FCM Push notifications works locally but not on server - javascript

I have been struggling to make push notifications work.
I am recieving the following error
; FirebaseError: Messaging: We are unable to register the default service worker. Failed to register a ServiceWorker: A bad HTTP response code (404) was received when fetching the script. (messaging/failed-serviceworker-registration).
I have already tried to google and applied https://stackoverflow.com/a/42264578/5192105
But still it works locally but not on the server.
The js file firebase-messaging-sw.js exists in the path:https://mobile-app.golocall.com/api/src/public/firebase-messaging-sw.js
I have used slim-php as backend framework.
Please help me out in resolving the error.

It tries to find the service worker file on the root of the application; hence the application tries to load
while the actual file is located at
You may be able to import the service worker like this:
If this doesn't work, you may need to declare your own service worker.
Here is a link to more information on the topic:


Unit testing with firebase auth emulator requires real service account?

We are using the firebase emulators to write integration tests. One of our functions modifies the claims on a user. As such, our test checks to see if the claim has been added. In our test, we call the following function:
Our intention is to then check the claims. Unfortunately, when this function is called, we get an error.
(node:96985) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Credential
implementation provided to initializeApp() via the "credential"
property failed to fetch a valid Google OAuth2 access token with the
following error: "Error fetching access token: Error while making
request: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND metadata.google.internal. Error code:
Keep in mind we are running against the local auth emulator, not a cloud service. We found an issue on github which seems to be related: https://github.com/firebase/firebase-tools/issues/1708
Unfortunately, the recommended course of action in that issue is to use an actual service account file from an actual cloud service. We do not check such files into our repos as this would be a security hazard. Does anyone know of a better way to deal with this situation?
In case it is relevant, we also get the following warning:
{"severity":"WARNING","message":"Warning, FIREBASE_CONFIG and
GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variables are missing. Initializing
firebase-admin will fail"}

Google Cloud Storage - "Error: Could not load the default credentials"

While developing my app in Node.js, I decided to persist my data by using the Google Cloud Storage client libraries.
I came across the error mentioned in the title when uploading to storage:
Error: Could not load the default credentials
I did some digging, and figured out how to solve the issue:
Navigating to google cloud console credentials and creating a service account.
Setting the role for the service account to have full object permissions across my project and my buckets
Creating a key for the service account and downloading the associated .json file
Installing Cloud SDK and running the commands:
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project [MY_PROJECT_ID]
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=C:/path/to/json/file
In my code passing in the .json credentials file into my new client instance:
const storage = new Storage({keyFileName: "auth.json"})
These steps described fixed the issue... in development. When I deployed my app to production the same error message comes back
I tried a few things to solve the issue. I assumed it was an issue with my web host: A2. After talking with their tech support they reassured me my file paths are correct inside their file structure, but they would not help me troubleshoot the credentials error otherwise.
So, why would my credentials be working just fine in development, but then suddenly stop working in production? Is it because I had the localhost as the callback URI instead of the domain name (or something)? Do I need to specify the domain somewhere in SDK or in the cloud console?
The error message points me to https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started, but I have read and reread the documentation many times, so if someone can point me to the specific place in the docs that says what I need to do that would be appreciated, but be aware that I have done my homework and I RTFM, but I am still unable to solve this issue.

Back4App angular hosting

When Uploading a compiled angular-6 app to back4app and following their Docs
I always get Error (403 - Forbidden) in the Chrome console although I already added the Keys required to connect to the service in the environment.ts File
Double-check that the files are in the public folder because the 403 error is related to the lack of permission. Another point are the reserved words from Parse, that can affect this, example: /login.

Registering a service-worker in Mozilla Thimble

Is Mozilla Thimble explicitly doing something to prevent service-workers from loading?
I am preparing a tutorial for teenagers on how to create a web game and install it on their smartphone. I am getting them to use Mozilla Thimble so that they can see the results of their changes immediately.
In order to trigger the web app installation banner on Android, the game needs to register a service worker. However, I am getting the following error in Google Chrome.
ServiceWorker registration failed:
TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: A bad HTTP response code (404) was received when fetching the script.
The service-worker.js is registered inside a main.js script. I have checked that the URL provided in the main.js script is correct. I have loaded the service-worker.js script directly through the index.html page, to ensure that it loads. I have checked within the service-worker.js script that its URLĀ is exactly the same as what main.js is asking for. Mozilla Thimble is delivered over the "https://" protocol.
In Firefox, the error is different:
ServiceWorker registration failed:
ServiceWorker script at https://mozillathimblelivepreview.net/...dd2e/service-worker.js
for scope https://mozillathimblelivepreview.net/...dd2e/ encountered an error during installation.
Empty String
When I upload the files to my own site, they run with no problem:
ServiceWorker registration successful with scope: https://dev.example.com/thimble/
Is there some way I can encourage Mozilla Thimble to get the service-worker script to load? If so, it will considerably simplify the production process for my students.

How do I add information to my Heroku database?

I am currently trying to deploy a Node.js application to Heroku. The website is working until I try and login or do other operations that call the database. I have the database attached and keep getting the Error: write EPIPE error. From what I can tell from my research, it seems like I need a worker process. Right now I have my web process as ./bin/www and I do not know what to set my worker process to. I tried setting it to the same thing, but the app crashes. How do I add information from my app to a Heroku database?

