How to append a row to html table using DOM? - javascript

I'm trying to add a row to a HTML table in pure JS as follows,
var tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('table1_out').getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
var row = document.createElement("TR");
var td1 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml1 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["id"] ?>";
td1.innerHTML = strHtml1;
var td2 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml2 = "<div class='led on'></div>";
td2.innerHTML = strHtml2;
var td3 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml3 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["symbol"] ?>";
td3.innerHTML = strHtml3;
var td4 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml4 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["symbolhtml"] ?>";
td4.innerHTML = strHtml4;
var td5 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml5 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["usdrate"] ?>";
td5.innerHTML = strHtml5;
var td6 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml6 = "<?php echo $addNewCurrencyPOST["eurrate"] ?>";
td6.innerHTML = strHtml6;
var td7 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml7 = '';
td7.innerHTML = strHtml7;
// append data to row
// append row to table
And this is the structure of the table,
<div class="table1_out">
<th>Symbol html</th>
<th>Exchange rate EUR</th>
<th>Exchange rate USD</th>
<td><div class="led on"></div></td>
<td><input type="button" value="Edit" onclick="document.location.href='/backoffice_dev.php/currency/edit/EUR';"></td>
</tr> </tbody>
But it is throwing the error:
TypeError: tbody.appendChild is not a function

That's because your tbody is actually an array-like object, as in [<tbody>]:
var tbody = (...).getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
You're using "get Elements", which returns a node list. Take the first of those:
var tbody = (...).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];

The var tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('table1_out').getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
reference a node list.
You need to do like this:
var tbody = document.getElementsByClassName('table1_out').getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];


Function JavaScript to add row in a table

I have this function to add a row in a table and I need a drop-down list in the first cell with value that are on database. I tried with this:
td1.innerHTML = "#Html.DropDownList("SubTipologia", lista)";
But does not work. Can you help me?
Below there is the he function:
function aggiungiRiga(my_table) {
var tbody = document.getElementById(my_table).getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var colonne = document.getElementById(my_table).getElementsByTagName('th');
var row = document.createElement('tr');
var td1 = document.createElement("td");
td1.innerHTML = "<div>#Html.DropDownList("SubTipologia", lista)</div>";
var td2 = document.createElement("td");
td2.contentEditable = true;
td2.innerHTML = "<input type=text placeholder='Volume'>";
var td3 = document.createElement("td");
td3.contentEditable = true;
td3.innerHTML = "<input type = text placeholder = 'Volume al m&sup3'>";
var td4 = document.createElement("td");
td4.contentEditable = true;
td4.innerHTML = "<input type=text placeholder='Valore Totale'>";
var td5 = document.createElement("td");
td5.innerHTML = "<button type=button class='btn btn -default btn - sm'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span></button >";
As I can see, you try to run server-side code on client (browser).
Browser doesn't khow about Razor or Html helper. So you need to use HTML instead of #Html.DropDownList("SubTipologia", lista) like this:
td1.innerHTML = "<div><select id='SubTipologia'></select></div>";
And then you can add items to <select> e.g. like here.

