Treeview node fonts not showing in IE [duplicate] - javascript

I have my text appended to div inside a foreign object.
The text renders fine in chrome but does not show at all in the IE.
I have researched on it and it seems that IE does not support foreign object.
Is there a work-around that will make it work in IE??
P.S. I am using d3.js to create circles and my foreign object is in the circle.
I have used foreign object to overcome text alignment issues.
Thanks for the help in Advance.

IE9 does not support foreignObject. Check out the "Browser Compatibility" table at the bottom of the MDN page: foreignObject.


Broken interaction between Qualtrics and D3 javascript in Internet Explorer 11

I'm putting together a d3 visualisation using force layouts for use in in the Qualtrics questionnaire website. Everything seems to be working across the different browsers in a jsfiddle. Its possible to drag exemplars from the exemplar box (African male for e.g.) onto the main canvas. One can right-click on a node in the main canvas to bring up a right-click menu to change the node properties or drag the nodes around the canvas.
javascript too large to paste.
Note that the jsfiddle works in Internet Explorer 11. However, when I add this visualisation to the Qualtrics website it breaks in IE11. Far more SVG elements are added than there is data, as shown in the image below.
Note that this combination of Qualtrics and d3 visualisation works fine in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Unfortunately the Qualtrics support team doesn't support custom code and I'm not proficient enough in javascript to track this down. Any ideas on what might cause this?
For this to work in Qualtrics:
Add the d3.js library in the Qualtrics header
Uncomment Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload
Comment out create_d3_interaction(false);
Update 1
I've debugged this a bit more.
In the update_svg_node method I do a selection of the SVG element:
var svg ='.' + svg_class);
var nodes = svg.selectAll('.' + class_id)
The problem seems to occur in the selectAll -- for some reason it is not matching the class selection with the data. Note this only happens in Qualtrics and IE11 but works fine in IE11 in the fiddle. Note this is an updated version of the fiddle, but the problem still occurs the same way.
So nodes that should be in the UPDATE class are in the ENTER class for some reason.

Customizing Google Chart's svg using JS not works on iPhone

I'm using Google Charts to create charts on my app.
Due to some limitations of the api, after the generation of the svg I change some elements using direct JS manipulation. I do things like add text and move elements.
This works perfectly on Android, but on iOS my changes are ignored.
Here is the expected result using Android. I moved the label and update it after the svg generation.
And here the result on iOS. Label not moved and not updated.
How to fix this issue? I read something about add xmlns="" version="1.1", but the generation of the svg is responsability of Google API.
The problem was that everytime I was comparing a text or change a text I was using innerHTML and not textContent. The right was is always use textContent when dealing with the <text> element of SVG.

Using Javascript to change Raphael ID property to display nothing

I'm wondering if it's possible to come up with a Javascript that will not display the HTML 5 Demo logo?
This problem only occurs in IE8 as Windows have their own ways of rendering an interactive vector image. All the browsers don't have that.
If you view the linked image, the map has the same class name for all the regions. If I put a CSS code such as .rvml { display: none; } the whole map will just disappear along with the HTML Demo logo. Again, this only happens on IE8 not on any other browsers. I think IE9 and above aren't affected as this type of vector rendering engine is outdated.
So with the help of Firebug Lite for IE8, I found that it has a unique ID, but this also comes with a unique property called raphaelid as you can see on the linked screenshot below.
Additionally, you may view the website too:

Specific height for div in Mobile Windows 6.1

I always come to stackoverflow to check for answers; however, for the current question I have not found any relevant information yet.
I have a Mobile Windows 6.1 PDA and I want to create a simple HTML page for it. I want specific divs of the page to have a specific height, based on the text that are inside these divs.
Maximum I want 2 rows of text.
The text can contain HTML code. I want to slice the text but do not hurt the HTML code.
Before you think "there are 100 different solutions with CSS or Javascript for this" I would like to mention that 6.1 uses a mixture of IE4 with some features of IE5. The browser supports only CCS1 (so no max-height, no overflow:hidden, no position: absolute, no top, bottom etc).
Also the browser supports a very limited range of Javascript functions. I thought to parse the DOM of Javascript and constantly check if the text inside the div is bigger than 28pt (this is two rows) and cut it. However, most of the DOM functions do not work. createElement() does not work, appendChild either. Only getElementById and innerHTML work.
I found this solution for Javascript, which works perfectly with modern browsers, however, since it contains functions such createElement(), appendChild(), cloneNode() etc. it does not work with IE4. Work-around to the createElement() is the innerHTMl which works perfectly but then the browser reports errors for the DOM functions that the code uses.
P.S: Please do not answer "change PDA etc.". I know that the OS is very old but I have to use it.
Ok so if your only dealing with 1 style of device could you use a javascript viewport sniff maybe and use the inner html adjustments to adjust to a new style sheet so that you can have it work for said device, if you have to program for multiple devices you can create multiple style sheets. I would advise for testing purposes to see if anyone has an android or iOs device with similar screen sizes so you can use something like edge inspect from adobe creative cloud that you can adjust and see the changes.
Someone has a thing on viewport find here
Find the exact height and width of the viewport in a cross-browser way (no Prototype/jQuery)
that may be of use.
Since your dealing with basic javascript you should just be able to change the address of a css link and that may be a solution. If i mistook any of the functionality of the device im sorry however it has been a while since I had a windows mobile 6.x phone.

Searching for the Ultimate Resizing Textarea

I'm wanting to provide a resizing textarea control for users. I've given this a go and looked at a number of other implementations, but I can't seem to find one that meets all my requirements. Specifically I want a control that:
Works in IE6, IE7, IE8 on Windows and Firefox 3 and 3.5 on Windows and OS X when the page is rendered in standards compliant mode (i.e. not in quirks mode).
Does not mess up the undo buffer/undo stack. This is a particularly nasty issue with IE - adding nodes, removing nodes and some other DOM operations will reset the input buffer meaning that if an implementation relies on these techniques an undo will not behave like it does in a standard textarea control. I haven't been able to find much information about this bug except for this note. Implementations like the jQuery Auto Growing Plugin suffer from this problem - try undoing changes in IE and compare how this works to a standard textarea. I've added an example page demonstrating this problem to JSBin.
Has a maximum height beyond which the control cannot grow.
Shrinks appropriately when content is deleted.
Does not flicker or act strangely on keypress. e.g. jQuery Auto Growing Textarea control behaves strangely with, at least IE7, when the control has grown beyond it's initial size.
Does not require the control to use a fixed-width/monospace font.
The closest I've seen to something that works like this is Facebook's status update field, which is implemented as a content editable div element, but I have some reservations about using such an element because using a div means:
Need to explicitly style the border which means we could end up with a border that looks different to a native textarea.
Need to sync content with the real textarea (possibly in both directions?).
Adds complexity when placing hints and other elements relative to position of a textarea.
While this approach works for something like a Facebook status update, how well would it work in a form containing hundreds of standard input elements?
What I've set out above represents the "ultimate resizing textarea" - addressing what I perceive to be issues with existing approaches. Does such a control exist? Is it possible to write such a control?
Check out DOJO tools text area control
see more on this demo page (text area At the end of the form )
This closely come to your requirements.
You may need to roll your own to meet those requirements.
These could be a start. (though try and avoid eval() in yours)
This actually seems like a good jQuery plugin. I might have a tackle at developing something like this. If I get it done, I'll post it here.
I spent a few hours developing something, but then I found this one that seems to be really good.
You want to auto-size the display? but leave the content the same?
That is all the scripts can do, adjust the display, and let you see more of your own text...
This A List Apart post contains an implementation that looks pretty close to meeting your criteria and contains a good explanation of what's going on.
Are any of these useful?
Textarea Resize JavaScript: Resize textarea using jQuery plugin
Smart Area: A Lightweight Resizing Text Area Plugin for jQuery
How to Build an Auto-Expanding Textarea jQuery Plugin, Part 1
How to Build an Auto-Expanding Textarea jQuery Plugin, Part 2
How to Build an Auto-Expanding Textarea jQuery Plugin, Part 3
Resizable Body
I have been using nicEdit. It seems to have all that you need and the script is only 1700 lines with an MIT license so you could make any changes you need.

