I need to create an infinite loop - javascript

For my purpose I need to create loop where one variable is looping in this way:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1...
It's look simple but more than hour I wonder how to do it.
My purpose is moving the star in this way

Write that loop as a generator (function *... yield) and then consume it when you need it (for...of). Of course, the consuming code must provide some termination condition.
function* bounce(min, max) {
while (1) {
for (let i = min; i < max; i++)
yield i;
for (let i = max; i > min; i--)
yield i;
STEPS = 10
for(let x of bounce(0, 4)) {
if (--STEPS === 0) break;

You can use the following code to generate the number pattern that you require. However, you wont be able to run it infinitely since it will crash the browser.
If you want to test, I have added instructions for making the loop infinite.
For you requirement, a larger value for rep variable will be enough.
let min = 0; // Start/min value
let max = 4; // Max value
let dir = 1; // Count direction (+1/-1)
let counter = min; // Your counter variable
let rep = 24; // Remove this line and change condition inside while to true for infinite loop
do {
dir = counter===max?-1:counter===min?1:dir;
} while (rep-->0); // Change this expression to true for infinite loop

You can use setTimeout or setInterval for doing that:
let number = 0;
let increment = 1;
const from = 0;
const to = 4;
const starDiv = document.getElementById("star");
function printStar(number) {
const text = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].map(
i => (i === number) ? '*' : '-'
starDiv.innerText = text;
function loop() {
number += increment;
if (number == to) {
increment = -1;
} else if (number == from) {
increment = 1;
const time = 10; // 10 millisecond between step
setInterval(loop, time);
<div id="star">

You could have a simple counter and then use modulo 8 to get iterations.
let x = (i += direction) % 8;
let y = x > 4 ? 8 - x : x;
This example even prints the ascii art ;)
let i = -1;
let direction = +1;
const out = [
setInterval(function() {
let x = (i += direction) % 8;
let y = x > 4 ? 8 - x : x;
window.document.write(y + " " + out[x] + "<br>");
}, 1000);

for(var loop = 1; loop <= max_loops; loop++, [min,max] = [-max,-min])
for(num = min; num < max + (loop == max_loops); num++)
console.log(".".repeat(Math.abs(num)) + "*" + ".".repeat(Math.max(Math.abs(max),Math.abs(min)) - Math.abs(num)))
But since you need an infinite loop, using generator should be more suitable.


Stop fibonacci sequence when it reaches a number bigger than 1000

I want to make the sequence stop when the last value stored in the array is bigger than 1000.
I have the js code for the sequence and i can make it stop at whatever position i want with the variable limit. But i dont know how to make it stop at a certain number.
The is my code:
let fib = [1,1];
let limit = 20;
function fibonacci(nums) {
let data = [1,1];
for(let i = 2; i < limit; i++) {
nums[i] = nums[i - 1] + nums[i - 2];
return data;
You can just use an if condition and break out of the loop as soon as a value is bigger than 1000. In this example I pushed the value and then break out of the loop. You can also break before pushing it to the array
let fib = [1, 1];
let limit = 20;
function fibonacci(nums, breakLimit) {
let data = [1, 1];
for (let i = 2; i < limit; i++) {
nums[i] = nums[i - 1] + nums[i - 2];
if (nums[i] > breakLimit) {
} else {
return data;
console.log(fibonacci(fib, 1000))

Smallest Common Multiple [Javascript Challenge]