Transfer Table TD in textbox

This is the way on how I populate data in my table.
function GenerateTable() {
<? var data = getData(); ?>
var table = document.getElementById("TableContainer");
<? for (var i = 12; i < data.length; i++) { ?>
var getval;
var row = table.insertRow(-1);
var row_did = row.insertCell(0);
var row_area = row.insertCell(1);
var row_cusname = row.insertCell(2);
var row_pic = row.insertCell(3);
var row_remarks = row.insertCell(4);
var row_status = row.insertCell(5);
var row_docudate = row.insertCell(6);
var row_button = row.insertCell(7);
row_did.innerHTML = '<td id="dataid" class="dataid">'+ <?= data[i][0] ?> + '</td>';
row_area.innerHTML = '<td id="area" class="area">'+ <?= data[i][1] ?> +'<td>';
row_cusname.innerHTML = '<td id ="cusname" class="cusname">' + <?= data[i][2] ?> +'<td>';
row_pic.innerHTML = '<td id ="cic" class="cic">' + <?= data[i][3] ?> +'<td>';
row_remarks.innerHTML = '<td id ="remarks" class="remarks">' + <?= data[i][4] ?> +'<td>';
row_status.innerHTML = '<td id ="status" class="status">' +<?= data[i][5] ?> +'<td>';
row_docudate.innerHTML = '<td id ="docdate" class="docdate">'+ <?= data[i][6] ?> +'<td>';
row_button.innerHTML = '<td><img id = "selectdata" class = "click-to-select" src="" alt="Submit" width="13px" height="13px" title = "Edit Selected Data" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"/></td>';
<? } ?>
and this is my table where i put the data based on code above.
<table id = "TableContainer" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" width ="100%" align = "center" class="hoverTable">
<th bgcolor = "darkgreen"><font color="white">#</font></th>
<th bgcolor = "darkgreen"><font color="white">Area</font></th>
<th bgcolor = "darkgreen" width = "200px"><font color="white">Customer Name</font></th>
<th bgcolor = "darkgreen"><font color="white">Person In Charge</font></th>
<th bgcolor = "darkgreen" width = "250px"><font color="white">Remarks</font></th>
<th bgcolor = "darkgreen"><font color="white">Status</font></th>
<th bgcolor = "darkgreen"><font color="white">Doc. Date</font></th>
<th bgcolor = "darkgreen"></th>
Please bear with me. this code is perfectly running and im running the code by '<body onLoad = "GenerateTable()"> how ever as what you see on my code there is a code that looks like this.
<td><img id = "selectdata" class = "click-to-select" src="" alt="Submit" width="13px" height="13px" title = "Edit Selected Data" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"/></td>';
now it will create an image button for every row in my table and that code has a purpose and that is to transfer the data from td to textbox and other elements and here is my code for that.
$('.click-to-select').click(function() {
var dataid = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.dataid').text();
var area = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.area').text();
var cusname = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.cusname').text();
var cicoption = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.cic').text();
var remarks = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.remarks').text();
var statoption = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.status').text();
var documentdate = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.docdate').text();
this is where the error starts when im clicking the image the row data is not transferring in my textbox whats the error?
Updated Code
function GenerateTable() {
<? var data = getData(); ?>
var table = document.getElementById("TableContainer");
<? for (var i = 12; i < data.length; i++) { ?>
var row = table.insertRow(-1);
var row_did = row.insertCell(0);
var row_area = row.insertCell(1);
var row_cusname = row.insertCell(2);
var row_pic = row.insertCell(3);
var row_remarks = row.insertCell(4);
var row_status = row.insertCell(5);
var row_docudate = row.insertCell(6);
var row_button = row.insertCell(7);
row_did.innerHTML = '<td id="dataid" class="dataid">'+ <?= data[i][0] ?> + '</td>';
row_area.innerHTML = '<td id="area" class="area">'+ <?= data[i][1] ?> +'<td>';
row_cusname.innerHTML = '<td id ="cusname" class="cusname">' + <?= data[i][2] ?> +'<td>';
row_pic.innerHTML = '<td id ="cic" class="cic">' + <?= data[i][3] ?> +'<td>';
row_remarks.innerHTML = '<td id ="remarks" class="remarks">' + <?= data[i][4] ?> +'<td>';
row_status.innerHTML = '<td id ="status" class="status">' +<?= data[i][5] ?> +'<td>';
row_docudate.innerHTML = '<td id ="docdate" class="docdate">'+ <?= data[i][6] ?> +'<td>';
row_button.innerHTML = '<td><img id = "selectdata" class = "click-to-select" src= "" alt="Submit" width="13px" height="13px" title = "Edit Selected Data" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"/></td>';
<? } ?>
$('.click-to-select').click(function() {
var dataid = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.dataid').text();
var area = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.area').text();
var cusname = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.cusname').text();
var cicoption = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.cic').text();
var remarks = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.remarks').text();
var statoption = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.status').text();
var documentdate = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.docdate').text();
Could you put your second script $('.click-to-select').click(function(){...}) inside of GenerateTable() and after the for loop? Then check if the click handler is running by putting console.log('The dataid is:' + dataid) in here.
var documentdate = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.docdate').text();
console.log('The dataid is:' + dataid)
I can't tell for sure the order that your code executes because you have two separate script tags here, but it's possible your second script can't bind the click handler because the .click-to-selects haven't been created yet by GenerateTable().
Here is a working fiddle using nth-of-type selectors
First you need to remove the id from td because some of it matches with textbox element.
Then replace it with below line of code and do the same for each column.
var dataid = $(this).parent().siblings('.dataid').text();
I think , This function should be like below
Don't use the php tags because these are javascript variables .
function GenerateTable() {
var data = getData();
var table = document.getElementById("TableContainer");
for (var i = 12; i < data.length; i++) {
var row = table.insertRow(-1);
var row_did = row.insertCell(0);
var row_area = row.insertCell(1);
var row_cusname = row.insertCell(2);
var row_pic = row.insertCell(3);
var row_remarks = row.insertCell(4);
var row_status = row.insertCell(5);
var row_docudate = row.insertCell(6);
var row_button = row.insertCell(7);
row_did.innerHTML = '<td id="dataid" class="dataid">'+ data[i][0] + '</td>';
row_area.innerHTML = '<td id="area" class="area">'+ data[i][1] +'<td>';
row_cusname.innerHTML = '<td id ="cusname" class="cusname">' + data[i][2] +'<td>';
row_pic.innerHTML = '<td id ="cic" class="cic">' + data[i][3] +'<td>';
row_remarks.innerHTML = '<td id ="remarks" class="remarks">' + data[i][4] +'<td>';
row_status.innerHTML = '<td id ="status" class="status">' + data[i][5] +'<td>';
row_docudate.innerHTML = '<td id ="docdate" class="docdate">'+ data[i][6] +'<td>';
row_button.innerHTML = '<td><img id = "selectdata" class = "click-to-select" src= "" alt="Submit" width="13px" height="13px" title = "Edit Selected Data" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"/></td>';
$('.click-to-select').click(function() {
var dataid = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.dataid').text();
var area = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.area').text();
var cusname = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.cusname').text();
var cicoption = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.cic').text();
var remarks = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.remarks').text();
var statoption = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.status').text();
var documentdate = $(this).closest('tr').find('td.docdate').text();
Hopefully , it may help you .

