Is there a way to change variable values while debugging JavaScript? - javascript

I have a breakpoint on this piece of code (using Firebug):
if (validator.formValidate([dom.forumid]))
How can I skip this validation part and get into the if clause even if my dom.forumid is not valid, i.e. the call to formValidate() returns false? So how can I make it return true?
I was thinking about modifying the JavaScript, but I don't know how that's done.

As of today (Chrome 67) you can just double-click any variable on the right hand side under the "Scope" section and edit it in real-time.

In Firebug I do this by entering an assignment into the watch input field
to assign a new value
to assign a new function that returns the value I expect
This also works in Chrome ~33 (just tested) execpt: one has to enter the assignment into the console (which actually works in Firefox too, but using the watch panel is faster :).
In Firebug, you have to edit and re-save the assignment typed into the input on each break.
Of course, replacing the function will prevent the code from functioning normally on further runs. To avoid this one might save the original value to window._savedFnX or so and then do the assingment again assigning the saved function/value. But I think this is a workaround from saving one stepping through the code again and again to reach the point of interest. I often realize that there's a bad condition and then I want to continue (while the code would not) to test the rest of the code.
Take a look at these screenshots:
Code background
In the screenshot photo is an instance with this code:
_loaded: false, // set to true on some condition
isLoaded: function(){
return this._loaded;
The method isLoaded() will be replaced in the example to always return true. :)
(Applies to Firebug ~1.12)
Stop at breakpoint
Go to the console
Assign function that returns the value you want to the variable in scope (or being reachable) [ORANGE]
The [BLUE] box highlights the the value that would be returned by isLoaded() and the value that is being returned by the replaced function.
(Applies to Chrome ~34.0)
Note: in Chrome you can also edit the source code and re-run the modified version.
Stop at breakpoint
Go to the console
Assign function that returns the value you want to the variable in scope (or being reachable) [ORANGE]
(Refresh to see the result) [GREEN]
The [BLUE] box highlights the the value that would be returned by isLoaded() and the value that is being returned by the replaced function.


JavaScript runtime error: '[MethodName]' is undefined

I'm trying to use jQuery and AJAX to validate that users entered a number in a particular field and that they didn't leave it blank and I'm a little confused as to why I can seem to do one, but not the other.
I'm doing this in a jQuery change() function so any time they change the value in that field, it updates it in the database without refreshing the whole page and it works fine until I try to use isNull() to validate.
I'm saving their input to a variable called UserInput and first checking to make sure it's a number with this:
if (!isNaN(UserInput))
which works perfectly. I'm also trying to check and make sure it isn't empty by using this:
if (isNull(UserInput))
Intellisense completes isNull() for me just like it did for isNaN() and all appears well in Visual Studio, it compiles without error. I've also tried isNullOrUndefined() here with a similar result, intellisense completes it for me and all seems well. Right up until I change the value in the field, at which point it promptly gives me this error:
JavaScript runtime error: 'isNull' is undefined.
I'm not sure why it's undefined (especially since intellisense is completing it for me) or how to go about defining it.
I also tried this because it seemed like it covered all the bases, not just isNull():
and I put an alert() inside the if and I didn't get an error, but my alert didn't fire either.
The end goal is to get it to change to a zero on the client side if they leave do leave it blank.
Anyway I'm kind of stumped and I appreciate any help anyone can offer.
There's no need for an isNull function; you can check
if (UserInput === null)
isNaN exists because NaN, unlike every other value in JavaScript, is not equal to itself.
But null doesn't mean the field is blank! If the field is blank, its value will be the empty string. Check for that instead:
if (UserInput === '')

