How to create circular list in React Native - javascript

I need to create a language list, some like Android date picker. I'm struggling with the rotation part. Is it possible to use flat-list to create some like this?
If anyone knows a way to do this or any third party-lib to achieve this task in both Android & IOS. please help me. Thank you.

Try to use react-native-picker or react-native-wheel-picker.


how to implement row grouping in react js

I have a React application and I want to implement grouping in the same way as the image. I think its something called row groping but when i research, its not the same thing. How can i implement this?
I am using XGrid. Should i write my own component to achieve this or there is simplier way to do that?
react version "17.0.1"
I purchased MUI-DataGridPro to solve this issue.

React horizontal Scrolling Menu?

I am building a nextjs application. In my project I am not using TypeScript. I am using Javascript. I need a horizontal scroll on mouse wheel and also on touch. I haven't find any react packages. But I find one react package - react-horizontal-scrolling-menu. I see all demo. It perfect for my project. But I am facing one problem. Al of it's example create in TypeScript. But I am not using typeScript. If I copy the code, Then I get many error?
In this situation, What I have to do. I am not understanding?
Please can anyone help me. I am facing this issue over 10 days. Please do not dislike or close my questions.
Converted to JavaScript. You only needed to remove types and change tsx, ts to jsx, js.
You just need to get rid of every type definition of typescript. Every type in TypeScript is written after the variable name behind ":". So, in the codesandbox example, remove things like ": number" or ": void" at the end of functions.
Edit: im on mobile now, so i can't send you the Javascript code. The things you should look for are on line 17, 20 and 57. Hope the helps you.
I am using also the component for my project which not typescript. As someone suggested I just removed the type definitons in the Arrow function.

Image with clickable components

I have an image that displays a parking lot. I want to make parking slots clickable and connect them with records in salesforce using lwc. Leaflet-rastercoords seems a good tool to achieve this but I have difficulty in implementing it in lwc with VScode. Anyone has tackled a similar task?
I know this can be done in HTML with an Image-Map. That also supports the use of Javascript functions.I'm not sure how LWC in Salesforce works with HTML, but maybe you can use it in there?

Suggestions for creating images-to-pdf converter using Javascript

I want to create a images-to-pdf converter using Javascript. And I want suggestions how I can create one.
Please Help!
I want user to select multiple images from there computer and combine all the images together and convert them in a single pdf.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
Take a look at jspdf There is pretty good documentation to get you started as well.

need plugin that allows to float from side of the page

Any help or guidance with this would be appreciated.
Thankyou in advance.
Im trying to create plugin that allows to float from side of the page
something like this
if there is some kind of that plugin i would really happy to know its name or even better link :)
what i need in it is color picking few.. :) and some other options to my one (editing) page.
This is what you are looking for.

