need plugin that allows to float from side of the page - javascript

Any help or guidance with this would be appreciated.
Thankyou in advance.
Im trying to create plugin that allows to float from side of the page
something like this
if there is some kind of that plugin i would really happy to know its name or even better link :)
what i need in it is color picking few.. :) and some other options to my one (editing) page.

This is what you are looking for.


Filter Web Content with Drop down

I'm using a "PHP website" and i'm not being able to give to user a "drop down filter" to filter the content... In resume, i would like to give to user the same experience as in this website:
If you change the options at the right side, on the Dropdown menus, the content will be filtered. Is exactly what i need to do in my website, but i'm not 100% familiar with javascript, so, if someone perhaps can help me... I'm searching on the web for more than 4days and all the answers that i find is always for tables, and this is not exactly a table, so, if someone peharps can help me, would be wonderfull!
Thanks a lot!
To implement this kind of dynamic web content the easiest way is to use a data-binding front-end library such as AngularJS or backbone.js. Of course you can always write your own js code for this but that just won't cut it. I suggest getting familiar with one of these libraries and use for example an ng-model binding with the select dropdowns to the right bound to the content you show on the left hand side (AngularJS).
Yes, i understand that no ones will come with a "free code" to me, that's not my intention...
I already take a look into their code, but as their website is giant, to me it's a little bit hard to understand it all, as i'm not a "Pro".
I would just like that someone tells the right way to approach the problem, and what should i search, don't know, something that helps me finding the solution...

Flip page responsive

Hi I'm trying to find a plug-in for flipping page, something like the Booklet but need to be responsive, if the screen are higher than wider it need to convert to single page layout, and need to work with touch, but I'm really not finding it! Maybe it doesn't exist. Is important to be free software.
If somebody knows something about, I'll really appreciate the help.
Turnjs seems to be a good option for this.

Javascript direction (forward backward) buttons [duplicate]

I'm using the s3Slider javascript slideshow on the homepage of a site I am developing:
I really like this slideshow but it has no way to enable the user to go to the next or previous image.
How can I add these buttons? Does anybody know the necessary javascript code I need to use or what changes should be made.
Suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know you didn't ask for suggestions, but let me just throw this out there as a solution:
After messing around with a ton of sliders, I've ended up going back to this one time after time. (and there is a 4KB version if all you want is the fade effect)
It has pretty decent documentation and is overall pretty easy and straightforward to use.
Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. Best of luck to you!
Just to hack something in, I'd modify your s3slider copy to include something like this (insert at line 38)
$(element).bind("s3slidernext", function() {
current = items[currNo+1];
Then you can probably just call
To move the slider forward. Bind that to a button and you're all set.
there are many jquery libraries that can help you out there like

Jquery thumbnail gallery

I'm looking for a jquery thumbnail gallery like this one (or similar) on .
Anyone know where can I get it?
Thanks you so much.
Have you looked at this posting for creating a collage, which I believe is similar to what you want:
You will probably have to kick the source around a bit to do precisely what you want, bit it's a good starting point.
There is a jQuery plugin which helps you to create a collage -
With a little bit HTML/CSS and this plugin, you can easily create the collage.
Hope this helps!

slide show with css and javascript

hi every one just i want to make imsge slide show with help of css,javascript or jquery like
this is in flash but i want it the image come dynamically from database in php.
can any one help me please .
There is a nice jquery plugin that might be interesting for you:
And an example how to add slides dynamically (found in the 'even more demos' section):
try this
This can help you
If you are using jQuery I would recommend jQuery cycle. It's very extensible and should be able to do what you want it to do.
Perhaps have a look at
I've made a couple of slide shows on the site, in both Flash and jQuery. They look great!
If you need help getting the slide show onto your site the help section has some really handy tutorials.

