JavaScript runtime error: '[MethodName]' is undefined - javascript

I'm trying to use jQuery and AJAX to validate that users entered a number in a particular field and that they didn't leave it blank and I'm a little confused as to why I can seem to do one, but not the other.
I'm doing this in a jQuery change() function so any time they change the value in that field, it updates it in the database without refreshing the whole page and it works fine until I try to use isNull() to validate.
I'm saving their input to a variable called UserInput and first checking to make sure it's a number with this:
if (!isNaN(UserInput))
which works perfectly. I'm also trying to check and make sure it isn't empty by using this:
if (isNull(UserInput))
Intellisense completes isNull() for me just like it did for isNaN() and all appears well in Visual Studio, it compiles without error. I've also tried isNullOrUndefined() here with a similar result, intellisense completes it for me and all seems well. Right up until I change the value in the field, at which point it promptly gives me this error:
JavaScript runtime error: 'isNull' is undefined.
I'm not sure why it's undefined (especially since intellisense is completing it for me) or how to go about defining it.
I also tried this because it seemed like it covered all the bases, not just isNull():
and I put an alert() inside the if and I didn't get an error, but my alert didn't fire either.
The end goal is to get it to change to a zero on the client side if they leave do leave it blank.
Anyway I'm kind of stumped and I appreciate any help anyone can offer.

There's no need for an isNull function; you can check
if (UserInput === null)
isNaN exists because NaN, unlike every other value in JavaScript, is not equal to itself.
But null doesn't mean the field is blank! If the field is blank, its value will be the empty string. Check for that instead:
if (UserInput === '')


How to copy the value of a yform to an other field

In our (hybris) shop some products have a yform to summarize the parts of the product. Is there an easy way to copy the value of the sum field into an other field (automaticly) like the productquantity (no yForm)?
I guess I need javascript, but the id of the sumfield is generatad, so I don't know how to get the sum. Also my Javascript abilities are quite limited...
To get the value I use this part of code:
copyYFormValueToProductQuantity : function() {
var copyText = document.querySelector('input[id*="sum"]').value
if (copyText > 0 && copyText != null)
//do stuff
console.log("Copied value: " + copyText)
But this line
returns null. If I use it in the browserconsole, it also returns null. But after I inspected the element it works and returns the value I want to. So I guess I am missing some JS-basics here and the object isn't ready before?
Btw.: I call this function with a keydown-eventlistener.
This can most likely be done from the jsp files. There you have all the data that is needed, so you most likely need to only copy that field where you need it.
We can also help you more if you add some code examples here (what exactly is that yform?). If you struggle to find where in code is that specific yform created/added, it's always worth giving a try to search for the applied classes of the html (search the entire project and see what you find).
As I understand your question, you are saying that you want to copy the value of a yForm field named sum into a non-yForm field named productquantity, and you are asking specifically about how to access the value of a yForm field from JavaScript. If I understand this correctly, you can do so by calling the following JavaScript API:
You can find more about this and other related API on Client-side JavaScript API.

Grab input value after send key and console log the value Selenium Webdriver

I am currently working on a project where I need to integrate the use of the Selenium Webdriver. I am using the Chrome implementation of Web Driver and running it via Javascript. I am currently testing a simple quantity input form. I am having trouble with a particular aspect of this project and that is ... I need the test to run through the form and put in different values everytime. I am placing the values via the sendKeys function. Now the trouble starts here... I need to grab the value that the sendKeys function inputs into the field and console.log a message depending on the value.
If the value is over a 100 I need the test to console.log the message "Exceeds 100".
If the value is less than 0 I need it to console.log the message "Below 0".
And if there is no value I need it to console.log the message "No input".
It runs through and puts in new values just fine. But the issue has been grabbing the value and console.logging a message depending on the value. I've tried many different options but there's just so little documentation related to this exact topic. I will link my code below, and I appreciate any input you guys may have... because it has me stumped unfortunately.
Also I am curious if this can be done using assertions in any way...
Test File Below:
There is a method getAttribute(String attrName) it will accept a string parameter, pass attribute name against which value got set.
for example:
WebElement element =driver.findElement("your unique element locator");
String valueText=element.getAttribute("value");
about the answer above me - you should try adding a .getText(), So the attribute value would become a String.
WebElement element = driver.findElement("your unique element locator");
String valueText = element.getAttribute("value").getText();
Please add the full error message, A screenshot of the console would be good.

Meaning of JavaScript form validation code?