Are there any ways to get value of a table in a form but the table column was made with "document.getElementByID(id)"?

I'm just wondering if there are any ways to get the value of the document.getElementById(id) through forms using $_POST[] of php? Below is an example to which I'm trying to figure out how I could make it work. How the code below works is that when I click a table cell it will copy whatever the cell have and add it to my cart table and I would want to associate this cart table to a form where I could send it to my php script and get the data in the table but this cart table is produced by javascript just to be clear. Anyways here is the code below:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM userItems WHERE item_category = $choice" ;
$result = $db->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach($row as $item):
echo '<tbody style="width:100%;height:100%;">';
echo '<tr>';
echo ' <td id="'.$item['item_name'].'" onclick="copyItem(id)" style="margin:-1px;width:261px;"> '.$item['item_name'] .'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody>';
function copyItem(id)
var table = document.getElementById("cart");
var row = table.insertRow(1);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
var cell4 = row.insertCell(3);
var cell5 = row.insertCell(4);
var value = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML;
var values = document.createElement("input").type="text".name="items[]".value=values;
// var sent = '<span><input type="text" name="items[]" value="" size="15" /></span>\r\n';
var dummy = '<span><input type="text" name="unitprice[]" size="30"/></span>\r\n';
var dummy1 = '<span><input type="number" name="qty[]" size="15"/></span>\r\n';
var dummy2 = '<span><input type="text" name="totalamount[]" size="15"/></span>\r\n';
var dummy3 = '<span><button class="btn btn-danger active" type="button" style="height:25px;width:68px;padding:2px;" onclick = "deleteRow(this)" >Delete </button></span>\r\n';
cell1.innerHTML = values;
cell2.innerHTML = dummy;
cell3.innerHTML = dummy1;
cell4.innerHTML = dummy2;
cell5.innerHTML = dummy3;
Any help would be great, Thanks!
If you write the php variable in the js function:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM userItems WHERE item_category = $choice" ;
$result = $db->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach($row as $item):
echo '<tbody style="width:100%;height:100%;">';
echo '<tr>';
echo ' <td id="'.$item['item_name'].'" onclick="copyItem('.$item['item_name'].')" style="margin:-1px;width:261px;"> '.$item['item_name'] .'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody>';

