Back4App angular hosting - javascript

When Uploading a compiled angular-6 app to back4app and following their Docs
I always get Error (403 - Forbidden) in the Chrome console although I already added the Keys required to connect to the service in the environment.ts File

Double-check that the files are in the public folder because the 403 error is related to the lack of permission. Another point are the reserved words from Parse, that can affect this, example: /login.


Laravel Vuejs Uncaught (in promise) ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk blogs-component failed

I have a Laravel + Vuejs project and while everything works fine on local development, 2 pages are throwing the ChunkLoadError.
I have looked at other issues on SO, and checked my output path, file is really there.
Page is here : and same for
Error is here :
The chunk is available if you click on the link
Edit: I deleted the project from the dev server, and reinstalled everything without success. I keep having the same issue. I did install on another server I have access to, and the error is gone, pages are all served correctly. We just found out client on dev server is using Cloudflare, so once we have acces, we can delete cache and see how it goes.
In this case, Cloudflare's cache was the culprid. All vues files/chunk are now correctly served.

Google Cloud Storage - "Error: Could not load the default credentials"

While developing my app in Node.js, I decided to persist my data by using the Google Cloud Storage client libraries.
I came across the error mentioned in the title when uploading to storage:
Error: Could not load the default credentials
I did some digging, and figured out how to solve the issue:
Navigating to google cloud console credentials and creating a service account.
Setting the role for the service account to have full object permissions across my project and my buckets
Creating a key for the service account and downloading the associated .json file
Installing Cloud SDK and running the commands:
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project [MY_PROJECT_ID]
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=C:/path/to/json/file
In my code passing in the .json credentials file into my new client instance:
const storage = new Storage({keyFileName: "auth.json"})
These steps described fixed the issue... in development. When I deployed my app to production the same error message comes back
I tried a few things to solve the issue. I assumed it was an issue with my web host: A2. After talking with their tech support they reassured me my file paths are correct inside their file structure, but they would not help me troubleshoot the credentials error otherwise.
So, why would my credentials be working just fine in development, but then suddenly stop working in production? Is it because I had the localhost as the callback URI instead of the domain name (or something)? Do I need to specify the domain somewhere in SDK or in the cloud console?
The error message points me to, but I have read and reread the documentation many times, so if someone can point me to the specific place in the docs that says what I need to do that would be appreciated, but be aware that I have done my homework and I RTFM, but I am still unable to solve this issue.

Blazor Webassembly client fails to load pushNotifications.js in referenced project

I'm attempting to implement push notifications in a reminder app I'm building. I am attempting to follow along to the way it is done in this demo project. To that end, I added a razor class library project entitled BlazorReminders.ComponentsLibrary to my BlazorReminders solution. Just as the BlazingPizza project did, I put the localStorage.js and pushNotifications.js files under the wwwroot folder of the ComponentsLibrary project. I then added a reference to the ComponentsLibrary in the client project and attempted to load the resources in the client's index.html file as follows:
<script src="_content/BlazorReminders.ComponentsLibrary/localStorage.js"></script>
<script src="_content/BlazorReminders.ComponentsLibrary/pushNotifications.js"></script>
This is the exact way they did it in the demo project, however for me it returned a "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()".
A more detailed console message
GET https://localhost:44304/_content/BlazorReminders.ComponentsLibrary/pushNotifications.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404
I've also tried changing the src path to variations of "..\BlazorReminders\BlazorReminders.ComponentsLibrary\wwwroot\pushNotifications.js" to no avail; I got the same errors.
What could be causing the 404? Thanks
EDIT: Resolved
Thanks to agua from Mars for pointing out that I had forgotten to update the these package references in my ComponentsLibrary project file
//Version had to be changed to 3.2 preview
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components" Version="3.2.0-preview2.20160.5" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web" Version="3.2.0-preview2.20160.5" />

FCM Push notifications works locally but not on server

I have been struggling to make push notifications work.
I am recieving the following error
; FirebaseError: Messaging: We are unable to register the default service worker. Failed to register a ServiceWorker: A bad HTTP response code (404) was received when fetching the script. (messaging/failed-serviceworker-registration).
I have already tried to google and applied
But still it works locally but not on the server.
The js file firebase-messaging-sw.js exists in the path:
I have used slim-php as backend framework.
Please help me out in resolving the error.
It tries to find the service worker file on the root of the application; hence the application tries to load
while the actual file is located at
You may be able to import the service worker like this:
If this doesn't work, you may need to declare your own service worker.
Here is a link to more information on the topic:

Windows IIS wwwroot angular javascript serving up .json files not working

The website with index.html is located here
The is using angular/javascript and i'm trying to serve up fake data with .json files
locally I can do this just fine. Its just very simple javascript ... If i have any CORS issues the browser will tell me in developer tools and i just enable a CORS extension in chrome.
Go here :
Reason it seems that no data is showing is the obvious message in that it cannot locate this path
What am I doing wrong?
This is where devices.json is located ... under wwwroot
IIS is serving 404s (not found) for various reasons, to find out what the problem for your request is, without enabled detailed errors, look at the http log files, locate the request in question and find the http sub-status: GET /devices.json - 80 ... 404 3
the number to the right of the 404 is the sub-status, in this case the 3 means: MIME type restriction. IIS by default is not configured to serve status files with a .json extension. You have add a new MIME Type mapping in IIS on the server or site level.
you may not be owner of
your IIS settings are wrong. Try to set ist reachable under http://localhost/ or
You may also modify your host file under system32 folder but it's not recommended.

