Getting HighStock javascript chart to show the latest tooltip on load - javascript

I'm using the javascript chart from called HighStock for one of my online solutions and the client asked me if there is any way of getting it to show the tooltip for the latest data-point when the graph has been loaded.
I have searched high and low on google, here on stackoverflow and also created a topic about this on their support forum a week ago (no replies yet, though), but I can't really find anything about it. Of course, I have tried to find a solution for this myself, but without any luck.
So, if there anyone out there, that knows how to achieve this? If it is possible at all? :-)
Thanks a lot in advance.
Now with fiddler link: This is basically just one of the examples from highsoft themselves since I can't access my webservices from other domains :-)
This is the tooltip of the last point I want to show when graph is done loading:


Autodesk forge dashboard layup turn into blank after it showed for one time

I exactly follow the steps of tutorials from and the lab lecture from the autodesk And the dashboard successfully showed for the first time. After I refreshed the pages for several times, the pie chart and bar chart disappeared, leaving the blank area. I repeated the same procesures again and still shows no dashboard.the layup
Can somebody please tell the reason? Thank you.
Assuming that you haven't modified the source code in any way, there are many different reasons why the sample could break, for example, the server we download the charting library from could be temporarily down. Also, if you changed the size of the window, the charts could be below the viewer.
As Augusto mentioned in his comment, if you can still reproduce the issue with the sample code without any modifications, please check the browser console to see if there are any errors.

How to arrange nodes in a circular pattern in Vis.js / D3.js

I went through the documentation and saw the examples given, but couldn't find anything related to the pattern that I want to display. Can anyone help me out how to make such network diagram in Vis.js or D3.js?
Basically I am working on an Angular project, after exploring a lot on google, reached to the conclusion of using Vis for the same. I need to make an interactive network diagram, where I can add delete nodes, select a particular node based on some actions performed. Please help me out, am I choosing the right library and
If not, what would be the better option?
If yes, then how can I achieve this?

Can the tooltips of the X axis be customised?

I have to implement some graphs in a project I am building. I am currently studying what graph solutions I have, as I do not plan to code the graphs from scratch.
I ran into GraphJS and it seems to have everything I need. I should mention that the graphs are not complex in data they hadnel, but in the way they looks. Therefore we reach the question: can the tooltips of the axis be customised? I have to implement something like this
Better said, I need every second day in a 30 days span to not be displayed, but in its place to be shown a grey line. It is possible to achieve something like this with ChartJS?
I have read the documentation, I have not wrote any code as I am looking to find the proper library to use. On the same note, I do not seek an answer from someone providing me code, merely a "yes" or a "no".

How do I get the latest Billboard charts as data?

Is there any API or plugin using which I can get the top music billboards chart's data using JS or Jquery?
I'd like to get the top 10 or so songs at any point of time.
I performed a Google search for "Billboard chart api" and was able to come up with many options, this being the first:
This question will probably get closed because it is obvious you put little effort in trying to solve it yourself first. For your next question, be sure to include things you have tried, why it didn't work (error messages, etc) and your minimum code that produces your issue. This will help others help you, and ensure you get an answer as quickly ass possible. The more work you put into your question, the more likely it will be answered correctly and quickly.

A Way for Presenting Useful Links in the Website

I am working in my senior project which is a web-based system and I want to dedicate one page of the website for some useful links that are related to my website. I tried to present them in such an innovative way like showing a brief description (in a balloon or a new line or anything) about the link when the mouse comes over it.
I heard there are some JQuery templates for that. I tried to search about them but I did not get anything.
So could you please help me in this issue?
Please provide me with any guide that is helpful to do this issue.
Also, please provide me with your suggestions for presenting the useful links in somehow a nice way.
What you're talking about is a tooltip. I like the tooltip component from jQuery Tools quite a lot, and the documentation is excellent.
There's no need to use JQuery!
What you want can be achieved using only CSS.
Utilizing the :hover selector, its possible to display a box over your link when you move your mouse over it.
Here's a good link to get started.
How about something like Simpletip:, or it's successor qTip: (hat tip #Edmund Y).
If you look at this Xmarks page, it pretty much lists all of the most popular JQuery tooltip plugins:, sorted by the number of people that have bookmarked them!