Script doesn't work after adding row dynamically

I have one function which calculates the total amount.
Here is my html code for showing table
When I add new row it doesn't trigger that calculate function
Can any one help me out?
Here is my script:
function calculate() {
var myBox1 = document.getElementById('qty').value;
var myBox2 = document.getElementById('rate').value;
var amnt = document.getElementById('amnt');
var myResult = myBox1 * myBox2;
amnt.value = myResult;
var count = "1";
function addRow(in_tbl_name)
var tbody = document.getElementById(in_tbl_name).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
// create row
var row = document.createElement("TR");
// create table cell 1
var td1 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml1 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_name\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td1.innerHTML = strHtml1.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 2
var td2 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml2 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_desc\" PLACEHOLDER=\"description\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td2.innerHTML = strHtml2.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 3
var td3 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml3 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_qty\" PLACEHOLDER=\"QTY\" ID=\"qty\" ONINPUT=\"calculate()\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td3.innerHTML = strHtml3.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 4
var td4 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml4 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_RATE\" PLACEHOLDER=\"rate\" ID=\"rate\" ONINPUT=\"calculate()\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td4.innerHTML = strHtml4.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 5
var td5 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml5 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_total\" PLACEHOLDER=\"amount\" ID=\"amnt\" >";
td5.innerHTML = strHtml5.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 4
var td6 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml6 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"Button\" CLASS=\"Button\" onClick=\"delRow()\" VALUE=\"Delete Row\">";
td6.innerHTML = strHtml6.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// append data to row
// add to count variable
count = parseInt(count) + 1;
// append row to table
function delRow()
var current = window.event.srcElement;
//here we will delete the line
while ( (current = current.parentElement) && current.tagName !="TR");
<TABLE ID="tblPets" border="1" STYLE="border width:1 orange dashed;background color:#F0E68C;table-row width:2;">
<th><center>Row material Name</center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="Button" onClick="addRow('tblPets')" VALUE="Add Row"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_name" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_desc" PLACEHOLDER="description" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_qty" PLACEHOLDER="QTY" ID="qty" ONINPUT="calculate()" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_RATE" PLACEHOLDER="rate" ID="rate" ONINPUT="calculate()" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_total" PLACEHOLDER="amount" ID="amnt" ></center></th>
Here is my HTML code
I understand now what you wanted to do.
You're using the same element id multiple times, so your calculate() function always selects only the first inputs in the first row.
I calculate() so it takes as a parameter the element that triggered the event and then traverses up the DOM tree to find the closest <tr>:
var tr = elm;
while ((tr = tr.parentElement) && tr.tagName !== 'TR');
Then select input fields only in this table row, calculate what you want and set it as a value to another input field in the same row.
Last thing I changes is that I trigger oninput with oninput=calculate(this) where this is the current DOM element.
function calculate(elm) {
var tr = elm;
while ((tr = tr.parentElement) && tr.tagName !== 'TR');
var inputs = tr.querySelectorAll('input');
var myBox1 = inputs[2].value;
var myBox2 = inputs[3].value;
var myResult = myBox1 * myBox2;
inputs[4].value = myResult;
var count = "1";
function addRow(in_tbl_name)
var tbody = document.getElementById(in_tbl_name).getElementsByTagName("TBODY")[0];
// create row
var row = document.createElement("TR");
// create table cell 1
var td1 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml1 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_name\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td1.innerHTML = strHtml1.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 2
var td2 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml2 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_desc\" PLACEHOLDER=\"description\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td2.innerHTML = strHtml2.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 3
var td3 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml3 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_qty\" PLACEHOLDER=\"QTY\" ID=\"qty\" ONINPUT=\"calculate(this)\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td3.innerHTML = strHtml3.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 4
var td4 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml4 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_RATE\" PLACEHOLDER=\"rate\" ID=\"rate\" ONINPUT=\"calculate(this)\" SIZE=\"30\">";
td4.innerHTML = strHtml4.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 5
var td5 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml5 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"r_total\" PLACEHOLDER=\"amount\" ID=\"amnt\" >";
td5.innerHTML = strHtml5.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// create table cell 4
var td6 = document.createElement("TD")
var strHtml6 = "<INPUT TYPE=\"Button\" CLASS=\"Button\" onClick=\"delRow()\" VALUE=\"Delete Row\">";
td6.innerHTML = strHtml6.replace(/!count!/g,count);
// append data to row
// add to count variable
count = parseInt(count) + 1;
// append row to table
function delRow()
var current = window.event.srcElement;
//here we will delete the line
while ( (current = current.parentElement) && current.tagName !="TR");
<TABLE ID="tblPets" border="1" STYLE="border width:1 orange dashed;background color:#F0E68C;table-row width:2;">
<th><center>Row material Name</center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="Button" onClick="addRow('tblPets')" VALUE="Add Row"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_name" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_desc" PLACEHOLDER="description" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_qty" PLACEHOLDER="QTY" ID="qty" ONINPUT="calculate(this)" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_RATE" PLACEHOLDER="rate" ID="rate" ONINPUT="calculate(this)" SIZE="30"></center></th>
<th><center><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="r_total" PLACEHOLDER="amount" ID="amnt" ></center></th>

