How do I get the latest Billboard charts as data? - javascript

Is there any API or plugin using which I can get the top music billboards chart's data using JS or Jquery?
I'd like to get the top 10 or so songs at any point of time.

I performed a Google search for "Billboard chart api" and was able to come up with many options, this being the first:
This question will probably get closed because it is obvious you put little effort in trying to solve it yourself first. For your next question, be sure to include things you have tried, why it didn't work (error messages, etc) and your minimum code that produces your issue. This will help others help you, and ensure you get an answer as quickly ass possible. The more work you put into your question, the more likely it will be answered correctly and quickly.


I am trying to make my extension change background-color of every event containing certain word(or set of characters) in Google Calendar

I am taking my first steps in JS, I know that I have a lot of reading ahead of me, but I am searching and trying to make this little thing work. Maybe I've chosen a bad example of a website for testing influence of chrome extensions, but maybe solving this problem will somehow enlighten me and help with future learning.
I want to change the background-color of google calendar events depending on words/set of characters they contain.
I tried using contains() selector which seemed to work on simplier websites (I could see the CSS applied in DevTools) but divs with events on Google Calendar stay untouched.
Can the script somehow be blocked by Google Calendar? Should I use some of the permissions listed on ?
Sorry that I am not attaching any code at the moment, I don't have it with me, and I can't recreate it from the head. I wanted to post it in my free time, and at least get some new ideas.
I'll be grateful for any help!

Highcharts- How to create streaming bar charts

I'm new to Highcharts and I need to create one for reporting purposes. So creating one is simple but seems like the one they asked is not very simple at all. It should be something like a streaming graph where if something comes in it will start plotting until it is done.
So the scenario is like this.
It needs to be a column chart/columnrange type.
The x-axis will be the time. And should be moving from right to left. In 1 second or 2 seconds interval. Doesn't really matter.
So if the data comes in, let's say a call comes in. The time it comes it should start ploting/Drawing the bar until the call is done.
And it should be able to see the stock. Pretty much like the one in here where you can select a range and zoom in to that range.
I hope I'm making my scenario clear enough. Any reply is appreciated.
Because you haven't provided any code to go with, the response here is going to be more of a guidance for you to do further research:
Select chart type to be a column
Since you're using jquery, if the data is coming in a json format - check out $.getJSON otherwise check out $.ajax or similar functions for you to get the data dynamically. You will then need to go through Series.addPoint()
Was already asked on Stackoverflow
I think this example is pretty much what you wan to achieve. Only change series type to 'column', see:

Getting HighStock javascript chart to show the latest tooltip on load

I'm using the javascript chart from called HighStock for one of my online solutions and the client asked me if there is any way of getting it to show the tooltip for the latest data-point when the graph has been loaded.
I have searched high and low on google, here on stackoverflow and also created a topic about this on their support forum a week ago (no replies yet, though), but I can't really find anything about it. Of course, I have tried to find a solution for this myself, but without any luck.
So, if there anyone out there, that knows how to achieve this? If it is possible at all? :-)
Thanks a lot in advance.
Now with fiddler link: This is basically just one of the examples from highsoft themselves since I can't access my webservices from other domains :-)
This is the tooltip of the last point I want to show when graph is done loading:

Problems positioning nodes with d3.js force-layout. Nodes "re-entering" each data update, example inside

I previously asked this question a few days ago, but I do not think anyone besides paxRoman actually figured out what I was asking, as it was hard to describe without an example.
We did however manage to figure out what might be my problem, and I managed to put the code up on so you can see an example of what I mean!
Here is the example:
Each time the data is refreshed (in this example, just read from a json file), all the nodes are re-created and re-added to the drawing.
What I want to happen
I want the nodes to update without moving at all.
If a new node exists in the new array, it should just appear like they all do now, if something exists in the previous array but not in the new, it should simply disappear.
As you see in the example, that is not what is happening and I have not been able to figure out why for the past week.
So my question is:
What am I actually doing wrong? Is it my lack of links? What is the problem? The two of us spent over an hour looking at this yesterday and could not make sense of it, I have spent a good week on it now without much progress :/
My old question/post is still up, but it's badly formulated and I had no example to show.
Thanks for helping me :)
So, I am pretty sure I have solved most of my problems!
It came down to how I was adding/modifying the nodes when updating the data. I completely forgot about x/y and similar attributes since I did not set them myself, so I was adding "new" objects every time I updated the data, even if they weren't actually new.
With some jQuery magic using $.extend() I have sort of gotten it working, but it's still slightly moving/pulsing whenever I update the data.
I updated the gist to show the changes.
I would still like to remove that little pulsation too, so let me know if you have any ideas :)
Have you tried setting the friction parameter (where you have the linkDistance and charge set)? Setting it to 0.9 will speed up finding the final position as I think it defaults to 1 if not set. Its simply a case of adding
.friction(0.9) // or any suitable value closer to 0 - have a play!
Hope that helps

Automatic Spacing for Flowchart

So I'm working on a project that will, in the end, generate a kind of flow chart using the Flickr api. You will supply a seed tag, and the program will use that seed tag to find other related Flickr pictures that have common tags...
I have all of the back end stuff up and running but I'm stumped on the formatting. Here is a screenie of what I would like it to look like...
Here's my question. Is there a good way of approaching the spacing of each branch? By this is mean, I would like to have a function where I could simply create a new node (or "branch") and specify which existing node I would like it to attach to. This is all good and fine, but I need to be able to automatically and intelligently place the new node on the page so it doesn't overlap any existing lines or nodes. I guess this is more of a general programming question as if I knew the process I could code it, but for those who are interested I am doing this in Javascript/HTML/CSS for the styling and maybe some PHP for the Flickr calls.
Feel free to ask any questions to clarify my rambling.
You could use a spring model between the nodes. Each node exerts a repelling force against every other node. Allow all the nodes to push against each other a certain number of times and you'll come up with a reasonable solution. You'll want to have a couple limits to make sure nodes don't go flying off into space and that you don't oscillate between a couple similar states.
Implementing it in Javascript/PHP is left as an exercise for the reader.
An alternative is to use a graph layout program such as GraphViz.
I look forward to seeing the results of your project. I agree with scompt about using graphviz.