Botpress concatenate variable, as argument, in execute code action form

I know if I pass {{variable}} (like a {{event.text}}) in args field of action form works fine.
But, when I try concatenate this variable with a another String, this not work.
Result in {{state.api_url}}/users string, and I need http//
Is it possible?
I may have an extremely kludgy workaround for this based on bad javascript.
I was looking to iterate a temp variable downwards. I did the assignment in the raw code box for a transition
Good code like temp.variable==1 would be a true/false test.
But just using one equals sign performs the assignment.
So temp.variable=temp.variable-1 in the raw code box subtracted one from my (numeric value) variable.
This seems to return False for the purposes of the transition so it doesn't matter where you point it as long as it's in the chain.
It seems to work for me, anyway.
I'm properly not sure what your code would look like, perhaps you make a new variable then do a transition with
then call that variable doing your url thing?
[Looking around I come to suspect the correct thing would be to make a new action but I am new to all this]

javascript expression expected

I am still new a Javascript tried earching and tried the development tool in Chrome, too see if I could find the problem.
Working in Intellij IDEA 13, Java, javascript and xhtml.
My problem is that I have a piece of javascript, then in IDEA when moused over, says that
Expression Expected
the javascript code looks the following
<script type="text/javascript>
function nameOfFunction(){
this.cfg.series[].pointLabels = {
show: false
the method in the if sentence is a java method with a boolean return value.
the error is shown when hovering
if Had a look at the following questions, before :
Expected Expression
boolean in an if statement
But didnt get me a solution.
what Iam I doing wrong ?
It looks as though the problem is the part that you've got within the #{...} block. Without knowing the context, it's hard to be sure, but is this something in a view/JSP page that's supposed to be replaced with a property at runtime? The if block will expect the part inside the brackets to be a boolean value, so if that's rendered to either 'true' or 'false' it would execute at runtime but would likely show the error you're seeing in your IDE as it's not actually a valid piece of JavaScript. If, on the other hand, you're expecting to be able to call your Java method/property from your JavaScript code, you're going to need to do something that requests that value from the server-side code - AJAX or similar.
Also worth noting that we can't see what this.cfg is supposed to represent. If that's your entire script block, then there's nothing that defines the cfg object within the current scope.
One last thing, you should change the <\script> end element to as it won't be understood properly by some browsers.

Javascript variable getting unset instantly

I think the pictures are relatively self explanatory (code matched with console output)
Variable appears to be set to a value, except immediate console.log afterwards outputs something different.
Console Output
Extended console output (as requested in comments) (extra console.log before and after)
That is not actually a bug.
When you print a primitive, you'll see the state of it when you printed it.
When you work with objects, if you console.log them, it only shows the reference. When you click on them, it will show you their current state. So what happened in your case is that the answer probably got changed in a later code.

javascript eval issue

I have a function that is parsing xml which contains javascript function calls. An example of this is:
getElementText(PropValue[0] = top.hidePopWin()
I have followed this call up to the hidePopWin function and watched it complete from the top of the function to the bottom of the function.
Everything looks in order however I get this pesky error in Firefox: top is null
As you have probably guessed hidePopWin closes the popup window that is currently displayed.
So, hidePopWin is called and it goes through just fine (in fact the popup does in fact close), but after that is the problem. It doesn't go to the next step. I get the top is null message in Firefox (firebug) and it just stops.
The only other thing I need to mention is that this whole process starts on a double click event (legacy code). There is also a single click event that fires as well. At first I thought maybe that was the issue, however, I took out the reference to the onclick event and I still get the same message.
So I'm thinking that it has something to do with the eval statement. Just for more information I am placing a console.log("1") above the eval statement and a console.log("2") below the eval. The "1" prints, the "2" does not.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be the issue?
if(getElementText(PropValue[0]) == "top.hidePopWin();"){
OK I tried the above... I see the "here" statement, but it still says top is null. The "end" statement never prints. When I click on the top is null in FF it highlights the eval statement??? So I don't know what the heck is going on.
no, but could you change the code to directly execute the code outside eval and test?
So, change, eval(getElementText(PropValue[0]));
see if you get the same error.
is 'top' visible in that scope if you breakpoint in FF (on the console.log('here') line? It's sounding like there is no such variable (I don't know why the popup closes though).
OK... This may not be the best way to go, but I did finally get it to work. Per the suggestion to change the code to run top.hidePopWin(). I tried those suggestions however I was still getting the top is null issue.
In desperation I took out the "top." and now it works. So I'm guessing there was not a "top" variable (wierd notation in my opinion).
So now I'm capturing if the string is equaling "top.hidePopWin()" and then instead of calling the eval I'm just calling the function hidePopWin();
Seems to work. Let me know if there is another way of going about this.

