Function JavaScript to add row in a table - javascript

I have this function to add a row in a table and I need a drop-down list in the first cell with value that are on database. I tried with this:
td1.innerHTML = "#Html.DropDownList("SubTipologia", lista)";
But does not work. Can you help me?
Below there is the he function:
function aggiungiRiga(my_table) {
var tbody = document.getElementById(my_table).getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var colonne = document.getElementById(my_table).getElementsByTagName('th');
var row = document.createElement('tr');
var td1 = document.createElement("td");
td1.innerHTML = "<div>#Html.DropDownList("SubTipologia", lista)</div>";
var td2 = document.createElement("td");
td2.contentEditable = true;
td2.innerHTML = "<input type=text placeholder='Volume'>";
var td3 = document.createElement("td");
td3.contentEditable = true;
td3.innerHTML = "<input type = text placeholder = 'Volume al m&sup3'>";
var td4 = document.createElement("td");
td4.contentEditable = true;
td4.innerHTML = "<input type=text placeholder='Valore Totale'>";
var td5 = document.createElement("td");
td5.innerHTML = "<button type=button class='btn btn -default btn - sm'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span></button >";

As I can see, you try to run server-side code on client (browser).
Browser doesn't khow about Razor or Html helper. So you need to use HTML instead of #Html.DropDownList("SubTipologia", lista) like this:
td1.innerHTML = "<div><select id='SubTipologia'></select></div>";
And then you can add items to <select> e.g. like here.


websql add button to insert new values in table

I am a newbie and i need help, it is to complex for me.
Sorry for my bad englisch.
I have this cool Code from #rushi and now i need a button to insert and to update a change and send it back into the table.
On the page it looks nice, there is a button on the end of the table-view and the input type = text has the right value from the table connect (see picture)!
The original code block from rushi u find here -> web-sql, javascript, show all tables of database
This is the code in the moment.
Can u help me to find the solution for the "update-button"?
function processResultSet(tblname,results) {
var len = results.rows.length;
var tbl = document.createElement('table');
var trTblName = document.createElement('tr');
var thTblName = document.createElement('th');
thTblName.innerHTML = tblname;
trTblName.colSpan = 2;
//create Table-Head
var trHeader = document.createElement('tr');
var th1 = document.createElement('th');
th1.innerHTML = '<font color=orange> ID STEMPEL</font>';
var th2 = document.createElement('th');
th2.innerHTML = '<font color=red> HERSTELLER </font>';
var th3 = document.createElement('th');
th3.innerHTML = '<font color=green> STÜCKZAHL </font>';
var th4 = document.createElement('th');
th4.innerHTML = '<font color=blue> KALIBER </font>';
//create Table-Inserts, show what is in the table
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
var td1 = document.createElement('td');
td1.innerHTML = results.rows[i].id;
var td2 = document.createElement('td');
td2.innerHTML = results.rows[i].hersteller;
var td3 = document.createElement('td');
td3.innerHTML = '<form method="GET" action="edit_munition.html"><input name="formstueckzahl" type="text" value="' + results.rows[i].stueckzahl + '" size="5" maxlength="4" id="' + results.rows[i].id + '">';
var td4 = document.createElement('td');
td4.innerHTML = results.rows[i].kaliber;
var td5 = document.createElement('td');
td5.innerHTML = '<input type="submit" name="form" value="update"></form>';
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('X')[0];
td3.innerHTML = '<form method="GET" action="edit_munition.html"><input name="formstueckzahl" type="text" value="' + results.rows[i].stueckzahl + '" size="5" maxlength="4" id="formstueckzahl"><input type="hidden" name="formid" value="' + results.rows[i].id + '">' + " " + '<input type="submit" name="form" value="update"></form>';