Question: Find the smallest common multiple of the provided parameters that can be evenly divided by both, as well as by all sequential numbers in the range between these parameters.
The range will be an array of two numbers that will not necessarily be in numerical order.
For example, if given 1 and 3, find the smallest common multiple of both 1 and 3 that is also evenly divisible by all numbers between 1 and 3, i.e. divisible by 1, 2 and 3. The answer here would be 6.
function smallestCommons(arr) {
var max=Math.max(...arr);
var min=Math.min(...arr);
var flag = 0;
var i = min;
{for(var j=min;j<=max;j++)
For somereason my solution seems to go crazy and go into infinite looping. Although if I initialize var i to 60 (which is the desired output for this specific case i.e.[1,5]) the solution seems to be fine. Any fixes or guesses?
#Kevin has given a pretty good explanation of why it's not working. Your loop will only stop if flag is 0. But once it has been set to 1, you never reset it to 0.
function smallestCommons(arr) {
var max = Math.max(...arr);
var min = Math.min(...arr);
var flag = 0;
var i = min;
while (true) {
for (var j = min; j <= max; j++) {
if (i % j != 0) {
flag = 1;
if (flag == 0) {
return i; // Return that common value
flag = 0; // Reset the flag
console.log(smallestCommons([1, 5]));
And here is an alternative way:
function smallestCommons(arr) {
const min = Math.min(...arr),
max = Math.max(...arr),
range = createRange(min, max);
let current = max;
while (true) {
const isFullyDivisible = range.every(n => current % n === 0);
if (isFullyDivisible) {
return current;
function createRange(min, max) {
return new Array(max - min + 1).fill(null).map((_, i) => min + i);
console.log(smallestCommons([1, 3])); // 6
console.log(smallestCommons([5, 1])); // 60
console.log(smallestCommons([1, 10])); // 2520
I did figure out the solution, thanks to the two programming geeks in the main comments sections.
function smallestCommons(arr) {
var max=Math.max(...arr);
var min=Math.min(...arr);
var flag = 0;
var count = 0;
var i = 1;
for(var j=min;j<=max;j++)

consecutive numbers into array javascript

I am trying to find the best way to check for consecutive numbers.
Right now i have made an array with the numbers i wanna check for, but instead off writing them manually, I will like to instead make an algorithm that calculate the numbers for me, and only stop after a number i desire.
var findAllClass = $('.someClass').length;
var changeClassArr = [0, 7, 10, 17, 20, 27, 30];// change this from manually to automatic calculated
for (i = 0; i < findAllClass; i++){
if (i == changeClassArr) {
You can build the array like so:
var list = [];
var stopAt = 30;
var incrementor = 0;
while (incrementor <= stopAt) {
if (incrementor % 10 === 0 || (incrementor - 7) % 10 === 0) {
If using ES6, you can use following generator:
function *numbers() {
var x;
yield x = 0;
while(true) {
yield x += 7;
yield x += 3;
for (x of numbers()) {
if (x > 30) {

A while loop to add the digits of a multi-digit number together? (Javascript)

I need to add the digits of a number together (e.g. 21 is 2+1) so that the number is reduced to only one digit (3). I figured out how to do that part.
1) I may need to call the function more than once on the same variable (e.g. 99 is 9+9 = 18, which is still >= 10) and
2) I need to exclude the numbers 11 and 22 from this function's ambit.
Where am I going wrong below?
var x = 123;
var y = 456;
var z = 789;
var numberMagic = function (num) {
var proc = num.toString().split("");