I have to explain how a specific Javascript code validates a web form, but I am stuck with what some of the features do, most specifically this section of the code. I understand that the first line defines that the rest of the section should only run if the field Field1 of the form ExampleForm is left empty, but I do not know what purpose the rest of the code serves. All I know is that msg is a variable created earlier in the document with an empty default value, and that result is another variable with a default value of true. Can anyone help me out by explaining what each line does?
if (document.ExampleForm.Field1.value=="") {
msg+="You must enter your name \n";;
result = false;
In plain english:
If the document form field value is equal to an empty string, set the error message to msg, then focus on the element, and give is a red color so the user knows it's an error, and set the result to false, for whatever you're going to use that for later in your code/function.
So this would in part depend on what other code is on the page. For example document.ExampleForm is not part of the DOM and seems to be something someone kludged onto your page.
Overall I would say this is pretty bad code that makes a ton of assumptions that won't necessarily hold up written by someone who doesn't understand in-browser javascript very well, but let's go with it
//if the value in this variable is falsy (false, empty, or 0)
if (document.ExampleForm.Field1.value=="") {
//Append this to the msg string. Note \n is usually used
//to indicate "new line" but wont' do anything on the web since that's not how line breaks
//work on the web
msg+=”You must enter your name \n”;
//Invoke the `focus` field on this variable. From the context I assume this is
//a DOM node so you are basically focusing it in the browser;
//Set the font color of '#Field1' to red
//Presumably result is something that tells you true/false did the validation succeed.
//set it to false to indicate failure.
result = false;
My guess about what document.ExampleForm is that it depends on some undocumented behavior of an old browser to add anything with id=ExampleForm to the document element. But really I have no idea. Maybe you have some code elsewhere that creates that variable. Either way its a horrible idea and should get someone yelled at.

Is there a way to change variable values while debugging JavaScript?

I have a breakpoint on this piece of code (using Firebug):
if (validator.formValidate([dom.forumid]))
How can I skip this validation part and get into the if clause even if my dom.forumid is not valid, i.e. the call to formValidate() returns false? So how can I make it return true?
I was thinking about modifying the JavaScript, but I don't know how that's done.
As of today (Chrome 67) you can just double-click any variable on the right hand side under the "Scope" section and edit it in real-time.
In Firebug I do this by entering an assignment into the watch input field
to assign a new value
to assign a new function that returns the value I expect
This also works in Chrome ~33 (just tested) execpt: one has to enter the assignment into the console (which actually works in Firefox too, but using the watch panel is faster :).
In Firebug, you have to edit and re-save the assignment typed into the input on each break.
Of course, replacing the function will prevent the code from functioning normally on further runs. To avoid this one might save the original value to window._savedFnX or so and then do the assingment again assigning the saved function/value. But I think this is a workaround from saving one stepping through the code again and again to reach the point of interest. I often realize that there's a bad condition and then I want to continue (while the code would not) to test the rest of the code.
Take a look at these screenshots:
Code background
In the screenshot photo is an instance with this code:
_loaded: false, // set to true on some condition
isLoaded: function(){
return this._loaded;
The method isLoaded() will be replaced in the example to always return true. :)
(Applies to Firebug ~1.12)
Stop at breakpoint
Go to the console
Assign function that returns the value you want to the variable in scope (or being reachable) [ORANGE]
The [BLUE] box highlights the the value that would be returned by isLoaded() and the value that is being returned by the replaced function.
(Applies to Chrome ~34.0)
Note: in Chrome you can also edit the source code and re-run the modified version.
Stop at breakpoint
Go to the console
Assign function that returns the value you want to the variable in scope (or being reachable) [ORANGE]
(Refresh to see the result) [GREEN]
The [BLUE] box highlights the the value that would be returned by isLoaded() and the value that is being returned by the replaced function.

Unable to save changes made to entity when calling javascript function through custom ribbon button event

I'm trying to create a simple function which, when ribbon button is pressed, sets entity attribute value to null.
Now the problem I am facing is, that the changes I make to the entity are not saved, form reloads and returns previous value.
To the button event I pass 'Task' activity attribute 'actualend'. 'Actual End' field is disabled by default.
ClearField: function (field) {
if (Xrm.Page.getAttribute(field) == null) return;
if ( {; //also tried addOnSave(function)
Following debugger I was able to track that all changes are made correctly, except that on save() method they are 'discarded', then form reloads with previous value. This code works fine with CRM UR8 yet with CRM UR13 it does not.
Am I missing something?
As Guido mentions in his comment the code looks good which leads me to think that one of your two if statements is failing.
The first one obviously will fail if it is set to null. A little bit less obvious is that it will fail as well as if the field is not actually on the form (even though it may be a valid attribute of the entity). So step 1, ensure that your field exists on the form.
The second one I'm not sure of... I don't think getIsDirty() is keeps track of programmatic changes, so even though your programmatically updating a field and setting it to always submit, it may be returning false. Regardless of how exactly it's working, the if statement really isn't needed. The function will only actually save if it has some value that has changed, so I'd remove your dirty check regardless.
Eh, the problem with my issue all this time was that even though the field existed in the form, it never had an entity passed to it, therefore it was unable to save it. I've edited a ribbon button so to pass entity through CrmParameters and the issue was gone. Thank you both for supplying me with possible solutions regardless!