Script doesn't work after adding row dynamically

I have one function which calculates the total amount.
Here is my html code for showing table
When I add new row it doesn't trigger that calculate function
Can any one help me out?
Here is my script:
function calculate() {
var myBox1 = document.getElementById('qty').value;
var myBox2 = document.getElementById('rate').value;
var amnt = document.getElementById('amnt');
var myResult = myBox1 * myBox2;
amnt.value = myResult;
var count = "1";
function addRow(in_tbl_name)
var tbody = document.getElementById(in_tbl_name).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
// create row
var row = document.createElement("TR");
// create table cell 1
var td1 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml1 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_name\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td1.innerHTML = strHtml1.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 2
var td2 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml2 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_desc\" PLACEHOLDER=\"description\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td2.innerHTML = strHtml2.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 3
var td3 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml3 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_qty\" PLACEHOLDER=\"QTY\" ID=\"qty\" ONINPUT=\"calculate()\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td3.innerHTML = strHtml3.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 4
var td4 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml4 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_RATE\" PLACEHOLDER=\"rate\" ID=\"rate\" ONINPUT=\"calculate()\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td4.innerHTML = strHtml4.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 5
var td5 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml5 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_total\" PLACEHOLDER=\"amount\" ID=\"amnt\" >";
td5.innerHTML = strHtml5.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 4
var td6 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml6 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"Button\" CLASS=\"Button\" onClick=\"delRow()\" VALUE=\"Delete Row\">";
td6.innerHTML = strHtml6.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// append data to row
// add to count variable
count = parseInt(count) + 1;
// append row to table
function delRow()
var current = window.event.srcElement;
//here we will delete the line
while ( (current = current.parentElement) && current.tagName !="TR");
<TABLE ID="tblPets" border="1" STYLE="border width:1 orange dashed;background color:#F0E68C;table-row width:2;">
<th><center>Row material Name</center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="Button" onClick="addRow('tblPets')" VALUE="Add Row"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_name" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_desc" PLACEHOLDER="description" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_qty" PLACEHOLDER="QTY" ID="qty" ONINPUT="calculate()" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_RATE" PLACEHOLDER="rate" ID="rate" ONINPUT="calculate()" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_total" PLACEHOLDER="amount" ID="amnt" ></center></th>
Here is my HTML code
I understand now what you wanted to do.
You're using the same element id multiple times, so your calculate() function always selects only the first inputs in the first row.
I calculate() so it takes as a parameter the element that triggered the event and then traverses up the DOM tree to find the closest <tr>:
var tr = elm;
while ((tr = tr.parentElement) && tr.tagName !== 'TR');
Then select input fields only in this table row, calculate what you want and set it as a value to another input field in the same row.
Last thing I changes is that I trigger oninput with oninput=calculate(this) where this is the current DOM element.
function calculate(elm) {
var tr = elm;
while ((tr = tr.parentElement) && tr.tagName !== 'TR');
var inputs = tr.querySelectorAll('input');
var myBox1 = inputs[2].value;
var myBox2 = inputs[3].value;
var myResult = myBox1 * myBox2;
inputs[4].value = myResult;
var count = "1";
function addRow(in_tbl_name)
var tbody = document.getElementById(in_tbl_name).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
// create row
var row = document.createElement("TR");
// create table cell 1
var td1 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml1 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_name\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td1.innerHTML = strHtml1.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 2
var td2 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml2 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_desc\" PLACEHOLDER=\"description\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td2.innerHTML = strHtml2.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 3
var td3 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml3 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_qty\" PLACEHOLDER=\"QTY\" ID=\"qty\" ONINPUT=\"calculate(this)\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td3.innerHTML = strHtml3.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 4
var td4 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml4 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_RATE\" PLACEHOLDER=\"rate\" ID=\"rate\" ONINPUT=\"calculate(this)\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td4.innerHTML = strHtml4.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 5
var td5 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml5 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_total\" PLACEHOLDER=\"amount\" ID=\"amnt\" >";
td5.innerHTML = strHtml5.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 4
var td6 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml6 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"Button\" CLASS=\"Button\" onClick=\"delRow()\" VALUE=\"Delete Row\">";
td6.innerHTML = strHtml6.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// append data to row
// add to count variable
count = parseInt(count) + 1;
// append row to table
function delRow()
var current = window.event.srcElement;
//here we will delete the line
while ( (current = current.parentElement) && current.tagName !="TR");
<TABLE ID="tblPets" border="1" STYLE="border width:1 orange dashed;background color:#F0E68C;table-row width:2;">
<th><center>Row material Name</center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="Button" onClick="addRow('tblPets')" VALUE="Add Row"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_name" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_desc" PLACEHOLDER="description" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_qty" PLACEHOLDER="QTY" ID="qty" ONINPUT="calculate(this)" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_RATE" PLACEHOLDER="rate" ID="rate" ONINPUT="calculate(this)" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_total" PLACEHOLDER="amount" ID="amnt" ></center></th>

How to use Struts 1.2.9 tags

I am using Struts Version 1.2.9.
I have a requirement to add rows dynamically to a table using JavaScript which is working fine.
It looks like:
function addRow(tableID) {
var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
rowCount += 1;
if(rowCount <= 5){
var row = table.insertRow(3);
var col1html = "<label for='incomecategory'>Other Income:</label>";
var col2html = "<select id='incomecategory' name='income_category'><option value='' selected>Please Select</option><option value='rent'>Rent</option><option value='interestanddividends'>Interest and Dividends</option><option value='governmentbenefits'>Government Benefits</option><option value='other'>Other</option></select>";
var col3html = "$<input type='text' name='incomevalue' id='incomevalue'/>";
var col4html = "<select id='incomefrequency' name='income_frequency'><optgroup label='Per'><option value='perweek'>Per Week</option><option value='perfortnight'>Per Fortnight</option><option value='peryear'>Per Month</option><option value='peryear'>Per Year</option><option value='' selected>Per</option></select>";
var col5html = "<input type='button' value='X' onclick='removeRow(this)'/>"
var col1 = row.insertCell(0); col1.innerHTML=col1html;
var col2 = row.insertCell(1); col2.innerHTML=col2html;
var col3 = row.insertCell(2); col3.innerHTML=col3html;
var col4 = row.insertCell(3); col4.innerHTML=col4html;
var col5 = row.insertCell(4); col5.innerHTML=col5html;
alert('Reached maximum no of rows');
If you see carefully I have hardcoded all the HTML tags to build a row, but I want to instead use struts tags in creating rows.