var total = 0;
for (var i=0; i<proc.length; i++) {
total += +proc[i];
while(x > 9 && x != 11 && x != 22) {
} else {
xResult = x;
//repeat while loop for y and z
Here are the problems with your code
var x = 123;
var y = 456;
var z = 789;
var numberMagic = function (num) {
var proc = num.toString().split("");
var total = 0;
for (var i=0; i<proc.length; i++) {
total += +proc[i]; // indentation want awry
}; // don't need this ; - not a show stopper
// you're not returning anything!!!!
while(x > 9 && x != 11 && x != 22) {
}; // ; not needed
// because x never changes, the above while loop would go on forever
} else { // this else has no if
xResult = x; // even if code was right, x remains unchanged
Hope that helps in some way
Now - here's a solution that works
var x = 123;
var y = 456;
var z = 789;
var numberMagic = function (num) {
while (num > 9) {
if (num == 11 || num == 22) {
return num;
var proc = num.toString().split("");
num = proc.reduce(function(previousInt, thisValueString) {
return previousInt + parseInt(thisValueString);
}, 0);
return num;
I'm not sure to understand what you want..
with this function you reduce any number to one single digit
while(num > 9){
if(num == 11 || num == 22) return;
var proc = num.toString();
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<proc.length; i++) {
sum += parseInt(proc[i]);
num = sum;
is it what you are looking at?
I wrote an example at Jsfiddle that you can turn any given number into a single digit:
Example input: 551
array of [5, 5, 1] - add last 2 digits
array of [5, 6] - add last 2 digits
array of [1, 1] - add last 2 digits
array of [2] - output
Here is the actual code:
var number = 1768;
var newNumber = convertToOneDigit(number);
console.log("New Number: " + newNumber);
function convertToOneDigit(number) {
var stringNumber = number.toString();
var stringNumberArray = stringNumber.split("");
var stringNumberLength = stringNumberArray.length;
var tmp;
var tmp2;
var tmp3;
console.log("Array: " + stringNumberArray);
console.log("Array Length: " + stringNumberLength);
while (stringNumberLength > 1) {
tmp = parseInt(stringNumberArray[stringNumberLength - 1]) + parseInt(stringNumberArray[stringNumberLength - 2]);
tmp2 = tmp.toString();
if (tmp2.length > 1) {
tmp3 = tmp2.split("");
for (var i = 0; i < tmp3.length; i++) {
} else {
stringNumberLength = stringNumberArray.length;
console.log("Array: " + stringNumberArray);
console.log("Array Length: " + stringNumberLength);
return stringNumberArray[0];
function addDigits(n) {
let str = n.toString().split('');
let len = str.length;
let add,
acc = 0;
for (i=0; i<=len-1; i++) {
acc += Number(str[i]);
return acc;
console.log( addDigits(123456789) ); //Output: 45
Just make it a While loop, remember a While loops it's just the same as a For loop, only you add the counter variable at the end of the code, the same way you can do with a Do{code}while(condition) Only need to add a counter variable at the end and its gonna be the same. Only that the variable its global to the loop, I mean comes from the outside.
let i = 0; //it's global to the loop, ( wider scope )
while (i<=x) {
//Code line;
//Code line;
//Code line;
//Code line;
Now this is working with an outside variable and it's NOT recommended.. unless that var its local to a Function.
Please look at the this solution also
var x = 123;
var y = 456;
var z = 789;
var numberMagic = function (num) {
var total = 0;
while (num != 0) {
total += num % 10;
num = parseInt(num / 10);
if (total > 9)
return total;
//Call first time function