How to use Struts 1.2.9 tags

I am using Struts Version 1.2.9.
I have a requirement to add rows dynamically to a table using JavaScript which is working fine.
It looks like:
function addRow(tableID) {
var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
rowCount += 1;
if(rowCount <= 5){
var row = table.insertRow(3);
var col1html = "<label for='incomecategory'>Other Income:</label>";
var col2html = "<select id='incomecategory' name='income_category'><option value='' selected>Please Select</option><option value='rent'>Rent</option><option value='interestanddividends'>Interest and Dividends</option><option value='governmentbenefits'>Government Benefits</option><option value='other'>Other</option></select>";
var col3html = "$<input type='text' name='incomevalue' id='incomevalue'/>";
var col4html = "<select id='incomefrequency' name='income_frequency'><optgroup label='Per'><option value='perweek'>Per Week</option><option value='perfortnight'>Per Fortnight</option><option value='peryear'>Per Month</option><option value='peryear'>Per Year</option><option value='' selected>Per</option></select>";
var col5html = "<input type='button' value='X' onclick='removeRow(this)'/>"
var col1 = row.insertCell(0); col1.innerHTML=col1html;
var col2 = row.insertCell(1); col2.innerHTML=col2html;
var col3 = row.insertCell(2); col3.innerHTML=col3html;
var col4 = row.insertCell(3); col4.innerHTML=col4html;
var col5 = row.insertCell(4); col5.innerHTML=col5html;
alert('Reached maximum no of rows');
If you see carefully I have hardcoded all the HTML tags to build a row, but I want to instead use struts tags in creating rows.