Inserting Form into table with javascript

I am trying to insert Form into Table, but <form> tag is not inserted (only input type).
$(function () {
var table = document.getElementById("transport");
var row = table.insertRow(0);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
var cell4 = row.insertCell(3);
var cell5 = row.insertCell(4);
var cell6 = row.insertCell(5);
var cell7 = row.insertCell(6);
var cell8 = row.insertCell(7);
var cell9 = row.insertCell(8);
var cell10 = row.insertCell(9);
cell1.innerHTML = "<form action='/Transport/Grid' id='paieska' method='post'>";
cell2.innerHTML = "<br><br><input class=\"form-control\" id=\"slicplate\" name=\"slicplate\" placeholder=\"Valst. Nr.\" type=\"text\" value=\"\">";
cell10.innerHTML = "</form>";
As I mentioned above in the comments.
form start and end tag should be contained within a container.
But you are starting it in one cell and closing in another. That will not work.
Instead you can do this:
cell1.innerHTML = "<form action='/Transport/Grid' id='paieska' method='post'>";
cell1.innerHTML += "<br><br><input class=\"form-control\" id=\"slicplate\" name=\"slicplate\" placeholder=\"Valst. Nr.\" type=\"text\" value=\"\">";
cell1.innerHTML += "</form>";
And so that you know, there are many better ways... This is kind of old school way..(as mentioned again in comments)
var data =[];
function add(){
var fname = document.getElementById("firstname").value,
lname= document.getElementById("lastname").value,
email = document.getElementById("email").value,
age = document.getElementById("age").value,
mobile = document.getElementById("mobile").value,
gen = gender1.checked?gender1.value:gender2.value,
date = document.getElementById("date").value,
adress = document.getElementById("address").value,
city = document.getElementById("city").value,
state = document.getElementById("state").value,
zip = document.getElementById("zip").value,
pan = document.getElementById("pan").value,
tan = document.getElementById("tan").value,
aadhar = document.getElementById("aadhar").value,
obj = {name1:fname,name2:lname,mail:email,aged:age,num:mobile,gend:gen,tarrek:date,
var table = "<table class='table table-striped table-bordered margin' id='delet'>";
table+= "<tr><th>Firstname</th><th>Lastname</th><th>Email</th><th>Age</th><th>Mobile</th><th>Gender</th><th>Date</th><th>Address</th><th>City</th><th>State</th><th>Documents</th><th>Zip</th><th>Pan</th><th>Tan</th><th>Aadhar</th></tr>";
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){

How to append a row to html table using DOM?

I'm trying to add a row to a HTML table in pure JS as follows,
var tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('table1_out').getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
var row = document.createElement("TR");
var td1 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml1 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["id"] ?>";
td1.innerHTML = strHtml1;
var td2 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml2 = "<div class='led on'></div>";
td2.innerHTML = strHtml2;
var td3 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml3 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["symbol"] ?>";
td3.innerHTML = strHtml3;
var td4 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml4 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["symbolhtml"] ?>";
td4.innerHTML = strHtml4;
var td5 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml5 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["usdrate"] ?>";
td5.innerHTML = strHtml5;
var td6 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml6 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["eurrate"] ?>";
td6.innerHTML = strHtml6;
var td7 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml7 = '';
td7.innerHTML = strHtml7;
// append data to row
// append row to table
And this is the structure of the table,
<div class="table1_out">
<th>Symbol html</th>
<th>Exchange rate EUR</th>
<th>Exchange rate USD</th>
<td><div class="led on"></div></td>
<td><input type="button" value="Edit" onclick="document.location.href='/backoffice_dev.php/currency/edit/EUR';"></td>
</tr> </tbody>
But it is throwing the error:
TypeError: tbody.appendChild is not a function
That's because your tbody is actually an array-like object, as in [<tbody>]:
var tbody = (...).getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
You're using "get Elements", which returns a node list. Take the first of those:
var tbody = (...).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
The var tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('table1_out').getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
reference a node list.
You need to do like this:
var tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('table1_out').getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];