Generating Fibonacci Sequence

var x = 0;
var y = 1;
var z;
fib[0] = 0;
fib[1] = 1;
for (i = 2; i <= 10; i++) {
alert(x + y);
fib[i] = x + y;
x = y;
z = y;
I'm trying to get to generate a simple Fibonacci Sequence but there no output.
Can anybody let me know what's wrong?
You have never declared fib to be an array. Use var fib = []; to solve this.
Also, you're never modifying the y variable, neither using it.
The code below makes more sense, plus, it doesn't create unused variables:
var i;
var fib = [0, 1]; // Initialize array!
for (i = 2; i <= 10; i++) {
// Next fibonacci number = previous + one before previous
// Translated to JavaScript:
fib[i] = fib[i - 2] + fib[i - 1];
According to the Interview Cake question, the sequence goes 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21. If this is the case, this solution works and is recursive without the use of arrays.
function fibonacci(n) {
return n < 1 ? 0
: n <= 2 ? 1
: fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
Think of it like this.
fibonacci(4) .--------> 2 + 1 = 3
| / |
'--> fibonacci(3) + fibonacci(2)
| ^
| '----------- 2 = 1 + 1 <----------.
1st step -> | ^ |
| | |
'----> fibonacci(2) -' + fibonacci(1)-'
Take note, this solution is not very efficient though.
Yet another answer would be to use es6 generator functions.
function* fib() {
var current = a = b = 1;
yield 1;
while (true) {
current = b;
yield current;
b = a + b;
a = current;
sequence = fib();
sequence.next(); // 1
sequence.next(); // 1
sequence.next(); // 2
// ...
Here's a simple function to iterate the Fibonacci sequence into an array using arguments in the for function more than the body of the loop:
fib = function(numMax){
for(var fibArray = [0,1], i=0,j=1,k=0; k<numMax;i=j,j=x,k++ ){
[ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 ]
You should've declared the fib variable to be an array in the first place (such as var fib = [] or var fib = new Array()) and I think you're a bit confused about the algorithm.
If you use an array to store the fibonacci sequence, you do not need the other auxiliar variables (x,y,z) :
var fib = [0, 1];
for(var i=fib.length; i<10; i++) {
fib[i] = fib[i-2] + fib[i-1];
Click for the demo
You should consider the recursive method too (note that this is an optimised version) :
function fib(n, undefined){
if(fib.cache[n] === undefined){
fib.cache[n] = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
return fib.cache[n];
fib.cache = [0, 1, 1];
and then, after you call the fibonacci function, you have all the sequence in the fib.cache field :
The golden ration "phi" ^ n / sqrt(5) is asymptotic to the fibonacci of n, if we round that value up, we indeed get the fibonacci value.
function fib(n) {
let phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5))/2;
let asymp = Math.pow(phi, n) / Math.sqrt(5);
return Math.round(asymp);
fib(1000); // 4.346655768693734e+208 in just a few milliseconds
This runs faster on large numbers compared to the recursion based solutions.
You're not assigning a value to z, so what do you expect y=z; to do? Likewise you're never actually reading from the array. It looks like you're trying a combination of two different approaches here... try getting rid of the array entirely, and just use:
// Initialization of x and y as before
for (i = 2; i <= 10; i++)
alert(x + y);
z = x + y;
x = y;
y = z;
EDIT: The OP changed the code after I'd added this answer. Originally the last line of the loop was y = z; - and that makes sense if you've initialized z as per my code.
If the array is required later, then obviously that needs to be populated still - but otherwise, the code I've given should be fine.
Another easy way to achieve this:
function fibonacciGenerator(n) {
// declare the array starting with the first 2 values of the fibonacci sequence
// starting at array index 1, and push current index + previous index to the array
for (var fibonacci = [0, 1], i = 2; i < n; i++)
fibonacci.push(fibonacci[i-1] + fibonacci[i - 2])
return fibonacci
console.log( fibonacciGenerator(10) )
function fib(n) {
if (n <= 1) {
return n;
} else {
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
fib(10); // returns 55
fibonacci 1,000 ... 10,000 ... 100,000
Some answers run into issues when trying to calculate large fibonacci numbers. Others are approximating numbers using phi. This answer will show you how to calculate a precise series of large fibonacci numbers without running into limitations set by JavaScript's floating point implementation.
Below, we generate the first 1,000 fibonacci numbers in a few milliseconds. Later, we'll do 100,000!
const { fromInt, toString, add } =
