from two archived webpages, here and here.
As you can see, the content lives in a paginated table (10 records are shown out of 30+) that I believe is being controlled with javascript - if you hover over the right arrows at the bottom of the table, you can see they are advanced through a doPostBack call. Unfortunately, these arrows are non-functional in the archived pages themselves, as is the drop-down that allows you to change the number of visible rows in the table.
Does anyone know how to either (a) get the javascript working to advance the table correctly or (b) gather the information some other way from this webpage? I've attempted to look at the request/response objects as well, but I'm quite a novice with web scraping so there is a good chance I missed something.
Any direction (or being told its a fool's errand!) is helpful, thanks in advance to whoever takes a look!

Apps scripts FixedFooter covers input selection

I'm having an issue with the FixedFooter class in my gmail addon. Basically if there is enough items in the SelectionInput the last few items get covered by the FixedFooter.
For example in the image bellow there is supposed to be 50 items but the last five are hidden behind the FixedFooter (the create project button). Is there any solution to this?
It's a bug, already filed on Google's Issue Tracker and being worked on.
While waiting for it to be fixed, your workaround of adding empty items at the bottom is a good way to get aorund it.

Magento rendering submenu too far down

New enough to Magento and trying to figure out what is going on I have moved my top level menu up to be level with other items in the header but when I hover over it to see sub categories they are still being rendered in the original location.
I enabled Template path hints to try find where this was being rendered from and found \vendor\magento\module-theme\view\frontend\templates\html\topmenu.phtml but cannot figure out where this is being rendered from.
I think it might be somewhere in the Javascript but cannot find the location. Any help to get rid of these pesky 47px would be greatly appreciated.

Google Maps Sidebar Render Issue

I wonder whether it's possible that someone could help me please with a problem I've been trying to solve for over a week now.
I'm using this page to try and implement sidebar functionality to my Google map with the list entries and associated map markers switched on and off via category checkboxes.
I can get the markers to appear and disappear via the checkboxes, but I can't get the sidebar to render on the page.
As I said I've spent a lot of time on this and I seem to be going round in circles and I just can't work out where I'm going wrong.
I just wondered whether it's at possible that someone could take a look at this please and let me know where I've gone wrong.
Sincere thanks and kind regards

Twitter feed HTML

I am trying to display the last 5 tweets in a div, that's about it. I will put a design around it to mimmick the Twitter widget you can get on the Twitter site.
The problem is I am unsure of how to do this. I went through some of the Twitter docs, searched here, found some tutorials. None really seem to cover just this.
Can someone point me in the right direction or shed some light on what I need to do?
This might provide you with the source code to get you started. Its the jQuery Twitter Ticker plugin. Here's another link that is a bit more descriptive.
Fetch the data
Generate DOM elements that match the structure you want, populating them with the data as you go
Insert into the DOM for the page
Edit your CSS until you're happy with it

