Customizing Google Chart's svg using JS not works on iPhone - javascript

I'm using Google Charts to create charts on my app.
Due to some limitations of the api, after the generation of the svg I change some elements using direct JS manipulation. I do things like add text and move elements.
This works perfectly on Android, but on iOS my changes are ignored.
Here is the expected result using Android. I moved the label and update it after the svg generation.
And here the result on iOS. Label not moved and not updated.
How to fix this issue? I read something about add xmlns="" version="1.1", but the generation of the svg is responsability of Google API.

The problem was that everytime I was comparing a text or change a text I was using innerHTML and not textContent. The right was is always use textContent when dealing with the <text> element of SVG.


Broken interaction between Qualtrics and D3 javascript in Internet Explorer 11

I'm putting together a d3 visualisation using force layouts for use in in the Qualtrics questionnaire website. Everything seems to be working across the different browsers in a jsfiddle. Its possible to drag exemplars from the exemplar box (African male for e.g.) onto the main canvas. One can right-click on a node in the main canvas to bring up a right-click menu to change the node properties or drag the nodes around the canvas.
javascript too large to paste.
Note that the jsfiddle works in Internet Explorer 11. However, when I add this visualisation to the Qualtrics website it breaks in IE11. Far more SVG elements are added than there is data, as shown in the image below.
Note that this combination of Qualtrics and d3 visualisation works fine in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Unfortunately the Qualtrics support team doesn't support custom code and I'm not proficient enough in javascript to track this down. Any ideas on what might cause this?
For this to work in Qualtrics:
Add the d3.js library in the Qualtrics header
Uncomment Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload
Comment out create_d3_interaction(false);
Update 1
I've debugged this a bit more.
In the update_svg_node method I do a selection of the SVG element:
var svg ='.' + svg_class);
var nodes = svg.selectAll('.' + class_id)
The problem seems to occur in the selectAll -- for some reason it is not matching the class selection with the data. Note this only happens in Qualtrics and IE11 but works fine in IE11 in the fiddle. Note this is an updated version of the fiddle, but the problem still occurs the same way.
So nodes that should be in the UPDATE class are in the ENTER class for some reason.

Can I use area maps as a divs and give them style? [duplicate]

I'm created a very large map with many poly areas (over 20 coordinates each) for regions within the map. However, you can't add css to the AREA tag as I was told it's not a visible element. What I want to do is when the user hovers over an area on the map, I want it to be "highlighted" by applying a 1px border to the specific AREA element. Is there a way of doing this? No, I'm not going to resort using rectangles.
Not possible with CSS.
You might check out the Map Hilight jQuery plugin, though.
EDIT 10.2011
ImageMapster is a more recent, and more powerful plugin you should also check out.
If you want to be able to use arbitrary shapes and still use styles, have you considered trying SVG?
I'm not an SVG master but here's an example I whipped up: For production you may want to replace the default stroke with none, I used gray so you can see where it is.
The disadvantage is that you'd lose the ease-of-use area/map gives you, but I imagine you can accomplish your goal if you go this route. I added cursor: pointer to the polygon and you can add onclick handlers to simulate the href of <area>.
An obvious caveat is browser support. This seems to be working in Chrome, and I am pretty sure it should work in IE9 (jsfiddle's not working in IE9 at the moment), but previous versions of IE don't support SVG.
Update: Made a quick test page to test IE9. It does indeed work as expected. Here's the source.
Update again: This would also solve the zooming problem you asked about in another question.
Nope, there is no way to do this as you describe. I've researched it and tried. What you can do is set up mouseover events on the various segments and swap some overlay image that is shaded in the same area.

Modifying a node of an x3d scene produce no result

I'm using x3d scene in a web page. In this page, I have an indexedfaceset which works fine.
I'm adding a <Color color="..."></Color> and it's working fine as well.
Now what I'm trying to do is to change the content of the Color using javascript once the scene is already drawn. Unfortunately the modifications aren't taken into account.
Do I have to force a redraw of the scene or something like that? I saw nothing on the runtime api of x3d.
through x3dom?
if so check out my answer here. shows how to set attributes through both tag and id on js mouse events
i know your trying to change index face set color attribute but i think the below should give u a starting point. let me know if you need a more concise example
attaching attribute to x3dom object

Is there a way to transform a Raphael paper result to PNG/SVG in any browser (including older IEs)?

I've seen a lot of people fighting with this matter, but I can't find a proper solution, nor one that fit my needs.
I'm doing some charts with Raphael, and I basically need to get them as PNG (for export, or later use in a PDF, and some other stuff). For Firefox, Chrome, IE 9, and any other browser with SVG support is easy. There are actually two ways to achieve it: using canvg to render the SVG into a canvas element and then obtain the image data; or sending the SVG to the server (C#) and using a library to rasterize it.
The problem is, of course, IE 8 and 7. In these browsers, Raphael outputs VML, and there is no way apparently of getting the SVG source. I couldn't find any VML rasterizer, so it lets me one only solution: to translate the VML to SVG, or to redraw the paper in SVG.
I checked the vectorconvert library por PHP, that actually uses XSLT transformations to translate VML to SVG, but I couldn't make it work (I've tried several tools to test the XSL but neither seem to work).
I tried to force Raphael to output SVG to a hidden div, by changing its properties .type, .svg, and .vml properly, but that didn't work either.
I think there might be a way to write the SVG tree into a hidden DIV while in IE; despite the fact it won't be shown by the browser, the text should be there.
Does anyone knows a way to achieve it? Thanks!
To render SVG you can also use CanVG library.
It is SVG parser and renderer with canvas resulting output.
Next you can simply output pixel data from canvas to PNG.
To resolve IE limits you can use Chrome Frame.

Interactive directed graphs with SVG and Javascript

I have to add some interactive features to SVG directed graphs.
So far the graphs I want to show are generated from a dot file and rendered as SVG. I'd like to know if there is some easy way to add interactivity (Maybe with Javascript) to such SVG documents.
What I need is to display some information when the mouse goes over a node and to make it possible to compare two nodes.
Since my models are generated automatically I would prefer to keep the dot-generated SVG and put on it additional information with a separate Javascript.
I have an example with inline SVG. The difference between this SVG and what you have is that the one in my demo has id attributes for nodes and things. I did get this SVG from the graphviz website.
(Click on the "Hello" node)
When I get a chance to upload an SVG on my server, I will try accessing SVG from an embed element. I can't do it on JSFiddle do to same domain policy in browsers.
This page may also be of help. It shows some of the scripting capabilities of SVG, although for all of the examples, the script is in the SVG itself.