const bigfib = function* (n = 0)
let a = fromInt (0)
let b = fromInt (1)
let _
while (n >= 0) {
yield toString (a)
_ = a
a = b
b = add (b, _)
n = n - 1
console.time ('bigfib')
const seq = Array.from (bigfib (1000))
console.timeEnd ('bigfib')
// 25 ms
console.log (seq.length)
// 1001
console.log (seq)
// [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, ... 995 more elements ]
Let's see the 1,000th fibonacci number
console.log (seq [1000])
// 43466557686937456435688527675040625802564660517371780402481729089536555417949051890403879840079255169295922593080322634775209689623239873322471161642996440906533187938298969649928516003704476137795166849228875
This solution scales quite nicely. We can calculate the first 10,000 fibonacci numbers in under 2 seconds. At this point in the sequence, the numbers are over 2,000 digits long – way beyond the capacity of JavaScript's floating point numbers. Still, our result includes precise values without making approximations.
console.time ('bigfib')
const seq = Array.from (bigfib (10000))
console.timeEnd ('bigfib')
// 1877 ms
console.log (seq.length)
// 10001
console.log (seq [10000] .length)
// 2090
console.log (seq [10000])
// 3364476487 ... 2070 more digits ... 9947366875
Of course all of that magic takes place in Bignum, which we will share now. To get an intuition for how we will design Bignum, recall how you added big numbers using pen and paper as a child...
+ 50695640938240596831104
You add each column, right to left, and when a column overflows into the double digits, remembering to carry the 1 over to the next column...
... <-001
+ 50695640938240596831104
... <-472
Above, we can see that if we had two 10-digit numbers, it would take approximately 30 simple additions (3 per column) to compute the answer. This is how we will design Bignum to work
const Bignum =
{ fromInt: (n = 0) =>
n < 10
? [ n ]
: [ n % 10, ...Bignum.fromInt (n / 10 >> 0) ]
, fromString: (s = "0") =>
Array.from (s, Number) .reverse ()
, toString: (b) =>
Array.from (b) .reverse () .join ('')
, add: (b1, b2) =>
const len = Math.max (b1.length, b2.length)
let answer = []
let carry = 0
for (let i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
const x = b1[i] || 0
const y = b2[i] || 0
const sum = x + y + carry
answer.push (sum % 10)
carry = sum / 10 >> 0
if (carry > 0) answer.push (carry)
return answer
We'll run a quick test to verify our example above
const x =
fromString ('1259601512351095520986368')
const y =
fromString ('50695640938240596831104')
console.log (toString (add (x,y)))
// 1310297153289336117817472
And now a complete program demonstration. Expand it to calculate the precise 10,000th fibonacci number in your own browser! Note, the result is the same as the answer provided by wolfram alpha
const Bignum =
{ fromInt: (n = 0) =>
n < 10
? [ n ]
: [ n % 10, ...Bignum.fromInt (n / 10 >> 0) ]
, fromString: (s = "0") =>
Array.from (s, Number) .reverse ()
, toString: (b) =>
Array.from (b) .reverse () .join ('')
, add: (b1, b2) =>
const len = Math.max (b1.length, b2.length)
let answer = []
let carry = 0
for (let i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
const x = b1[i] || 0
const y = b2[i] || 0
const sum = x + y + carry
answer.push (sum % 10)
carry = sum / 10 >> 0
if (carry > 0) answer.push (carry)
return answer
const { fromInt, toString, add } =
const bigfib = function* (n = 0)
let a = fromInt (0)
let b = fromInt (1)
let _
while (n >= 0) {
yield toString (a)
_ = a
a = b
b = add (b, _)
n = n - 1
console.time ('bigfib')
const seq = Array.from (bigfib (10000))
console.timeEnd ('bigfib')
// 1877 ms
console.log (seq.length)
// 10001
console.log (seq [10000] .length)
// 2090
console.log (seq [10000])
// 3364476487 ... 2070 more digits ... 9947366875
I was just curious how far this little script could go. It seems like the only limitation is just time and memory. Below, we calculate the first 100,000 fibonacci numbers without approximation. Numbers at this point in the sequence are over 20,000 digits long, wow! It takes 3.18 minutes to complete but the result still matches the answer from wolfram alpha
console.time ('bigfib')
const seq = Array.from (bigfib (100000))
console.timeEnd ('bigfib')
// 191078 ms
console.log (seq .length)
// 100001
console.log (seq [100000] .length)
// 20899
console.log (seq [100000])
// 2597406934 ... 20879 more digits ... 3428746875
JavaScript now has native support for BigInt. This allows for calculating huge integers very quickly -
function* fib (n)
{ let a = 0n
let b = 1n
let _
while (n >= 0) {
yield a.toString()
_ = a
a = b
b = b + _
n = n - 1
const result = Array.from(fib(1000))
