Twitter feed HTML - javascript

I am trying to display the last 5 tweets in a div, that's about it. I will put a design around it to mimmick the Twitter widget you can get on the Twitter site.
The problem is I am unsure of how to do this. I went through some of the Twitter docs, searched here, found some tutorials. None really seem to cover just this.
Can someone point me in the right direction or shed some light on what I need to do?

This might provide you with the source code to get you started. Its the jQuery Twitter Ticker plugin. Here's another link that is a bit more descriptive.

Fetch the data
Generate DOM elements that match the structure you want, populating them with the data as you go
Insert into the DOM for the page
Edit your CSS until you're happy with it


How to display a bit of info about the link destination? Laravel

Probably not the best title, also, that why I ask here, describing this to a human may help me, describing it on google won't. I tried searching but I couldn't find.
How can I display some info about the destination of a link when hovering over it? For example if the link is towards a forum post I want to display a summary of the contents of the post, or if it is towards a site, display the site logo, title, a summary of the page? etc.
That has nothing to do with Laravel... well, Laravel could provide you with that info but the interaction that you're describing should be achieved with JavaScript/CSS on hovering an element.
Mock up those elements with HTML/CSS first, how they would look, and then use JS (or a JS library) to make it dynamic on certain actions (i.e: hover).
Just use an html tooltip attribute. Should be all you need.
Or if you need more complex elements just write js / jquery code for the class Onhover action

Filter Web Content with Drop down

I'm using a "PHP website" and i'm not being able to give to user a "drop down filter" to filter the content... In resume, i would like to give to user the same experience as in this website:
If you change the options at the right side, on the Dropdown menus, the content will be filtered. Is exactly what i need to do in my website, but i'm not 100% familiar with javascript, so, if someone perhaps can help me... I'm searching on the web for more than 4days and all the answers that i find is always for tables, and this is not exactly a table, so, if someone peharps can help me, would be wonderfull!
Thanks a lot!
To implement this kind of dynamic web content the easiest way is to use a data-binding front-end library such as AngularJS or backbone.js. Of course you can always write your own js code for this but that just won't cut it. I suggest getting familiar with one of these libraries and use for example an ng-model binding with the select dropdowns to the right bound to the content you show on the left hand side (AngularJS).
Yes, i understand that no ones will come with a "free code" to me, that's not my intention...
I already take a look into their code, but as their website is giant, to me it's a little bit hard to understand it all, as i'm not a "Pro".
I would just like that someone tells the right way to approach the problem, and what should i search, don't know, something that helps me finding the solution...

Adding thumbnails to basic jQuery slider

I have used the Basic jQuery slider which can be found at and it works in my site. I am pretty new to jQuery but understand HTML and CSS pretty well. I was just wondering, is there a way to make it so rather than the numbers underneath the images, it comes up with thumbnails of the images above it?
My code is pretty much exactly the same as the code given but altered to my own website.
I'm bad at explaining things but I hope I've explained myself properly at hope somebody can help!
You could just use an image tag and add the images between each anchor tag where the site you linked has 1,2,3.

A Way for Presenting Useful Links in the Website

I am working in my senior project which is a web-based system and I want to dedicate one page of the website for some useful links that are related to my website. I tried to present them in such an innovative way like showing a brief description (in a balloon or a new line or anything) about the link when the mouse comes over it.
I heard there are some JQuery templates for that. I tried to search about them but I did not get anything.
So could you please help me in this issue?
Please provide me with any guide that is helpful to do this issue.
Also, please provide me with your suggestions for presenting the useful links in somehow a nice way.
What you're talking about is a tooltip. I like the tooltip component from jQuery Tools quite a lot, and the documentation is excellent.
There's no need to use JQuery!
What you want can be achieved using only CSS.
Utilizing the :hover selector, its possible to display a box over your link when you move your mouse over it.
Here's a good link to get started.
How about something like Simpletip:, or it's successor qTip: (hat tip #Edmund Y).
If you look at this Xmarks page, it pretty much lists all of the most popular JQuery tooltip plugins:, sorted by the number of people that have bookmarked them!

How to create an endless picture-show without marquee?

I wrote a module for Joomla! 1.5 which shows the pictures (banners) with the most clicks. Now I want to show this list scrolling on the home-site. With "marquee" there is a break after the last picture.
I've found an advice which said I'll have to create a div-container with overflow: hidden and a second div with javascripte which changes the positions of the pictures.
Can anyone help me to write this code, because I don't get javascripte?
There are plenty of free ones you can get that are already written for you.
Try one of these jquery scripts to do what you are looking for...
The best way to implement such feature is looking to this great JQuery Video tutorial and you will have a great product :)
URL: JQuery Spy effect
MOV: Jquery Spy effect
Hope that is exactly what you are looking for.

