Detect colored dots in image with tracking js [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to make a program to count the dots on all the dominoes in a picture, like this:
I want it to be a JavaScript function. I have tried to understand how to use tracking js with tutorials, but they're all abput face recognition. I only want it to detect colored dots and output how many of them are present in a picture. Is that possible in any way? Thanks for any help!

Yes you can by using some image recognition such as or other.


how to make a color selection line in hmtl [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to make a color sampler line as in the attached picture, but I don't know exactly how to do it, could someone do it or at least explain how to do it
You can use the following and You will develope your needs.
<input type="color">
You should look example video : Create Color Picker

How to know what is background animated image [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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At , after logging into the site, I see that there is some animation in the background of the text "NEW iPHONE?
I would love to know how this was done. Is it a flash image or an animated image? Can we copy it and use it in another site?
Thanks & Regards,
Decent Guy.
It is not a image. It is video, you can find in this

Changing colors for an image in website [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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how to partition an image in a website ? like this web site (each image is able to change her colors) : , what is the language that can we use ?
This isn't an image, it's a flash animation. Color-changing and other animations are also possible with pure CSS or with Javascript.

How to build a graph page like this one? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I came accoss this webpage: and it is very cool. I would like to build some content with similar looking.
Is it possible that someone could give me a direction how this page is built? Thanks a lot for that.
this is made with javascript , css , html5
there are many jquery plugin like scroll magic who can give you the same effect as scrolling content automatically or made you own timeline : (
also drawing and animating lines can made with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics ), visit for more information ( .
hope this can give you a small view of how you can do the same effect :)

How do I create clickable areas on an image within a webpage with javascript? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a webpage displaying an image that has areas on it that can be clicked to do various things like playing sound, displaying text, linking to other pages. The only problem is I have no idea what I need to use within javascript to do so. The area need not be complicated, just a simple geometric shape.
What sort of tools should I be looking at in Javascript to do achieve this?
Thanks in advance
You might want to take a look at <map></map> tag in HTML:
It should accomplish what you want to do.