document.body.textContent = JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)
body {
font-family: monospace;
white-space: pre;
I like the fact that there are so many ways to create a fibonacci sequence in JS. I will try to reproduce a few of them. The goal is to output a sequence to console (like {n: 6, fiboNum: 8})
Good ol' closure
// The IIFE form is purposefully omitted. See below.
const fiboGenClosure = () => {
let [a, b] = [0, 1];
let n = 0;
return (fiboNum = a) => {
[a, b] = [b, a + b];
return {
n: n++,
fiboNum: fiboNum
// Gets the sequence until given nth number. Always returns a new copy of the main function, so it is possible to generate multiple independent sequences.
const generateFiboClosure = n => {
const newSequence = fiboGenClosure();
for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
Fancy ES6 generator
Similar to the closure pattern above, using the advantages of generator function and for..of loop.
// The 'n' argument is a substitute for index.
function* fiboGen(n = 0) {
let [a, b] = [0, 1];
while (true) {
yield [a, n++];
[a, b] = [b, a + b];
// Also gives a new sequence every time is invoked.
const generateFibonacci = n => {
const iterator = fiboGen();
for (let [value, index] of iterator) {
n: index,
fiboNum: value
if (index >= n) break;
Tail call recursion
This one is a little tricky, because, now in late 2018, TC optimization is still an issue. But honestly – if you don't use any smart tricks to allow the default JS engine to use a really big numbers, it will get dizzy and claims that the next fibonacci number is "Infinity" by iteration 1477. The stack would probably overflow somewhere around iteration 10 000 (vastly depends on browser, memory etc…). Could be probably padded by try… catch block or check if "Infinity" was reached.
const fibonacciRTC = (n, i = 0, a = 0, b = 1) => {
n: i,
fibonacci: a
if (n === 0) return;
return fibonacciRTC(--n, ++i, b, a + b);
It can be written as a one-liner, if we throe away the console.log thing and simply return a number:
const fibonacciRTC2 = (n, a = 0, b = 1) => n === 0 ? a : fibonacciRTC2(n - 1, b, a + b);
Important note!
As I found out reading this mathIsFun article, the fibonacci sequence is valid for negative numbers as well! I tried to implement that in the recursive tail call form above like that:
const fibonacciRTC3 = (n, a = 0, b = 1, sign = n >= 0 ? 1 : -1) => {
if (n === 0) return a * sign;
return fibonacciRTC3(n - sign, b, a + b, sign);
console.log(fibonacciRTC3(8)); // 21
console.log(fibonacciRTC3(-8)); // -21
There is also a generalization of Binet's formula for negative integers:
static float phi = (1.0f + sqrt(5.0f)) / 2.0f;
int generalized_binet_fib(int n) {
return round( (pow(phi, n) - cos(n * M_PI) * pow(phi, -n)) / sqrt(5.0f) );
for(int i = -10; i < 10; ++i)
printf("%i ", generalized_binet_fib(i));
A quick way to get ~75
ty #geeves for the catch, I replaced Math.floor for Math.round which seems to get it up to 76 where floating point issues come into play :/ ...
either way, I wouldn't want to be using recursion up and until that point.
* Binet Fibonacci number formula for determining
* sequence values
* #param {int} pos - the position in sequence to lookup
* #returns {int} the Fibonacci value of sequence #pos
var test = [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181,6765,10946,17711,28657,46368,75025,121393,196418,317811,514229,832040,1346269,2178309,3524578,5702887,9227465,14930352,24157817,39088169,63245986,102334155,165580141,267914296,433494437,701408733,1134903170,1836311903,2971215073,4807526976,7778742049,12586269025,20365011074,32951280099,53316291173,86267571272,139583862445,225851433717,365435296162,591286729879,956722026041,1548008755920,2504730781961,4052739537881,6557470319842,10610209857723,17167680177565,27777890035288,44945570212853,72723460248141,117669030460994,190392490709135,308061521170129,498454011879264,806515533049393,1304969544928657,2111485077978050,3416454622906707,5527939700884757,8944394323791464,14472334024676221,23416728348467685,37889062373143906,61305790721611591,99194853094755497,160500643816367088,259695496911122585,420196140727489673,679891637638612258,1100087778366101931,1779979416004714189,2880067194370816120,4660046610375530309,7540113804746346429,12200160415121876738,19740274219868223167,31940434634990099905,51680708854858323072,83621143489848422977,135301852344706746049,218922995834555169026];
var fib = function (pos) {
return Math.round((Math.pow( 1 + Math.sqrt(5), pos)
- Math.pow( 1 - Math.sqrt(5), pos))
/ (Math.pow(2, pos) * Math.sqrt(5)));
/* This is only for the test */
var max = test.length,
i = 0,
frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
_div = document.createElement('div'),
_text = document.createTextNode(''),
for ( ; i < max; i++) {
div = _div.cloneNode();
text = _text.cloneNode();
num = fib(i);
if (num !== test[i]) {
err = i + ' == ' + test[i] + '; got ' + num;
div.style.color = 'red';
text.nodeValue = i + ': ' + num;
You can get some cache to speedup the algorithm...
var tools = {
fibonacci : function(n) {
var cache = {};
// optional seed cache
cache[2] = 1;
cache[3] = 2;
cache[4] = 3;
cache[5] = 5;
cache[6] = 8;
return execute(n);
function execute(n) {
// special cases 0 or 1
if (n < 2) return n;
var a = n - 1;
var b = n - 2;
if(!cache[a]) cache[a] = execute(a);
if(!cache[b]) cache[b] = execute(b);
return cache[a] + cache[b];
If using ES2015
const fib = (n, prev = 0, current = 1) => n
? fib(--n, current, prev + current)
: prev + current
console.log( fib(10) )
If you need to build a list of fibonacci numbers easily you can use array destructuring assignment to ease your pain:
function fibonacci(n) {
let fibList = [];
let [a, b] = [0, 1]; // array destructuring to ease your pain
while (a < n) {
[a, b] = [b, a + b]; // less pain, more gain
return fibList;
console.log(fibonacci(10)); // prints [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>fibonacci series</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function generateseries(){
var fno = document.getElementById("firstno").value;
var sno = document.getElementById("secondno").value;
var a = parseInt(fno);
var result = new Array();
result[0] = a;
var b = ++fno;
var c = b;
while (b <= sno) {
document.getElementById("maindiv").innerHTML = "Fibonacci Series between "+fno+ " and " +sno+ " is " +result;
c = a + b;
a = b;
b = c;
function numeric(evt){
var theEvent = evt || window.event;
var key = theEvent.keyCode || theEvent.which;
key = String.fromCharCode(key);
var regex = /[0-9]|\./;
if (!regex.test(key)) {
theEvent.returnValue = false;
if (theEvent.preventDefault)
<h1 align="center">Fibonacci Series</h1>
<div id="resultdiv" align="center">
<input type="text" name="firstno" id="firstno" onkeypress="numeric(event)"><br>
<input type="text" name="secondno" id="secondno" onkeypress="numeric(event)"><br>
<input type="button" id="result" value="Result" onclick="generateseries();">
<div id="maindiv"></div>
I know this is a bit of an old question, but I realized that many of the answers here are utilizing for loops rather than while loops.
Sometimes, while loops are faster than for loops, so I figured I'd contribute some code that runs the Fibonacci sequence in a while loop as well! Use whatever you find suitable to your needs.
function fib(length) {
var fibArr = [],
i = 0,
j = 1;
while (fibArr.length <= length) {
fibArr.push(fibArr[j] + fibArr[i]);
return fibArr;
sparkida, found an issue with your method. If you check position 10, it returns 54 and causes all subsequent values to be incorrect. You can see this appearing here: http://jsfiddle.net/createanaccount/cdrgyzdz/5/
(function() {
function fib(n) {
var root5 = Math.sqrt(5);
var val1 = (1 + root5) / 2;
var val2 = 1 - val1;
var value = (Math.pow(val1, n) - Math.pow(val2, n)) / root5;
return Math.floor(value + 0.5);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
document.getElementById("sequence").innerHTML += (0 < i ? ", " : "") + fib(i);
<div id="sequence">
Here are examples how to write fibonacci using recursion, generator and reduce.
'use strict'
//------------- using recursion ------------
function fibonacciRecursion(n) {
return (n < 2) ? n : fibonacciRecursion(n - 2) + fibonacciRecursion(n - 1)
// usage
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//-------------- using generator -----------------
function* fibonacciGenerator() {
let a = 1,
b = 0
while (true) {
yield b;
[a, b] = [b, a + b]
// usage
const gen = fibonacciGenerator()
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//------------- using reduce ---------------------
function fibonacciReduce(n) {
return new Array(n).fill(0)
.reduce((prev, curr) => ([prev[0], prev[1]] = [prev[1], prev[0] + prev[1]], prev), [0, 1])[0]
// usage
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
I just would like to contribute with a tail call optimized version by ES6. It's quite simple;
var fibonacci = (n, f = 0, s = 1) => n === 0 ? f : fibonacci(--n, s, f + s);
There is no need for slow loops, generators or recursive functions (with or without caching). Here is a fast one-liner using Array and reduce.
ECMAScript 6:
var fibonacci=(n)=>Array(n).fill().reduce((a,b,c)=>a.concat(c<2?c:a[c-1]+a[c-2]),[])
ECMAScript 5:
function fibonacci(n){
return Array.apply(null,{length:n}).reduce(function(a,b,c){return a.concat((c<2)?c:a[c-1]+a[c-2]);},[]);
Tested in Chrome 59 (Windows 10):
fibonacci(10); // 0 ms -> (10) [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
JavaScript can handle numbers up to 1476 before reaching Infinity.
fibonacci(1476); // 11ms -> (1476) [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...]
Another implementation, while recursive is very fast and uses single inline function. It hits the javascript 64-bit number precision limit, starting 80th sequence (as do all other algorithms):
For example if you want the 78th term (78 goes in the last parenthesis):
(function (n,i,p,r){p=(p||0)+r||1;i=i?i+1:1;return i<=n?arguments.callee(n,i,r,p):r}(78));
will return: 8944394323791464
This is backwards compatible all the way to ECMASCRIPT4 - I tested it with IE7 and it works!
This script will take a number as parameter, that you want your Fibonacci sequence to go.
function calculateFib(num) {
var fibArray = [];
var counter = 0;
if (fibArray.length == 0) {
fibArray.push(fibArray[fibArray.length - 1] + counter);
do {
var lastIndex = fibArray[fibArray.length - 1];
var snLastIndex = fibArray[fibArray.length - 2];
if (lastIndex + snLastIndex < num) {
fibArray.push(lastIndex + snLastIndex);
} while (lastIndex + snLastIndex < num);
return fibArray;
This is what I came up with
//fibonacci numbers
//print out the first ten fibonacci numbers
'use strict';
function printFobonacciNumbers(n) {
var firstNumber = 0,
secondNumber = 1,
fibNumbers = [];
if (n <= 0) {
return fibNumbers;
if (n === 1) {
return fibNumbers.push(firstNumber);
//if we are here,we should have at least two numbers in the array
fibNumbers[0] = firstNumber;
fibNumbers[1] = secondNumber;
for (var i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
fibNumbers[i] = fibNumbers[(i - 1)] + fibNumbers[(i - 2)];
return fibNumbers;
var result = printFobonacciNumbers(10);
if (result) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
Beginner, not too elegant, but shows the basic steps and deductions in JavaScript
/* Array Four Million Numbers */
var j = [];
var x = [1,2];
var even = [];
for (var i = 1;i<4000001;i++){
// Array Even Million
i = 1;
while (i<4000001){
var k = j[i] + j[i-1];
j[i + 1] = k;
if (k < 4000001){
var total = 0;
for (w in x){
if (x[w] %2 === 0){
for (num in even){
total += even[num];
My 2 cents:
function fibonacci(num) {
return Array.apply(null, Array(num)).reduce(function(acc, curr, idx) {
return idx > 2 ? acc.concat(acc[idx-1] + acc[idx-2]) : acc;
}, [0, 1, 1]);
I would like to add some more code as an answer :), Its never too late to code :P
function fibonacciRecursive(a, b, counter, len) {
if (counter <= len) {
fibonacciRecursive(b, a + b, counter + 1, len);
fibonacciRecursive(0, 1, 1, 20);
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181
function fibo(count) {
//when count is 0, just return
if (!count) return;
//Push 0 as the first element into an array
var fibArr = [0];
//when count is 1, just print and return
if (count === 1) {
//Now push 1 as the next element to the same array
//Start the iteration from 2 to the count
for(var i = 2, len = count; i < len; i++) {
//Addition of previous and one before previous
fibArr.push(fibArr[i-1] + fibArr[i-2]);
//outputs the final fibonacci series
Whatever count we need, we can give it to above fibo method and get the fibonacci series upto the count.
fibo(20); //output: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181]
Fibonacci (one-liner)
function fibonacci(n) {
return (n <= 1) ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
Fibonacci (recursive)
function fibonacci(number) {
// n <= 1
if (number <= 0) {
return n;
} else {
// f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
return fibonacci(number - 1) + fibonacci(number - 2);
console.log('f(14) = ' + fibonacci(14)); // 377
Fibonacci (iterative)
function fibonacci(number) {
// n < 2
if (number <= 0) {
return number ;
} else {
var n = 2; // n = 2
var fn_1 = 0; // f(n-2), if n=2
var fn_2 = 1; // f(n-1), if n=2
// n >= 2
while (n <= number) {
var aa = fn_2; // f(n-1)
var fn = fn_1 + fn_2; // f(n)
// Preparation for next loop
fn_1 = aa;
fn_2 = fn;
return fn_2;
console.log('f(14) = ' + fibonacci(14)); // 377
Fibonacci (with Tail Call Optimization)
function fibonacci(number) {
if (number <= 1) {
return number;
function recursion(length, originalLength, previous, next) {
if (length === originalLength)
return previous + next;
return recursion(length + 1, originalLength, next, previous + next);
return recursion(1, number - 1, 0, 1);
console.log(`f(14) = ${fibonacci(14)}`); // 377

